• 2 years ago
The Yearling Movie (1946) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Director Clarence Brown's classic coming of age tale set amidst the hardscrabble life of scrubland farmers in 1870s Florida. Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman star as the parents of Jody Baxter (Claude Jarman, Jr.), a lonely boy desperate for the love his life-scarred mother cannot give him. When Jody's father allows him to adopt Flag, an orphaned fawn, he unwittingly puts the boy on the road to learning the hardest lessons of all. The cast's extraordinary and powerful understated performances along with its award-winning cinematography by Charles Rosher, Leonard Smith and Arthur Arling are resplendent on this luscious new master sourced from a Technicolor negative. Based on Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.

Special Features: Screen Guild Players Radio Broadcast; Cartoon Cat Concerto; Theatrical Trailer.

Directed By Clarence Brown
Starring Gregory Pec, Jane Wyman, Claude Jarman Jr.