Sawan 2O23 :सावन का बुधवार बहुत खास माना जाता है। बुधवार का दिन श्री गणेश को समर्पित है। अगर बुधवार के दिन शिवलिंग पर ये चीजें चढ़ाई जाएं तो शिव जी के साथ-साथ श्री गणेश का आशीर्वाद भी मिलता है।
Sawan 2O23 : Wednesday of Sawan is considered very special. Wednesday is dedicated to Shri Ganesh. If these things are offered on Shivling on Wednesday, then along with Shiv ji, the blessings of Shri Ganesha are also received.
#Sawan2O23 #sawanbudhwar2023
Sawan 2O23 : Wednesday of Sawan is considered very special. Wednesday is dedicated to Shri Ganesh. If these things are offered on Shivling on Wednesday, then along with Shiv ji, the blessings of Shri Ganesha are also received.
#Sawan2O23 #sawanbudhwar2023