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00:00:00 Hey, what's up everybody?
00:00:00 Get ready.
00:00:01 We're calling it the Two for One series.
00:00:03 I'm preaching two sermons every week
00:00:06 that are sort of anagylous to each other.
00:00:07 Last week it was the sick woman and the crazy man,
00:00:11 the woman with the issue of blood
00:00:13 and the man in the tombs who needed deliverance.
00:00:15 Today, it's Jonah and Jesus,
00:00:18 the problem and the solution.
00:00:21 You're getting double.
00:00:22 I sense double on this house
00:00:24 and you're getting a double word.
00:00:25 Let's go in.
00:00:26 The word of the Lord came to Jonah, son of Amittai,
00:00:31 saying, comma, go to Nineveh, that great city,
00:00:37 and cry against it, comma,
00:00:41 for their wickedness has come up upon me, period.
00:00:46 Verse two, so Jonah arose to flee
00:00:51 from the presence of the Lord to Tarshish.
00:00:55 Yeah, I thought that was powerful.
00:00:56 And Mark four, verse 36, look at somebody say,
00:00:59 you're getting two for one.
00:01:00 Have you caught it yet?
00:01:01 Mark four, 38, and Jesus was in the stern,
00:01:07 head on a pillow, sleeping.
00:01:08 They aroused him, saying, master, do you even care?
00:01:12 Remember that King James,
00:01:13 carest thou not that we perish?
00:01:16 I like the message.
00:01:17 Do you care that we're going down?
00:01:22 It's summertime.
00:01:23 I feel double on the house,
00:01:24 so I'm preaching double sermon.
00:01:26 I wanna preach Jonah and Jesus,
00:01:29 the problem and the solution.
00:01:31 Jonah and Jesus, the problem and the solution.
00:01:38 You may be seated.
00:01:39 I've been trying very spiritually and convincingly,
00:01:44 look at me, and cogently to speak into the lives
00:01:51 of this house and everything attached to this house,
00:01:54 that something good is happening between now and Labor Day.
00:01:59 Pastor, you said 90 days.
00:02:00 Holy Spirit told me to extend the season.
00:02:03 From now to Labor Day, please hear me.
00:02:06 If I be the voice of God on earth in your life,
00:02:10 then hear me.
00:02:11 If I represent the voice of God on earth in your life,
00:02:14 then hear me when I say,
00:02:15 I heard the Lord say something good.
00:02:19 Miracles are taking place.
00:02:22 We found out that this is technically and scientifically
00:02:28 the hottest that the world has ever been
00:02:33 in terms of temperature.
00:02:35 I told you two weeks ago what happens in the natural
00:02:39 shall take place in the spiritual.
00:02:42 You got nervous about global warning
00:02:44 when you found out how hot it was.
00:02:46 I started shouting.
00:02:48 I'm sorry, you missed your first shout.
00:02:50 So look at three people and tell them, I'm hot right now.
00:02:52 Go ahead, tell them.
00:02:53 Tell them something's getting ready to break out in my life.
00:02:57 I'm hot right now.
00:02:58 This is my season to stay hot.
00:03:02 Relationships, finances, mental, physical,
00:03:06 and emotional health, it's already getting better.
00:03:10 I feel it in my soul.
00:03:13 I feel double on this house.
00:03:16 And then my spiritual son, PMJ, Pastor Mike Jr.,
00:03:20 who's killing the game both musically and pastorally
00:03:23 stood on this stage during GOTS 23
00:03:26 and said, I feel double on this house.
00:03:29 And him and I had not even spoken yet.
00:03:32 Let me announce it one more time
00:03:33 so you can shout in advance.
00:03:35 Between now and Labor Day, to all living right believers
00:03:40 and giving right believers something good
00:03:45 is getting ready to hit your life.
00:03:48 I speak double.
00:03:51 And speaking of double, there's an inauguralist thread
00:03:57 between the story of Jonah and the story of Jesus.
00:04:01 If you're not on vacation, even if you are,
00:04:04 tune in because the rest of this summer
00:04:07 until God tells me to stop, I'm preaching double.
00:04:11 I'm preaching two sermons every Sunday
00:04:13 that connect with each other,
00:04:15 that have a kind of similar or inauguralist thread.
00:04:19 There will be some similarities in the two texts
00:04:21 that they match, and yet you can gain something
00:04:24 from both of them, Jonah and Jesus.
00:04:27 Most of you who went to Sunday school
00:04:29 know the story of Jonah.
00:04:31 The Bible says he is the prophet,
00:04:34 one of what we call the minor prophets,
00:04:36 not because he's minor in terms of who he is,
00:04:38 but minor in terms of the length of his prophecy.
00:04:41 Isaiah, yeah, Jeremiah, major prophets
00:04:45 because their prophecies were so long,
00:04:48 we call the minor prophets those who have shorter words
00:04:52 for us.
00:04:53 The text tells us that God says to this prophet Jonah,
00:04:57 "Go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it."
00:05:02 Wait a minute, that great city.
00:05:04 It's not great in terms of its integrity, no,
00:05:08 but it's great in terms of its geography.
00:05:11 It's major, it's large, and so God says,
00:05:14 "I want you to go to Nineveh, go to Nineveh,
00:05:17 "and cry against it."
00:05:18 Now, the surprising element of the text
00:05:21 is in the syntax of verse two.
00:05:23 It's in the syntax of verse two and three
00:05:26 because verse two says, "I want you to get up
00:05:28 "and go to Nineveh," verse three says,
00:05:29 "but Jonah rose up to flee from the presence of the Lord."
00:05:33 Let me try this again.
00:05:34 The surprising element, come here,
00:05:36 is in the syntax of verse two and three.
00:05:38 Verse two, "Get up, go to Nineveh, preach,
00:05:40 "cry against them, they're wicked."
00:05:42 Verse three says, "But he got up
00:05:43 "and went the opposite way," why?
00:05:45 "To flee from the presence of God."
00:05:47 Flee, flee from the presence of God.
00:05:51 That's what Buktu calls, that's what Buktu calls
00:05:54 an existential absurdity.
00:05:56 How in the world you gonna run from God?
00:05:58 That's what Buktu calls an existential absurdity.
00:06:02 That's what Buktu calls an existential absurdity.
00:06:05 How you gonna run from somebody who's omnipresent?
00:06:09 How you gonna run from somebody who's ubiquitous?
00:06:11 Forget them two dollar words, let me go grind my,
00:06:13 where can I flee from thy spirit
00:06:15 and where can I go from thy presence?
00:06:16 Psalms 139, "If I make my bed in hell, you are there.
00:06:19 "If I go to heaven, you are there.
00:06:21 "If I take up the wings of the morning
00:06:22 "and go to the uttermost parts of the sea."
00:06:24 You can't run from God.
00:06:26 He says, "I'm gonna go the opposite way."
00:06:28 Meanwhile, back on Jesus' boat.
00:06:30 Jesus has now just got through ministering
00:06:36 and tells his disciples, "Let's go to the other side.
00:06:40 "Let's go to the other side."
00:06:42 Jesus in a boat, Jonah in a boat.
00:06:44 Jesus got some dues with him.
00:06:45 Jonah got some dues with him.
00:06:47 God tells Jonah, meanwhile, back on Jonah's boat,
00:06:50 "I want you to go to Nineveh."
00:06:51 The Bible says, "Instead of going to Nineveh,
00:06:52 "instead of going to Nineveh,
00:06:53 "instead of going to Nineveh, he goes the opposite way."
00:06:56 The Bible says, "As opposed to going to Nineveh,
00:06:58 "he gets on another ship going the opposite way of Nineveh
00:07:02 "and paid the fare thereof to go
00:07:06 "so he's going away from God and paying to do wrong."
00:07:10 Would you look at somebody and say,
00:07:11 "Sin costs you something."
00:07:12 Go ahead.
00:07:14 I wish I had some grown people that would tell somebody,
00:07:16 "20 years younger than you,
00:07:18 "sin is gonna cost you something.
00:07:20 "Whenever you go the way God told you not to go,
00:07:23 "you gonna pay for it
00:07:24 "when you could have went the right way for free."
00:07:25 Y'all missed y'all shout.
00:07:27 The Bible says, "He goes the opposite way.
00:07:30 "He goes the opposite way."
00:07:32 The text tells me that while going the opposite way
00:07:36 a storm hit the boat.
00:07:39 A storm, he's on a ship, really the big boat.
00:07:42 A storm hit the big boat.
00:07:43 A storm, Jesus says to his disciples,
00:07:46 "Let's go to the other side."
00:07:48 The Bible says that Jesus spoke an instruction.
00:07:52 His disciples did what he said.
00:07:54 The same Jesus spoke to Jonah.
00:07:55 No, he didn't.
00:07:56 God spoke to Jonah.
00:07:57 God is Jesus and Jesus is God.
00:07:58 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.
00:08:00 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
00:08:01 We be held to the truth that is the only God,
00:08:02 the Father, full of grace and truth.
00:08:04 So Jesus was the Word and the Word is.
00:08:06 So when Jesus spoke, that was the Word.
00:08:07 When the Word spoke, that was Jesus.
00:08:09 So the same God that spoke to Jonah is the same God.
00:08:11 The Bible says, "The collection of him, all things consist."
00:08:14 He is God and the same God that spoke to the disciples
00:08:19 on Jesus' part is the same God Jesus that spoke to Jonah
00:08:22 because Jesus is the Word and the Word from God,
00:08:26 the Word from Jesus was go to Nineveh.
00:08:30 Jonah disobeyed that Word and went the opposite way.
00:08:34 The disciples obeyed that Word
00:08:37 for the 100th time in the Word church.
00:08:42 Maturity craves instructions.
00:08:47 Immaturity hates them.
00:08:49 (audience cheering)
00:08:50 I'm gonna try that one more time.
00:08:51 How will you know you've matured
00:08:54 when you crave instructions?
00:08:56 All over the country, people are talking about young people,
00:09:00 not even 40 years old, jam-packed in the front of our church
00:09:03 every Sunday and looking at me like they're watching a movie
00:09:07 because they are craving instructions.
00:09:09 That's how you know you're maturing.
00:09:11 When you're a little baby,
00:09:12 you don't wanna do nothing your mama say.
