A Deaf and Mute Writer Must Fight For Her Life in Silence When a Masked Killer Comes to Her House

  • last year
A Deaf and Mute Writer Must Fight For Her Life in Silence When a Masked Killer Comes to Her House
00:00 Welcome back to Movie Recaps. Today I will show you a thriller film from 2016, titled Hush.
00:05 Spoilers ahead. Watch out and take care.
00:08 A small house can be seen in the forest. Inside the house someone is making dinner,
00:12 throwing asparagus in a pan, checking on the rice and the lamb rib in the oven.
00:16 Maddie reads the instructions about the sauce she needs to prepare and later she tries it,
00:20 disliking it horribly. She sees a message from her neighbor asking to come over and she says yes.
00:25 Maddie plugs her computer to the charger and continues the conversation with her neighbor on
00:29 her phone. Then she calls her cat in for dinner and feeds her. Her neighbor can be seen approaching
00:34 the house. Maddie comes out to greet her. Sarah immediately tells her that she read her book and
00:39 tries to converse with her in sign language because Maddie is deaf. She can read lips,
00:43 but Sarah insists that she let her practice signing with her. Maddie asks her what she
00:47 thinks of the book and she says that she loved it. She even tried to guess the ending but missed it
00:51 completely. Maddie tells her that her writer's brain is the reason why she can come up with
00:55 different types of endings, any possible outcome plays out in her brain like a movie. She finds it
01:00 hard to quiet the voices in her head. Sarah asks her how her inner voice sounds like and Maddie
01:04 answers that it sounds like her mother. Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off in the house. They run
01:10 inside and Maddie takes the alarm down, while Sarah takes the lamb out of the oven. Her cat
01:14 escapes. Sarah says that the alarm is very loud, but Maddie tells her that it needs to be very
01:19 loud so she can feel the vibrations in her sleep. Later, they sit on her porch talking about her
01:23 cat. Maddie tells Sarah not to worry about it because she's very independent. Sarah asks her
01:28 to come over and order something to eat because her food got ruined, but she tells her that she
01:32 has to work. Before Sarah leaves, she rehearses the new signs she learned from her. After she's
01:37 gone, Maddie gets a message from Craig, saying that he's thinking of her, but she deletes it.
01:42 Later that night, Maddie is on her computer, eating and working on her new novel. She thinks
01:47 through the ending of the book, but can't decide what would be the best one. Maddie reaches a
01:51 hurdle in her writing so she decides to FaceTime Craig. She drops the call before it can establish
01:56 a connection. He keeps trying to reach her, but she neither picks up on her laptop or her phone.
02:01 Maddie goes to clean the mess she made in the kitchen when she was preparing dinner,
02:04 when suddenly Sarah starts banging on her door in a panic. She hopes that Maddie would see her,
02:09 but she gets shot with an arrow and then killed right in front of her window. Maddie doesn't
02:13 notice a thing. The killer observes through the window and knocks on it to see if she'll hear him.
02:17 When he realizes that she doesn't, he drags the body away. Craig keeps calling Maddie,
02:22 but she doesn't want to pick up. She sits down to write again, but doesn't do much better than
02:26 before. Meanwhile, the killer enters her house and walks up to her. Completely oblivious to his
02:31 presence, she laughs about her writer's block. Suddenly, she gets a FaceTime call from her
02:36 sister and the killer backs away from the camera. They talk about her novel for a moment, then
02:40 Maddie tells her about Craig. Her sister tells her to get back in the dating pool, but she doesn't
02:45 want to. Then she asks Maddie to come back to the city and live with her, to stop isolating herself.
02:50 The killer grabs her phone from the counter and her sister notices it on camera. Maddie says that
02:55 it's probably her cat, but that she needs to go find her. They say goodbye, then she calls her
02:59 cat by using the sound of the food in her bowl. She doesn't come to her calls, as Maddie continues
03:04 to look for her through the house. The cat isn't upstairs either. Maddie opens the door and calls
03:09 the cat again, but leaves it open when she doesn't come to her. She sits down to write again.
