Emmerdale 3rd June 2023-n

  • last year


00:03, We look ridiculous. Yeah, but joking that's my knees.
00:32 So shush.
00:34 And when is Paltrow's players by this?
00:36 I've no idea.
00:39 Huh?
00:39 Well, it's the only way I could convince
00:42 you to come out with me.
00:43 You know, if she said eating slugs stops wrinkles,
00:46 then you'd do it, wouldn't you?
00:48 Little liar.
00:49 Oh, you're going to look really swish in that.
00:52 Are you flirting?
00:53 No, I'm getting married soon, don't you know?
00:57 Hope the judge goes easy on you.
00:59 Oh, you must be up in court.
01:01 Isn't that the only reason you dingle lot buy suits?
01:04 Well, not this time.
01:05 It's just for hot and town on.
01:10 Hi, Laura.
01:12 Huh?
01:13 No.
01:14 No, my dad's supposed to be opening up.
01:17 Oh.
01:18 Oh.
01:19 Oh.
01:20 He's not here, and I've got your sausages.
01:26 Nicola, I'm sorry.
01:27 I'm finding it hard to understand you.
01:28 You're all breathy.
01:30 What?
01:32 OK, then.
01:33 All right.
01:34 Right, bye.
01:37 Dan's all right to open up.
01:38 Oh, good.
01:39 Nicola's on her way.
01:40 I think that's what she said.
01:43 Stop stressing.
01:44 He's not running to Timbuktu with Frankie.
01:47 Maybe not.
01:48 He's a bit sus, though.
01:51 You should still talk to him.
01:53 Come on, it's his day off.
01:55 He'll be sitting on the sofa killing zombies all day.
01:58 He'll have plenty of time.
02:00 Oh, yeah, I suppose.
02:01 [SIGHS]
02:02 I see cleanliness is next to godliness.
02:08 Will you send them round to mine when they're done?
02:10 You don't want to be paying their prices.
02:12 They've cleaned me out.
02:15 Yeah, they've got a big job on.
02:16 I spilled six bottles of communion wine.
02:19 I'm hoping David's got some cheap plunking.
02:21 Cheap?
02:22 You have to pay to blink in there.
02:25 Hey.
02:28 Two coffees?
02:29 Yeah.
02:30 One's for Liam.
02:33 I feel a free coffee helps to soften the blow
02:35 when you're delivering bad news.
02:37 Ah, right.
02:40 He might not be that surprised.
02:42 Why?
02:43 Um, that I told him to stay away.
02:45 Oh, Victoria, you didn't need to do that.
02:49 But thank you for caring.
02:51 No worries.
02:52 And don't let him change your mind.
02:54 And definitely no goodbye kiss.
02:56 Certainly not.
02:58 But I'll see you later, love.
03:00 Good luck.
03:02 And you'll definitely get strawberry in next time.
03:05 Yep, yep, promise.
03:06 Thank you.
03:09 Can't stop.
03:11 Can't stop.
03:11 He's just a sore-headed dandy-kill.
03:13 He never asks me to do this again.
03:16 Same time tomorrow, Nick.
03:18 Oh.
03:19 Keeping fit?
03:20 Yeah, I've got a wedding dress to get into,
03:21 and it's a lot cheaper than the gym.
03:24 I went on a treadmill once.
03:26 Got me nowhere.
03:28 Don't make me laugh.
03:29 I can't breathe.
03:31 Is she OK?
03:32 Well, she bought me out of ice cream.
03:34 And I remember last time, when he spoke with Manpreet,
03:37 I made a small fortune.
03:38 So I'd say no.
03:41 He's worse than I thought.
03:42 Anyway, try.
03:43 See ya.
03:43 Hello, Liam.
03:53 A farewell coffee.
03:55 I'm honored.
03:56 Let's talk inside.
03:57 Right, Mike.
04:08 Uh, come in.
04:09 Twice in two days, people will be talking.
04:17 I need a word.
04:18 Well, you can have two, if you'll deal with that creep.
04:21 Um, Bailey's just gone off, but I can get her back.
04:23 No need.
04:24 It's you I've come to see.
