• 2 years ago
00:00 (clapping)
00:02 (clapping)
00:04 (singing)
00:10 (popping)
00:21 (upbeat music)
00:24 (singing)
00:26 (upbeat music)
00:28 (singing)
00:58 - Hey there, hope you're enjoying the trailer.
00:59 I'm gonna be totally honest with you
01:01 because I hate false advertising.
01:03 If you are looking for a real world worker color change,
01:07 this is not the download for you.
01:08 In fact, this change out of the three
01:10 is probably the only one that actually looks good
01:13 for real people in the real world.
01:14 Scratch that one, one person, from one specific angle.
01:19 What this download does offer, however,
01:22 are three extremely weird, knacky,
01:25 and knuckle-busting color changes that are fun to practice.
01:30 They're fun to learn and they're fun to play with
01:32 in front of the mirror.
01:34 Whether you're buying this just to learn a new color change,
01:37 to expand your knowledge, or just to have a new move
01:40 that's fun to play with on camera,
01:43 this is the download for you.
01:44 Also, it looks really good to dubstep.
01:47 (upbeat music)
01:51 (upbeat music)
01:53 Hey there, welcome to Thriceicle.
02:01 Do you like how I rolled my tongue there
02:03 at the R part of the thrice?
02:07 We've already begun the terrible attempts at humor.
02:10 Thank you for purchasing this download.
02:13 I extremely appreciate it.
02:15 I hope you guys are having a wonderful holiday.
02:17 If you purchased this and it's already 2013,
02:20 I'm just wishing you a really happy, really early Easter.
02:25 If it's any time after that, just replace it
02:28 with whatever holiday is closest to coming up.
02:32 Anyway, as you probably already saw from the trailer,
02:34 what you're going to learn are three changes,
02:38 three color changes that are extremely move monkey-ish,
02:43 I guess would be the word to describe it.
02:45 They're really fun to practice.
02:47 They're fun to learn and they're fun to just mess around
02:50 with in front of the mirror or a camera or set to dubstep
02:54 or do with whatever you please.
02:57 They are not really the best color changes to do
03:01 for real people in a real setting.
03:04 A couple of them you could probably do for one person
03:08 at a very specific angle if you are really good at it.
03:11 However, other than that, they are really just
03:14 to expand your knowledge and to give you something
03:17 to mess around with, whether you want to learn a new move
03:19 or you want just to learn something that might inspire you
03:24 to create your own weird and knacky and strange color change
03:29 that's extremely impractical, impractical, unpractical?
03:34 Angle sensitive is what I'm trying to say.
03:37 But you've purchased it, so either you're extremely
03:41 regretting your choice right now and you are going
03:43 to leave a really negative comment on my YouTube channel
03:46 or you're excited and you just want to learn some fun stuff
03:50 to mess around with, which is a lot of the stuff I create
03:53 is just for my own amusement.
03:56 It's just, oh, this is cool.
03:58 Like this is something that looks cool
04:01 and it's fun to mess around with.
04:02 And yeah, it's just fun.
04:06 They're really just for fun.
04:08 Same thing with flourishes for me.
04:10 I mean, I wouldn't really perform flourishes
04:12 for real people.
04:14 I'm obviously always messing with cards
04:16 if I'm hanging out with my friends,
04:17 but it's not something that I explicitly perform
04:21 in a performance setting.
04:23 And I do those because they're hard to master
04:27 and you get a sense of joy when you master a flourish
04:31 and you can do it.
04:32 It's like a puzzle that you've solved.
04:34 And they're fun to mess around with.
04:35 They're fun to tweak and change
04:38 and inspire you to create something else.
04:40 So a lot of what I create, including what you're gonna
04:43 be learning today, is just that.
04:45 Is just fun stuff.
04:47 Stuff that's fun to practice.
04:49 And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
04:52 I think some stuff is just fun to practice
04:54 and fun to mess around with.
04:56 And even if that's the only use for it,
04:59 I hope you guys enjoy it because I really enjoy
05:02 creating stuff like that and messing around
05:05 with stuff like that.
05:06 So hopefully you will too.
05:07 And more than anything, I really hope that
05:10 this is just fun for you.