00:09:14 When you're a teenager, you fight everything.
00:09:16 Then you get grown and go over to your mama's house
00:09:18 and say, "Please tell me anything about life.
00:09:20 "Just tell me what I can do better.
00:09:23 "Tell me how you stay with daddy.
00:09:24 "Tell me how y'all paid this house off."
00:09:26 Now that I'm mature, I crave instructions.
00:09:31 Watch this.
00:09:33 Jonah going the wrong way, a storm hit.
00:09:37 You missed your first shout.
00:09:39 Jesus' disciples going the right way
00:09:43 and a storm still hit.
00:09:45 (audience laughing)
00:09:46 Oh, I feel like preaching in my own church.
00:09:48 Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:09:49 Let me try this again.
00:09:50 One going the wrong way runs into a storm.
00:09:52 I get that you go away from God, storm's gonna come,
00:09:54 but how do you,
00:09:55 how do you,
00:09:56 but how do you explicate going the right way
00:10:02 and a storm still hit?
00:10:03 I can theologically understand,
00:10:06 my theological bent,
00:10:07 my cognitive domain can grasp
00:10:10 getting a storm for disobedience,
00:10:13 but help me understand how they going the right way.
00:10:17 Bishop Bonner, major church in Atlanta,
00:10:20 10,000 seater, major pastor in Atlanta
00:10:23 says something about storms.
00:10:25 I wanna drop it on the screen for you.
00:10:26 I wanna drop it on the screen for you.
00:10:28 He talked about three kinds of storm.
00:10:30 Number one, whenever the devil sends a storm, rebuke it.
00:10:35 Now y'all missed your first shout.
00:10:36 Whenever, or your third shout,
00:10:38 when the devil sends a storm, rebuke it.
00:10:41 When it's a self-inflicted storm, repent.
00:10:46 (audience cheering)
00:10:49 But if God sends a storm and you living right,
00:10:52 lean on somebody and say ride it out.
00:10:54 Go ahead, y'all missed that.
00:10:56 Oh, I feel like preaching to 10 people.
00:10:58 Can I tell somebody who really has the Holy Spirit
00:11:02 that some storms are satanic
00:11:04 and people with the Holy Spirit can sense a satanic attack.
00:11:08 And that's when you stand up, let's go Pentecostal,
00:11:11 in the middle of your house and say, devil, I rebuke you.
00:11:14 You have no authority over my son, my granddaughter,
00:11:18 my marriage, my money, Satan.
00:11:21 I rebuke you, the blood of Jesus.
00:11:23 Let's go Pentecostal.
00:11:24 The blood of Jesus be over this house
00:11:28 and my husband and my wife.
00:11:30 When it's a self-inflicted storm, repent.
00:11:36 Yeah, when it's a self-inflicted storm,
00:11:39 some storms I brought on myself.
00:11:41 Stop saying God is testing me
00:11:44 and tell the truth and say he whooping me.
00:11:46 (audience cheering)
00:11:48 Girl, the Lord is taking me through.
00:11:49 No, he not, he tearing at the hind up.
00:11:51 I wish I had five people that know the difference
00:11:55 between a testing and a whooping.
00:11:57 Sometime if I know I got a side chick
00:12:00 or I'm looking at craziness on my phone
00:12:03 or I'm not tithing right now, I'm barely coming to church,
00:12:06 I know it's me and I know what God is doing.
00:12:09 He's shaking stuff up to bring me back to him.
00:12:12 Y'all missed it.
00:12:13 Lord, do me a favor, until I love you right,
00:12:16 take my peace from me.
00:12:17 (audience cheering)
00:12:18 What I just said, did nobody concur.
00:12:21 Lord, do me a favor, shake up my whole life.
00:12:23 Do whatever you gotta do to get me back to you.
00:12:27 Take peace from me until I come back to you.
00:12:30 Don't let me be comfortable
00:12:32 because I might slide into reprobate
00:12:34 and not wanna come back.
00:12:35 The devil is a lie.
00:12:37 God, have your way.
00:12:38 I don't have no real Christians
00:12:40 that have enough Holy Ghost to say,
00:12:42 God, do what you gotta do to get me back to you.
00:12:46 But then, if you know you're living right,
00:12:52 you can't think of any habitual sin in your life
00:12:57 and yet something happens,
00:12:58 that's when you start saying stuff like,
00:13:00 have your way, Jesus.
00:13:02 I don't know what, meanwhile, back on Jesus' ship,
00:13:06 Jesus and his disciples are on their way to the other side.
00:13:11 Jesus decides to go into the hall of the boat
00:13:15 and take him a little nap.
00:13:17 Wait a minute, the Bible, wait a minute,
00:13:19 back on Jonah's boat, Jonah decides to go to sleep.
00:13:23 Wait a minute, let me try this.
00:13:25 One's going the right way, one's going the wrong way.
00:13:28 Both encounter a storm.
00:13:29 Jesus on one ship, Jonah on another.
00:13:31 Jesus is on one ship, Jonah is on another,
00:13:34 but the Bible says they both sleep.
00:13:35 Y'all pray for me, these texts make sense together.
00:13:38 These two stories make sense together.
00:13:39 Both on a boat, both sleep,
00:13:41 both got men who depend on her.
00:13:43 Let me preach this.
00:13:44 Both, both, both on a ship, both sleep.
00:13:48 My question is, how in the world
00:13:50 is Jonah's sleep going the wrong way?
00:13:52 I'm not tripping on the fact that he's sleeping.
00:13:55 I'm trying to figure out how can you relax
00:13:58 when you know you wrong?
00:13:59 I want to teach somebody, I want to teach somebody.
00:14:05 I'm tripping, I don't know, I don't know what's worse.
00:14:08 I don't know what's worse, I don't know what's worse.
00:14:11 Willful sin, willful sin, willful sin,
00:14:16 or appalling apathy?
00:14:18 Appalling indifference.
00:14:22 Pray for me.
00:14:23 Let me break it down.
00:14:24 All I'm saying is, how are you going the wrong way
00:14:28 and still comfortable?
00:14:29 Yeah.
00:14:32 You don't think I know what's up in here?
00:14:34 You don't think that I beg God to give me a real church?
00:14:38 You don't think one of my sons, all these pastors,
00:14:40 particularly the new young sons, call me,
00:14:43 "Dad, Dad, all the singles are nasty
00:14:46 "and all the married people can't get along."
00:14:49 I say, "Son, start clapping your hands.
00:14:51 "That's called job security."
00:14:52 (audience laughing)
00:14:55 I say, "If they all had it together,
00:14:57 "there'd be no need for you."
00:14:59 I say, "You don't pastor perfect people
00:15:01 "and your church is not called heaven."
00:15:03 (audience cheering)
00:15:05 Yeah, lean on somebody and say,
00:15:06 "You can't clean a fish 'til you catch it."
00:15:08 Go ahead, tell somebody.
00:15:10 Somebody ought to praise God that you got caught by Jesus.
00:15:13 Please catch this.
00:15:14 And even though you've been caught by Jesus,
00:15:17 you don't think that I know there are people in this room
00:15:20 who shout but got a side check.
00:15:24 You don't think I know there are people who swipe left
00:15:26 when their prayer life is bereft.
00:15:28 You don't think I know there are people who watch porn.
00:15:30 You don't think I know there are same-gender,
00:15:32 attracted people sitting in this church.
00:15:35 You don't think I know there are people
00:15:36 with attitude issues in this church.
00:15:38 You don't think I know there are people who slip and cuss.
00:15:40 Tell somebody, "I don't cuss, I just slip and cuss."
00:15:42 Tell three people.
00:15:43 Say, "I don't cuss like for real,
00:15:45 "I just slip and cuss sometimes."
00:15:47 I got people here, and you wanna know
00:15:49 what differentiates you from other people.
00:15:52 You'll love this.
00:15:53 What's the difference between me, watch this,
00:15:55 and a sinner, and the difference is I'm struggling.
00:15:59 Oh, you didn't shout.
00:16:02 Let me try one more time.
00:16:05 The difference between you and non-believers
00:16:07 is you struggling.
00:16:09 No, pastor, they struggling too.
00:16:11 No, they not.
00:16:13 Sinners don't struggle with sin, they just sin.
00:16:18 But a believer, I feel like having church.
00:16:21 Okay, let me explain it to you.
00:16:22 How do you know you've been born again?
00:16:24 How do you know you possess the paraclete, the Holy Spirit?
00:16:29 It's because sin makes you sick.
00:16:31 Sin makes you stay up.
00:16:34 Sin makes you leave this house calling,
00:16:36 "I ain't coming back over there no more.
00:16:37 "We can't do this no more.
00:16:38 "No, we gotta stop this.
00:16:40 "No, I prayed, my pastor told me.
00:16:41 "I've been reading my Bible.
00:16:43 "I know I came last week, but I ain't coming no more."
00:16:45 Why? 'Cause sin convicts you.
00:16:47 Not only will the Holy Spirit convince you toward Jesus,
00:16:50 he'll convict you of your sin.
00:16:52 Y'all miss this?
00:16:53 Thank God if you struggle and feel bad when you sin,
00:16:57 that means you still got Jesus.
00:16:59 I wish.
00:16:59 How do you know you've been born again?
00:17:03 Because when you do wrong by somebody,
00:17:05 you can't sleep 'til you call 'em back.
00:17:08 How do you know you're not what you used to be?
00:17:10 Because sin convicts you.
00:17:13 Sin, sin, sin keeps you up at night.
00:17:17 Sin, be careful when you can relax and you're wrong.
00:17:21 Yeah, there are people here
00:17:24 who've been living with somebody so long
00:17:26 you think y'all family.
00:17:27 Yeah, y'all been shacking so long
00:17:31 you think y'all a real couple.
00:17:34 And you're not gonna find out until the funeral
00:17:36 you ain't nobody.
00:17:37 When they don't even put your behind on the obituary
00:17:42 and you've been sleeping with him
00:17:43 and cooking his food for 25 years
00:17:45 and his mama don't even write your name on the obituary,
00:17:47 now you wanna start a fight at the funeral
00:17:49 'cause you thought because you was sleeping with him,
00:17:51 all y'all was doing was having fun.
00:17:52 You ain't have nothing final.
00:17:54 Y'all missed that.
