Biography of Hazrat Ali (AS) | سیرت حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم | ISLAMIC HISTORY



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Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about.Biography of Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib - The 4th Caliph

The glory and elegance of the 4th caliph, the dominator of all saints, Abul Hassan Hazrat Sayyiduna Ali-ul-Murtaza is very high. His bounties and excellences are countless. He got an honor to marry with the beloved daughter of The Prophet Muhammad , Hazrat Fatima . He is one of those who were given the good news of entering the Jannah. The love of Holy Prophetfor him was inimitable. His name is “Ali” and his father’s name is Abu Taalib and his mother name is Fatima bint e Asad. The kunyah of 'Ali was Abu al-Hasan, after his oldest son al-Hasan, who was one of the children of his wife Fatima, the daughter of the beloved Rasool of Allah . He was also known by Abu Turaab, which was given to him by the Prophet and He was always happy to be addressed by it.

He is cousin and son in law in relationships with Holy prophet . Hazrat Ali was born thirty years after the birth of Holy Prophet so that he is thirty years younger than Holy Prophet .He was grown up under the guardianship of the Holy Prophet Ali remained in the company of The Holy Prophet from his childhood due to this reason he is a best example of the noble character of beloved Prophet . This was one of the greatest blessings that Allah bestowed upon Hazrat Ali as he was raised and educated by the one who was guided by Allah . Hazrat Ali was the first child who believed the Islam thus he was the first child to become Muslim.
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