Texas Woman Denied Abortion Gives Emotional Account in Court

  • last year
Women who sued Texas after saying they were denied abortions despite serious risks to their health are asking a court to step in.

A Texas judge on Wednesday heard testimony from the women, including Samantha Casiano, who say they were told they could not end their pregnancies in Texas even though their lives and health were in danger.
00:00 and what was your understanding at that point of what your options were for your pregnancy?
00:04 When she came in and we spoke and I can see her pain in her eyes,
00:20 and she told me that my daughter has been diagnosed with anencephaly and that means
00:29 that her skull and her brain is not fully developed
00:32 and that she was sorry. I didn't have any option. I was pregnant.
00:38 She then called in a caseworker. Caseworker came in
00:43 and they handed me a paper that said funeral homes on top of it.
00:57 What was your understanding of why you had no options?
00:59 She told me that I didn't have any options because there was a law
01:06 that the Texas abortion law prohibited. I wasn't able to get one.
01:23 I felt like I was abandoned. I felt like I didn't know how to deal with the situation.
01:33 Just as if I think I have this funeral home paper and this is just supposed to be a scan day. I'm
01:41 just supposed to know what I'm going to have and it just escalated to me finding out that my daughter
01:50 was going to die inside or outside of my womb.
01:54 What was your understanding of this term high risk?
02:07 High risk means danger. There's anything that can happen. My daughter can die before she comes out
02:18 and be a stillborn and then how would I know that she died? I could have got an infection.
02:25 I could have gave birth all of a sudden and went into labor early.
02:29 All types of things could have happened and I didn't know how to help myself prepare for it.
02:36 You've talked about the physical concerns you had for your health.
02:42 Did you have any other concerns for yourself with continuing this pregnancy?
02:49 No.
02:49 Reading that and knowing...
02:55 [Coughing]