00:17:55 I wish I had 10 real people that know the devil
00:17:59 will have you thinking that you're okay.
00:18:01 Be careful when sin don't bother you,
00:18:05 when you can just do what you do
00:18:08 and don't even feel bad about it.
00:18:10 Something is missing.
00:18:11 All of you like me that struggle with sin,
00:18:15 all of you, I'm sorry, let me say this.
00:18:18 I said it at the first service.
00:18:20 I've had some seasons of sin since I've been saved.
00:18:24 I'm the only true person in here.
00:18:27 Everybody love to talk about before they met Jesus.
00:18:30 I'm coming closer.
00:18:31 I've had some seasons of sin since I've been saved.
00:18:36 I'm gonna try one more time
00:18:38 'til I get two more confessors I've had.
00:18:41 They not feeling me.
00:18:42 Oklahoma, California, I've had,
00:18:45 they got it all together,
00:18:46 but I've had some seasons of sin.
00:18:50 I've done some stuff that I knew was wrong
00:18:53 and stayed in it longer than,
00:18:56 all y'all like,
00:18:57 and stayed in it longer than I should.
00:19:02 I've had, some people wanna know what was the past.
00:19:05 Hell to the no, I ain't telling none of y'all.
00:19:08 If you think I'm about to tell,
00:19:10 no, confess your faults one to another,
00:19:12 y'all do that, I'm gonna tell Jesus.
00:19:13 Praise God, I must.
00:19:14 Some young pastor would do that, not me.
00:19:22 Just keep on believing in me,
00:19:23 believing that Jesus in me.
00:19:25 It's the God in me, that's all I want y'all to know.
00:19:27 But I've had, but can I tell you
00:19:30 how I know I've been born again?
00:19:32 Because something on the inside of me,
00:19:35 it's time to flip your chair over,
00:19:37 will not let me keep doing wrong.
00:19:41 If I say something wrong to you,
00:19:43 Jesus gonna make me call you
00:19:45 and say I shouldn't have said that like that.
00:19:47 If I do something to my wife I shouldn't do,
00:19:50 I'm gonna wake up the next day and say,
00:19:51 baby, you was wrong, well, you was right.
00:19:54 I'm preaching two sermons, be patient with me,
00:20:00 God's not through with me yet.
00:20:01 Meanwhile, back on Jesus ship, Jesus is asleep.
00:20:06 Did I tell y'all Jonah is sleeping, Jesus is asleep?
00:20:09 Wait a minute, how are they both sleeping?
00:20:10 You don't see this juxtaposition,
00:20:12 one is asleep and the other is asleep.
00:20:14 Wait a minute, Jonah sleep and Jesus sleep.
00:20:16 Wait a minute, Jonah is in a sinful sleep,
00:20:18 Jonah is in a sinful sleep, Jesus in a sovereign sleep.
00:20:21 Jesus is asleep because he's all knowing,
00:20:23 Jonah is asleep because he's in apathy.
00:20:26 Wait a minute, Jesus is asleep because he is the way,
00:20:28 Jonah is asleep because he's going the wrong way.
00:20:30 Y'all missed y'all shout, let me try one more time.
00:20:32 One is in a sovereign sleep, one is in a sinful sleep,
00:20:34 one is all knowing, one is in apathy,
00:20:37 one is going the wrong way,
00:20:38 the other is the way, but they both sleep.
00:20:40 They are both sleep.
00:20:43 How can you sleep during a storm?
00:20:46 And as I look around this church and across this nation,
00:20:49 I'm afraid some of you are sleep, in church sleep.
00:20:54 Yeah, you watching Lifetime
00:20:58 and your daughter downstairs kissing a girl.
00:21:00 Sleep, you have no idea that your husband's knees
00:21:05 are not being met mentally or physically,
00:21:07 but you're so busy on the phone with your mama
00:21:09 and a bonnet on your head that you don't realize
00:21:11 what's happening inside of his head.
00:21:12 Sleep, yeah, the church is sleep.
00:21:16 We'd rather be spiritual and not political,
00:21:17 so why we're shouting in church issue one would pass.
00:21:21 Because we want to invite a Judge Ryan
00:21:23 because that's not spiritual on Sunday.
00:21:25 Sleep, sleep, some of you are sleep, sleep, sleep,
00:21:30 and the enemy is creeping you
00:21:31 because he's lulling you to sleep.
00:21:34 I've said this for the 100th time,
00:21:37 I do not have dementia members
00:21:39 that have walked with me for 20 years,
00:21:41 but post-pandemic, I got a whole new crew.
00:21:44 So allow me some repetitiveness.
00:21:48 It's the hopping frog syndrome.
00:21:51 If you take a frog, hear me,
00:21:55 if you take a frog and drop him in boiling hot water,
00:22:00 he'll jump out.
00:22:02 If you drop a frog in boiling hot water,
00:22:06 by nature, he will jump out.
00:22:08 But if you put him in cold water
00:22:11 and just turn the temperature up slightly,
00:22:14 he'll burn up and don't even know he burning.
00:22:16 Sometimes the devil cuts the fire up slow
00:22:22 and you don't realize until you got two babies,
00:22:26 you were sleep.
00:22:27 I wish that, you don't realize
00:22:31 until you got a ring on your finger, you were sleep.
00:22:34 You don't realize until you're 50 and broke, you were sleep.
00:22:37 And then you say, I need to wake up
00:22:39 and get myself together.
00:22:40 Oh, I didn't come to beat you up, I come to get you up.
00:22:42 Even if you've been asleep,
00:22:43 hit three people and say, but I'm woke now, go ahead.
00:22:46 All of you that think you're a part of the woke movement,
00:22:49 the woke movement is at the Word Church.
00:22:50 We woke because God has woke us up
00:22:53 and told us it's our season until Labor Day
00:22:56 that something good is about to break forth in our lives,
00:22:59 our money, our relationships, sleep.
00:23:03 [audience applauding]
00:23:06 I gotta hurry, wait a minute, Jonah is sleep, Pastor.
00:23:12 You never did tell us why Jonah refused to go to Nineveh.
00:23:17 I'm glad you asked.
00:23:20 Yeah, did I tell you why Jonah didn't wanna go to Nineveh?
00:23:22 Did I tell you that Nineveh's known
00:23:24 for their militaristic atrocities?
00:23:28 Nineveh, founded by Nimrod, Genesis 10,
00:23:32 and Nahum references Nineveh and Nahum 3 for your homework.
00:23:37 Genesis 10, Nahum 3, you'll find Nimrod,
00:23:40 the progenitor, establishmentarian of Nineveh.
00:23:44 What is Nineveh known for?
00:23:45 Nineveh is known for their militaristic conflicts,
00:23:47 how they treated their captives badly.
00:23:50 They're known for not so much money, but poly.
00:23:53 They're not monolithic, they're polytheistic.
00:23:56 They believe in several gods, gods for the sun,
00:23:59 god for the stars, god for the moon, shamanism,
00:24:03 this practice of multiple gods and polytheism.
00:24:07 Their trip is nasty, strip clubs and gambling
00:24:11 and pornography, you name it, is happening in Nineveh.
00:24:15 So why wouldn't a prophet wanna go
00:24:19 where prophecy is most needed?
00:24:25 Because he's, I'm sorry, you're getting confused.
00:24:29 There is a public Jonah, but then there is a private Jonah.
00:24:34 The public Jonah is religious,
00:24:40 but the private Jonah is a racist.
00:24:42 The public Jonah seems spiritual,
00:24:47 but the private Jonah is carnal.
00:24:49 Thank you, Bishop Jakes, I told 10,000 men at Megafest
00:24:53 and I'll tell you, I started to hate on Jonah,
00:24:56 but then I turned the word of God
00:24:58 and the mirror of his word on myself,
00:25:00 and the more I think about it, I really can't hate
00:25:02 because there is a public me,
00:25:05 but then there is a private me.
00:25:09 I feel like preaching in my own church.
00:25:11 Let me say it one more time, I'm sorry.
00:25:13 Look at two people and say,
00:25:14 I wish I was what people thought I was.
00:25:16 Go ahead and tell five people.
00:25:18 I wish I was what my family thought I was.
00:25:21 If I could ever match what they think I am,
00:25:23 I'd be a bad sister.
00:25:24 There is, all of us have a public us and a private us.
00:25:28 The public me, I'm so proud of the public me,
00:25:33 and if y'all don't mind this morning,
00:25:36 I wanna pause here and thank the public me
00:25:41 for becoming everything I wanted him to be.
00:25:45 If you guys don't mind this morning,
00:25:49 I wanna pause and parenthetically publicly
00:25:52 thank the public me for becoming everything
00:25:56 I wanted him to be.
00:25:57 The public me for two decades came on national TV.
00:26:01 The public me is known as a man of complete integrity.
00:26:05 The public me has an earned doctorate of ministry.
00:26:09 The public me is known for having a marriage
00:26:12 that speaks to longevity.
00:26:13 I'm so happy with the public me, he's not the problem.
00:26:17 The problem is not with the public me,
00:26:20 the problem is with the private me.
00:26:23 If I could just get the private me
00:26:25 to catch up with the public me, I'd be a bad brother.
00:26:29 Don't you look at me in that tone of voice.
00:26:30 I wish I had 35 people that know there's some stuff,
00:26:34 I'm sorry, push the person in front of you
00:26:36 and say you don't know me like that for real, go ahead.
00:26:38 So there's some stuff I can't tell you.
00:26:40 There's some things I can't confess.
00:26:42 There's some places I've been my mama don't know about.
00:26:44 There's some stuff my spouse still don't know.
00:26:46 I am not perfect.
00:26:48 Jonah.
00:26:49 [audience cheering]
00:26:52 Somebody type in the comments, I'm feeling this pastor.
00:26:58 I'm feeling this pastor.
00:27:00 Jonah.
00:27:01 Looks religious but really he's a racist.
00:27:05 I still didn't tell you why he didn't wanna go to Nineveh.
00:27:08 Are you tired of this movie?
00:27:09 [audience cheering]
00:27:12 The reason why he doesn't wanna go to Nineveh,
00:27:15 because he's mad at the Ninevites for playing Jesus,
00:27:19 for breaking God's heart.
00:27:20 He's now become judge and jury.
