• last year
00:00 All good things come to an end sooner or later.
00:03 In the life of a male lion everything good happens at about the age of 5 to 10 years,
00:08 when he is healthy and full of energy.
00:12 Then old age comes and you have to retire.
00:15 More precisely, to run away, because no one leaves of their own accord.
00:20 A stronger lion comes and just kicks him out.
00:25 And it all starts with the fact that about the age of 5 to 6 years
00:29 a mature male previously expelled from the pride,
00:33 as part of the so-called coalition, together with his brothers,
00:37 captures the pride and drives or kills the old leader.
00:41 If your soul hurts for every unfortunate and oppressed animal,
00:48 then subscribe to our channel and express your opinion in the comments.
00:53 1.
01:05 For some time female lionesses are wary of stray guests,
01:09 especially after they deprive them of their cubs.
01:12 But gradually they get used to it and humble themselves.
01:16 From this very minute the lion becomes a king and begins to live accordingly.
01:22 Most of the time he lies in the shade and waits for him to be called to dinner.
01:28 Sometimes he himself takes part in the hunt.
01:31 But in general the head of the pride tries not to strain himself.
01:35 After all, one must be ready to defend the territory from competing lions.
01:40 And for this, two conditions must be observed - eat well and rest a lot.
01:46 Usually the reign of a lion does not exceed 2 to 3 years.
01:50 But if the coalition of adult male lions is strong enough,
01:54 then they can stay in one place for about 4 to 5 years.
01:58 However, over time the lion grows old and loses its shape.
02:03 And around there are more and more young and promising,
02:07 with whom it is not always possible to cope.
02:10 Expulsion from the pride is not only a painful procedure,
02:14 but also a huge psychological trauma.
02:17 To experience such humiliation is insulting and annoying.
02:21 But nowhere to go, you have to live on.
02:24 But how to live?
02:26 In the pride, the rear has always been reliably protected by lionesses.
02:31 And with retirement, you always have to keep your eyes open.
02:35 Since the lion is already old, trying to find a new pride is nonsense.
02:40 Here you need to rely only on your own strength.
02:43 Hunt, fend off hyenas,
02:45 run away from buffaloes and elephants,
02:48 and even to hide in the bushes.
02:50 No, not to ambush, but to hide so that no one will notice an attack.
02:55 It should be noted that young lions expelled from the pride at the age of 2 to 4 years
03:00 are much more likely to survive, because they become stronger every day.
03:05 In the case of the old lion, the situation is the opposite.
03:09 Every day it weakens more and more and can no longer successfully hunt.
03:14 And it also grows thin and decrepit.
03:17 In the end, the male lion, once a formidable predator and king of beasts,
03:22 finds its death in the teeth of spotted hyenas or other meat-eaters.
03:28 And sometimes large herbivores settle scores with him,
03:32 and no one will remember him anymore.
03:35 On this note, we are closing the topic of the retired lion.
03:39 We hope you enjoyed it.
03:40 And now we want to touch upon another very interesting topic.
03:44 In what cases a male lion can kill a lioness?
03:49 There are many known cases when lionesses, having gathered in a group,
04:04 attack the lion, for various reasons.
04:07 In order to defend their collective opinion, of course.
04:11 Sometimes they might even kill him.
04:13 They will not regret too much, because for them it is a consumable.
04:18 As the saying goes, kings come and go.
04:21 But lionesses live side by side for more than one year in a row.
04:25 And they value each other much more.
04:27 How do lions feel about lionesses?
04:30 Can they harm them?
04:31 In human society, it is believed that a man should never raise a hand against a woman.
04:37 But in the wild, other rules work.
04:40 And when the male attacks the female, this is normal,
04:43 from the point of view of the animals themselves.
04:46 So male lions can really attack lionesses and even kill them.
04:51 However, the reason must be serious.
04:53 Before we begin to analyze these very reasons,
04:57 we consider it necessary to tell one important feature from the life of lions.
05:03 Lions, like all wild predators, are animals that are guided by their innate or acquired instincts.
05:10 However, all these instincts should not contradict the main goal of any animal -
05:16 the survival of its species.
05:19 Therefore, from the point of view of survival,
05:21 it makes absolutely no sense for a male lion to attack a lioness.