04:26 All right.
04:27 How long is it going to take?
04:28 Because I need to get to work.
04:28 We've received a complaint from a Mr. Lloyd Sawyer.
04:32 That creep has made a complaint against me.
04:35 I know you paid him a visit yesterday
04:36 at approximately 1 PM.
04:38 I've also heard the voicemail you left later that day.
04:41 I don't suppose Mr. Sawyer told you that he called Amelia
04:44 a little tart, and he was going to find
04:46 other little tarts to perv over.
04:47 Now, guess what? He didn't, did he?
04:49 She'll do nothing about it, just like he didn't yesterday.
04:51 Drop the attitude.
04:52 At the moment, you're lucky this is only a slap on the wrist.
04:55 That perv needs more than a slap.
04:56 He needs castrating.
04:57 Damn!
04:58 Threatening behavior, intimidation, and harassment
05:01 contravenes section four of the Public Order Act.
05:03 So any more of this carry on, I'll end up
05:05 with you in custody, not him.
05:07 You can't take the law into your own hands.
05:11 Promise me you won't.
05:14 I promise.
05:16 In that case, there's nothing else to say apart from keep
05:20 out of trouble.
05:20 [DOOR OPENS]
05:24 [SIGHS]
05:25 How long does it take to put some sausages away?
05:27 It's fine, Cain.
05:29 Nicola!
05:29 Won't be long.
05:32 We haven't got all day.
05:33 Uh, usual price.
05:47 And I'm sorry about him.
05:48 Don't apologize for me.
05:50 She's the one who's been faffing about.
05:53 Right, are we done? Good.
05:54 Come on, let's get this over.
05:55 No, no, no, no.
05:56 Let's get some coffees.
05:57 Nate likes a latte, doesn't he?
05:58 Oh, he's not home.
05:59 Eh?
06:00 Nate, I just power walked past his house,
06:01 and he was driving off somewhere.
06:03 What did he say, where he was going?
06:04 Yeah.
06:07 And where is he going?
06:08 Oh, um, Horton Town Hall.
06:10 The Town Hall in Horton?
06:11 Yeah, that's what I just said.
06:13 He didn't say why he was going, but he was carrying a suit.
06:16 Unless--
06:17 Unless what?
06:18 Oh, we did mention the custard thing
06:21 at the barbecue yesterday.
06:23 Yeah, thanks.
06:24 Hello, Laura.
06:40 Hi.
06:41 I just wanted to see how you were.
06:44 Don't waste your breaks on me.
06:46 I'm absolutely fine.
06:47 How much ice cream have you eaten?
06:49 Have you been jacking up on me?
06:51 Well, it's just because I care.
06:52 How much?
06:54 A tub of vanilla, and I'm halfway through Neapolitan.
06:57 Oh, Rishi.
06:58 I don't even like Neapolitan.
07:02 I miss Jay.
07:03 He misses you, too.
07:05 Does he?
07:06 Has he said?
07:07 Well, no, but he does in his heart.
07:10 I'm not sure that's true.
07:12 I've let him down so much so he's
07:15 acting as though I don't exist.
07:17 Well, you know what he's like with a problem.
07:18 He gets his broom out, sweeps it under the carpet,
07:20 pretends it hasn't happened, just like you.
07:22 But it's eating him up inside.
07:25 However, I've got a little plan that might help.
07:28 He's still not answering.
07:38 I can't keep trying.
07:39 I mean, he's going to think it's weird.
07:40 True.
07:41 I must have got here before him.
07:43 And unless he's dressed as the mayor, he's not in there.
07:45 Do we really think he's going for custody?
07:55 He has been acting well, Shifty.
07:57 Gets touchy every time you mention Tracy's name.
07:59 And he's promised to spend all his time with Frankie.
08:02 It's the only thing that makes sense.
08:03 Hmm.
08:05 So what do you want to do?
08:07 I'm not sure.
08:08 You know what?
08:13 Nicola might have got her wires crossed.
08:15 Yeah, maybe.
08:17 Right, well, I have another delivery to do.
08:19 So do you want to lift back?
08:20 Yeah.
