• last year
Join Jen and Meredith as they talk about Summertime survival for moms! They share their busy schedules, parenting challenges, and the lack of personal fun due to work commitments. Jen and Meredith would offer tips if they had any that they think would help, but they emphasize solidarity among moms and finding joy in chaos. Meredith's chats about her upcoming comedy tour. They also want to tell moms to take time to laugh and unwind! You've got this!


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Jen: See, it says "live." It says "live." We're completely live. Welcome to MomCave LIVE, where we may have lost our minds, but we haven't lost our sense of humor. Tonight, I'm live with my buddy Meredith. You might know her from "That's Inappropriate." All things that are inappropriate. We're just doing great. Are we halfway through summer?

Meredith Masony: I think so. Well, my kids go back to school on August 10.

Jen: So you go back to school much sooner than us.

Meredith Masony: Yes, Florida goes back, but we were out on May 25.

Jen: Oh my god. Okay, so we're just shifted. It's the same thing. I'm trying to make us go live on all the platforms and go live on Instagram. Let us know if you're watching. Leave a comment on Facebook. Say hello. We're going to talk about how we survive with kids during the summer. So, Meredith, do you have a busy summer?

Meredith Masony: Well, let's see, my kids are 17, 14, and 12. My oldest just got back two days ago from seven days at a pole vaulting camp. When my daughter leaves, he leaves again on Friday for another pole vaulting camp. My daughter leaves on Sunday for a week at a camp in Tennessee, which isn't even in the same state as we are. And then she comes home on Saturday, and I get to wash all of her clothes, repack everything, and then drive her to her next camp the day after.

Read More Here: https://www.momcavetv.com/our-summer-survival-a-live-chat-with-meredith-masony/


00:00 (alarm beeping)
00:00 (children yelling)
00:03 (upbeat music)
00:07 - It says live.
00:13 - It says live, we're totally live.
00:17 Welcome to MomCave Live, where we may have lost our minds,
00:20 but we haven't lost our sense of humor.
00:22 And I'm live tonight with my buddy, Meredith.
00:25 You might know her as That's Inappropriate,
00:28 all things That's Inappropriate.
00:30 And we're just gonna, good.
00:33 And it's of course gonna do the thing where,
00:39 I'm getting rid of that.
00:40 It's gonna do the thing where it gives us an echo.
00:42 Okay, hold on.
00:43 Are we halfway through summer?
00:47 - I think we only have, well,
00:53 my kids go back to school August 10th.
00:56 - Yeah.
00:58 - So.
00:59 - You go back to school much sooner than us.
01:02 - Yes, Florida goes back, but we were out May 25th.
01:07 - Oh my God.
01:08 Okay, so we're just shifted.
01:11 It's the same thing.
01:14 Okay, hold on.
01:16 I'm trying to make us go live on all the places.
01:18 And go live on Instagram too.
01:20 - Yay.
01:21 - Y'all watching on Facebook, comment, say hello.
01:23 We're gonna talk about how we survive
01:26 with kids during the summer.
01:28 It may or may not go to Instagram.
01:30 That's all good.
01:31 Okay, so, Meredith.
01:35 Do you have a busy summer?
01:37 - So let's see, my kids are 17, 14, 12.
01:44 - Okay.
01:45 - So my oldest just got back two days ago
01:49 from seven days away at a pole vaulting camp.
01:53 My daughter leaves.
01:54 He leaves again Friday for another pole vaulting camp.
01:57 My daughter leaves Sunday for a week at a camp in Tennessee,
02:02 which isn't even in the same state as we are.
02:04 Then she comes home on Saturday.
02:08 I get to wash all of her clothes, repack everything,
02:11 and then I drive her to her next camp the day after.
02:15 - Oh wow.
02:17 - And that camp, she's going and my youngest.
02:20 But this today and tomorrow were the only two days
02:25 this summer that all of my kids were home.
02:30 - As I say, you're not.
02:31 - At the same time.
02:32 And so we decided to kind of make a quick staycation
02:36 out of it so we could at least spend some time with them.
02:38 But it's just been brutal with between sports and camps
02:43 and everybody's activities.
02:45 - Totally.
