10 Real Life Mermaid Sightings

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:09 10. Mermaid Migration
00:11 All mammals travel in packs, and if mermaids were merely an offshoot of humans, as aquatic ape proponents suggest,
00:17 then it would make sense that they would travel in pods like whales or dolphins.
00:21 This footage allegedly captures one such pod traveling through the ocean.
00:25 Very little information exists about the video, which was uploaded anonymously and then shared by several different channels for different purposes.
00:32 There have been reports in the past of groups of mermaids, though never caught on film.
00:37 Some purport this is simply a pod of dolphins, though without much more information to definitively put the argument to rest,
00:43 immediately be recognizable as such.
00:46 9. Hybridian Mermaid
00:49 In 1830, off the coast of the island of Venbecula in Scotland, a group of people were cutting seaweed when a woman saw a creature in the water.
00:56 It looked like a miniature woman.
00:58 The woman called a man over to see her discovery, and they started going after the creature.
01:02 Kids even threw rocks at it and struck it in the back.
01:05 A few days later, the creature's body washed up on shore, and locals were confident that they had seen a mermaid.
01:11 8. British Beach Mermaid
01:14 If an image isn't enough to convince someone that mermaids are real, then believers will resort to anything to prove their point.
01:20 At first glance, this mermaid sighting looks promising, even if it is a bit gruesome.
01:25 Found on the beach in the Great Yarmouth in Great Britain, the photos were captured by a man named Paul Jones.
01:31 He captured what looks like a decaying body with a fishtail, and the corpse was mostly intact.
01:36 However, we implore you to take a better look at this creature, more specifically at the tail.
01:41 The fins look like they were made from black plastic bags.
01:44 Of course, a find like this isn't going to be ignored by social media.
01:47 Those who want to debunk the image said it was the body of a grey seal,
01:51 while believers were sure that this is the remains of a real-life mermaid.
01:54 What do you guys think?
01:56 7. Faring Sea Mermaid
01:58 Apparently, people like Shakespeare and even Pliny the Elder claimed to have seen mermaids.
02:03 Maybe that mermaid sighting inspired Shakespeare when he was writing The Tempest.
02:07 In 1608, a man named Henry Hudson wrote an account of a mermaid he saw in the Bering Sea.
02:13 There was a woman in the water with pale skin and black hair.
02:16 From the waist up, she was human, but from her belly button down, she was noted to have the bottom half like a porpoise.
02:23 6. Human Fish
02:25 In 1943, the world was embroiled in a global conflict and the Japanese were at the forefront.
02:30 Japan had set up a surveillance team on the Chi Islands in Indonesia.
02:34 During their watch, they saw a creature with spines on its back, a mouth like a carp, and it had a human side shape.
02:40 Later, local villagers caught a creature that looked very similar to the one that was seen earlier.
02:44 The creature was named the orange ikan, translated to you, the human fish.
02:49 5. New Zealand Mermaid
02:51 Off the coast of South Island in New Zealand, seven fishermen from Papua New Guinea
02:55 had concerns that they had found human remains on the sandy beaches.
02:59 After calling the cops, everyone realized that the remains weren't of any human origin.
03:03 It was clear that there was a fish-like structure from the waist down.
03:07 This caused people to believe that they had found the resting place of a mermaid.
03:11 We're not so sure.
03:12 4. Buffalo Jags River
03:14 In the village of Surbrock, which is close to Swindle Down, there lies the Buffalo Jags River.
03:20 Below the depths of the water, there is a legend of a mermaid that resides in the area.
03:24 According to rumors and gossip, the mermaid has been spotted numerous times in the area.
03:29 Known as the Cayiman by the village elders, the mermaid has been seen by numerous generations in the village
03:35 and even has the most doubtful skeptic a possible believer.
03:38 In January 2008, one of the locals named Daniel Cupido was hanging out at a campsite late at night
03:43 when he heard thrashing in the water.
03:45 When he went to investigate, he saw a woman with long black hair.
03:49 As he tried to swim towards to save her, Cupido said that the woman looked at him and her eyes had a red tint
03:54 and he was taken as if by hypnosis.
03:57 He had to be saved by his companions and apparently the mermaid was seen by multiple people.
04:02 If the story is true, how it didn't make front page news around the world is beyond us.
04:07 3. Cave Swimming
04:09 A man known only as Suerte Melisuerte posted a video in 2016 and was taken during one of his dives
04:17 in a senok cave in Cancun, Mexico.
04:20 After he goes underwater, he sees the silhouette of a creature that has human features from the waist up
04:25 but has a fin from the waist down.
04:27 In his video description, he basically says he's captured real footage of a mermaid
04:31 and that he's sure the mythical creature is real.
04:34 The video is very impressive, but it seems to be too good to be true.
04:39 In the video's caption, there were other people in the cave, but he was the only one with a camera.
04:44 With most of these videos, it's hard to determine exactly where the video came from
04:49 and who was the original videographer.
04:51 But with lack of publicity and information, we can confidently declare that this mermaid is a hoax.
04:57 2. Mermaid in Wave
04:59 Most sightings of mermaids include one solitary mermaid resting in the water or near it on the beach or in a rock.
05:05 Very rarely do you have a chance to catch a glimpse of a mermaid swimming.
05:09 This video allegedly captures one mermaid surfing along the waves at an incredible speed as it breaches the water.
05:15 While it's a short video, the quality of the video is high enough
05:18 that we can clearly see the creature's humanoid torso and its long, fish-like tail.
05:23 Some have argued that this video is a hoax created with computers,
05:26 though there are certainly more obviously doctored videos that most people believe.
05:31 1. Archaeological Mermaid Skeleton
05:34 This mermaid skeleton lies in the National Museum of Denmark.
05:37 The skeleton was allegedly found by a farmer who discovered the skeletal remains of a mermaid while plowing his field.
05:43 Many of the world's greatest historical crypto-archaeological finds have been discovered under similar circumstances,
05:49 buried just under someone's property.
05:52 Mermaid skeletons have been discovered before and presented for display,
05:55 though this may be the first and only mermaid skeleton displayed in such a prestigious national museum.
06:02 One of the most famous examples of mermaid remains is the Fiji mermaid,
06:05 a purported hoax allegedly created by taxidermying the remains of a fish and a monkey.
06:11 So maybe not all these sightings had a real mermaid, but it's enough to keep the dream alive.
06:16 Do you believe in mermaids or other mythical creatures? Let us know what you think!
