Le 7 minutes du 20 juillet 2023 (édition du 12h)

  • l’année dernière


00:00 The candidates took the seat of the CEI on Wednesday, July 19, the date that marked the
00:24 end of the filing of the files.
00:26 This date was finally extended to Sunday, July 23.
00:30 The consequences of the storms in Ivory Coast are felt in the cocoa industry yesterday.
00:35 The Cacao Café Council announced the suspension of sales of export contracts for the 2023-2024
00:41 campaign.
00:42 "Carte aux données" is the name of the new RTCI application.
00:46 It aims to improve the development of telecommunications network data.
00:50 Unlike the previous day, there are people in the premises of the Independent Electoral
00:56 Commission on Wednesday, July 19.
00:58 The candidates for the post of Mayor and President of the Regional Councils responded presently
01:03 while the deadline was initially set for that day.
01:06 Among the candidates who came to file their files, this candidate to the City Hall of
01:10 Anyama.
01:11 Because of the world present, he has to wait his turn under this tarp.
01:15 "Yes, in fact, you agree with me that administrative documents today are not easy.
01:20 We fought as we could.
01:22 It was yesterday evening that we were able to really gather everything we needed as documents.
01:27 I think that's what really brought us to the last day.
01:33 "
01:34 Women are not left out of this scrutiny.
01:35 This is the case with this independent candidate for the municipal elections of Grand Lahou
01:39 who wants to participate in the development of her locality.
01:42 "Do you mean that women do not have the means to run for office in the elections?
01:46 I would say no.
01:47 Today we have women who work hard like men.
01:50 So we are also able to be mayors, to be deputies, to occupy all the positions we want.
01:58 So today, I am a business leader and I run for office to work again for my communities
02:06 because the woman has everything to give and she has a lot to give.
02:09 "
02:10 It is noteworthy that the deadline for filing the files was extended to Sunday, July 23,
02:14 2023, following the requests of the various political formations.
02:17 The SAO-Dexam had warned that the great rainy season this year would be more intense than
02:24 the previous ones and the consequences of these storms are more than felt, in particular
02:29 in the cocoa industry.
02:30 The storms are harming the crops and as a result, the CACAO coffee council has been
02:35 forced to suspend the sale of export contracts for the 2023-2024 campaign.
02:40 "When in general the price is good, we are on the market.
02:43 If the price is not good, we are not on the market.
02:45 It is the normal situation of a trader.
02:47 Except that there we have suspended sales for a particular period.
02:51 Because of the climate situation, the production that must come out of our plantations next
02:54 October will not be what we expected.
02:57 "
02:58 A decision that for the moment does not leave a bitter taste in the mouths of cocoa farmers.
03:01 Just like the president of their party, everything will be played in October 2023.
03:06 "The consequences of this decision will only be visible from October.
03:11 For the moment, it's going well.
03:14 Because as it is sold in anticipation, that's why for the moment we can't know
03:18 absolutely, but there are few cocoa.
03:20 But by October, if the prices are not reconducted, but are not bad, naturally, they will have
03:27 a blockage because I don't see a company that will want to make huge losses.
03:34 So naturally, cocoa has the difficulties to pay cocoa, to evacuate the cocoa from the
03:42 planters.
03:43 So the cocoa will remain stored in the hands of the planters.
03:46 That's a bit like that. "
03:48 Namely, their brun is a real mastodon in the country's exports.
03:53 Indeed, 40% of export revenues depend on cocoa.
03:57 Internationally, the country also occupies an important place in production, to the point
04:02 that in June, the prices of the brun were soaring due to fear of Ivorian crops.
04:06 The telecommunications market in Ivory Coast is growing.
04:12 Mitsumi Distribution has just opened its offices in Abidjan.
04:15 The company specializes in the distribution of computer products and telecommunications.
04:19 Its presence in Abidjan will allow it to boost its operations in the region,
04:25 especially through sales, support and logistics.
04:28 "We have already started working with our partners on all back-to-back projects, on
04:33 all solutions with our end customers, whether in the telecommunications or banking sectors.
04:40 We rely a lot on our partners to consult us on all opportunities, even to feed their
04:48 stocks, whether on small projects and of course on large solutions.
04:53 We are a large distributor and we can help our partners to go ahead and also improve
04:59 their skills."
05:00 Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, Mitsumi Distribution has also announced partnerships
05:06 with suppliers such as Dell Technologies, Lenovo or Nokia.
05:10 The opening of the office in Ivory Coast has already completed the dense network of Mitsumi
05:14 through major French-speaking countries, including Mali, Chad, Cameroon or RDC.
05:20 "The focus of the new application is to improve the development of telecommunications
05:27 data.
05:28 The challenge for the RTCI and the telecommunications sector regulators is to make available to the
05:39 public, but also to funders and also to the government, the necessary data on the coverage
05:48 of operators' networks and telecommunications.
05:51 The information that we make available to all government parties is information that
05:59 is collected at the operators' level to have more information on the availability of telecommunications
06:07 services at the national level."
06:09 "Users gain more power in the long term, as I said.
06:14 Users will change their habits because today a user is not necessarily in the development
06:20 of the telecommunications ecosystem, so it is not necessarily something that interests
06:25 them.
06:26 They just use the service, but today users will be able to have their say in the planning
06:30 of telecommunications networks."
06:31 Another phase, that of the series of questions and answers, allows participants to better
06:36 understand the operation of this application and facilitate access to users.
06:40 The ceremony is over with a panel summarizing the entire process of structuring the issues
06:45 of this new project.
06:46 Note that the application is now available on the website www.carteaudonnées.artci.ci.
06:50 That's all for this 7-minute.
06:52 Thank you for following it.
06:54 Very good program news on this information.
06:58 [Music]
