Coop: Pedroni (Ancc-Coop), ‘Imprese Coop devono essere unite perché divise sono nulla’

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Per creare il futuro bisogna essere disposti a fare dei cambiamenti importanti che nascono dalla consapevolezza che il mondo si sta trasformando in una velocità impressionante. Come Coop siamo un insieme di imprese ed è assolutamente fondamentale essere uniti perché, come diceva Prampolini: uniti siamo tutto, divisi siamo nulla”. Così il Presidente uscente di Ancc-Coop, Marco Pedroni, a margine dell’Assemblea Nazionale dell’Associazione Nazionale Cooperative Consumatori dal titolo “Creare Futuro. Una buona spesa può cambiare il mondo”, tenutosi a Roma.


00:00 What are the challenges facing the world today?
00:04 To create the future, and above all to be a protagonist of the future as a Coop, as a cooperation,
00:10 we must be willing to make important changes.
00:13 And certainly the changes are born from the awareness that the world is changing rapidly.
00:19 There are formidable knots that we must face as a cooperative movement,
00:23 for example, that of climate change,
00:27 that of the increase of inequality,
00:31 that of a search for good and safe food,
00:34 but with the tendency to polarize purchases,
00:37 because the loss of purchasing power of many families pushes there.
00:41 Compared to these changes, we have the duty, as Coop,
00:45 an organization, a movement of people, of companies, which has lasted for 170 years,
00:50 to look for new solutions.
00:52 These new solutions are certainly in the supply of our products to Coop,
00:57 we are making a revolution,
00:59 but they are also in the way in which we work as a cooperative,
01:02 in the sense that we should be more integrated,
01:04 more capable of focusing these new great themes, acting as cooperators,
01:09 therefore collaborating also between cooperative companies,
01:12 which are obviously distinct and autonomous,
01:14 but which have a single teaching, this Coop teaching, which is really worth a lot for many people.
01:18 We in this Congress must also establish the work agenda for the coming years,
01:22 an agenda that will be an open agenda,
01:24 because the changes, as they have been in the last 3-4 years, are truly formidable,
01:28 and not all are predictable.
01:29 The future is uncertain, open, opens up a thousand possibilities,
01:32 and therefore also the National Association of Consumer Cooperatives,
01:35 which is one of the two largest, one of the major structures for Coop,
01:38 the other is Coop Italia,
01:40 and we must do our part, especially in the confrontation with the top of the cooperatives,
01:45 the top of the presidents, which are the figures and expressions of the social property of Coop.
01:50 We are 75 cooperatives, of these there are about ten that are the large and medium Coop,
01:57 the temptation sometimes of everyone to act legitimately,
02:01 with their own tools, even a little, independently of the others, there are states, there are,
02:06 today, however, there is a unitary push to do very important things together.
02:10 It is clear that, not being a single enterprise, but a set of enterprises,
02:14 very linked by a common teaching, by a common brand product, by many common activities,
02:19 the commitment is absolutely fundamental.
02:22 We are all united, we are all, said Prampolini, divided we are nothing.
02:26 Camillo Prampolini, the father of cooperation, died more than a century ago,
02:31 but still teaches something to all of us.
