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00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:07 (upbeat music)
00:35 - I'm Duncan Timothy, and I'm always enamored
00:39 by Paul's writing in the book of Timothy.
00:42 I'm enamored by it because it speaks of the sensitivity
00:53 to the next person in line.
00:56 And it is antithetical and contradistinctive
01:03 to Saul's disposition towards David.
01:06 And it teaches us that whenever the time comes
01:12 for us to pass the baton,
01:14 we should be quite sensitive to training
01:19 and to strengthening that ministry
01:23 that is going to take our place.
01:25 Oftentimes we view it from an adversarial position
01:29 when we see someone coming along that's gifted
01:33 as a part of our problem or as a threat.
01:37 But it's a wonderful thing when God brings people
01:41 under your umbrella who have the capacity
01:44 and the capability to become all that you are and more.
01:48 I consider when I look at my sons and my daughter,
01:55 I figure they should go further than I
01:59 because there is somebody in their life
02:02 that I didn't have in mine, and that's me.
02:05 (audience laughing)
02:08 And it's so endearing the way he speaks to Timothy.
02:15 And I remember my father saying to me,
02:19 "You're never a success unless you have a successor
02:23 "because everything that you have worked to build
02:26 "and everything that you have sacrificed for
02:29 "can be completely obliterated by someone
02:33 "who does not have your skill or ability."
02:36 And so in 2 Timothy, as Paul is writing to Timothy,
02:42 he points out to him, he says, verse five,
02:45 "When I call to remembrance the unfamed faith
02:49 "that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois
02:53 "and thy mother Eunice, and I am persuaded
02:58 "that in thee also.
03:00 "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance
03:02 "that thou stir up the gift of God
03:04 "which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
03:08 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear
03:11 "but of power and of love and the sound mind.
03:16 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear
03:23 "but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
03:27 I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them
03:32 and say, "That won't stop anything."
03:35 Amen, look at somebody else and say,
03:38 "I know you're going through some stuff,
03:42 "but it won't stop anything."
03:44 Amen, it just won't stop.
03:49 [audience applauding]
03:52 I noticed that Paul mentions Lois and Paul mentions Eunice,
03:59 but he doesn't say anything about a male figure
04:06 in Timothy's life.
04:08 And so it seems as if his influence was feminine
04:16 and I understand to some degree his speaking
04:19 of Timothy's disposition as somewhat timid.
04:24 Now, I'm not saying that women can't raise families well
04:32 because most of us have been raised primarily by women
04:38 or influential and strong women.
04:40 But the condition of this world
04:44 particularly our inner city and the problem
04:47 that seems to be so pervasive in our land
04:51 comes because there isn't enough male influence
04:55 particularly in the lives of our boys.
05:01 I was reading an astonishing statistic,
05:06 California then between the ages of 22 and 36,
05:11 my body's coming, I'll catch up after a while.
05:14 Between those ages, 30% of those males
05:17 are in the college system and 34% are in prison.
05:25 It is significant that a fellow's raised by his mother,
05:31 the bus driver is a woman, his dentist is a woman,
05:40 the doctor is a woman, the lawyer is a woman,
05:43 the judge that sentenced him is a woman
05:47 and the only time he sees any real men
05:50 is when he's behind bars.
05:52 You see, this timidity then was brought about
05:56 not only because of Timothy's disposition
05:59 but also from the fact that he had
06:02 the kind of character development
06:05 that was without having a male.
06:09 And Timothy now has got the job
06:12 of taking the gospel in a hostile environment
06:15 and Paul understands now that if he's going to handle
06:18 this mantle properly, then I have to speak to his psychology
06:22 and instill in him the fact that you can't operate
06:27 in the things of the spirit and be fearful at the same time.
06:32 I propose to you then that faith and fear
06:38 does not go together.
06:39 Anytime you are in a circumstance
06:43 where you have become petrified by fear,
06:46 then you cannot operate freely in the power
06:50 that God has released to you and to me.
06:54 When you consider fear, we understand the fighting
06:56 of the Greeks and the fighting of the Hebrews
06:59 and one word they had for fear was flight
07:03 and this word came from the word phobos
07:06 and it's our English word phobia
07:09 and what it speaks about is that which causes somebody
07:14 to be afraid, that stimulates fear
07:17 or it brings on a sense of fearfulness
07:21 because of the horrendous circumstance
07:24 or situation that it represents.
