• 2 years ago
Pesawat Smart Air Tergelincir di Bandara Bilorai Intan Jaya
00:00 The Smart Air aircraft with the number of flight PKSNI was hit when it crashed at the Bilorai-Sugapa airport, Intan Jaya, Central Papua on Friday, July 21, 10 past 27, East Indonesia time.
00:16 Waka Polda, Papua, the police bridge Ramdhani Hidayat in Jayapura said the aircraft flew from Nabire to Intan Jaya, Central Papua, carrying three passengers and ammunition.
00:27 Clearly, the aircraft that was hijacked by Captain M. Irwan and Co-Pilot Wahyu was damaged by a tire on the left side that broke when landing, but there were no casualties in the incident.
00:38 "So when landing 10 meters after landing, the left tire broke, then it broke on the left side, so it broke again, but it didn't bother, it didn't bother. We were standing from pilot to co-pilot with three passengers, and it was hijacked, the first time hijacked from the pass guard, then helped by the police members, all of them were safe."
01:03 So far, the Smart Air aircraft is still at the Bilorai-Sugapa-Intan Jaya airport. The joint apparatus is currently monitoring the aircraft for the purpose of carrying out an in-depth investigation into the process of identifying the cause of the aircraft's broken tire.
01:16 From Jayapura, Papua, Laksa Mahindra, Kantor Berita Antara, Muartakan.
01:21 For more information, please visit www.fema.gov
01:26 For more information, please visit www.fema.gov