08:22 See what damage Dan's done to the garage, yeah?
08:25 How long have these unbugs been in here?
08:28 Couple of months.
08:29 Ah.
08:29 This was another reason why he was coming here.
08:35 Like what?
08:36 Like that.
08:39 How exciting.
08:42 Is that--
08:43 Yeah, it is.
08:45 And if Dan's on his way here--
08:46 He's going to stop it.
08:47 Then we need to stop him first.
08:49 Oh, God, he's there.
09:10 He's there.
09:11 What do we do?
09:13 Um, right, we do this.
09:14 Drive the car in front of the steps.
09:15 Hey, Nate!
09:16 What are you doing here?
09:26 Well, you know, could ask you the same question.
09:30 I asked first.
09:32 All right, um, we are saving you from yourself.
09:37 Now you're talking to riddles and acting weird.
09:39 This really isn't the greatest idea, is it?
09:42 I'm on a timeline, Nick, and we all be weird later.
09:44 Wait, what are you doing?
09:45 What are you doing?
09:46 Get over here.
09:48 Get the door, get the door.
09:52 Quick, get him up.
09:55 What a jamming.
09:56 Feet down, feet down.
09:57 [GRUNTING]
09:58 Up.
09:59 What?
10:06 Drive.
10:07 All right, you OK?
10:08 [PANTING]
10:10 [CAR STARTS]
10:13 I think Brenda's colorblind.
10:21 Asked for brown, so she's giving me red.
10:23 I've got tissue on me bacon.
10:25 I'm talking the bacon.
10:26 I heard that swelter's round at your area.
10:28 Yeah.
10:29 Please tell me that they've changed their mind
10:31 and decided to arrest the freaky perv man.
10:34 No.
10:35 So what do they want?
10:37 That Lloyd bloke snitched on me.
10:39 Eh?
10:40 They're going round there?
10:41 Yeah.
10:43 That and the voicemail.
10:46 That's my fault for encouraging you, Dan.
10:48 I'm sorry.
10:49 Six and two threes.
10:50 I would've got in trouble for going round there anyway.
10:51 That's stupid.
10:52 A parent has got to do whatever they can to protect their kids.
10:55 Yeah, but they've got to stay within the law.
10:57 I was that far from getting pulled in, man.
11:00 What would happen to Amelia then?
11:02 Don't you waste your tears on that turd.
11:05 We've got to find a way of shutting him up properly
11:08 but keeping you out of it.
11:09 Do you think we should have taken him to A&E?
11:15 Nah, we're all right.
11:15 No, but do you think he'll understand why we did it?
11:18 Well, I'll make him understand.
11:19 Come on.
11:20 Hi.
11:23 You all right?
11:24 I'm at home.
11:28 Why am I at home, Annie?
11:28 I need to get back.
11:30 Don't get mad, but we didn't have any other choice.
11:32 What have you done?
11:34 Where's my phone?
11:35 Where's my phone?
11:36 Look, you're not having it.
11:37 I need my keys now.
11:39 Look, you're not having them either.
11:40 Look, I'm not having you wrecking, Tracey.
11:42 It's wedding day.
11:43 Wedding day?
11:44 It was my wedding day!
11:45 Nick!
11:51 Hey, I got your text.
11:55 Would you mind if we have dinner somewhere else?
11:57 Look, I really fancy a sandwich,
11:58 but Victoria's really stingy with the villains.
12:01 Oh, am I now?
12:03 Jay is just cheeky.
12:05 I don't think he is.
12:07 So do you want those butters you ordered, then?
12:09 Yes, please. Two tuna and sweet corn.
12:11 Ooh.
12:16 I think we've upset the chef.
12:17 No, I think you've upset the chef.
12:19 You don't like tuna?
12:21 No, but he does.
12:23 Now, listen, I want you to talk to him, OK?
12:26 Otherwise, I'm going to cancel our wedding.
12:29 You wouldn't do that.
12:31 No, you're right, I wouldn't do that.
12:32 But, listen, he's had a tub and a half of ice cream today, OK?
12:36 So, for the time it takes you to eat your sandwich,
12:39 will you just listen to him, please, pretty please?