07:26 This is phobos and many times we have these phobias
07:31 and they become strongholds
07:33 and because we've been in so many circumstances
07:36 and situations that have left so many scars
07:40 until what was on the outside has now come inside.
07:45 See, Satan, what he wants to do is put you
07:48 through enough circumstances and situations
07:51 that are negative, not just for you
07:54 to have another bad circumstance
07:56 but for something from that situation
08:00 to come into your mind and into your spirit.
08:04 Oh, I will preach this thing tonight, somebody.
08:06 (audience cheering)
08:08 It's fear.
08:09 They have another word, the Greeks,
08:12 and it's delia and delia now is cowardice.
08:17 It is now, it's not speaking of something
08:20 that is just outside that causes you
08:23 to be frightened for a moment
08:25 but it's something now that's a part of your makeup
08:29 and that is just timidity and cowardice.
08:33 It's never ever used in a good sense
08:35 because it speaks now more of a spirit than it is an act.
08:40 There are times when we all need a sense of caution
08:45 and we should never give more caution to a circumstance
08:49 than it's supposed to have.
08:52 I'm crossing the street and there's a car coming
08:54 and a big truck, I ought to have some kind of fear.
08:59 But at the same time, when it's over, it's over
09:04 and I should quickly recover
09:06 from whatever the circumstance was
09:08 until now I can be normal again.
09:12 When he talks about delia,
09:14 he's talking about a long-lasting cowardice,
09:18 a timidity now that has completely enveloped
09:21 and completely taken you over
09:23 until everything that you propose to do
09:26 or everything you're about to do,
09:29 you meet it with this delia, this cowardice, this fear.
09:34 So instead of moving in the power of your gift
09:38 and becoming all that you can be,
09:41 you have allowed your fear
09:44 to keep you from the next level in God.
09:50 Then of course, the Greeks twisted it,
09:52 the word eulogia and it's sort of twisted a little bit
09:55 because now it introduces some reverence.
09:59 Here is a fear that is probably put
10:02 because this fear belongs to God
10:06 and it is not being petrified.
10:08 That's another Greek word, petrified,
10:11 from the mythology with Medusa's head
10:15 and Ulysses had to back up looking through the mirror
10:18 because if you looked at her head,
10:20 you would become a stone
10:21 and stone now is from petra and it's petrified
10:25 is our English word for this.
10:27 And this word suggests being so fearful until you freeze,
10:31 until you no longer move because now I'm scared.
10:36 God has gifted you, opened the door, made the way
10:39 and you just scared to take a move.
10:42 But the Greeks had a twist,
10:48 the Greeks had a twist because now they had a word
10:50 which means godly fear and it's sort of reverential.
10:55 And one writer says, and I quote, Trent says,
10:58 and I quote, "That mingled fear and love,
11:01 which combined constitute the piety of man towards God."
11:06 In the Old Testament places, the emphasis was on fear.
11:10 Don't come to the mountain, don't touch anything.
11:13 In the New Testament, that love has replaced fear.
11:16 It's the love of God.
11:18 But most of us need, as the writer puts it,
11:22 there must be some fear in our love now.
11:27 In other words, because I know the awesomeness of God,
11:31 because I know the power of God
11:33 and the demand for his justice
11:36 and the man for righteousness and holiness.
11:40 Even though we are in a love relationship,
11:42 I still have to respect who God is.
11:47 And that respect now gives me this reverential kind of fear.
11:51 I come on my bended knees, I love him,
11:54 and I know he loves me,
11:55 but I come to worship this splendiferous magnanimity
11:59 of who he is.
12:01 And so the wonderful thing here now is
12:06 that if Satan is moving against you and causing you to fear,
12:11 he is suggesting to you that he is greater
12:15 than the God you believe in.
12:18 Now, if I've just got to shake
12:20 and if I've just got to be nervous,
12:22 then I think I ought to be nervous about him
12:25 who can put both body and soul into hell fire.
12:29 Not to be shaken about the devil,
12:33 'cause all you can do is hurt me
12:34 and God recovers me anyway.
12:37 So at the end of the day,
12:38 if I'm just going to be over here knocking my knees,
12:42 I'm gonna be knocking my knees
12:43 before the God of my salvation.
12:47 (audience laughing)
12:48 The Hebrews had a series of words and one is pahad,
12:52 and it sort of serves as a very strong verb.
12:56 And it means fearing with the emphasis
12:58 on the immediacy of the object that is there.