05:12 That you're gonna learn these and you'll just have fun
05:14 messing around with them in front of a mirror
05:17 or a camera because that's what I do with them.
05:20 That's the only reason I made them is because
05:24 they look cool and flashy and they're fun to practice.
05:27 Fun to mess around with.
05:28 And maybe you'll come up with your own.
05:31 Maybe you'll come up with a slight variation or tweak
05:33 and that might turn into something totally new
05:36 and different, which also might be completely impractical.
05:40 In or unpractical.
05:44 But if it's fun and you enjoy it and you're happy with it,
05:47 like, that's awesome.
05:49 So, anyway, enough rants from me.
05:52 We're already what, three minutes into?
05:54 When I say one hour download, it's like
05:59 at least 25 minutes of me just talking to you.
06:03 Anyway guys, with all that said,
06:05 I hope you really have fun with this download
06:07 and with these changes.
06:10 And yeah, feel free to adapt them to whatever you want.
06:13 They're just for fun.
06:14 They're just for kicks.
06:16 And I hope you enjoy it.
06:17 So let's learn.
06:18 I did the R before I even did the th.
06:23 Let's try it again.
06:24 Thriceicle.
06:26 Much better.
06:27 Much, much better.
06:28 Anyway guys, thank you again and let's learn.
06:31 Thriceicle number one is the triple snap change.
06:36 Or I guess it's more of a double snap change,
06:39 but he uses three cards.
06:41 And this is a snap change that I created a long time ago.
06:46 It is obviously an adaptation of the original snap change.
06:50 But what I like so much about it
06:51 is that it has this really cool flow.
06:55 I wanted to, my voice just cracked.
06:57 Pay no attention to that.
06:59 I hate myself.
07:02 I wanted to make a move that looked like
07:04 the card was changing as it was rotating.
07:07 There was actually a change on the DVD.
07:11 I want to say it's called Color Changes with J. Noble Azada.
07:14 It's one of the first DVDs I ever bought in Magic,
07:17 like six years ago.
07:19 And I bought it because there was a description
07:22 of a color change, no trailer for this specific color change
07:25 that said a card changes while it's turning,
07:29 while it's twirling.
07:31 And I thought that meant, oh, like as it's literally turning
07:33 you would see it change.
07:35 Turns out it's just this change
07:39 where you turn it like this and then,
07:42 you guys know that one?
07:43 It's old, old classic.
07:45 Got a little extra performance there.
07:47 Anyway, I was always inspired by that idea
07:52 of the description.
07:53 The description created something in my mind
07:55 that was not what it ended up being,
07:57 but I always wanted to create a change
08:00 that matched the description or what I had interpreted.
08:03 To interpreted, interpret,
08:07 what I envisioned it as.
08:09 And that is what this change is.
08:11 Originally, I had just come up with the idea
08:14 of doing just one change because I liked just the flow of it
08:18 as the card actually, the snap change happens
08:21 as the card is turning.
08:23 And you can do it just as a single change
08:25 because it has an automatic cleanup
08:28 in the twirling of the card.
08:31 And at the end, you're clean.
08:34 Is it any worse than the snap change
08:38 because it's twirling?
08:39 Actually, no.
08:40 The angles are almost identical
08:42 to the classic Ed Marlowe snap change.
08:46 It's just got a cool little cleanup at the end.
08:48 So if you're comfortable doing the snap change in real life,
08:51 you'll probably be comfortable doing this in real life.
08:54 So long as you practice, kids.
08:55 Practice makes better.
08:58 Not perfect, but better.
08:59 I messed around with just that twirling change
09:02 of one card into one other card
09:04 for about a year, and this was like three or four years ago.
09:07 I'll show a video right now of me doing this
09:10 a long, long time ago when I was like 14, 15.
09:13 I actually used it in the intro
09:15 to my YouTube video logs for a while.
09:20 And then I decided to add the third change at the end,
09:24 that you could do the same twirling action
09:27 while still maintaining a double,
09:28 while keeping that double squared.
09:30 And then you can do another snap change,
09:32 which is really cool.
09:34 The one thing I never really liked
09:35 about the double snap change,
09:38 just in the same position,
09:41 is that it's very obvious that your middle finger
09:44 has to come up and basically take this card away.