00:27:23 He's really elevating and propagating
00:27:29 the power of God's word.
00:27:31 If you knew what I just said,
00:27:33 you'd take off down south miles.
00:27:36 Catch this.
00:27:38 He says the reason why I don't wanna go
00:27:40 is because if I go, I'm gonna preach your word.
00:27:45 And if I preach your word, as much as I don't like them,
00:27:49 something gonna happen.
00:27:50 If I start telling them about your amazing grace,
00:27:56 broken brothers are gonna get built up.
00:27:58 If I start telling them about how you can change anybody,
00:28:02 sassy sisters gonna get spiritual.
00:28:05 I feel like talking to eight people
00:28:07 that know there's power in God's word.
00:28:09 Jonah says even though I'm a broken vessel,
00:28:12 your word coming out of me
00:28:14 got so much power that it'll work in spite of me.
00:28:18 Even though I'm broken and messed up
00:28:21 and need to be filtered, your word is stronger than I am.
00:28:24 Can I tell every pastor watching me,
00:28:27 even when your life don't match your sermon,
00:28:30 preach it anyway.
00:28:31 Because they're not there to see you,
00:28:33 they're there to see him.
00:28:35 It's good if you can have integrity,
00:28:37 but do you think for 22 years,
00:28:39 every time I've stood here, my life match what I preached?
00:28:43 But people got delivered while I was struggling.
00:28:45 People got loose while I was still bound.
00:28:50 Because God says, John said,
00:28:52 I'm just a voice crying in the wilderness
00:28:55 and his word got so much power
00:28:58 that if you just sit here every week
00:29:00 and let it fall on you.
00:29:02 Oh, I wished I had.
00:29:04 I feel like, I feel like,
00:29:06 now somebody throw your hand up and say,
00:29:07 follow me Lord.
00:29:08 Lord, let your word fall on me.
00:29:12 Let your, Jonah, okay.
00:29:14 Shakespeare, well you know what?
00:29:19 Y'all pray for pastor.
00:29:20 You know I can't get through a holiday
00:29:22 without finding a new sermon.
00:29:23 So, I'm barbecuing.
00:29:27 Well you know what?
00:29:29 A picture, or dare I say a video,
00:29:31 is worth a thousand words.
00:29:32 Watch this.
00:29:33 Shakespeare said, "There are sermons in stones,
00:29:40 and certainly if there are sermons in stones,
00:29:43 there are sermons in grilling."
00:29:47 I'm getting a revelation on chickens
00:29:54 and on pigs.
00:29:58 I'm not, I'm still formulating it.
00:30:00 I don't know.
00:30:01 I'm working through it.
00:30:04 There's a bit of a hermeneutic dilemma.
00:30:07 But by the time I'm done today,
00:30:11 he's gonna speak.
00:30:12 The grill master, I'm out.
00:30:19 Okay, so my wife wants to know,
00:30:24 why are you so into cooking every holiday now?
00:30:27 My brother-in-law, Uncle Anthony,
00:30:29 he took seven years, I fired him.
00:30:31 I said, I want my grill back.
00:30:33 I want my grill back.
00:30:34 So I pushed Uncle Anthony off the grill.
00:30:37 Thank you Uncle Anthony for seven years,
00:30:39 but I am now the grill master.
00:30:40 My wife is like, what are you loving?
00:30:44 And those of you who go fishing know,
00:30:46 again, there's an anagylus thread
00:30:48 to fishing and barbecuing,
00:30:49 because you have nothing to do but stand there and think.
00:30:53 If you're a real grill master,
00:30:54 really you can't leave the grill too long.
00:30:57 Pastor, where's the sermon
00:30:58 and what does this have to do with Jonah?
00:31:00 Jonah looks one way on the outside.
00:31:03 Please catch this because I need you to catch this
00:31:05 because really frying chicken
00:31:07 is easier than grilling it.
00:31:09 Just drop it in the grease, let it do what it do.
00:31:13 When it's brown right, take it out.
00:31:14 Not so, come here, real barbecue, grill masters up in here.
00:31:18 You really can't leave the grill because it's methodical.
00:31:22 It's time consuming.
00:31:24 You got the fire under it, so you gotta keep flipping.
00:31:27 Yeah, because if you don't keep flipping,
00:31:30 one side will look real done.
00:31:32 Now because it looks real done,
00:31:34 you're forced to take it off the grill.
00:31:36 Problem is it's not done on the inside.
00:31:39 So the only way to get it done on the inside,
00:31:42 you gotta stay on top of it and flip it and flip it.
00:31:46 And the whole world is talking about
00:31:49 how I got all these young people on the front
00:31:51 who look like they just love Jesus.
00:31:53 The thing I know because I'm y'all father,
00:31:55 y'all not done yet.
00:31:56 So you run up to the altar, slap in the altar,
00:32:01 and then some of you go home
00:32:02 and watch the wrong stuff on your phone.
00:32:04 So I gotta stay on top of you
00:32:06 because you look one way on the outside.
00:32:08 But I realize it takes years like prime timers
00:32:11 and season saints, I gotta keep flipping you
00:32:14 because you look like you're done on the outside
00:32:16 until I find out you're pregnant.
00:32:19 You look done until I find out you're kissing a girl
00:32:21 and you are, you look done until I find out
00:32:23 you didn't cuss each other out
00:32:24 and you're screwing each other all at rehearsal.
00:32:26 The devil is a lie.
00:32:27 I break it in the name of Jesus.
00:32:31 I don't just want young people who look done,
00:32:33 I want some young people who are done.
00:32:36 I'm sorry, hit three people say pray for me,
00:32:38 I'm not done yet.
00:32:39 I wish I had 10 people that would say
00:32:43 please be patient with me, God is not through with me yet.
00:32:48 When he gets through with me, I shall come forth.
00:32:51 Like pure gold.
00:32:54 Meanwhile, back on Jesus ship.
00:32:58 Jesus is sleep.
00:33:04 Let me try this again.
00:33:06 Jesus is sleep.
00:33:09 And the Bible says head on a pillow.
00:33:12 Not cushion, that's one version.
00:33:15 Message say pillow.
00:33:17 I like pillow 'cause pillow sound like slob sleep.
00:33:20 I mean when you sleep on a pillow, Jesus sleep.
00:33:25 And they looking like wait a minute, meanwhile,
00:33:28 back on, wait a minute, Jesus sleep.
00:33:30 Meanwhile, back on Jonah's boat, Jonah is sleep.
00:33:33 And the mariners, catch this,
00:33:36 are panicking, King James mariners.
00:33:40 More modern version, seamen.
00:33:42 Fellow travelers, the dudes on the boat with them
00:33:46 are really kind of like professional seamen.
00:33:51 And this storm is so horrific and crazy
00:33:54 that professionals are panicking.
00:33:57 I'm preaching much better than this side responding.
00:34:00 That's why I got wheels on my podium.
00:34:01 You don't say nothing, I'll roll out from you.
00:34:03 I ain't got to stand here.
00:34:04 I created this, ask all the preachers.
00:34:06 I created this, don't sit on me 'cause I'll be gone.
00:34:08 I'll be standing here and be gone that way, that fast.
00:34:12 Y'all stop laughing, I'm serious.
00:34:13 Be careful when professional fishermen are panicking.
00:34:20 It's one thing for a novice to panic.
00:34:24 It's another thing that people who do this.
00:34:28 Y'all pray for me.
00:34:28 If God gives us the strength and the grace,
00:34:31 my baby boy, my baby boy, Raphael,
00:34:34 and I know you keep hearing me say his name,
00:34:36 but he's just my assignment right now.
00:34:37 He's just beautiful, he's gifted, he's perfectly imperfect.
00:34:41 And the Lord told me he's my assignment.
00:34:43 There's one good thing to having kids later in life.
00:34:46 You learn some things with the younger ones
00:34:48 you quite didn't know with the older ones.
00:34:51 And he turns 18 in November,
00:34:53 and the Holy Spirit told me to take two father-son trips
00:34:58 with him and nobody else go.
00:35:01 Every meal, whatever he want to do,
00:35:03 he's in charge of the itinerary.
00:35:05 We're going to Chicago, we'll be there about four, five o'clock.
00:35:08 Chicago, downtown Chicago, magnificent mile,
00:35:11 whatever you want, we gonna kick it, talk,
00:35:13 every meal together, he's in charge of the itinerary.
00:35:16 So in the words of that great black philosopher,
00:35:18 50 Cent, if you see me in the club,
00:35:21 I'm not there to get rubbed.
00:35:27 I'm not there to have sex, I'm there to offer God's love.
00:35:30 That's freestyle.
00:35:31 See, you don't know about freestyling either.
00:35:34 This is my issue, you write your raps,
00:35:36 I don't write my raps.
00:35:37 So if you see me on Instagram in Chicago, it was me.
00:35:44 Yeah, wherever he leads me, I shall follow.
00:35:48 I'm with my son, Ralph, so we out,
00:35:51 we gonna catch a plane.
00:35:52 And a couple hours we gonna be on a plane,
00:35:55 and here's what's crazy, have you ever been on a plane
00:35:57 and the plane just drop?
00:36:00 And when it drop, everybody be grabbing their purse
00:36:03 and looking around, watch this, and looking at each other.
00:36:06 If it drops enough, then some people be looking up to Jesus.
00:36:08 Oh, please, Jesus.
00:36:10 Watch this, y'all ready for this?
00:36:11 When the plane drop, I don't look at people around me.
00:36:15 Watch this, I don't even look up to Jesus right away.
00:36:18 When the plane drop, I look at the stewardess.
00:36:21 And if she's still chilling,
00:36:29 y'all just miss y'all shout.
00:36:30 If she reading her book,
00:36:31 then I'm reading my book.
00:36:36 But if I look at the stewardess and she say,
00:36:38 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:42 The blood of Jesus built this plane, I be a prophet of God.
00:36:47 (speaking in foreign language)
00:36:51 If I see her panicking,
00:36:54 it's time to call on Jesus.
00:36:59 These brothers are professionals and panicking
00:37:04 because God will send a storm your experience can't fix.
00:37:10 (audience cheering)
00:37:13 I feel like preaching.
00:37:14 God will send a storm that your bank account
00:37:18 can't help you with.