13:02 And that is now, I think of the three Hebrew boys,
13:06 and they were standing in front of a fellow
13:08 called Nebuchadnezzar.
13:10 When you understand Nebuchadnezzar,
13:12 you understand that he, at the age of 18,
13:15 conquered an unconquerable city called Nineveh.
13:18 At the age of 18, what he did was he put his army
13:22 and they went through the river into the city
13:25 and he conquered it so completely
13:27 that they plowed it as farm ground.
13:30 At the age of 25, he was world ruler.
13:34 He was an egomaniac.
13:36 He was narcissistic.
13:38 He was so caught up in who he was
13:41 and so vicious and violent that the statue
13:45 that he put up for everybody to worship
13:47 was a statue of himself.
13:50 He had with him 50,000 men called Scythians,
13:53 and they were the meanest men in history,
13:56 in recorded history.
13:58 They would tie men between chariots
14:00 and bet to see who could split them in two.
14:03 And Nebuchadnezzar controlled them
14:05 just by the fierceness of his own personality.
14:09 Nebuchadnezzar, they said, when he went over to Jerusalem
14:12 and he took Zedekiah out, he said
14:15 he took Zedekiah and chopped both his son's necks off right
14:19 in front of the dead.
14:20 And then he gouged his eyes out so the last thing
14:23 that Zedekiah saw was his son's being beheaded.
14:28 He then took him history, says, and took his tongue
14:31 and nailed it to his chin, set him on the back of his horse,
14:34 and marched him across.
14:36 Now, Nebuchadnezzar is nothing to play with.
14:41 And yet still, three fellows looked at him one day
14:43 and said, we are not careful to answer you
14:47 concerning this matter, but the God we serve,
14:49 [APPLAUSE]
14:52 he is-- we know that he is able.
14:56 Knowledge says he's able.
14:57 Faith says he will.
14:59 But if not, we're still not going to bow.
15:04 We've already got the victory because nothing you do to us
15:08 can stop us from standing where we're standing,
15:12 giving God the glory because we're not scared of you,
15:16 oh, king.
15:17 Oh, I wish I'd talked to somebody here.
15:19 [LAUGHTER]
15:23 You see, because any time you understand,
15:25 then that object-- fear has an object.
15:30 But so does faith.
15:31 Faith has an object.
15:33 And the measure now of the objects in front of you
15:36 now becomes how you will move or how
15:39 you will operate within the parameters of your gift.
15:43 The reason is Satan wants to cripple
15:46 the mobility of the gifted.
15:49 Any time he sees somebody that God has his hand on,
15:54 Satan is going to come after that person with everything
15:58 they have.
16:00 I propose to you--
16:02 we generally pray for folk who are in trouble.
16:05 That's what we do.
16:06 We generally say, Lord, help my son who's locked up.
16:09 And we pray for people who are having problems.
16:11 But I propose to you that Paul prayed more
16:15 in this Bible, in his writings, for folk who
16:18 were gifted than anybody else.
16:22 And the reason is you have to pray for gifted folk,
16:26 because they become a target to the enemy at all times.
16:31 If you have a child with a gift, pray for that child every day.
16:36 If you have a husband with a gift, a wife with a gift,
16:39 pray for them every day.
16:41 Because Satan wants to destroy the power of the gifted.
16:47 Oh, I'm going to preach this till somebody breaks out.
16:50 And how he does it is he wants to use
16:53 intimidating circumstances.
16:56 And he wants to intimidate you not only by circumstance,
17:00 but by negative character development.
17:03 Because oftentimes, we grow up in houses
17:07 where people have fed us with a lot of fear
17:10 and have actually worked against our belief.
17:13 Oh, yes, and worked against our faith.
17:16 Let me give an example.
17:17 If your child is in the house, and you're going shopping,
17:21 and the child says, OK, Mama, I want
17:24 you to bring me back a candy bar.
17:26 And of course, you drive off.
17:27 You go, and you're two, three hours.
17:29 Well, the child is waiting there expecting something
17:33 when you get back.
17:35 Now, the child runs.
17:36 Here's the car, runs out, grabs the bag.
17:39 The child is really concerned about helping you
17:41 with the bags.
17:42 All that child is looking for is what is in this bag
17:46 that you promised.
17:48 Now, if you do that, and you meet that expectation,
17:52 you build faith in that child.
17:54 If you do not meet the expectation once, twice, three,
17:58 four, five times, you build a cynical disposition
18:03 in the child.
