मॉनसून में संक्रमण होने का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। इस दौरान बाहर का जंक फूड और तला भूना खाने से आपको पेट संबंधी रोग होने की संभावना अधिक होती है। दूषित पानी और खाने के कारण लोगों को बुखार, उल्टी और दस्त होने की समस्या हो सकती है। इसके अलावा, बासी खाना भी इंफेक्शन की एक बड़ी वजह बन सकता है। मॉनसून के समय दूषित पानी और आहार के कारण हैजा की समस्या होना एक आम बात है।
The risk of infection increases in monsoon. During this time, you are more likely to have stomach related diseases by eating junk food and fried food from outside. People may have fever, vomiting and diarrhea due to contaminated water and food. Apart from this, stale food can also become a major cause of infection. Cholera is a common problem during monsoon due to contaminated water and food.
#CholeraDisease #Monsoon #CholeraSymptoms
The risk of infection increases in monsoon. During this time, you are more likely to have stomach related diseases by eating junk food and fried food from outside. People may have fever, vomiting and diarrhea due to contaminated water and food. Apart from this, stale food can also become a major cause of infection. Cholera is a common problem during monsoon due to contaminated water and food.
#CholeraDisease #Monsoon #CholeraSymptoms