02:47 - I tried to take some time off from the tour.
02:49 And so I didn't schedule too much in July and August,
02:54 but it's just been nonstop.
02:56 And then today I had a total meltdown in my car
02:59 because I had to sign up my first born
03:05 for his senior pictures.
03:07 - Oh, so sad.
03:10 I know.
03:11 And it's good that you guys all get to be together
03:13 because soon he's going to be taking off,
03:16 flying the coop, leaving the nest.
03:18 You won't be able to spend as much time together.
03:20 - I know, it's been crazy.
03:22 And so I wish we would have planned like a actual trip,
03:27 but I say that knowing that if we had spent thousands
03:31 of dollars to take them somewhere,
03:33 they would have fought the entire time.
03:35 - They would have hated it, yeah.
03:36 - So I was like, we can be staycationing for free
03:40 and you can fight all you want
03:43 because I don't care if you spend any money on it.
03:45 - It's free fighting.
03:46 Free fighting is fine.
03:47 It's paid fighting, no good.
03:49 - Same fighting that you do at home.
03:51 - Right, yeah.
03:52 No, they always say like, that's what vacation for a mom
03:54 is just parenting in another place.
03:56 You're just doing the same shit, but in another place.
03:59 - I'm doing laundry right now.
04:00 - Oh, great.
04:01 On your staycation.
04:02 So hi, Amy, hi, Bonnie.
04:04 They're popping in the comments and saying, hello,
04:07 tell us what you are doing this summer
04:08 and how you're surviving it with the kiddos.
04:11 Yeah, we're having a weird summer too
04:14 because this summer we decided to make no plans whatsoever.
04:17 There's no camp, there's nothing.
04:19 There's just us and our wonderful family time together.
04:25 As you can see, that's not going great.
04:30 Yeah, my husband and I both work from home
04:33 and my kids are a little younger.
04:35 My oldest is the age of your youngest.
04:38 So I have a 12 year old and I just turned eight year old
04:43 and I made a list.
04:44 I made a list on my phone of all the cool activities
04:48 I was gonna do with them this summer
04:49 and all the fun things and they're really creative
04:51 and none of them have anything to do
04:53 with internets or video games.
04:54 I don't think we've done one thing on the list.
04:58 - Yeah.
05:00 I mean, that's brave of you.
05:04 - It's not like I made a choice, really.
05:10 It was two things.
05:11 I was way too busy, like at the end of the school year
05:14 with all of the baseball and the dance classes
05:17 and all the things and I was like, no more things,
05:19 no more schedule for the summer.
05:20 And then also the fact that I'm broke and I have no money.
05:24 So I can't afford camp.
05:25 So not only are they not in camp,
05:28 but I'm working my ass off to make the money
05:30 while they're not in camp.
05:32 - Right.
05:33 - Everybody's been crazy.
05:34 - Yeah, it's tough because I love having
05:38 some unstructured time where you don't feel like
05:41 you're pressed to get to the next event
05:43 or the next activity.
05:44 But I think at a certain age, that goes,
05:47 that's just not an option anymore with them
05:49 because they have so many other interests
05:51 and things that they're doing.
05:53 So like--
05:54 - That's normal development.
05:56 - You're right at that time.
05:58 You're right.
05:59 I wanna say maybe halfway through middle school
06:04 or even eighth grade is where it just starts
06:06 like the wheels fall off and it's like,
06:08 they don't realize that they can't drive yet
06:11 or they have no money and they make all sorts of plans.
06:14 - Right.
06:15 - And so you're like right at the cusp
06:17 of where it's gonna start.
06:19 Everything is just gonna be super hectic
06:21 and that's just how it is because it's every phase
06:24 and stage is different.
06:26 - Yeah.
06:26 - But I mean, that's totally normal,
06:28 but it is nice.
06:29 Like there weren't many days this summer
06:32 that I woke up and had nothing to do.
06:34 But the days that that did happen,
06:37 when I say nothing, I mean cleaning the house,
06:40 doing all the laundry.
06:41 The normal stuff that a mom does
06:43 when she says she did nothing all day.
06:44 - Right, you still have to do those things.