18:04 Instead of that child being that awkward,
18:07 I can do anything kind of human being,
18:10 that child becomes inclusive and reclusive
18:13 because now they have been disappointed on every side.
18:17 That means later, when the Lord begins to talk to them,
18:21 they have to overcome all of the negative development
18:25 before they can step out like they should.
18:28 This is why the Lord says, thou thinkest
18:31 I'm such a one as thyself.
18:33 Don't view me like you view the last person you were with,
18:37 because I am a door opener.
18:39 I make ways.
18:40 And I don't need you to fear anything, but just trust.
18:45 Oh, I feel like having church.
18:48 Can I take it just a little further?
18:51 You see, it's the tactic then of the enemy
18:53 to neutralize the power of the spirit that's controlled
18:58 by the anointing of God.
19:00 Why?
19:01 Because it is my mind.
19:03 Whatever God does in me, he has to work through my mind.
19:08 My mind has to appropriate everything that God does.
19:13 God does not go bypass my mind and control my will.
19:18 What God does is he goes through my spirit, into my mind,
19:23 and let me engage my will.
19:27 You see, many times we are looking for God
19:30 to just go around us and work it out.
19:32 No.
19:33 God does not work around us.
19:35 He works through us.
19:37 This is why Jesus said, I have got to go,
19:40 that the comforter will come.
19:42 Because as long as Jesus was incarnate,
19:45 he did everything for his disciples.
19:49 But now he's got to come back as the spirit
19:51 and use their hands, use their minds, use their intelligence,
19:56 their cognitive energy.
19:58 And what Satan understands now is
20:01 if he can put a block in my mind so that I'm
20:06 neutralized, psychological, because of what I'm afraid of,
20:11 then I will never release what is in my spirit.
20:16 So it doesn't matter how much God has placed in me.
20:20 If my mind can't get to the place
20:23 where I understand that greater is he that is in me
20:28 than he that is in the world.
20:31 I will never take my rightful place
20:34 and be what God would have me to be.
20:38 That's why I heard the disciples when they prayed.
20:40 I feel some pushing me now.
20:42 I think my body just arrived.
20:46 The disciples, they prayed.
20:47 And they said, now, Lord, behold their threatenings.
20:51 And grant unto thy servants that with all boldness
20:54 they may speak thy word.
20:57 And he says, and now, Lord, and now,
21:00 this isn't in your present situation.
21:02 It's the now situation.
21:05 Now, Lord, in the middle of what the devil
21:08 is trying to throw at me.
21:11 I know General Motors is finished now, Lord,
21:13 but now I need you to show yourself in a way
21:17 you never showed yourself before.
21:20 I'm not backing up because of the situation.
21:23 I'm calling you into the situation
21:26 that you might give us the boldness to declare
21:31 if God places it on your heart, God will bring it to pass.
21:35 And I don't need to be shaken because things
21:37 are looking funny.
21:39 I need to be praising God in the middle of whatever
21:43 I have to face.
21:45 Oh, I feel it here.
21:46 Grant us now.
21:48 The active imperative urgency is do it now.
21:52 Somebody say, do it now, Lord.
21:55 And of course now, because it's designed now,
21:58 Satan is trying to neutralize you.
22:01 I wish I could talk to you like I feel it.
22:03 How many times have you seen people
22:06 with less anointing than you have and less ability
22:11 than you have, but moving in the power of another level
22:16 because they were bold enough to step out
22:19 with whatever they had?
22:21 I want to tell you something.
22:22 If you step out with whatever you have,
22:25 God can take it, break it, bless it, and feed a multitude.
22:31 You don't have to wait to get a whole lot.
22:33 Just step out with what you've got
22:36 and have the boldness to declare, I'm going through
22:39 something, but this won't stop me from being what
22:43 God has called me to be.
22:45 I feel a breakthrough.
22:48 When the boldness was released, the Bible
22:50 says the place shook where they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
22:54 And they began to speak, yes, and open their mouth
22:58 because the power to overcome the natural
23:01 is by the supernatural.
23:03 I don't care how rough things are around you,
23:06 as long as I got God somewhere.
23:09 I've got to come out all right.
23:11 So notice now, he speaks of the spirit of power in the text,
23:16 the spirit of love, and the spirit of a sound mind.
23:20 And he's indicating now that the power here is controlled by love.
23:25 This leads then to sound mindedness.
23:28 It's a self-controlled thinker.
