Vous vous êtes déjà demandés d'où venait ce creux au dessus de la bouche ? Pour comprendre, il faut remonter avant votre naissance, au moment où votre visage prend forme !
Explications avec V2f.
Explications avec V2f.
00:00 What's the use of the hollow above the lip?
00:02 When you were in your mother's womb, at first, your face looked like this.
00:05 Handsome, huh?
00:06 These different parts of your face will gradually get closer together,
00:09 until they merge.
00:10 And this fusion forms the philtrum.
00:12 That's what the hollow is called.
00:13 And if it doesn't merge, well, you have a hole instead.
00:15 But otherwise, is it useful for humans?