06:46 - Right, like that only happened not even a handful of times
06:50 because I had to be up for horseback
06:53 or up for basketball camp or up to get somebody's,
06:56 my kid's oil changed or up to do it
06:59 and you're just like, oh my God.
07:00 I just wanna drink coffee
07:03 and I don't want anyone to talk to me.
07:05 And that just, that ends at some point.
07:09 - Right, I don't think that's an option,
07:11 but like everything, we always say like,
07:13 it's all a stage, even this too shall pass.
07:16 In many, many years, this too shall pass
07:20 and we'll be like my mom and all the grandmas out there
07:24 who are just like, oh, I miss those days
07:26 and they have too much quiet and too much coffee.
07:29 - Yeah, so it's all, and you can't,
07:33 everybody means well for the most part when they,
07:36 like I was just, did you go over to Thread?
07:40 - I did.
07:41 Is it Thread or Threads with an S?
07:44 - Don't know, I call it the Thread.
07:46 - The Thread, I'm on the Thread.
07:48 - Okay, so I went, I joined over on the Thread
07:51 and I posted about my kid having his senior photos
07:56 and I was like, I said, don't mind me,
08:00 I'm just gonna be over in the corner
08:01 rocking back and forth and snorting lavender
08:04 because my firstborn is getting his senior photo.
08:07 - That's very holistic of you and very healthy
08:09 compared to other things that people can snort
08:11 when they're stressed, so good for you.
08:13 - So the comments are also supportive, right?
08:16 And there's always the comment where it's like,
08:18 wait until it's your last born.
08:21 And you're like, I know, like I can't even, right?
08:23 And it's like, they all mean well
08:25 because it's like, the woman's like,
08:27 I'm on my last born senior year and I'm falling apart
08:30 and I'm like, oh my God.
08:31 And it's just, there's, everybody always means well,
08:34 but then those comments, you just feel like you're gutted
08:37 because you're like, I didn't even think of that.
08:38 - You're like, it can get worse.
08:40 - And you just brought to my attention.
08:42 - It's a lot.
08:44 - This is gonna get worse.
08:45 I was in the hole and you made that comment
08:48 and I had to dig deeper into this hole.
08:51 'Cause I didn't even think of that yet because he's 12.
08:54 So that hasn't even entered in yet
08:56 because he's just now getting armpit hair
08:59 and likes to watch, what was he watching?
09:04 Oh, he loves to watch "Friends" right now.
09:06 - Oh, wow.
09:07 - Because Jennifer Aniston.
09:09 So we're just getting into that, right?
09:14 But then I'm getting ready to send one away,
09:17 not to prison, but you both talked about that.
09:21 And then when somebody brings it to your attention,
09:22 they mean well, but you're just like, oh.
09:25 - Yeah, like let me just deal with this one catastrophe
09:27 at a time here.
09:28 That's terrific.
09:29 One catastrophe at a time.
09:31 - Yeah, but that's what it is.
09:34 I was thinking about it today when I was on the beach.
09:37 We took the kids to the beach and I hate the water.
09:41 I love to look at it and listen to it,
09:43 but I hate when they're in it
09:45 because I just feel like I'm scanning nonstop.
09:47 And I was like, I can't remember the last time
09:51 that I truly like exhaled.
09:53 Like a full on--
09:55 - It's supposed to be such a relaxing place,
09:57 but I made a TikTok about it that went up today.
10:00 I was like, what's the pool?
10:02 Mom's at the pool, you're like.
10:04 - No.
10:05 - And you're like counting the children.
10:08 So God forbid you sigh or look at a book or anything.
10:12 - And my kids are older too.
10:15 15 and 12 year old were boogie boarding or whatever,
10:20 and so they were trying to go a little further out
10:23 so they could catch some waves.
10:24 And the entire time I'm just like,
10:26 oh my God, I hope, you know, like looking for a fin,
10:29 you know, or like some catastrophic thing to happen.
10:32 And my husband is like, you need to relax.
10:35 And I was like, if I knew how, I would.
10:37 - If I relax, somebody could get eaten by a shark.
10:40 - Right, that's what you think.
10:41 - Who else is watching now?
10:42 - That's what you think.
10:43 That's what you assume right away.
10:45 And of course I made, I'm so neurotic
10:48 that I made us sit next to the lifeguard tower.