23:31 It's the individual who has the ability
23:33 to evaluate what God is saying on one side
23:37 and what Satan is doing on the other,
23:40 and understanding that I never, ever fear.
23:43 Because when I fear, it indicates I don't trust God,
23:47 and it makes the object of fear superior to the object of faith.
23:52 Because you see, faith is the substance,
23:54 the hupostasis of things hoped for, the elekos of things,
23:58 or the conviction of things not seen.
24:02 Because I don't see it doesn't mean it's not real.
24:07 I haven't seen heaven, but heaven is real.
24:10 I haven't seen the angels, but angels are real.
24:14 And once I have that in my spirit, my faith, I connect to it.
24:19 And I let faith then give me the energy
24:21 to rise up and walk according to what I believe.
24:26 That's why Satan has forever been trying to get you to be and stay
24:31 where you are.
24:33 Because he realizes once your mind engages your will,
24:38 that it's already over.
24:40 Because once you rise up--
24:42 I cannot talk to you like I feel--
24:44 finishing is not the problem.
24:47 Starting is the problem.
24:49 If you start, you will finish.
24:52 [APPLAUSE]
24:55 I feel something pushing me here.
24:58 It's critical now because--
25:01 I'm not in a hurry because he's saying to him,
25:05 you've got to be gift-predominated.
25:08 You've got to let your gift dominate.
25:10 Don't allow your circumstance to dictate where you go.
25:15 It's not what you have.
25:17 It's who you are.
25:19 You see, we have got caught up on what you have stuff,
25:22 but that ain't no value.
25:24 And many times, you sit around evaluating
25:27 who you are by what you have.
25:30 And what God is saying is what I have put in you
25:33 will not only bless you on the inside,
25:37 but I'll create a need on the outside.
25:40 I'll fix it so folk might even like don't like you,
25:44 but they still have to call you.
25:47 Because what I put in you will be the answer
25:50 to what it is they need.
25:52 Am I talking to somebody here?
25:55 I ain't told you to touch a neighbor yet.
25:56 We'll do that later.
25:58 So here now is the internal conflict
26:02 because the admonition to operate
26:04 in the parameters of what your gift has made you.
26:08 So you've got to overcome now
26:11 the intimidation of character development,
26:14 and you've got to overcome the intimidation
26:17 of your circumstance.
26:18 You've got to overcome that in your mind
26:22 to release your spirit
26:25 because God's getting ready to blow you up.
26:28 And whenever Satan knows that it's coming,
26:31 he throws a lot of false stuff all the way around you.
26:35 But you've got to make up your mind
26:37 the devil is already defeated
26:40 and victory shall be mine.
26:45 Oh, I feel something pushing me here.
26:49 The flesh then, can I, y'all sit down for a minute.
26:52 I got a little more work.
26:53 You see, the flesh then has become,
26:56 has absorbed all of the satanic, worldly,
26:59 and situational intimidation.
27:02 And sometimes you wonder,
27:04 I get up sometimes and wonder
27:06 why your energy level is down.
27:08 And what am I depressed about?
27:09 And why am I so sad?
27:12 And if you're anything like me,
27:14 you go searching to see what it is
27:16 and trying to put and piece things together.
27:19 Well, sometimes it's an accumulation of stuff
27:23 that you didn't free yourself from.
27:27 Oh, I feel like preaching now.
27:29 You see, you got to learn how to rid yourself of the junk.
27:33 Have you ever been to somebody's garage
27:36 and they hold on to everything?
27:38 I mean, they got everything,
27:40 stuff 40 years old, hanging in the garage.
27:43 You can't even put a new car in the garage
27:45 for all the junk that's in the garage.
27:47 What God is saying is every now and then,
27:49 I want you to sweep out some stuff
27:52 so I can put some new stuff.
27:57 Don't you get nervous
27:58 when folks start walking out your life?
28:01 God is just making room for some folks.
28:03 Let them walk.
28:07 I feel it here.
28:10 'Cause oftentimes we have become a garbage storage
28:15 and we just become a garbage dump.
28:18 And the flesh is a place of storage warehouse
28:22 where a whole lot of junk is stored up.
28:25 It's a place of manipulation,
28:27 it's a place of negative control.
28:29 And that's why he's telling him,
28:31 we have a spirit, not a fear,
28:34 but of a sound mind.
28:36 I want you to evaluate where you have been
28:39 and what God has already done for you.
28:42 And remember, accumulate that in your spirit
28:46 and wipe all the failures out of your flesh.