12:42 I eat very fast.
12:45 Yeah.
12:46 Nick, where are you even going?
12:52 You're going to have to talk to us sometime.
12:54 We are so sorry.
12:56 No, we're not. He's lying.
12:57 Shut up!
12:58 Look, we thought you were going for custody
13:00 because Nicholas said that you were going to spend every day with Frankie,
13:03 and then when we got there and we saw Tracy with that fella,
13:06 we put two and two together and we made five and...
13:08 No, we got four. She's marrying someone else and he can't handle it.
13:11 He's just too stupid to admit it.
13:13 If I miss my own wedding, it's on you.
13:15 Nick!
13:16 Nathaniel Robinson?
13:26 Nathaniel Robinson?
13:28 Did you just jilt me?
13:32 Now do you believe me?
13:35 You always loved tuna sweetcorn.
13:42 If you're trying to win me over by reminiscing over my childhood,
13:45 you can save your breath.
13:47 You've hardly touched it.
13:49 I've had enough.
13:51 Of the sandwich or me?
13:53 Stop eating so much ice cream.
13:55 It's not good for you.
13:57 Tell Victoria I'm sorry. I couldn't eat any more.
14:02 Well, she's definitely going to think that you hate her food.
14:05 It weren't that long.
14:07 I did as you asked.
14:09 But I won't be doing it again, OK?
14:11 When I look at him, all I can see is lies.
14:15 Thanks for trying to help.
14:23 What did he say?
14:25 Oh, you know, not much.
14:27 How did you think it went?
14:29 Well, he was worried about my health,
14:32 which must mean he cares,
14:35 and five minutes today might turn into ten minutes tomorrow.
14:39 Then who knows?
14:41 So...
14:43 Yeah.
14:45 What have they done to you?
14:49 It's fine. It's not as bad as it looks.
14:51 I'm sorry.
14:53 But we really thought you were going to marry that bloke.
14:56 I mean, who was he, anyway?
14:58 John.
14:59 It was from the office across the way.
15:02 You kissed him?
15:03 On the cheek, to say thank you.
15:06 I grabbed him on his breakfast run to be our witness.
15:09 A witness at our wedding.
15:12 You owed John an egg butty cos he skipped it for us.
15:14 Is the register onward?
15:16 Cos he was there to cancel it.
15:18 That's 300 quid you owe us in all.
15:20 Look at all this blood.
15:22 And my suit.
15:23 And my car in town.
15:24 I wanted to get changed in the town hall so no-one saw me.
15:26 That'll be a suit you're paying for as well.
15:28 This little mistake of yours has cost you a pretty penny, hasn't it?
15:31 Why did you keep it all a big secret?
15:33 We just wanted a quiet one. You know, no fuss, really.
15:36 We didn't need any more pressure on us.
15:38 It was stressful enough getting back together.
15:40 So I presume you've been seeing each other for a while now?
15:43 Yeah, two months-ish.
15:45 But we didn't tell anyone in case it didn't work out.
15:47 And I needed to prove to this one that I...
15:50 I'm gonna mess it up again.
15:52 So that meant I could concentrate on us, you know, me and Trace and...
15:56 and that little madam.
15:58 Hmm. That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it, Cain?
16:01 Yes, I get it.
16:04 Look, we will make it up to you. I promise.
16:06 Yeah, you will.
16:08 With cold, hard cash.
16:10 And beer and wine and...
16:12 Do you want anything, babe?
16:13 I just wanted you to be my wife.
16:16 Give me half an hour.
16:18 What? What? Why?
16:20 You'll see.
16:21 Er... Oh.
16:23 Right.
16:25 You're welcome.
16:33 What are you doing here?
16:36 Oh, erm, changing plan.
16:38 I actually had a study afternoon, so Mandy said that I can work.
16:41 Working isn't studying.
16:43 Yeah, and nappies aren't cheap.
16:45 You know what? It's been better than OK.
16:47 It's actually been good. How about you?
16:49 Yeah, did an MOT and it passed.
16:51 And then Brenda made me a butty but put the wrong sauce on it.