10:51 - I think that's a great idea.
10:53 - I was like, this kid, I was like,
10:56 I'm gonna keep my eye on him too, make sure he's watching.
10:59 - Right, it's just a little extra help.
11:01 My family has a story that gets told over and over
11:04 and over again about when I was a kid, we were at the beach,
11:07 my little sister got, my mom lost her.
11:10 Like she just disappeared.
11:12 And ever since then, oh, and so she was walking on the beach
11:16 and there were all the lifeguard stations,
11:18 like every so often,
11:19 and the lifeguards were braiding each other.
11:21 Like, look for a little blonde girl.
11:23 There's a little blonde girl lost.
11:25 And they asked her, are you lost?
11:27 And she kept saying no,
11:29 because she had been told not to speak to strangers.
11:32 She just kept going further and further.
11:34 Anyway, ever since then,
11:36 it's always about like being next to the lifeguard station
11:39 and being like, okay, kids, this is where we are.
11:42 This is our number.
11:44 You know, this is home base.
11:46 We do what we can.
11:48 - It's just a lot all the time
11:51 coming in from every direction.
11:53 - Yeah, we cover every base.
11:55 - And that's what it is.
11:56 So I'd love to be more flexible,
12:01 but I just feel like that's not an option for me.
12:06 - No, no.
12:07 And I don't know that I actually could relax
12:10 if I was given the opportunity, really.
12:13 It's like I've been on watch for so long
12:17 that I wouldn't know what to do.
12:19 I wouldn't know what to do at all.
12:21 - Yeah, that's what it feels like.
12:23 So what do you do for fun?
12:25 What's fun?
12:27 And you guys comment, tell us in the comments,
12:29 what do you do for fun?
12:30 - I mean, honestly, I don't know that I've sat down
12:35 and said like, let's go do this for fun.
12:38 Like forever.
12:42 Like I have no idea what I would do for fun
12:45 if we're being honest.
12:46 Because if I'm not on the road with the comedy show,
12:50 then I'm working on the podcast
12:54 or the next big project that I have been cooking
12:58 for over a year that we're just now hoping
13:00 to get launched soon.
13:01 Or like there's just always something else that I'm doing.
13:06 And that's on me because I start projects.
13:08 - Right.
13:09 - I am somebody who just,
13:10 so maybe for fun I start projects.
13:12 - Maybe that's it.
13:13 - But that's what I do is I just start projects
13:15 and then I go,
13:16 and like we're doing a community cruise in October.
13:18 That will be fun.
13:19 - That sounds very fun.
13:21 - Yes.
13:22 I'm so excited about that.
13:25 We have like 60 people signed up.
13:28 It's very small.
13:30 I mean, it'll be on a cruise ship with everybody else,
13:32 but it's just a small group that got together
13:35 and we decided we were gonna do a community cruise
13:37 and everybody is taking their kids.
13:40 So like all the kids are gonna get to hang out and--
13:43 - True.
13:44 I am a big fan of cruising
13:45 and people don't understand
13:48 that the cruise is the ideal vacation when you have kids
13:51 because almost every cruise has free childcare.
13:55 - Yeah.
13:56 - And the kids wanna go to it.
13:58 It's not like, you know,
14:00 my kids beg to go and they beg to stay
14:02 and the place stays open till like 1230 at night or whatever.
14:05 - Yeah, the only thing they charge you
14:07 is if you don't pick them up at like 12 or something.
14:10 - Right.
14:10 - Which I've gotta be in bed by 10, so.
14:14 - Right.
14:16 Oh God.
14:17 - It's just the perfect thing
14:19 because you can still like have alone time
14:22 and not have to make a babysitter arrangement and all that.
14:26 So go you, that's great.
14:28 But of course you have the older kids.
14:30 I'm now thinking about that
14:32 because the last cruise we went on,
14:35 my son is just about to turn 13
14:38 and I didn't realize that at that age,
14:41 like the kids club, you no longer have,
14:44 they no longer like keep track of them.
14:47 You don't have to sign them in and out.
14:49 They're allowed to come and go as they please.
