• il y a 2 ans
Imagine ton cerveau comme une éponge, absorbant des infos utiles et moins utiles. Google essaie d'apprendre à son IA à faire exactement ça ! #IA #ApprentissageProfond #MachineUnlearning #Google #OubliMachine #RévolutionIA #WagmiTrends


00:00 Imagine your brain as a sponge, absorbing useful and less useful information.
00:03 Now imagine being able to squeeze this sponge to eliminate the details you no longer need,
00:08 while keeping the essentials.
00:09 Google is trying to teach its AI to do exactly that.
00:12 In the passionate world of deep learning, data is a queen,
00:15 but Google is talking about a concept called "forget-machine".
00:18 It's not a memory loss, but it's selective forgetting.
00:20 That is to say, it's not about throwing data away,
00:23 but about gently erasing the influence of certain information.
00:26 Forget-machine is not a walk in the park.
00:28 It's a balance exercise between forgetting the data required,
00:31 maintaining the utility of a model,
00:33 and the efficiency of the whole process.
00:36 And Google has launched the first program,
00:38 Machine Learning Challenge, to advance this new field.
00:42 So are you ready to join this AI revolution?
00:45 If you liked this video, subscribe!
00:46 And for more information on AI, tips and resources,
00:49 you have the link to our newsletter in bio.