28:49 Yes, because that was pre-Jesus.
28:52 I am now post-Jesus.
28:55 And when I got Jesus in my life,
28:58 what used to be will never be again.
29:01 I might as well shake myself and move to the next level.
29:06 He declares now this is a quickening
29:08 because it is now to cause or to make alive.
29:12 It is an awakening.
29:14 It's an experience now that have moved me
29:17 beyond manipulation.
29:19 It's a new vitality that he's calling for,
29:22 a new level of existence.
29:24 That's why it is the spirit of a sound mind
29:28 as opposed to the spirit of fear.
29:31 That's why it's the spirit of love.
29:33 It's the spirit.
29:34 And when you walk in the spirit
29:36 of what God has created in you,
29:39 now you are no longer held by what folk think.
29:43 So what they said in this family,
29:45 nobody ever amounted to anything.
29:47 And most of us have been on welfare all of our life.
29:51 So what, what are you, high-minded?
29:53 No, I'm not high-minded.
29:55 Somebody's got to be first in this family.
29:58 Somebody's got to reverse the curse in this family.
30:03 Because you didn't do it don't mean I can't do it.
30:07 Because I know a God who says all things are possible.
30:11 And whenever you can believe all things are possible,
30:15 you are completely set free.
30:18 I refuse to sit here because you think
30:21 that's where I ought to sit.
30:22 I refuse for you to be true about what I can't do.
30:25 The devil is a liar.
30:27 You don't determine how far I go.
30:30 God determines how far I go.
30:32 And all I got to do is release my mind
30:36 and put my will and declare I will bless the Lord at all.
30:41 Might as well have church in here.
30:45 Can I preach a little bit more?
30:49 I'm not going to keep you all night.
30:50 I don't have the strength.
30:52 You see, to walk then in the supernatural
30:54 releases me from the debt of the natural.
30:58 Because I have no more obligation now to be limited.
31:02 My obligation now is to be all that God has put in me.
31:07 I'm not to be restricted by people
31:10 and to be validated by folk.
31:13 If God says do it, step out on it.
31:16 I'm not to be intimidated by the old fears
31:19 and to be intimidated by what used to happen
31:23 because God has created new things
31:26 and he's put a new disposition and new attitude in you.
31:30 And some folk want to reduce it to being arrogant.
31:34 It ain't arrogant.
31:35 You can't walk with God and be the same.
31:39 You can't walk with God and think old time thoughts
31:43 and negative disposition.
31:45 God moves you from can't to can.
31:48 I feel something, can I have a little church in here?
31:51 Give somebody a high five.
31:53 And said I'm going from can to can.
31:56 I'm drawn like an obligation that must be met.
32:03 I'm drawn to the fact that now I have the power
32:07 of the Holy Ghost moving in me.
32:10 And I refuse to sit here and be threatened.
32:14 I'm going to put it under my feet, every devilish thing.
32:18 I'm going to walk on it like a stepping stone to victory.
32:22 Can I preach like I feel it?
32:24 You see, sometimes you're in situations
32:26 where God is just trying to show you how powerful he is.
32:31 And in order to show you how powerful he is,
32:35 he's got to bring up a formidable enemy against you.
32:39 But the strength of the enemy is not to cause you to shake.
32:44 But the strength of the enemy is for you to measure
32:47 the victory that God is getting ready to give you.
32:52 So you don't look at your problems
32:55 as something to knock you out.
32:57 But you look at the difficulty as a place
33:01 where God's getting ready to show his power.
33:04 I don't know how he's going to do it,
33:07 but I'm expecting a move of God anytime right about now.
33:12 I'm expecting God to show up with such a mighty hand
33:17 that no matter how tough the devil is,
33:20 I'm getting ready to get a new praise in a new experience.
33:25 Because each experience is an event
33:29 where God reveals himself.
33:32 And wherever he reveals himself,
33:34 we establish another relationship.
33:38 So instead of crying at Mara Bitterwater,
33:41 you ought to praise when the water is bitter.
33:44 Then God will show himself as Jehovah Jireh,
33:48 as Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom,
33:52 Jehovah Sikhanou, Jehovah Maccadish.
33:55 And every time you go through another thing,
33:58 now I got history with God,
34:01 because he was there, he was there, he was there,
34:04 he was there, and he's with me right now.
34:08 So I don't walk into a room like I'm scared
34:12 that somebody's gonna get what's mine.
34:15 The devil is a liar.
