Dinner Plan Tips to Burn Fat FASTER

  • last year
If you readuce belly fat
So except my challenge


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These 7 Foods & Ingredients trigger inflammation throughout the body. If you would like to reduce inflammation avoiding inflammatory foods matters more than eating anti-inflammatory food. Chronic inflammation and diseases such as arthritis are closely related, but inflammation can affect anyone in the form of joint and muscle pain.

Inflammation is a normal biological response to injury, infection, and illness. When inflammation is triggered your body’s immune system releases chemicals that cause swelling, redness, and heat in the affected area. But Inflammation isn't all bad in fact it's necessary for healing. After a workout, for example, inflammation spikes to help stimulate your muscles into recovery. It's chronic inflammation that can lead to long-term health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and even obesity. One of the biggest controllable factors that cause inflammation in our bodies is the food we eat, as certain food groups are extremely likely to trigger the inflammation response.
These foods can cause chronic inflammation which will affect your body composition negatively because it leads to the erosion of many tissues in your body, including muscle tissue. This is because inflammation goes hand in hand with an overactive immune system which can lead to the loss of muscle mass. This is why research links chronic inflammation to having a harder time building muscle as well as joint injuries and lower testosterone levels. (4) Studies show that Inflammation markers like resting IL-6 levels negatively correlate with muscle growth meaning the more inflammation the less muscle participants will grow and the more prone they'll be to weight and fat gain (5) So if you want less pain in your joints, and to have less friction with burning fat and building muscle you're going to want to avoid or at least limit these 7 food groups that are known to trigger the inflammatory response.
And one of the most well-known culprits is Refined sugar. Refined sugars can cause inflammation in the body due to their ability to activate a process known as glycation. Glycation is when sugar molecules bind with proteins or fats, creating advanced glycation end products otherwise known as AGE's. AGE's are toxic compounds that the body finds difficult to break down and dispose of. This leads to an accumulation of AGE's which can cause inflammation throughout the body. In addition to activating glycation pathways, refined sugar can cause leptin resistance. We don't want leptin resistance because leptin is one of the hormones responsible for regulating appetite and metabolism.
