Lagot Ka, Isusumbong Kita | show | 2003 | Official Clip

  • last year
Lagot Ka... Isusumbong Kita! was a situational comedy television show in the Philippines aired every Monday evenings by | dHNfWWFNandxZm9XakU


00:00 [music]
00:04 [whistling]
00:08 [whistling]
00:10 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:12 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:14 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:16 Just wait. Who called you?
00:17 I don't know her.
00:19 Maybe she's just pretending.
00:21 Susie, just make sure that nothing is stolen. Double check.
00:26 Susie, nothing is stolen.
00:28 You're so stubborn.
00:30 What's going on here?
00:32 What's going on?
00:34 Susie, it seems that someone called Susie
00:36 said that there's a stolen and stolen convenience store.
00:41 Nothing is stolen here because Tom
00:45 has his inventory and nothing is missing.
00:48 Right, Tom?
00:49 Nothing.
00:50 That's what I thought.
00:52 You're so trusting.
00:54 But you need to double check.
00:56 Is this the inventory?
00:57 Yes.
00:58 Okay.
00:59 Check.
01:02 It's complete.
01:03 Correct.
01:04 That's good.
01:06 Check.
01:07 It's complete.
01:08 Check.
01:09 It's complete.
01:10 Check.
01:11 It's complete.
01:12 Check.
01:13 It's complete.
01:15 It should be 12.
01:18 Why is it only 6?
01:20 Madam Doja, I'm sorry.
01:22 I know it's 12.
01:24 Because I always eat the same amount.
01:27 Please forgive me, Madam Doja.
01:29 You're really a thief.
01:31 Ouch!
01:33 Ouch!
01:35 Ouch!
01:37 Ouch!
01:39 Ouch!
01:40 We're running out of money.
01:42 You put the money here.
01:44 You hid it.
01:45 I even took a picture.
01:46 You're a thief!
01:47 Ouch!
01:48 Ouch!
01:49 Who took it?
01:50 I don't know.
01:51 Huh?
01:52 What are you saying?
01:54 Who took it?
01:56 Ah!
01:57 Ah!
01:58 No, Madam Doja.
01:59 Someone called my colleague's office earlier.
02:01 They said that there's a stolen convenience store.
02:05 What?
02:06 How did you know?
02:07 Wait.
02:08 Say!
02:09 Do you know what phone this is?
02:12 No.
02:14 Say!
02:15 Do you know what phone this is?
02:17 No.
02:18 No.
02:19 Say!
02:20 Do you know what phone this is?
02:21 I know!
02:23 I know.
02:24 What's the number?
02:25 I don't know.
02:27 But I know it's next to the flower vase and the stapler.
02:30 It's next to it.
02:31 I know it.
02:33 I know.
02:34 There's a possibility that you took the money.
02:37 That's why you were so guilty and you came back and said that you lost the money.
02:41 But you took it.
02:42 Madam Doja!
02:43 What?
02:44 You're so annoying.
02:45 Why?
02:46 Susi is the one who's stupid.
02:48 She's not like other people.
02:50 You know how much it hurts when you feel it.
02:52 I'll just stop.
02:54 If I lose my job, what will I do to you if Susi is stupid?
02:58 Go home!
02:59 Go home!
03:00 Go home!
03:01 I won't go home!
03:02 I'll just pay you back if you pay me back all your debts!
03:06 You're a thief!
03:08 You're a thief!
03:10 You're a thief!
03:11 You're a thief!
03:12 Why me?
03:13 Go home!
03:14 Go home!
03:16 [Click on episode #170 to see why the thief is a thief!]