34:17 You can't have what's mine,
34:20 because what God has set for me,
34:23 it's got my name written,
34:26 and it's tailor-made for me.
34:28 So I don't envy anybody.
34:31 Go on and be all you can be,
34:34 'cause I'm on the way myself.
34:37 I'm not a hater.
34:38 Get somebody, high five.
34:40 Say, I'm not a hater.
34:42 I'm a congratulator,
34:44 because I know how the Lord moves,
34:47 and I know how the Lord blesses,
34:50 and I refuse to let the devil kill
34:54 what God has put alive in me.
34:57 Get somebody, high five.
34:59 Say, get off the sideline,
35:01 and get back in the race.
35:04 I know you've been through some stuff,
35:07 and I know you had some difficulties.
35:10 I know that the man has walked out and left you,
35:14 but honey, that don't stop nothing.
35:16 I know you've been struggling,
35:19 because the job is gone,
35:21 but you oughta look the devil in the face,
35:24 and tell him, "I ain't got a job."
35:26 But that ain't gonna stop my praise.
35:29 That ain't gonna stop my worship.
35:32 That's not gonna stop me lifting him up.
35:35 I know I've been through a real bad time in my life,
35:39 but as long as I got King Jesus,
35:42 and as long as I'm anointed,
35:45 I'm coming back through here.
35:47 I know they say I never amount to anything,
35:52 but that ain't gonna stop nothing,
35:54 'cause I feel something moving me
35:57 to the next level and the next move.
36:00 Get somebody, high five.
36:02 Say, step up there.
36:04 Step up to the plate,
36:06 and let the devil know I know
36:08 who my savior is,
36:11 and I know who I am,
36:13 and I don't have to have somebody
36:16 to buy me a BMW.
36:18 God and I will get it all by ourselves.
36:23 Can't you walk out on me?
36:25 That don't mean it's over,
36:27 because it means God's getting ready
36:30 to move in me like never before.
36:34 Shake somebody's hand like you gonna shake it off,
36:37 and say, neighbor, I know you've been hurt,
36:39 but that don't stop anything.
36:42 I know they talking about you,
36:44 but that don't stop anything.
36:46 I know they planning to destroy you,
36:49 but that won't stop anything,
36:51 'cause I heard him when he said,
36:53 God prepare us a table
36:57 in the presence of my enemies,
37:00 and I'm gonna eat anyhow.
37:03 I feel the Holy Ghost.
37:05 Enemies don't stop anything.
37:07 In fact, you ought to give God praise
37:10 for all of your enemies,
37:12 'cause your enemies get you blessed.
37:16 Thank God for all of them folk
37:20 that tried to put their foot on me,
37:22 because every time they put their foot down,
37:26 I stepped up on it higher and higher.
37:30 I feel something moving me.
37:33 I feel the Holy Ghost.
37:35 This is your season.
37:37 This is your time.
37:38 I don't care what the circumstance are.
37:41 This is your time,
37:43 'cause God gave you the dunamis of the Holy Ghost.
37:48 That's power in your system,
37:52 but not only did he give you power,
37:55 he gave you authority.
37:57 I feel like preaching.
37:59 I feel like lifting him up.
38:01 You can write my check.
38:03 You got the power to write my check,
38:07 but it's one line you got to leave blank,
38:11 because that line needs my signature,
38:15 because you got the power.
38:18 Don't mean you have the authority,
38:20 but when you have power and authority,
38:24 to whom shall I fear?
38:26 Can I talk to you, child of God?
38:29 Go out there and start the business,
38:31 and God will bless it.
38:33 But long as you sit over here,
38:36 crying about your state,
38:38 you will lose your energy.
38:41 But I dare you to shake yourself,
38:44 look at your gifts,
38:46 and tell yourself,
38:48 I'm going to another level,
38:52 because I got the power,
38:54 and I got the authority.
38:57 In the name of Jesus,
38:59 it's my time.
39:01 In the name of Jesus,
39:04 it's my year.
39:06 In the name of Jesus,
39:09 it's my blessing.
39:11 Get out of my house, people.
39:13 Get out of my face, people.
39:15 Get out of my way.
39:17 I'm on my way
39:19 to the next level.
39:22 I'm on my way.
39:25 Somebody touch somebody,
39:27 and say, "Break out.
39:29 Break out.
39:30 Break out of that house.
39:32 Break out of that place.
39:34 Break out of that job.
39:36 Break out.
39:37 It's time to break out.