00:37:20 God will send a storm that your annuities
00:37:24 cannot fix or help.
00:37:28 This storm is so radical that they cannot believe
00:37:33 that the new guy on the ship, catch this,
00:37:37 who shouldn't even be on the ship,
00:37:39 who paid to get on the ship is sleep.
00:37:43 Why they losing their mind and he sleep, he sleep, he sleep.
00:37:48 Watch this, though they're not perfect,
00:37:50 they're not in this storm because of them.
00:37:53 They're in this storm because of him.
00:37:57 When I'm not right, come here men,
00:38:00 it's not just me, it's the collateral damage.
00:38:04 When I'm not right, come here mama,
00:38:07 everybody on my ship gets impacted.
00:38:11 When I bust a move on mama,
00:38:13 I gotta deal with my daughter's response
00:38:15 and my son's response and the divorce
00:38:17 and who they gonna live with in two days at this house
00:38:20 and three days at that house and money being divided
00:38:22 because I'm not right.
00:38:23 When I'm a mama who hasn't worked through my issues,
00:38:26 I have no idea it's making my son hate women.
00:38:29 And the moment his girlfriend raises her boys,
00:38:33 he gets a flashback to me and breaks up with a good girl
00:38:37 because I have no idea that my behavior
00:38:39 has impact on everybody connected to me.
00:38:43 It makes me wanna live right.
00:38:45 It makes me wanna read books and come to groups at my church
00:38:48 and take Christian therapy and get over my trauma
00:38:52 from the past and anxiety from the future.
00:38:55 It makes me wanna work through my stuff
00:38:57 because when I'm not right,
00:38:59 pastor, there's no man in my house, get over it girl,
00:39:03 then you're the leader and they're watching you.
00:39:06 And so when you're not right,
00:39:07 when there's the man of the month, at some point,
00:39:11 you're gonna quit calling all them brothers,
00:39:12 they uncle, they ain't crazy.
00:39:14 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, player, how'd you sleep?
00:39:23 And the Bible says they drew straws.
00:39:27 Read Genesis, read Jonah chapter one,
00:39:31 when you get home, it's gonna bless your life.
00:39:33 They drew straws to see there was this idea
00:39:37 in that polytheistic context.
00:39:40 They thought somehow this magic trick of drawing straws
00:39:44 would say whose fault it was.
00:39:46 So they are drawing straws,
00:39:48 whoever comes up with the shortest straw, wait a minute,
00:39:50 and Jonah draws the shortest straw,
00:39:55 which then makes some people say,
00:39:56 so God uses witchcraft and number playing.
00:39:59 No, God says, even when you wrong, I can use your wrong.
00:40:03 So even though they're drawing straws,
00:40:07 God don't need no straw drawing
00:40:09 and all kind of witchy stuff to have this will done.
00:40:13 But he says, I'm gonna use what they're doing
00:40:15 to still reveal my will, this is so good.
00:40:17 So even though they're drawing straws,
00:40:19 God lets Jonah get the shortest straw.
00:40:23 Now they know something's up with him
00:40:27 and they ask him a few questions
00:40:29 that I wish I had time to unpack, but I don't.
00:40:31 Who are you?
00:40:32 - I'm a preacher.
00:40:34 - What is your name?
00:40:35 - My name is Jonah.
00:40:36 - What's your occupation?
00:40:38 Where are you from?
00:40:39 I feel like preaching in my own church.
00:40:41 Who are you?
00:40:42 Watch this, what's your occupation?
00:40:44 What's your name?
00:40:45 Watch his answer and try not to run outside
00:40:49 into the convention center.
00:40:50 He says, I'm a Hebrew of Hebrews.
00:40:52 He said, I serve the God of heaven and earth.
00:40:58 Y'all missed your shout, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:41:00 He says, I'm a Hebrew of Hebrews.
00:41:03 I serve Yahweh, I serve Jehovah.
00:41:06 I serve the God who's in charge of the land and the sea.
00:41:10 I hear somebody in 33B hating.
00:41:12 I hear somebody way back in 33B hating
00:41:15 and I know exactly what you said about Jonah.
00:41:17 So I'm gonna check you behind in front of everybody.
00:41:19 You said in 33B, you said how in the world
00:41:22 he gonna say he's a man of God?
00:41:24 How in the world he gonna say he loves Jehovah?
00:41:27 How in the world he gonna say he's committed
00:41:29 to the God who's in charge of the land and the sea
00:41:33 when he going the wrong way?
00:41:35 How is he gonna announce himself as somebody
00:41:38 who fears God when he's going the wrong way?
00:41:41 Y'all ready, it's time to just push your neighbor
00:41:43 out they seat because my issues.
00:41:46 (audience cheering)
00:41:49 My issues do not erase my anointing.
00:41:53 (audience cheering)
00:41:55 And my issues do not erase my anointing
00:41:59 and my errors do not eradicate my anointing.
00:42:02 My issues do not erase my identity.
00:42:04 Watch this, and my errors do not erase my anointing.
00:42:07 My issues do not erase my identity
00:42:10 because I'm a trip right now.
00:42:12 Because I'm going through something.
00:42:14 Because I cussed at my sister
00:42:15 does not mean I don't love Jesus.
00:42:17 He's still working on me.
00:42:19 And I'm not gonna allow y'all to judge me
00:42:21 'cause I did one thing wrong.
00:42:23 Yes, I go to the word church.
00:42:24 And yes, I pay my tithes.
00:42:26 And yes, I claim Jesus.
00:42:28 That don't mean I'm perfect yet.
00:42:29 But I'm not gonna let the devil strip me
00:42:32 from my identity because of one season of my humanity.
00:42:37 (audience cheering)
00:42:40 Hit three people and say I'm still a Christian.
00:42:42 Go ahead.
00:42:43 (audience cheering)
00:42:46 I'm still a Christian.
00:42:48 I'm still a Christian.
00:42:50 I'm still a Christian.
00:42:51 Don't let nobody tell you you haven't been born again
00:42:54 because you have some anthropological attractions.
00:42:57 Don't let nobody tell you that you're not with Jesus
00:43:00 because you slip and fall
00:43:01 or look at something on your phone
00:43:03 or go through something.
00:43:04 No, Holy Spirit is convicting you
00:43:07 and convincing you back.
00:43:09 Jonah says I may be wrong right now.
00:43:11 Watch this, but I know who I am.
00:43:13 (audience cheering)
00:43:15 I know who I am.
00:43:17 If anybody asks your grandma said who I am,
00:43:20 you tell them I'm a child of God.
00:43:22 Come on, let's have church.
00:43:23 I've been redeemed, bought with a price.
00:43:26 Jesus has changed my whole life.
00:43:28 Where my believers at?
00:43:30 It's Lady Vernon.
00:43:31 I wanted to talk about her behind her back
00:43:35 at the nine o'clock service, but she came in
00:43:39 and I was on the spot so I had to go with it.
00:43:42 When we were much younger and much unhealthier, okay,
00:43:46 just got married, we'd be arguing.
00:43:49 I'm sorry, Christians don't argue.
00:43:50 They just have what?
00:43:51 Heated fellowship, heated fellowship.
00:43:54 To all my new members, Christians don't argue.
00:43:56 We just have heated fellowship.
00:43:57 So we'd be in the middle of some heated fellowship
00:44:00 and all of you that are married know
00:44:01 you cannot out-argue no woman.
00:44:04 Raise your hand, praise God.
00:44:05 You, all new husbands, bruh, walk out.
00:44:09 You're not gonna make it.
00:44:10 She gonna say something so cold,
00:44:12 you're just gonna say, "Oh, Jesus.
00:44:14 I'd rather you shot me in the foot than saying that.
00:44:18 I can't even recover.
00:44:19 You just stripped my whole life in one sentence."
00:44:22 But you know, I'm one of the kind of exceptions
00:44:26 to that rule.
00:44:27 I talk for a living, so, you know, gift the gab.
00:44:29 So I had her on the ropes, right?
00:44:31 We going at it and I said something smooth, so smooth,
00:44:35 I thought I'd do the walk off.
00:44:36 You know, you say something smooth like, "Mm."
00:44:38 (audience laughing)
00:44:42 I thought I had her.
00:44:43 I'm walking out and I heard her say,
00:44:46 "That's supposed to be a pastor."
00:44:48 (audience laughing)
00:44:51 I feel like tearing this church up.
00:44:53 I ran in and said, "Listen, you little short helper.
00:44:56 I love Jesus.
00:44:57 I'm not sure if I should have married you,
00:44:59 but one thing I do know, he picked me.
00:45:01 Can I get a witness up in here?
00:45:04 Can I get somebody that would point at five people
00:45:06 and say, "I've been picked by God."
00:45:08 You may not see it, you may not recognize it,
00:45:11 but God got his hand on me.
00:45:13 If you don't believe he got his hand on me,
00:45:15 keep your eyes on me 'cause eyes have not seen,
00:45:19 ears have not heard.
00:45:20 Do me a favor, point at seven people, say, "He picked me."
00:45:23 (audience laughing)
00:45:26 I'm out.
00:45:29 I'm out.
00:45:31 I'm out.
00:45:32 Jonah, meanwhile, back on Jesus' boat.
00:45:35 (audience laughing)
00:45:36 Jesus is sleep, head on a pillow.
00:45:41 They come in and wake him up and say, "How can you sleep?"
00:45:48 Oh, you went to church when you were little.
00:45:53 Carest thou not that we perish?
00:45:58 Message version 2023, YF version.
00:46:02 Do you care that we're going down?
00:46:05 I'm going down.
00:46:07 And you laying around.
00:46:11 Look at somebody and say, "I'm loving these two movies.
00:46:20 "I'm coming back next week.
00:46:22 "I'm bringing my own popcorn.
00:46:23 "I'm coming, I'm bringing my own popcorn.
00:46:26 "I'm coming next week.
00:46:27 "I'm getting two for one, wait a minute."
00:46:29 So Jesus is sleep.
00:46:32 Camera guys, y'all shoot.
00:46:34 But when they start bum rushing this altar,
00:46:36 y'all run somewhere, get out of their way
00:46:38 so y'all don't get trampled, praise God, amen.
