• il y a 2 ans
Nicolas Robinet est un ancien lycéen de la région qui a participé au projet "Le Passeport Pour l'Aventure" en 2017. Il est aujourd'hui salarié de l'équipe du Grand Est Mondial Air Ballons. Depuis août 2022, il a son brevet de pilote


00:00 It's full of small air bubbles in the clouds, in the sky, full of color bubbles.
00:06 I have my pilot's license since August 2022.
00:13 The idea came to me in 2017 when I came for the first edition as a volunteer.
00:27 It's something that has always attracted me, that has always interested me,
00:30 to do something like this, pilot's license, because in the air, it's absolute calm, it's rest,
00:35 we're floating, we fly with the wind, it's calm, and that's all I like.
00:40 And on top of that, it's a wonderful show.
00:41 For someone who loves photography, it's even better.
00:44 [Music]
00:52 [Music]
