• 2 years ago
A scrupulously honest judge finds he's a pawn in a federal sting to ferret out corrupt members of the bench, many of who | dG1fQl9fRTNHNEJNMms
00:00 No lawyer will ever go to heaven as long as there's room for one more in hell.
00:06 He knows all the right answers.
00:09 He knows all the right people.
00:11 An honest judge.
00:12 He's our boy.
00:13 I've watched guys like that all my life.
00:16 A ruthless agent.
00:18 King of the stings.
00:19 I like to think I deal in honesty.
00:21 You find the honest people in the system.
00:23 A brutal investigation.
00:25 We could create an undercover operation.
00:28 You want me to offer him a bribe?
00:30 They promised to expose the guilty.
00:32 Do you believe in what you do?
00:34 People who are dirty go down. People who are clean don't.
00:37 But they used his honesty.
00:38 I'm handing you $20,000.
00:41 They used his friendships.
00:43 Ooh, Sam, I want you next to the presiding judge.
00:46 And betrayed his trust.
00:48 I believe in me.
00:51 $20,000 to the friendly judge?
00:54 We could be very, very friendly.
00:56 You didn't have anything on her. You just thought you'd get her on tape.
00:59 You're working for the feds, aren't you?
01:01 What's it gonna be, Harold?
01:02 No.
01:03 The way a sting works is you need a snitch. I'm not your guy.
01:06 Now, the only way to end the lies...
01:09 They're holding you hostage on this, aren't they?
01:11 Stop the violence...
01:13 This was no accident.
01:15 And turn justice around...
01:17 I am not testifying.
01:19 Is to take the system down.
01:22 He's not gonna play anymore.
01:24 You wanna stay out of jail?
01:25 This is a one-shot, one bad judge.
01:27 See if he bites. He didn't.
01:28 I trusted you.
01:30 For the sake of your family.
01:32 For the sake of your own future.
01:34 You saw nothing. Nothing.
01:36 It's over.
01:38 Tom Selleck.
01:43 I'm out!
01:44 Elizabeth McGovern.
01:45 You can't get out.
01:47 Marsha Mason.
01:48 If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
01:52 Broken Trust.
01:57 Available October 20th.
