Breaking the Ice | show | 2023 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Follows Rory Flack as she leads the first all diverse, competitive synchronized ice skating team. | dHNfaGtzbi1mWDRIWEU
00:00 Ladies, welcome to the ice.
00:04 These girls have a lot of potential.
00:07 I can tell that they really worked hard to be here.
00:11 And up, up, up.
00:13 Go, go, go.
00:14 Up.
00:17 Get on the right foot.
00:19 I can't.
00:19 Can't means won't.
00:21 I'm done.
00:22 It's time to get to business.
00:24 Breaking the Ice, the new series premieres this July
00:28 on WE tv and All Black.
00:34 (upbeat music)