14:51 So for the first time in his life,
14:53 he had like full run of the ship and like got the,
14:57 I mean, you're nodding 'cause you're like,
14:58 I know, I know, 'cause you're like way beyond
15:00 the stage and parenting.
15:01 But it was like the big thing of like,
15:04 I didn't realize that was gonna happen on the trip
15:05 where he would go and have friends
15:07 and some of them would be girls and they'd all have phones
15:10 and like they'd be doing their own thing
15:12 and want nothing to do with the parents.
15:15 - Yeah.
15:15 - That's rough.
15:16 - Yeah, but that's also like great
15:20 that they're able to do that
15:21 and you know that they're not gonna go anywhere
15:23 and our rule was always,
15:26 if you go off, you go all together.
15:29 And my oldest now probably won't do that this time
15:36 when we're on the cruise
15:37 'cause he's not gonna want anything to do,
15:38 but my daughter, I will saddle my daughter with my son.
15:41 - Right.
15:42 - And anywhere, you have to go together.
15:44 That's just the rule.
15:45 I care what kid care says, you go together.
15:49 - Yeah.
15:50 - Because I don't trust my 12 year old
15:52 as far as I can throw him, so.
15:54 - So he has to be with his sibling.
15:56 Mine are just too far apart, they're five years apart.
15:59 So like that doesn't always work
16:01 because she's not old enough.
16:03 She has to be in the little kid place
16:04 and he's in the big kid place.
16:06 - Well, and that's like my oldest and youngest
16:08 are five years apart.
16:09 - Okay.
16:10 - So Sophia and Brian are 18 months apart.
16:13 - Wow.
16:14 - And I smush them, they have, she gets all the time.
16:17 I'm like, nope, you go with your sister.
16:19 - That's what sisters are for.
16:21 I'm a big sister and that's what we do.
16:24 - Yeah.
16:25 - Okay, so we've determined that you don't have any idea
16:29 of how to have fun.
16:30 - No.
16:31 - You're a workaholic.
16:32 - Yes.
16:33 - Okay, what about, do you have any like parents,
16:39 grandparents of your children in proximity of you?
16:43 - No.
16:43 - So you don't have any parent help?
16:44 - No, we are kind of out on our own.
16:47 All of our family, we moved during the pandemic.
16:51 - Right.
16:51 - So in 2020, we moved from West Coast of Florida
16:56 to East Coast of Florida and it's not close.
16:59 It's a five hour drive.
17:00 - Oh, that is, that's way too far.
17:02 - Yeah, that's not like, let's take a day trip.
17:04 - Right.
17:05 - No.
17:06 - So we are literally all by ourselves here.
17:09 So we don't have any family help.
17:12 It's not like you can be like,
17:15 well, we'll just go away for the weekend
17:16 and so-and-so can stay with the kids.
17:18 There's none of that.
17:19 So we haven't taken a trip, just the two of us.
17:24 I couldn't tell you the last trip we took
17:27 that was just the two of us.
17:29 No, maybe I can.
17:33 - You can.
17:33 - Yeah, maybe it was 2019.
17:38 - Mine was pre-pandemic for sure.
17:39 It was my 40th birthday we did a trip.
17:42 - Yeah, we went to New York City.
17:44 - Oh, fun.
17:46 - Yeah, I think.
17:48 I can't remember.
17:49 I'm trying to think now and I'm like, I don't know.
17:51 I don't know.
17:52 - We don't know.
17:54 I had envisioned us of having like lots of helpful tips
17:57 to tell people about like things to do
17:59 and how to deal with kids over the summer.
18:00 But because it's us, we don't.
18:03 We just don't.
18:04 All we have is sympathy, empathy.
18:07 - Yeah.
18:08 - I honestly, I'm not a tips and tricks
18:10 or a hacks kind of gal.
18:13 I mean, that's why I like the name of our podcast
18:15 is Advice-ish because you probably shouldn't take it.
18:18 Like it's not probably the best advice.
18:21 So we just, I think sympathizing, empathizing
18:28 and knowing you're not alone
18:32 is probably the most comforting thing in motherhood
18:37 because a stranger who you don't know,
18:40 who's a mom can look at you like today on the beach.
18:43 I watched this woman run a zone defense.
18:47 And I think she had, I think four of the five kids there,
18:52 I think were hers.