39:39 It's time to move out.
39:42 It's time
39:43 to move
39:45 to the next level."
39:49 [music]
40:12 Break out.
40:13 I'm getting ready to close,
40:15 but this is your time.
40:17 How long you gonna sit there
40:19 and let the devil dictate
40:21 when you're full of the Holy Ghost
40:23 and power within?
40:25 Who says you can't make it?
40:27 Get up and show the world.
40:29 I am a child of the King.
40:33 I am filled with the Holy Ghost.
40:36 I have the name of Jesus,
40:39 and I'm going to the next level
40:43 because it's mine.
40:45 [music]
40:59 I'm so sick.
41:01 [music]
41:27 I'm so sick.
41:29 I'm so sick.
41:31 Tell the enemy, "I'm back."
41:34 Give somebody a high five
41:36 and say, "I'm back."
41:38 I'm back in the race.
41:40 I'm back in the race.
41:42 I'm back.
41:44 This is my season.
41:46 Brush yourself off.
41:48 Wipe your tears off
41:50 and get up.
41:52 [music]
42:02 [music]
42:22 [music]
42:42 [music]
43:04 Because
43:06 [music]
43:10 God stopped the gift of God.
43:14 So he attacks
43:17 the vessel
43:19 wherein the gift of God
43:22 lies.
43:25 He can't do anything
43:28 to stop God from gifting you
43:31 because
43:33 you received your gift
43:35 before the foundation of the world.
43:38 [applause]
43:46 So what he does now is
43:49 he ambushes you
43:52 after you have received
43:56 and come to the knowledge of the gift.
44:02 When you found out you were gifted,
44:05 he found out you were gifted.
44:08 That's why you can testify and say this truly.
44:12 I've never had so much trouble
44:17 as when I decided to walk
44:19 in the power of my calling.
44:24 Welcome to the club.
44:26 That's just the way it is.
44:28 So now what you're going to do about it?
44:30 I'm going to walk anyhow.
44:32 I'm going to do his will anyhow.
44:38 Take somebody's hand if you would.
44:43 I know some things have happened
44:47 that you didn't expect.
44:50 But that's not going to stop anything.
44:56 Some people have been
44:58 very cruel
45:01 and you've had some serious disappointments.
45:07 But that ain't going to stop nothing.
45:16 I know you've been hurt
45:17 and your heart's been shattered.
45:23 You've been treated in a way
45:25 that no human being should be treated.
45:33 You've cried about it.
45:37 Let it go.
45:41 Time to go on now.
45:45 Pick up the pieces and bless them.
45:50 See when God put it back together again.
45:55 Give you more strength
45:56 because of what you've been through.
45:59 Because he has not given us
46:00 the spirit of fear.
46:03 The power of a sound mind.
46:06 Father, we touch one another.
46:14 We anoint one another.
46:18 We touch and agree right now
46:23 that what my brother and my sister
46:24 is facing right this minute
46:29 is a confirmation
46:33 that you have your hand in their lives.
46:37 So we will not look
46:40 at the negative negatively.
46:44 But we will look at the negative positively, Lord.
46:47 Because you're getting ready
46:48 to demonstrate
46:51 a magnificent victory.
46:54 Ooh, look, hallelujah.
46:58 Thank you.
47:00 Ooh.
47:03 You're getting ready to show us
47:06 right here in Detroit
47:10 who you really are.
47:13 And we claim that done right now.
47:16 Oh, we're not a fearful then
47:18 because General Motors falling apart.
47:20 Because you are our God.
47:23 And it wasn't General Motors
47:24 taking care of us anyway.
47:26 You've been taking care of us
47:28 all our lives.
47:30 So just move us now.
47:32 We're ready to move.
47:33 We're ready to move.
47:34 And we claim it in the name of Jesus.
47:37 Somebody loose your hands
47:39 and give God the praise.
47:41 Shake the house.
47:44 Shake the house, Holy Ghost.
47:47 Shake my brother, shake my sister.
47:50 Get his mind back in the right place.
47:53 Get our thoughts together.
47:55 I claim it right now.
47:58 Ooh.
48:01 (upbeat music)
48:05 (upbeat music)
48:09 (upbeat music)
48:13 (upbeat music)
48:16 (upbeat music)
48:18 (upbeat music)
48:21 (upbeat music)
48:24 (upbeat music)
48:26 (upbeat music)
48:29 (upbeat music)
48:31 (upbeat music)