00:46:40 That's all I can tell you because if you get trampled,
00:46:42 I just told you, you better go in the balcony or something
00:46:44 because here it is.
00:46:45 Because I want y'all to catch this.
00:46:47 This gonna blow you away because,
00:46:49 so July 4th, I'm barbecuing and we playing games,
00:46:53 just a lot of peace.
00:46:54 People say they come to our house,
00:46:55 they just feel the peace of God.
00:46:55 So a lot of YF came over, all that.
00:46:57 We just chilling and so my brother Terry, Elder Carr,
00:47:02 he decides my son-in-law Jason wanna play him in chess.
00:47:06 And so they playing chess.
00:47:09 They play like 60 games and Elder Carr won like 59 of them.
00:47:13 (audience laughing)
00:47:15 And so it's getting so bad, I whisper to Jason,
00:47:17 "Just go to bed, just."
00:47:19 (audience laughing)
00:47:20 I would just stop, it's getting,
00:47:21 I think Jason finally won one the next day
00:47:23 but it was bad, guys, it was bad.
00:47:25 But then it gets worse because Elder Beloved comes over
00:47:28 and brings her boys and Leviticus,
00:47:31 he decides he wants to play Elder Carr.
00:47:34 Now he's worse than Jason.
00:47:36 (audience laughing)
00:47:37 Now Leviticus is playing Elder Carr.
00:47:39 Elder Carr makes a move.
00:47:41 Y'all gotta catch this now.
00:47:42 He makes a move with the chess piece
00:47:44 and then he does something that's the most insulting thing
00:47:47 I've ever seen in the history of chess.
00:47:50 He picks up his phone and starts playing a video game
00:47:55 while he's waiting on Leviticus to make his move.
00:47:58 (audience laughing)
00:47:59 Now he's admittedly half ADD.
00:48:02 Elder Carr would tell you he bores quickly.
00:48:04 He calls himself ADD.
00:48:06 So he's waiting on Leviticus to make a move.
00:48:08 He's playing another video game.
00:48:09 While Leviticus is still playing chess,
00:48:12 he's playing another game,
00:48:13 waiting on Leviticus to make his move.
00:48:15 The next morning, I said, "Bro, I gotta ask you."
00:48:17 Now that was insulting.
00:48:19 I said, "How you gonna look at your phone and play a game
00:48:22 "while he's making his move?"
00:48:24 He said, "Oh, that's easy, Ray."
00:48:26 He said, "There was only one move he could make."
00:48:29 (audience cheering)
00:48:31 And I knew he could only make that move.
00:48:35 And after he made that move,
00:48:37 I knew my next two moves after the move he made.
00:48:40 So while he was trying to figure it out, I had already...
00:48:42 (audience cheering)
00:48:45 I feel like preaching to 10 people.
00:48:50 I had already worked it out.
00:48:51 I gotta go, y'all.
00:48:52 And I tell you that while you're trying to figure it out,
00:48:55 while the storm is driving you crazy,
00:48:57 God says she only got one move.
00:48:59 And when she makes her move, I'll make my next move
00:49:02 because while she's trying to figure it out, I've already...
00:49:05 (audience cheering)
00:49:08 Would you push five people and tell them,
00:49:09 "God got another move."
00:49:11 Go ahead.
00:49:11 That's the wrong person.
00:49:14 Jump out of your seat.
00:49:16 Walk over to three people, shake their hand
00:49:17 like you're gonna shake it off and say,
00:49:19 "God got another move."
00:49:22 While you're confused,
00:49:24 "God got another move."
00:49:26 Some of y'all still sitting there.
00:49:30 But if the Lord is controlling your life,
00:49:36 then jump up on your feet,
00:49:38 shake somebody's hand,
00:49:41 and say, "Blessed assurance,
00:49:42 "Jesus, he's mine."
00:49:47 Oh, what a foretaste.
00:49:50 What a foretaste of glory divine.
00:49:53 Heir of salvation,
00:49:58 purchased by God,
00:50:01 born of his Spirit
00:50:04 and washed in his love.
00:50:08 If you're not too mean,
00:50:10 would you look at two people and tell them,
00:50:12 "This is my story.
00:50:15 "This is my song.
00:50:20 "Praising my Savior
00:50:24 "all day long.
00:50:27 "I'm outta here, y'all."
00:50:29 But if you're not too mean,
00:50:31 would you look at one person and say,
00:50:34 "Jonah was the problem,
00:50:36 "but Jesus was the solution."
00:50:40 And whatever you're going through,
00:50:44 Jesus is your solution.
00:50:49 Now, you can stand there and be cute
00:50:51 or start praising God.
00:50:53 Start clapping your hands.
00:50:56 I don't know what you're going through,
00:51:00 but tell somebody,
00:51:02 there are some things I may not know.
00:51:06 There are some places I may not go.
00:51:10 But just one more time,
00:51:12 turn around in your seat
00:51:14 and tell somebody behind you,
00:51:16 "But I'm sure of this one thing,
00:51:20 "that God is real
00:51:24 "because he's real in my heart."
00:51:28 If you believe that Jesus is the solution,
00:51:33 I need nine people,
00:51:36 and I'll make 10.
00:51:38 I need nine people,
00:51:40 and I'll make 10.
00:51:41 Just step that step
00:51:43 and run back to your seat
00:51:45 and holler, "Here's my solution."
00:51:50 I need nine people,
00:51:52 I'll make 10.
00:51:53 I need nine people,
00:51:55 I'll make 10.
00:51:57 I need nine people,
00:51:59 I'll make 10.
00:52:01 Now, we'll slap this altar,
00:52:03 slap that step,
00:52:04 and say, "Here's my solution.
00:52:09 "Here's my everything.
00:52:12 "I told you last week,
00:52:14 "I'll tell you again."
00:52:16 Would you put your arms around two people
00:52:20 and tell them, "Be not dismayed.
00:52:24 "Whatever the time,
00:52:27 "God will take care of you."
00:52:32 I want to know,
00:52:37 is there anybody here
00:52:39 that would praise God
00:52:41 like it's already done?
00:52:43 God got another move.
00:52:47 God got another move.
00:52:50 I know you're stuck,
00:52:52 but God got another move.
00:52:56 Shake somebody's hand.
00:52:57 Tell them, "God got another move."
00:53:02 (audience cheering)
00:53:07 Now, somebody say, "Checkmate."
00:53:30 God won.
00:53:32 God won.
00:53:32 (audience cheering)
00:53:37 I'm finished, don't walk.
00:53:50 Watch this.
00:53:51 I got one of the biggest announcements
00:53:54 I've ever made.
00:53:55 I really mean that.
00:53:55 So, if ain't nobody dead,
00:53:58 and you don't have to go to work,
00:53:59 just got a major announcement.
00:54:02 So, please, if it's not,
00:54:04 so the Bible says,
00:54:05 "Meanwhile, back on Jonah's ship,
00:54:08 "they panic and they throw in stuff.
00:54:11 "They just, everything they can get,
00:54:14 "everything they can get off the boat
00:54:15 "and water flying and sea."
00:54:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:54:19 Yeah, yeah, just, just, just stuff.
00:54:23 And they water and it's crazy.
00:54:26 And they throwing stuff.
00:54:27 And Jonah, Jonah, Jonah,
00:54:32 "Stop, hey, stop.
00:54:35 "Shh, stop, put that, put that down.
00:54:37 "No, you, don't jump over the top.
00:54:39 "Don't jump over.
00:54:40 "No, put, no, don't get in that life.
00:54:41 "Stop, stop, put it down, put it down.
00:54:45 "Put it, stop, shh."
00:54:50 I'm the problem.
00:54:55 I'm the problem.
00:54:56 Throwing stuff off is not,
00:54:57 I'm the problem.
00:54:59 I'm going the wrong way, guys.
00:55:03 And you guys are paying for my stuff.
00:55:06 So I just need to admit, I'm a man of God.
00:55:10 And deep in my heart, I love Him.
00:55:13 And it's time for me to confess.
00:55:16 I'm the problem.
00:55:19 This is not for everybody,
00:55:20 but it is for somebody.
00:55:22 27 years of marriage, 13 years of marriage,
00:55:26 14, six years, three years of marriage.
00:55:29 What have I prophesied over your life?
00:55:31 Watch this, that the whole thing would shift
00:55:35 if you go home and say, "I'm the problem."
00:55:40 Oh, you're a long way from perfect.
00:55:44 You're a long way from perfect, brother.
00:55:47 But my mama was angry all the time.
00:55:50 And I struggle with trust.
00:55:53 And I struggle with being a clean woman.
00:55:55 I struggle just so much.
00:55:57 And it's hard to be married to me.
00:56:01 And if it wasn't you,
00:56:02 the next man would see my stuff eventually.
00:56:06 Yeah, and it's not that you're perfect,
00:56:07 but truth be told, I'm the problem.
00:56:12 I wonder what would happen if some husband said,
00:56:14 "Listen, you're a good woman.
00:56:16 "Listen, you make love to me.
00:56:17 "You had my children.
00:56:18 "You're not perfect, but all I saw was my uncles
00:56:22 "and friends with side chicks.
00:56:25 "And pastor, the first man I ever seen
00:56:26 "that really talked about loving one woman for 30 years.
00:56:29 "I ain't never seen that.
00:56:30 "I had to come to the Word Church to see that model.
00:56:33 "And even though I'm trying,
00:56:35 "I still be looking at my phone
00:56:37 "and you done saw some stuff.
00:56:38 "And because you saw some stuff,
00:56:39 "you thought I ain't love you.
00:56:41 "Has nothing to do with you.
00:56:42 "I got problems.
00:56:45 "I'm the problem."
00:56:46 When I used to counsel,
00:56:47 that's why I don't do it as much anymore, Stacey.
00:56:50 I used to counsel and couples would come in.
00:56:52 And I was young.
00:56:53 I'm trying to make sure they both leave my office
00:56:55 feeling equally wrong.
00:56:57 I killed that.
00:56:58 I'm Judge Judy now.
00:57:00 When you walk in, I'm trying to identify the problem.
00:57:05 I'm listening for an hour, intently I'm listening.
00:57:08 And eventually I'm a judge, which is my job.
00:57:10 And say, "No, we're not about to act like this is fair.
00:57:13 "That man doing everything a man can do.
