• 2 years ago
Tichy, un lieu paradisiaque où l’on assiste, depuis le début de ce mois d’août, à des rushs quotidiens de familles et de touristes en quête de fraîcheur et de quiétude en bord de mer, est très convoitée pour sa proximité de la capitale des Hammadites, 13 kilomètres seulement.
avec des plages aux sables d’or et à l’eau cristalline, ses soirées à la douceur exquise et l’exceptionnel accueil des populations qui vous plongent dans un bonheur sans fin. C’est Tichy, la majestueuse, qui fait rêver les amoureux de la grande bleue en été. belle station balnéaire qui reçoit, chaque jour, son lot d’estivants et de touristes. Elle constitue la destination privilégiée de millions de visiteurs venant de toutes les wilayas du pays et de l’étranger.
La plage de SAKET est située à l'ouest du centre ville de bejaia. c'est une plage qui est autorisée à la baignade qui fait 72 000 mètres carrée de superficie, sa longueur est de 1 200 mètres, et sa largeur est de 60 mètres carrée.
Qui dit saison estivale, dit Saket. Ce village touristique se situe à l’ouest de la ville, à proximité du parc national de Gouraya. Comptant, en temps normal, une population de 2 000 habitants, ce village abrite près de 100 000 personnes en saison estivale ! Preuve, si l’on fallait, de la place qu’occupe ce village dans le paysage touristique de la ville.


00:00 Morocco
00:02 Morocco
00:04 Syria
00:06 Tunisia
00:08 Tunisia
00:10 Tunisia
00:12 I hope you are well and in good health.
00:15 Tichi, a paradise where we have been visiting since the beginning of this month of August,
00:20 with daily family and tourist rushes in search of freshness and quiet on the seaside,
00:25 is very popular for its proximity to the capital of the Amadites, only 13 km away.
00:31 With beaches with gold sand and crystal clear waters.
00:35 These evenings with exquisite sweetness and the exceptional welcome of the populations that plunge you into endless happiness.
00:42 It is Tichi, the majestic, which makes lovers of the great blue dream in summer.
00:47 Beautiful seaside resort that receives, every day, its batch of summer and tourists.
00:53 It is the privileged destination of millions of visitors from all over the country and abroad.
01:01 Tichi, the majestic, which makes lovers of the great blue dream in summer.
01:06 It is the privileged destination of millions of visitors from all over the country and abroad.
01:11 It is the privileged destination of millions of visitors from all over the country and abroad.
01:16 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:21 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:26 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:31 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:36 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:41 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:46 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:51 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
01:56 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:01 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:06 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:11 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:16 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:21 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:26 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:31 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:36 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:41 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:46 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:51 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
02:56 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:01 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:06 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:11 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:16 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:21 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:26 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:31 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:36 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:41 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:46 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:51 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
03:56 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
04:01 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
04:06 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
04:11 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
04:16 It is the most beautiful resort in the world.
04:21 (upbeat music)
