• 2 years ago
What happens to the body when a human gets heatstroke? How can we protect ourselves in a warming planet? To answer these burning questions, Arizona researchers have deployed a robot that can breathe, shiver and sweat. His name is ANDI, he’s "the world's first outdoor thermal mannequin", says the head of the project, Konrad Rykaczewski.


00:00 [ambient noise]
00:26 Andy is a thermal mannequin. He's the world's first outdoor thermal mannequin that we can routinely go outside, take outside,
00:36 and in a hot climate measure how much heat he is receiving from the environment.
00:44 And we can do that on 35 different body parts.
00:47 [ambient noise]
00:58 With this project, some really important aspects of it are being able to study how people experience those extremely high core temperature values
01:10 that we wouldn't be viewing in an actual human because we would never purposely expose a human to those conditions where their core temperature would get that high.
01:20 [ambient noise]