03:14 Suddenly, she gets a picture message from her own phone. The images are from her looking for the cat
03:19 and the exact moment she looks at them on her computer. Maddie is scared and walks toward the
03:23 door cautiously. She sees the killer standing on her porch. He shows her that he has her phone and
03:28 she immediately runs to close the door in the last second. The killer keeps trying every door of her
03:32 house, but when he realizes that he can't come in, he circles to the other side of the house and
03:37 almost gets inside. Maddie goes to call 911 on her computer, but he turns the power off. She tries
03:43 to join Sarah's network, but she doesn't know the password. He tries to mess with her, then walks
03:47 off. Maddie goes to the door, only to see him slash the tires on her car and hide in the woods.
03:52 She writes a message on the glass of the door and lights it up with a flashlight.
03:56 The killer reads the message and takes off his mask. He asks if she can read his lips and she
04:00 nods affirmatively. The man tells her that he knows that she lives alone and that there is
04:04 no boyfriend coming. Then he tells her that he can come in the house whenever he wants,
04:08 but he will only come for her when she'll be wanting to die. She nods that she understands.
04:13 Before he walks away, he tells her that they can have fun. Maddie goes to her kitchen and gets a
04:17 knife and a hammer, then goes back to the living room and checks it. Next, she gets to her bedroom,
04:22 barricades the door and pulls the curtains on her windows. Maddie peeks through the window,
04:26 but doesn't see him out. Suddenly, there's a shadow on her window. He knocks on it and she
04:31 sees him doing that in the shadows cast on the ground. When she checks it, she sees that he's
04:36 knocking on her window using Sarah's body. Maddie drops her weapons and goes back to the living
04:40 room, crying. Suddenly, she remembers Sarah putting her phone in her back pocket. She takes
04:45 her car keys out and tries to activate the car alarm, but can't do it through the window. She
04:50 opens the door and quickly manages to activate it. The man hears it and she sees him walking over to
04:54 the car. Maddie runs back to her room and looks for Sarah's phone in her pockets, but he comes
04:59 back. She pulls back inside and slams the window on his fingers. In a fraction of a second she grabs
05:04 her knife and stabs him. The man is bleeding so he rips a piece of Sarah's shirt and wraps his arm
05:09 with it. He realizes that she was looking for her phone, so he shows her that he has it, then he
05:14 leaves it on the body. She walks back to the living room and he tries to open the window again.
05:18 Moments later, Maddie sees him moving outside and hides from him. He peeks through the glass door
05:23 and doesn't see her, but he figures out where she's hiding. She opens the door and leaves the
05:27 house, hiding when she sees him. He walks right past her hiding under the porch, then she feels
05:32 for the vibrations from his steps on the wooden floor. The man walks around the house again,
05:37 tricking her to get out of hiding and when she runs he shoots at her a few times with his crossbow,
05:41 but he keeps missing. She gets back to the house and locks the door again.
05:45 Maddie gets up to the second floor and observes him from there. When she sees that he's at the
05:49 front door, she opens a window and climbs out on the back of the house. Maddie is careful to be
05:53 extra quiet. He's at the front side of the house, so she throws her lit flashlight in the woods to
05:58 distract him. The man follows the flashlight and she climbs down from the roof, when he shows up
06:03 and he shoots her. He shoots her again and climbs up to see if he got her. Meanwhile she takes the
06:08 arrow out of her leg and when he reaches the roof, she pushes him off and grabs his crossbow.
06:12 Maddie doesn't know how to load it which gives him time to climb after her.
06:15 She manages to get back inside the house before he reaches the window. Maddie points the crossbow at
06:20 him and scares him away. She gets to her bathroom to take care of her wound. Maddie pours alcohol
06:26 on it and wraps her leg to stop the bleeding. She's in her bathroom, crying and trying to figure out
06:30 what to do, then she takes the crossbow and sees markings on it. Maddie tries to load the weapon,
06:35 but she can't get the bow to the mechanism that holds it drawn. She tries again, but this time
06:40 the man can see her through the bathroom window. Suddenly, another man knocks on her front door,
06:44 looking for Sarah. Maddie doesn't hear him, but the killer does. The man is Sarah's boyfriend
06:49 John. He sees the message on the door and wants to call the police, when the killer appears
06:54 pretending to be a cop. He tells him to drop the phone, but John tells him that it's not a weapon
06:58 and says that he doesn't want any trouble. The killer tells him to drop on his knees and show
07:02 him his ID. John says his ID is in his wallet and that he'll put his phone down to take it out.
07:07 He takes the wallet out and the man takes it from him. The killer looks at his ID,
07:11 then asks if he lives next door. John nods and the man apologizes for scaring him.
