Biography of hazrat Ishaq (AS) | سیرت حضرت اسحاق علیہ السلام | ISLAMIC HISTORY



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Asslamoalaikum, friends In the previous video, we already learned about Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and his first son Prophet Ismail (A.S.). Now, we will learn about Prophet Ishaq (A.S.)
As we already know Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was 100 years old when he had his second son Prophet Ishaq (A.S.), Prophet Ibrahim’s wife, Sarah, was 90 years old when she gave birth to Prophet Ishaq (A.S.), and Prophet Ismail (A.S.) was 14 years older than Ishaq (A.S.).

After Allah (S.W.T.) gave Ismail (A.S.) to Ibrahim (A.S.), Ibrahim (A.S.) prayed to Allah (S.W.T.) that given the kid of his spouse, Sarah. His wife Sarah who’s at all times devoted to her in imposing Kalimatullah. And Allah (S.W.T.) answered his prayer and send 3 angels in humankind to convey the excellent news to him that would be the birth of a child from his wife Sarah. In addition, they inform their other goals, particularly gone to the folks of Lut (A.S.) to inflict doom them.

When the angels went to Ibrahim’s (A.S.) house, he welcomes them in addition to potential and sat them down in the lounge, then he instantly prepared food for them. Ibrahim (A.S.). Ibrahim (A.S.), coming to carry a fats calf that has been baked and serve it to them, however, they didn’t eat or drink anything that has been served to them, till lastly the Prophet conceived a concern of them, the angels additionally calm him down and inform him about themselves and provides him the glad tidings of a child who would also be Prophet.

Sarah heard their conversation, She said, how do I give birth while I am an old woman and my husband is aged?
Then his wife [hearing the glad tidings of a son] came forward with a loud voice: She smote her face and said: “[How] a barren old woman [may conceive a child]!”
(Surah al-Dhariyat – Verses 29)
Then the angel mentioned,
They [the angels] said [unto him]: “Thus says your Lord. Indeed, He is the All-Wise, the Omniscient.”
(Surah al-Dhariyat – Verses 30)
After a time, Sarah gave birth to a child who later was named Ishaq by Ibrahim (A.S.). The Holy Qur’an doesn’t give a detailed story of Prophet Ishaq (A.S.). Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) felt that his life was drawing to close. So, he wished to see Prophet Ishaq married. However, he didn’t want Ishaq (A.S.) to be married to one of the Canaanites, who were pagans. So, he sent a trustworthy servant to Haran to choose a bride for Prophet Ishaq (A.S.). The servant chooses Rafqah (Rebekah) bint Batu’il (Bethuel).
People of the Book (Jews, Christians, and Sabians) mentioned that Prophet Ishaq (A.S.) married her when his father Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) were still alive. Ishaq (A.S.) was 40 years old and his wife is barren then the Prophet Isaac prayed to Allah (S.W.T.) #hazratishaq