Cillian Murphy Florence Pugh on the science in Oppenheimer

  • last year
Cillian Murphy Florence Pugh on the science in Oppenheimer
00:00 Guys, this film, it feels weird to call it entertainment
00:03 because it's like a piece of art.
00:05 Incredible, incredible in every way.
00:07 Quickly though, how much of this science did you understand?
00:11 Because I felt not very bright sometimes listening
00:15 to the stuff that Oppenheimer is talking about
00:18 and writing on the board,
00:19 and it kind of went over my head, a lot of that stuff.
00:22 How much do you understand?
00:24 Don't feel bad, honestly, don't,
00:26 because I didn't really understand most of it.
00:29 I had a vague conceptual grasp of it.
00:32 I did work with Kip Thorne,
00:34 who was the science advisor on the movie,
00:36 and he was a science advisor on Interstellar as well.
00:39 He's like a Nobel Prize winning physicist.
00:41 But that's not our job, is to understand it.
00:43 I don't think it's your job as an audience member either.
00:45 I did realize when reading it, I was like,
00:47 oh, that sounds pretty, I'll get that in the movie.
00:50 (laughing)
00:52 Also, just 'cause I can see them down by your side,
00:54 flowers.
00:57 That was the previous interview, it was really sweet.
00:59 - For your character, I guess not a fan of them,
01:01 'cause they kind of end up in the bin a lot.
01:04 How do you feel about-- - No, I think she probably was,
01:06 if they had been from the right parts.
01:07 I think it was just very conflicting.
01:09 That was where I, that's how I felt about it.
01:11 It was just a very conflicting thing
01:13 to be given by someone.
01:14 She didn't, it was just, yeah,
01:16 confusing in her brain and body.
01:18 - There's no doubt, though,
01:19 that Oppenheimer was a genius,
01:21 the amount he held in his brain.
01:23 I just can't even begin to comprehend
01:25 the thing of learning Dutch in six weeks.
01:27 I was just like, pfft.
01:30 And even, great job, by the way, speaking Dutch.
01:34 I don't know if you, do you speak?
01:35 - Not at all, no. - Well, great job.
01:37 - But our DP, Hoodeven Hoodeven is from Poland.
01:42 So he recorded me that speech on my phone,
01:45 and then I just slowed it down
01:47 and learned it just phonetically.
01:48 I have no idea what it means.
01:50 Just phonetically.
01:51 - 'Cause I was gonna say, what is the--
01:53 - I don't know. (laughing)
01:55 - What is the thing that you think
01:57 you've had to learn the quickest?
01:58 'Cause as actors, I imagine you have to learn
02:01 a lot of different skills for different movies and things.
02:03 What is the thing that you think you've had to learn
02:05 in the shortest amount of time?
02:07 - I had to learn Russian in, like,
02:09 not all of Russian, but I had to learn a Russian few lines,
02:14 and it changed in the morning after knowing what,
02:17 and it's so, every little, like,
02:21 in your mouth means a completely different thing.
02:24 And so Scarlett and I would be saying
02:25 what we think were lines,
02:26 and we'd be like, "Okay, so you're not saying anything."
02:29 And that was really, really tough going,
02:31 'cause you also just don't want to, like, offend anyone.
02:34 (laughing)
02:35 - Yeah, especially when you don't know.
02:36 How about you, Killian?
02:37 - I guess in this one, there was a lot of the equations
02:39 I had to learn by rote.
02:41 Actually, something kind of satisfying,
02:45 'cause there's just these beautiful marks.
02:47 It kind of feels like hieroglyphics or something.
02:52 Again, I just did that for months and months and months.
02:54 It's hardly any of it in the movie.
02:55 (laughing)
02:57 Oh, well, at least you know you did it.
02:59 - I do. - That's fine.
03:00 I have to say, watching this,
03:01 it made me question so much about
03:04 what goes on behind closed doors
03:06 that we just don't know what's going on.
03:09 I don't know how much your mind goes there.
03:10 Like, obviously, they're building this bomb
03:13 that could take out the entire world,
03:15 and they're like, "Yeah, we'll give it a go.
03:17 "We'll see what happens."
03:18 How much do you, does your mind go,
03:20 think, like, "Oh, God, there's other stuff going on
03:22 "in this world that we just don't have a clue about."
03:25 - That's a big question.
03:26 - It is a big question, sorry.
03:28 - There's always stuff going on there,
03:30 and stuff that you'll never know about.
03:32 But, I mean, I don't know if that's anything that,
03:35 I don't, like, you can't let that freak you out, though,
03:37 'cause otherwise you'd just be in a ball in a room
03:40 and never come out.
03:41 - I feel like that's why I was just,
03:42 you know when you come out of this film,
03:43 and it's not like, you're not,
03:45 it's uncomfortable almost to watch,
03:47 because it leaves you with so much.
03:49 - And the fact that you don't understand
03:51 what goes on in these brains,
03:53 it's like, makes you even more alienated.
03:56 - For sure.
03:56 And I know, Cillian, you have said that
03:58 every role that you do,
04:00 you take something away with you from it.
04:02 - Did I say that?
04:03 - Oh, you have in the past.
04:04 - You said that every day on set.
04:06 (laughing)
04:07 - You pay a little coffee,
04:07 like, every role that I've played.
04:09 - Oh, shit.
04:11 - What did you, what would you say you took from this one?
04:13 - You mean physically, or like, in my mind?
04:16 - I think maybe more mentally,
04:17 but if you took physically as well, by all means.
04:19 - Genuinely, I don't go into, you know,
04:24 film roles looking to learn something.
04:26 I feel my job is to just give the director
04:29 the raw materials.
04:30 I mean, you learn skills, like, you know,
04:32 play Russian, or speak Russian, or whatever, like,
04:34 but I don't come in as a sort of a form of analysis, really.
04:36 - Yeah, you've done a great job, regardless of what.
04:39 It's just, yeah, mind-blowing.
04:41 So good luck with it, guys.
04:42 - Thank you so much. - Thank you so much.
04:43 Lovely chatting to you.
04:44 - You too.
04:45 - See ya. - Bye.
04:46 (upbeat music)
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