07:16 He lies to him that he responded to a call and that he found the place like that.
07:20 Someone was inside the house and ran past him when he arrived, knocking him out. He says that
07:24 the person also took his gun as well as his radio and that he needs to call the sheriff.
07:28 John begins to doubt if he's a cop, but he tells him that he's a deputy and that he's new at the
07:32 job. The man asks to use John's phone and he gives it to him. He pretends to call his station for
07:37 John's benefit, but doesn't give him his phone back when he's done and he puts it in his pocket.
07:42 The two of them talk about Maddie and John tells him that she pretty much keeps to herself.
07:46 He sees that the man's arm is bleeding and asks him about it, so he lies that the man that jumped
07:50 him did it. John wants his phone back and when he gives it to him, Sarah's earring falls out
07:54 of his pocket. John recognizes it. He starts asking the man questions to see if he would be
07:59 able to catch him in a lie. The man dodges all of them. In the meantime, Maddie is still trying to
08:04 draw the bow and gets nowhere with it. John is still trying to figure out who the guy is, but
08:08 at this point he's sure that he isn't a police officer. He tells him that Maddie has a key
08:12 hidden in a planter at the bottom of the stairs. When the man goes down there to check, John picks
08:16 up a rock and starts getting closer to him, chatting still, so he doesn't realize that he's
08:20 planning something. The moment he gets a chance to hit him over the head, Maddie starts banging on
08:25 the window and the man stabs him. John still goes after him, but the man runs around him until he
08:30 falls on the ground. Maddie is seeing it all happen and the man thanks her for showing up at
08:34 the right time. He leans toward John and he jumps him, tackling him over and grabbing him tightly.
08:39 He tells Maddie to run. When she goes out the back door the man runs after her and hits her
08:43 over the head with a rock, killing her. That was just an outcome of her running away playing out
08:48 in Maddie's head. Her inner voice tells her that she can't run. She's still inside the house. John
08:53 dies before he could kill the man. Maddie keeps going through all the different possibilities and
08:57 outcomes of her situation. She wonders if she could shoot him or go outside and get the power
09:02 back on. She thinks about the places she could hide in the house like the bathroom or the loft.
09:06 Whatever she chooses if he doesn't find her, she can still bleed to death. Outside of the house
09:11 she can hide in the crawlspace, but he knows that she hid there once. She's running out of time
09:15 because she's getting dizzy, cold and her vision is starting to blur. Her inner voice tells her
09:20 that he has the advantage, one way or the other. She can't run, she can't hide and she can't wait.
09:25 Maddie suddenly realizes what she needs to do to save herself. Kill him. Meanwhile, the man is
09:30 going through John's pockets and finds a pack of cigarettes. He goes over to Maddie's car and takes
09:35 out the wrench. Sitting down on the car, he lights a cigarette and decides that he'll go inside the
09:39 house in a little while, until she loses a bit more blood. Suddenly, her cat appears. He crouches
09:45 down to her and is about to kill her, when Maddie shoots him with the crossbow. She runs back inside
09:49 and he goes after her, catching her hand with the door and breaking it. He lets her hand go and she
09:54 locks the door. The man breaks the arrow and tells her that he's coming in. Maddie stands up to face
09:59 him, then uses her own blood to write "Do it coward" on the glass. He walks to the car to get
10:03 the wrench and Maddie writes down his description in the open document on her laptop. As he's
10:07 breaking down the glass on her door, she writes a message for her mom and dad. Maddie hides in the
10:12 bathroom and waits for him there. She begins to lose consciousness and doesn't notice him coming
10:16 in from the window behind her. The man lets out a breath which she can feel on her neck, so she
10:20 turns around dodging his knife and she stabs him. She runs out of the bathroom and gets to the
10:25 kitchen, seemingly passing out on the floor. He limps toward her, ready to kill her when suddenly
10:30 she sprays his eyes with wasp repellent. She grabs the fire alarm and activates it, further
10:34 incapacitating him until he drops the knife. Maddie grabs the knife, but he pushes her on the floor
10:39 and they fight. He almost kills her, when she reaches the wine opener and kills him. She regains
10:44 her strength and takes her phone out of his pocket. She dials 911 and passes out. A bit later, Maddie
10:50 walks out of her house and sits on her porch. Her cat sits next to her. The police finally arrive at
10:55 the scene. Make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you can watch more videos like
11:00 this. Thanks for watching.
