University campus could see up to 75 per cent of its meals ditched after the Student Union voted to impose vegan only menus

  • 10 months ago
A university campus could see up to 75 per cent of its meals ditched after the Student Union voted to impose vegan only menus.

The University of Kent’s student union has voted overwhelmingly to lobby for all outlets dishing up food to go 100% plant-based.

At one cafe on UKC’s Canterbury campus it would mean 12 of the 16 food items – including fry-ups and burgers – being ditched.

While the move has been supported by a majority of 450 Kent Student Union members, some critics argue it goes against the ethos of inclusivity.

First-year PhD candidate Stephanie Dangelo said that while she sees the environmental benefits of veganism, she believes the campus should continue to offer a broad selection of foods.

She said: “It should be a mix - not all vegan or no vegan options.

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing, because veganism is technically better for the planet, but some people need the animal by-products - iron deficiency and all that stuff.

“And I think it’s not really fair because the whole point of the university campus is inclusivity for all, so you can’t really cater to only one specific group.“

Some staff members agree that the student union decision may have gone too far, and have pointed out that customers with food intolerance may be left with even fewer options to choose from.

Dr Gail Austen works as a post-doctoral research assistant in the School of Anthropology and Conservation.

She said: “It’s a great notion and a great thought going forward for sustainability, but it shouldn’t be vegan-only options.

“The reality is that a lot of people have a lot of different food intolerances and allergies and just vegan choice doesn’t really cater to everyone.”

Food options on the university campus in Canterbury are spread across a number of establishments including cafeterias, cafes and street food stalls.

Many of them will have to make significant changes to their menus in order to comply with a 100% plant-based diet.

The Gulbenkian Cafe in the campus’ Arts Centre, for example, serves a variety of brunch and lunchtime options, but 12 of the 16 meals would have to be cut as they contain animal by-products.

These include a Gulbenkian Breakfast with sausages and bacon, and a sweet chilli chicken burger.

The meat-free campaign is being led by Plant-Based Universities Kent, which wants a vegan-only menu by 2027.