00:57:16 "You're the problem."
00:57:17 Now you can head down to the divorce court
00:57:20 and try it again with another man.
00:57:21 You can face the reality, you the problem.
00:57:23 Oh, he has some imperfections,
00:57:25 but I've listened long enough to hear,
00:57:26 you are broken.
00:57:28 And any man who was married to you
00:57:31 would start not to want to be with you.
00:57:33 But you can fix that in Jesus' name.
00:57:36 I look at the man and say, "That is a good woman.
00:57:39 "She is far from perfect,
00:57:41 "but you got some demons you gotta face."
00:57:44 Now, if you want to save this marriage,
00:57:45 face them demons, or go ahead and follow.
00:57:48 And let me know when it's done.
00:57:49 Get it over with.
00:57:51 - I'm the problem.
00:57:52 - I'm the problem.
00:57:53 - Oh my God.
00:57:54 - You know how much of a man it takes
00:57:57 to admit I'm the problem?
00:57:58 - Oh my God.
00:58:00 - I've been told, "Lady Vernon," a million times.
00:58:01 I may be more known, more spiritual, more popular,
00:58:04 but you're healthier than me.
00:58:05 I came from a different context.
00:58:07 I'm still working through that.
00:58:08 I'm the problem.
00:58:08 Yeah, you're not perfect.
00:58:11 You're not perfect by a long, but I'm,
00:58:13 let me work on, and then she'll tell me,
00:58:15 "No, baby, there's some stuff in me."
00:58:17 And we're both taking responsibility.
00:58:20 I just felt that in Jesus' name.
00:58:23 I just felt that, some marriage.
00:58:25 To all single people, I'm the problem.
00:58:31 I'm looking at this stuff.
00:58:33 With my children, I'm the problem.
00:58:35 But I got good news for you, and I bid you goodbye,
00:58:38 but Jesus is the solution.
00:58:41 Y'all want to know how much?
00:58:44 Meanwhile, back on Jesus' boat.
00:58:49 Jesus is chilling in a sovereign sleep
00:58:52 while Jonah is in a sinful sleep.
00:58:54 Jesus is all-knowing.
00:58:56 Jonah is apathetic.
00:58:58 Jonah going the wrong way, but Jesus is the way.
00:59:02 They wake him up, and Jesus storms.
00:59:06 They are panicking, throwing stuff overboard.
00:59:08 The ship is about to tilt.
00:59:11 I wasn't there, but I see it in my sanctified imagination.
00:59:14 (groans)
00:59:19 (sighs)
00:59:21 Peace.
00:59:26 Be still.
00:59:28 I'm trying to tell y'all
00:59:35 that one word of peace from Jesus' mouth
00:59:39 can speak peace over your singleness,
00:59:41 over your mental stuff, one word.
00:59:44 (audience applauding)
00:59:48 The Bible says, "Guys who walked with him every day
00:59:52 "and had already seen miracles were still astounded
00:59:55 "and said this, 'What manner of man is this
01:00:00 "'that even the wind and the sea obey him?
01:00:05 "'What manner of man is this
01:00:08 "'that a few words out of his mouth
01:00:10 "'can change a whole situation?'"
01:00:12 I come this morning to offer that man,
01:00:15 his name is Jesus.
01:00:17 He is the solution.
01:00:19 You are the problem.
01:00:21 And if you know I'm talking to you,
01:00:23 and you don't go to our church,
01:00:25 or you watch it online, or you brought a friend,
01:00:28 we're gonna leave the front of this altar open.
01:00:30 Would you please ignore everybody
01:00:33 and run down here and stand in front of pastor?
01:00:35 It's already, it's already.
01:00:37 ♪ Somebody ♪
01:00:39 ♪ Get in bed ♪
01:00:40 Come on.
01:00:41 ♪ It's already ♪
01:00:42 Somebody come on.
01:00:43 ♪ It's already ♪
01:00:45 ♪ God's already ♪
01:00:48 Here they come.
01:00:50 Come on.
01:00:50 ♪ It's already ♪
01:00:51 Come on, come on, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
01:00:53 ♪ It's already ♪
01:00:54 Everybody.
01:00:54 ♪ It's already ♪
01:00:56 ♪ Get in bed ♪
01:00:57 Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:00:58 ♪ It's already ♪
01:00:59 ♪ It's already ♪
01:01:00 ♪ It's already easier ♪
01:01:02 ♪ To see your God's already ♪
01:01:05 ♪ To make his love a happy ending ♪
01:01:08 ♪ He did it for me ♪
01:01:10 ♪ He did it for me ♪
01:01:13 ♪ He did it for me ♪
01:01:15 Hurry up.
01:01:16 ♪ For me ♪
01:01:16 Hurry up, hurry up.
01:01:18 ♪ He did it for me ♪
01:01:20 God is calling you, God is calling you.
01:01:22 Come on.
01:01:23 ♪ He did it for me ♪
01:01:24 Hurry up.
01:01:25 ♪ He did it ♪
01:01:26 Are you watching over?
01:01:27 ♪ God did it for me ♪
01:01:28 Text that number.
01:01:29 ♪ For me ♪
01:01:30 Come here, my wife.
01:01:31 Text that number.
01:01:32 ♪ For me ♪
01:01:33 Text that number.
01:01:34 ♪ He did it for me ♪
01:01:35 Text that number.
01:01:36 ♪ For me ♪
01:01:37 Text that number.
01:01:38 ♪ God did it for me ♪
01:01:40 ♪ He did it ♪
01:01:41 ♪ He did it ♪
01:01:42 ♪ Yes God ♪
01:01:43 ♪ Yes God ♪
01:01:44 ♪ Yeah, yes God did it ♪
01:01:46 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:46 Come on.
01:01:47 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:48 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:49 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:50 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:51 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:51 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:52 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:53 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:54 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:55 ♪ Yes God ♪
01:01:56 ♪ Yes God ♪
01:01:56 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:57 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:58 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:01:59 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:02:00 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:02:01 ♪ Yes God did it ♪
01:02:03 I want you to do two things.
01:02:05 Everybody who believes me to be a man of God,
01:02:07 and that God is really your life,
01:02:09 get your offering in your hand right now.
01:02:11 Yeah, pastor, what you doing?
01:02:12 This is all worship right now.
01:02:14 All worship, souls are being saved.
01:02:16 Give, don't come before God empty handed.
01:02:17 Get your offering fast.
01:02:19 Every member of this church, I need you paying your tithe.
01:02:21 The offering was $20,000 higher this past Sunday
01:02:25 than the week before.
01:02:27 (congregation cheering)
01:02:28 What pastor tells you that?
01:02:30 One with nothing to hide.
01:02:32 Something's happening.
01:02:33 July 4th is supposed to be your lowest week
01:02:36 in attendance and offering.
01:02:37 That's any pastor, it was one of our highest.
01:02:40 Because while the season may be one thing for somebody else,
01:02:43 it's something else for the Word Nation.
01:02:45 From now to Labor Day, miracles are coming to your house.
01:02:50 Souls are being saved.
01:02:51 Y'all better receive that.
01:02:53 Everybody get your offering in your hand.
01:02:56 Everybody, grab that envelope.
01:02:58 Those that are just joining,
01:02:59 we don't want nothing from you but a hug.
01:03:01 Unless you know that you're a Christian,
01:03:03 then you ought to give God something.
01:03:04 I want everybody, come on.
01:03:05 Don't not tithe right now.
01:03:07 Don't give God $10.
01:03:08 You made 500.
01:03:09 That's called lying.
01:03:11 That's called cheating God.
01:03:12 Don't give God $30.
01:03:13 Your check was 500.
01:03:14 You can do the math.
01:03:15 I normally don't do this, but I'm telling you,
01:03:17 this is not the season not to trust God.
01:03:19 'Cause I speak life over every aligned member.
01:03:23 Watch this, every member that's trying to be right,
01:03:25 I want miracles to hit your house.
01:03:27 Have you been here 15 years?
01:03:28 How many times you heard me say this?
01:03:30 I don't play no church games.
01:03:31 God told me in Giant Eagle, by my house,
01:03:34 in the fruit section, I was not in no prayer window.
01:03:37 I was in the fruit and salad section,
01:03:39 and the Lord said, "Tell them, get ready.
01:03:41 "What's on the weather is gonna be on the church."
01:03:46 Then Lady Vernon heard the same thing, and we didn't talk.
01:03:49 I am telling y'all, there's your prophet.
01:03:51 Obey your prophet and be blessed, the scripture says.
01:03:53 Pay your tithe online.
01:03:55 Everybody give.
01:03:56 Put that guy out your house.
01:03:57 Don't sleep with him no more.
01:03:59 Stop cussing.
01:04:00 Stop looking at that stuff.
01:04:01 This your time for a miracle.
01:04:03 I ain't got time to let you make me miss my blessing.
01:04:06 Call somebody and tell them you sorry.
01:04:08 Get forgiveness in your heart.
01:04:10 Pray in the Holy Ghost, 'cause when this wave come by,
01:04:13 I don't want you to miss it.
01:04:15 I'm gonna say it again, good stuff is coming.
01:04:17 Good stuff is coming.
01:04:19 Lift y'all hands.
01:04:22 Start bringing your offering to the altar.
01:04:23 I'm doing everything at the same time.
01:04:25 Come on, bring it, just drop it on the step.
01:04:27 Just drop it on the step.
01:04:28 Those of you, drop it on the step.
01:04:29 You ain't gotta come way up here.
01:04:30 Drop it on the step.
01:04:31 Closer step you at.
01:04:32 They'll get it, they'll get it.
01:04:33 Drop it wherever you wanna drop it.
01:04:35 Stretch y'all hand.
01:04:36 Father, let me pass.
01:04:37 I'm doing everything at the same time.
01:04:38 Let me pass.
01:04:39 Just follow my leadership.
01:04:40 This what I do.
01:04:41 Follow my leadership.
01:04:42 This what I do.
01:04:43 Father, in the name of Jesus, I bless those that are giving,
01:04:45 those that are giving their lives,
01:04:47 those that came to this altar.
01:04:49 Some need Jesus.
01:04:50 Some need a new start.
01:04:52 Those watching online, God, this word spoke to them.
01:04:55 They know they the problem.