16:54 So I'm trying my luck at getting a free lunch.
16:57 Dad, you need to get better at stories.
16:59 But if the wrong sauce is all we've got to worry about,
17:02 then I'm happy for us.
17:04 So, right, onwards and upwards, eh?
17:06 Defo.
17:08 Is it too early for wine?
17:11 It's never too early for wine.
17:13 I've took long enough.
17:15 Come on, let's just go back to ours.
17:21 Oh, God, what now? If he says the wrong thing,
17:23 I'm going to shove his teeth so far down his throat
17:25 he'll be sticking a toothbrush up his backside to clean them.
17:28 Come on, sweetheart.
17:29 What are you up to now?
17:31 Well, trying to make up for spoiling your big day.
17:33 See this man here.
17:35 Well, er...
17:38 I've been persuaded to kind of marry you.
17:41 I know it's not the same as getting married married,
17:44 but Charles has kindly agreed to do it here and now,
17:46 and then you can sign on the dotted line tomorrow
17:48 and then make it official.
17:50 Oh, and I went to your house and I got you a suit that's in the vestry.
17:53 You're too beautiful to waste, and this one is dying to see you get married.
17:57 So?
18:00 - I'm waiting for you, Lou. - Well...
18:03 Come on, let's do this.
18:06 Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, save it for later. Come on, come on.
18:10 Oh...
18:12 I believe Wendy saw you this morning.
18:16 She did?
18:17 And did you get the message?
18:19 I did.
18:20 You'll find someone, Liam, cos you're a great catch.
18:23 But Bob and Wendy are brilliant together,
18:25 and I know, and you know,
18:27 that it's for the best to stop any funny business with Wendy.
18:30 Well, it's her choice, and I respect that.
18:33 Good. I'm glad you do.
18:35 Enjoy the rest of your day.
18:40 Was she, er... Was she giving you a hard time?
18:48 No, not this time. She was actually quite nice to me.
18:51 Oh.
18:53 We are doing the right thing, aren't we?
18:55 I am more than happy with what we decided, yes.
18:59 I thought you were going to end things this morning.
19:01 I had no intention of doing that.
19:03 You were very sexy earlier, Wendy.
19:06 I've never made love twice in an hour before.
19:08 Well...
19:10 It's just, er, what you do to me.
19:12 And, er, as we agreed,
19:15 if either of us decide,
19:17 then we just stop and accept the affair is over.
19:21 I know.
19:22 Right, well, I'll see you back at the surgery.
19:27 You most certainly will.
19:35 Good girl. Good girl.
19:38 I believe Nathaniel has written some words for you, Tracy.
19:42 Oh, today's been mad.
19:49 I thought I'd lost you and Frankie for good, but...
19:54 I've been given a second chance and I'm...
19:56 I'm grabbing it and I'm never letting it go.
19:58 So long as we're together, we can beat a million days like today.
20:05 This moment right here is...
20:07 just perfect as you are.
20:09 I can't love you any more than I do right now.
20:14 Tracy.
20:18 You...
20:23 You are a wonderful thing.
20:27 I couldn't put it better myself, so, er...
20:32 Everything you just said...
20:34 Back at you, babe.
20:37 I love you...
20:40 to the moon and back, a million, billion, trillion times over.
20:46 I'm so lost without you.
20:49 But I'm never letting you go.
20:53 Ever again.
20:55 Beautiful words, both of you.
20:58 Well, it's been a most unusual day for everyone.
21:02 But from me, I'd like to wish you a very happy life as husband and wife.
21:08 Can you pronounce that thing now?
21:12 As I explained earlier, I'm not allowed...
21:15 Shut up, don't talk rubbish.
21:16 Clean. Say sorry.
21:18 Right, if he won't say it, then I will.
21:21 I now pronounce you husband and wife.
21:26 You may kiss the bride.
21:28 Yay!
21:32 I love you, Mr Robinson.
21:34 I love you more, Mrs Robinson.
21:36 Impossible.
21:38 Hello, my bud.
21:43 Hello.
21:45 We did it!
21:46 Yeah.
21:47 Yeah.
21:48 Yeah.
21:50 [Music]
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