18:53 I think one was a friend of the older kid.
18:56 He was just zigging and zagging
18:58 and catching kids before water and here and there.
19:00 - Oh gosh.
19:01 - And the whole time I'm thinking, I remember being you
19:05 and like scooping at kids and grabbing
19:08 and don't put that in your mouth.
19:09 And then she's got an older one too,
19:12 who was running down the beach and not listening to her.
19:16 And I was just like, oh, I remember that.
19:19 And I feel for you because it's all the same stuff,
19:24 different day, different decade even.
19:27 It's the same stuff.
19:28 We all go through the same stuff.
19:30 - The best is when you just make eye contact
19:32 with that other mom.
19:33 And like, you don't know each other, you've said nothing,
19:35 but it's like, I'm with you, I got you.
19:38 Totally.
19:41 - Yeah.
19:42 - Well, Meredith, I'm with you.
19:43 I've got you over the internet.
19:46 And please just pray for us
19:48 that we make it through this summer.
19:50 - Look, I feel you, I really do.
19:55 It is so tough when you do take away all the structure
19:58 and all the schedule,
20:00 because you just feel like there are no boundaries.
20:02 There's nothing holding it together.
20:05 It's just all flippity-flappity.
20:07 But there are good parts of that too,
20:11 because you aren't pressed to get somewhere
20:13 at a specific time.
20:15 You don't have to be out the door.
20:17 You don't have to do those things.
20:19 But then the moments in between
20:21 where they're jumping on the couch and screaming
20:22 and throwing crap at the TV.
20:25 - That's no good.
20:26 - Yeah, it sucks.
20:28 - So yeah, it is what it is.
20:30 Meredith, tell everybody about when you're going on tour next,
20:33 when they can see you and all that good stuff.
20:35 - So I am doing Charlotte, North Carolina on July 18th.
20:40 - I just got back from there.
20:43 My family's there.
20:45 - Oh yeah, so I'll be there at the Comedy Zone on July 18th.
20:50 And then I go to Greenville, South Carolina on the 19th.
20:53 Then I come home and a couple of days later on July 25th,
20:57 I'm in Gainesville, the 26th I'm in Orlando.
21:00 And the 27th I'm in Tampa.
21:02 And then I have a couple of down weeks
21:04 while we get the kids off to school and back together.
21:07 And then I'm gone every week until the end of the year.
21:11 - Wow.
21:12 - Oh, you can find tickets and shows
21:15 at meredithmasoney.com/tour.
21:19 And I have like, I think right now on the schedule,
21:23 I think I have 35 shows between now and the end of December.
21:29 And we're booking out 2024.
21:32 - Impressive, okay.
21:34 Well, you don't have time to do anything for fun
21:38 because that's what you do.
21:39 You tour around and make people laugh.
21:42 - But I love it.
21:43 So it is fun for me because there is nothing like being
21:46 in a comedy club with a bunch of moms
21:49 who are all yelling at the same time.
21:52 Yes, that is me.
21:54 Yes, that is my wife.
21:55 And there's nothing more validating than knowing
21:58 that your story resonates with somebody else, right?
22:02 So that is what I do for fun.
22:04 - That's so cool.
22:05 You guys go check it out.
22:06 Check out the tour.
22:08 Thank you for hanging with me for this time, Meredith.
22:12 - Of course, anytime.
22:13 - Yeah, I'm gonna go grab the feral.
22:15 I haven't fed them yet, 753.
22:17 So I'm gonna go do that.
22:18 Welcome to my world.
22:22 - Macaroni and cheese and hot dogs
22:23 are a completely okay dinner.
22:27 Don't let anybody tell you different.
22:29 - You put frozen peas in the mac and cheese water
22:31 when it's boiling and it's like health food.
22:34 That's what I do, totally.
22:36 - I already had a freezer pizza today and tacos for dinner.
22:40 And I'm gonna take them for ice cream right now.
22:42 - All right, all right.
22:43 Enjoy your ice cream.
22:45 You guys enjoy your summer.
22:47 Just come laugh with us when you need to,
22:49 cry with us, whatever you gotta do.
22:50 And I'll see you soon, Meredith.
22:52 - Bye. - Bye.
