Physical Season 3 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set in the idyllic but fragile beach paradise of 1980s San Diego, "Physical" follows Sheila Rubin (Rose Byrne) as she transforms from quietly tortured housewife to dominant fitness entrepreneur. In her journey, Sheila battled her way out of an unsatisfying marriage to Danny (Rory Scovel), fostered a dangerous relationship with real-estate mogul John Breem (Paul Sparks), and confronted the dark voices within her own mind that have shamed and suppressed her for so long. With the help of her loyal friend - and now business partner - Greta (Dierdre Friel), Sheila has found confidence and inner-strength though her work as a teacher and entrepreneur with Body by Sheila. In the third and concluding season of the series, Sheila finds her status challenged by rising celebrity exercise goddess Kelly Kilmartin (Zooey Deschanel), who becomes not only a professional threat, but manages to get in her head. Will Sheila prevail, or will Kelly's presence in her life undermine the hard-earned healing and stability that Sheila has fought so hard for.
directed by Stephanie Laing
starring Rose Byrne, Rory Scovel, Paul Sparks, Dierdre Friel, Zooey Deschanel
release date August 2, 2023 (on Apple TV Plus)
directed by Stephanie Laing
starring Rose Byrne, Rory Scovel, Paul Sparks, Dierdre Friel, Zooey Deschanel
release date August 2, 2023 (on Apple TV Plus)