01:04:56 They are no longer in denial.
01:04:59 They're through with self-sabotage.
01:05:01 They're through blaming others.
01:05:03 We take personal responsibility.
01:05:05 You're about to do something in our life.
01:05:07 Do it, God, now.
01:05:09 Everybody at this altar, fresh anointing,
01:05:11 deliverance, salvation, a new start.
01:05:17 Thank you for sending them.
01:05:20 And Lord, somebody watching online
01:05:21 is dialing that number right now.
01:05:22 They feel connected to us.
01:05:24 They feel connected to us.
01:05:26 In Jesus' name, they feel connected.
01:05:29 I want you to put that up.
01:05:30 Thank you.
01:05:30 Connect right now.
01:05:31 Dial that number and say,
01:05:32 I wanna be a part of the Word Nation.
01:05:34 I need this kind of preaching in my life.
01:05:36 Come on, Lady Brunner, run up here right quick.
01:05:38 I wanna speak over your life in Jesus' name.
01:05:40 Come on, people are giving.
01:05:41 If you know you didn't give God the right amount,
01:05:43 fix it right now.
01:05:44 I'm waiting on you.
01:05:46 I don't normally do this,
01:05:47 but I am telling y'all what I heard.
01:05:49 My wife and I pay our tithes.
01:05:50 We don't even see 10%.
01:05:52 It goes out of our check for the last 20 years.
01:05:55 22 now.
01:05:56 We want our tithes to go to the house of the Lord.
01:05:58 You tithe where you eat.
01:06:00 I feed at the Word Church.
01:06:01 I don't eat here.
01:06:02 So I tithe where I eat.
01:06:04 You eat here.
01:06:05 Where should I pay my tithes?
01:06:07 To the Salvation Army?
01:06:08 No, give them a donation.
01:06:09 That's not where you eat at.
01:06:11 You tithe where you eat.
01:06:13 You give 10% where you eat.
01:06:14 You eat at this place spiritually.
01:06:16 Come on, raise your hand and say,
01:06:17 I eat here, Pastor.
01:06:18 Yeah, give a donation to any non-profit you want,
01:06:21 but you tithe where you eat.
01:06:23 If this place feeds you, then you feed it back.
01:06:25 Those given by way of phone,
01:06:27 let us know if you have any issues connecting.
01:06:29 We put a lot of money into more increased internet
01:06:32 so all of you can give at the same time.
01:06:33 Use your Bible app.
01:06:35 Please complain to us if it's not working.
01:06:37 Make sure it's not you and that it's us.
01:06:39 But if it's us, let us know.
01:06:40 Help us improve our serve.
01:06:42 Thank you for those at this altar.
01:06:43 In Jesus' name.
01:06:44 Don't go back to your seat.
01:06:46 Matter of fact, I'm gonna do something different.
01:06:49 Y'all grab this right quick.
01:06:50 Y'all do something different.
01:06:51 I'm gonna do something different.
01:06:52 Y'all stay here for a minute.
01:06:53 You're gonna be glad you stay here.
01:06:54 Y'all mind staying here for a minute?
01:06:56 Do y'all mind staying here for a minute?
01:06:57 (congregation laughing)
01:07:00 Y'all gonna be some good members too.
01:07:02 Y'all know I normally don't do this
01:07:06 and this may sound self-serving,
01:07:08 but something, this is important,
01:07:10 I want y'all to hear me.
01:07:11 With my son's company, something just happened.
01:07:14 And it's gonna bless our family.
01:07:17 It's gonna bless, y'all gotta,
01:07:19 something happened with this,
01:07:20 with VAR Productions.
01:07:21 Y'all like, "Why would you do this now?"
01:07:23 I promise y'all, it's gonna be worth it.
01:07:26 I want Ray, come on, bring Najah with you
01:07:27 'cause I want y'all to see something just happened.
01:07:30 And this production, I just need y'all to see it
01:07:35 because I think it's gonna be life-changing.
01:07:37 I know for our family for sure,
01:07:39 and for this ministry.
01:07:40 And I want y'all to, come on up, come on up,
01:07:42 come on up, y'all.
01:07:42 I want y'all to see it.
01:07:43 We don't kinda get out the way.
01:07:44 And I want y'all to see this.
01:07:45 Everybody just look at some screen close to you.
01:07:48 I want y'all to see this.
01:07:48 It's important, all right?
01:07:51 Let's cut the lights out real quick
01:07:54 and let's play that video.
01:07:56 Pay close attention to the screen, please.
01:07:58 (upbeat music)
01:08:22 ♪ You can count on me like one, two, three ♪
01:08:27 ♪ I'll be there ♪
01:08:30 ♪ 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah ♪
01:08:35 ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
01:08:37 ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
01:08:41 ♪ You can count on me 'cause I can count on you ♪
01:08:49 ♪ You can count on me like one, two, three ♪
01:08:54 ♪ I'll be there ♪
01:08:55 - Miss Rodman, come on, Miss Rodman, come on, Miss Rodman.
01:08:57 Run, run, run, run, run.
01:08:59 (shouting)
01:09:04 (upbeat music)
01:09:17 This is Anasha's mommy, Anasha's mommy.
01:09:20 My kids.
01:09:25 I told y'all.
01:09:34 Wait a minute.
01:09:37 Hey, open that door.
01:09:40 Tell them to come here for a minute.
01:09:41 Come on out.
01:09:43 Come on out.
01:09:44 So, now.
01:09:47 I guess the question,
01:09:54 I ain't gonna front, we already know,
01:09:58 but I guess the question is,
01:09:59 what is it gonna be?
01:10:03 Girl, boy, well, Anasha, you take the honors,
01:10:09 Ray, you hold it.
01:10:10 And we gonna get out y'all picture, this y'all moment.
01:10:15 (cheering)
01:10:17 (upbeat music)
01:10:20 (cheering)
01:10:49 I said, Ray, whoever you meet is your business,
01:10:54 but tell her one thing before you fall in love.
01:10:58 Your first male child shall be named.
01:11:02 And this beautiful woman agreed with it,
01:11:09 so get ready for R-A-3.
01:11:11 He's an alpha man.
01:11:17 (cheering)
01:11:19 He's coming.
01:11:22 Where's Sinead and Jason?
01:11:22 Run, run, run, where's Sinead?
01:11:24 I told y'all to be close.
01:11:25 Run, run, run.
01:11:25 Don't run too fast, Sinead.
01:11:26 Don't run too fast.
01:11:27 Just run.
01:11:28 Hey, so, come on, come on, let me show y'all this.
01:11:31 So, Mike McClure said.
01:11:33 (cheering)
01:11:35 Mike McClure said.
01:11:41 Get ready for Domo.
01:11:46 For Domo.
01:11:47 Domo.
01:11:49 Domo.
01:11:51 They are only about two and a half months apart.
01:12:01 Sinead's having a baby in November.
01:12:05 Naj's having a baby in January.
01:12:08 I got a granddaughter coming and a grandson coming
01:12:12 in the next 90 days.
01:12:15 What's on the head.
01:12:16 Let me try this again.
01:12:19 What's on the head.
01:12:21 I'm going to try this.
01:12:22 Cut me up, cut me up, cut me up, cut me up.
01:12:24 What's on the head is going to run down to the body.
01:12:28 One more time, hit five people,
01:12:31 say double, double, double, double.
01:12:34 Before we dismiss,
01:12:43 and I'm so happy, Dr. Harris' daughter.
01:12:47 Dr. Harris' daughter.
01:12:50 Christina, pregnant too, where she at?
01:12:53 Christina, where you at?
01:12:55 There's something on this house.
01:12:57 Where she at?
01:12:58 Raise your hand, Christina.
01:12:59 We're not just celebrating our baby,
01:13:01 we're celebrating all these young people
01:13:02 that's having babies right now.
01:13:04 I love her.
01:13:05 Do me a favor.
01:13:08 And all the pregnant ladies have told me
01:13:11 there's all women that have babies,
01:13:12 I know this, but some of the men and young kids don't know.
01:13:15 Don't rub Katrina,
01:13:16 Christina's stomach, and don't rub their stomach.
01:13:21 Women don't like when you do that.
01:13:23 Just give them a hug, all right?
01:13:25 So I know you don't mean no harm,
01:13:26 but don't just be touching on their stomach.
01:13:27 All you pregnant women, have the baby ready to have, amen.
01:13:30 Let the family do that, but just give them a big old hug
01:13:32 and say congratulations.
01:13:34 I'm floating right now, y'all.
01:13:36 My son and I headed to Chicago for father-son hangout,
01:13:41 but I'm going to kiss everybody.
01:13:42 I'm so grateful for Ray and Naj and Jason Shanae
01:13:46 for being our surrogate parents again,
01:13:50 for being the ovens to deliver me and Lady Vernon's children.
01:13:55 We've been trying to kiss on nieces and nephews
01:13:59 and get our baby fixed, but for the first time ever,
01:14:02 we got our own babies, y'all.
01:14:05 We got our, y'all come on top for us, everybody.
01:14:11 Amen.
01:14:12 They're going to head to the convention center right now.
01:14:16 Ms. Troutman, that's Naj's mom.
01:14:18 Come on, y'all, praise God.
01:14:20 A beautiful woman.
01:14:22 Praise her right.
01:14:23 I want to pray for you now,
01:14:25 and please meet us over at the convention center.
01:14:27 Give us some congratulations and some hugs.
01:14:29 Again, let's not rub no stomachs.
01:14:31 And listen, ladies, I got to say this,
01:14:33 the t-shirts are flying fast.
01:14:35 Don't worry, we run out.
01:14:36 We're going to have some more for daddy and his daughters.
01:14:38 Come hug us, buy your t-shirt.
01:14:40 We're all wearing them on July 29th.
01:14:42 It's going to be jam-packed, guys.
01:14:44 So make sure you get your t-shirt today.
01:14:45 Father, in the name of Jesus,
01:14:47 thank you for the best church in the world.
01:14:49 Thank you for what's on this house.
01:14:52 Thank you for double, double, double, double.
01:14:55 And what's on the Vernon family,
01:14:57 I speak over every connected family in this house,
01:15:00 maybe not children, but doubling their finance,
01:15:02 doubling their love, doubling their integrity.
01:15:05 In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