05:26 Since by this act, the king of beasts endangers the survival of his species.
05:32 In addition, his food depends on them.
05:35 And yet, in some cases, the lion can play against the rules.
05:40 And there is no need to look for logic in his actions, because it is simply absent there.
05:46 Although it is strange, but the lion here is still guided by his instincts.
05:51 When the new male captures the pride, he needs to get rid of the offspring of the old leader.
05:57 Lionesses will not let their cubs be harmed and will protect them as much as they can.
06:03 But the lion will not leave the matter just like that.
06:06 He needs to start his own kindergarten faster.
06:09 Therefore, if the lioness rushes to the lion protecting her offspring, he can finish her off.
06:15 Most often, not on purpose, but through negligence.
06:19 It is also known that male lions show aggression toward females
06:23 who refuse to cooperate with him in order to procreate.
06:27 You have to use force to subdue the female.
06:31 And sometimes, in a state of emotion, a lion can kill a rebellious one.
06:36 Rarely, but it happens.
06:37 In order to demonstrate his dominance, the male lion will attack the lioness
06:43 in order to force her to kneel in front of him and also to drive her away from food.
06:48 The lion always eats first.
06:51 So physical strength is irreplaceable here.
06:55 However, in such a life situation, a male lion rarely beats a lioness to death.
07:00 Just a few scratches and nothing more.
07:02 Have you ever wondered how lions can hunt such a large animal like an elephant?
07:19 We will tell you how they do it right now.
07:21 Lions, although they're at the top of the food chain, are a little afraid of elephants
07:27 because they can easily trample even a large cat.
07:31 They also have a powerful trunk and long tusks.
07:34 In general, dealing with these giants is not easy.
07:37 If there are easier prey nearby, lions will not mess with elephants.
07:42 They will pass by.
07:44 Hunger is the only reason for taking risks.
07:47 Considering that lions can feast on the carcass of one elephant for a couple of weeks,
07:52 the risk is quite justified.
07:55 Especially when there are no other options.
07:58 Yes, elephants are big and strong, but still not as fast and agile as buffaloes, zebras or antelopes.
08:06 If you organize the hunt correctly, then there are chances.
08:10 As a victim, lions choose elephants aged 4 to 8 years.
08:14 And there is logic here.
08:16 Elephants younger than 3 to 4 years old, as a rule, are in close contact with their mother,
08:22 and it is almost impossible to get to them.
08:24 And elephants over 8 years old are already very large and strong,
08:29 so the chances of coping with them are extremely small.
08:33 Lions hunt elephants in groups.
08:36 And although in some cases lionesses can do without the help of males,
08:40 their presence increases the percentage of successful completion of the hunt.
08:45 As a victim, big cats choose cubs or female elephants.
08:49 They attack from an ambush and only from the rear.
08:52 The main goal is to jump on the back and knock the elephant to the ground as quickly as possible.
08:58 At the same time, lions never go into a frontal attack,
09:02 because they can easily run into the tusks of an elephant.
09:06 And this is already fraught with... you know what.
09:10 Many people believe that lions rarely attack elephants
09:13 because such hunting is very risky for big cats.
09:16 And this is partly true.
09:18 But for example, in Botswana, between 1993 and 1996,
09:25 lions killed a total of 74 elephants.
09:28 Moreover, it is in Botswana that one can often see
09:33 how adult male lions hunt elephants alone.
09:37 And they do it well.
09:38 It usually takes 7 to 8 lionesses to kill an elephant,
09:43 but two adult males can do the same.
09:45 Of course, a lion alone will not master a giant weighing 2 to 4 tons.
09:51 But a young elephant weighing no more than 1 ton can be thrown to the ground by a lion.
09:56 Lions, although they are considered idlers, are still quite effective hunters,
10:02 especially when brute physical strength is required.
10:07 [Lion roar]
10:18 And this is where we end our today's story.
10:21 We are working hard to create new videos about animals.
10:25 There is still a lot of interesting ahead,
10:28 so subscribe and discuss your opinion in the comments.
10:32 And we do not say goodbye, but say...
10:35 [Lion roar]
10:40 See you soon!
10:41 [Music]