09:49 It's the really good Dan and Dave cleanup.
09:53 I never liked that you had to do the first snap change
09:57 and then your finger had to come back and do another one.
10:00 Because I feel like it doesn't really give away
10:02 the method, but the spectators know that,
10:05 oh, it has something to do with your finger.
10:08 And if it's in front and then it changes
10:10 and it's behind, maybe the card's behind.
10:13 I just, I don't know.
10:14 There wasn't enough cover.
10:15 So with this, the cool thing is when you do it,
10:18 it almost covers itself.
10:21 And there's so much going on,
10:22 there's so much twirling happening,
10:24 that your mind is not gonna register
10:28 the middle finger coming back.
10:29 And it's just a lot more cover.
10:33 The big action covers the smaller action.
10:35 Or as I guess current magicians like myself would say,
10:40 the flashy, unmotivated action covers the tiny action
10:45 that's actually doing the trick.
10:48 So there we go, guys.
10:49 We ranted for another four minutes on Thricycle.
10:53 Change number one, let's just call it Thricycle001.
10:59 That's mysterious and weird, right?
11:01 Hype, hype, hype.
11:02 Let's learn.
11:03 To start off, all you need to do
11:07 is get a break under the top three cards.
11:11 Okay, you can do this with a pinky pull down,
11:13 a pinky count, or just pushing three cards over,
11:18 aligning them with the deck.
11:19 And in doing so, maintaining a break
11:23 directly below these three cards with your pinky.
11:27 From here, you're going to make sure
11:29 that your middle finger is on the outmost
11:33 right corner of the deck.
11:34 Okay, so the top right corner of the deck,
11:37 your middle finger is directly on this corner.
11:40 Similar to if you were doing like a second deal
11:42 or a bottom deal or a center deal if you're Cray,
11:47 like Joey FX or Jason England.
11:50 You're gonna place your finger there.
11:53 And the opposite middle finger,
11:55 which is the middle finger of the right hand,
11:58 goes to the exact opposite corner.
12:00 So the bottom left hand corner,
12:03 your middle finger comes to here.
12:05 Now your first finger is going to be directly
12:08 beside your middle finger,
12:09 and you're gonna pull this up off the deck.
12:11 Okay, so I've got all three cards
12:13 between my two middle fingers.
12:15 And the rest of the deck is held between my thumb
12:18 and my ring and my pinky.
12:19 So that when I'm moving this card around,
12:22 it's actually more held by the base of the thumb
12:25 and the pressure of these two fingers.
12:28 So when I'm rotating this card around
12:30 and I'm doing everything,
12:31 the deck is just held right here.
12:33 And my thumb is actually open
12:35 so that when I ditch a card onto the deck
12:37 for the first change, I can do that.
12:42 So you lift the card up off the deck.
12:44 And as you rotate your hands,
12:48 basically your right hand is going to move in an arc down
12:51 and your left hand is gonna do the exact opposite,
12:54 rotating in an arc upwards.
12:57 Okay, so your hands are pretty much mirroring each other.
13:01 I like to kind of think of it
13:02 as if you had like a crystal ball
13:04 and you were just like waving over.
13:06 That's a weird metaphor.
13:08 So you have the card in between,
13:11 or the cards rather, in between these two fingers.
13:13 And as your hands rotate,
13:16 obviously if you just rotate
13:18 and don't do anything with the card,
13:19 the card is not going to be in the exact position you want
13:23 to do the first change.
13:25 So as you rotate your hands,
13:26 your first finger and your thumb are guiding this card,
13:31 not really twirling it,
13:32 but just making sure that it's guided in the right position.
13:35 Now, the end point you want is right here
13:38 where your left hand is on top
13:41 and your right hand is on the bottom
13:44 and the card is perfectly,
13:49 what is the word, horizontal?
13:50 No, it's perfectly hot dog style to the audience.
13:55 That works, sure.
13:57 Basically, you want to make sure that it is not here.
14:00 You're not doing the snap change right here.
14:02 You're going to turn all the way
14:04 so the card is completely doing a complete 180 rotation
14:09 to here.
14:11 Even that alone, you got to admit, that just looks cool.
14:14 Even if you're not doing a change,
14:16 it just looks really cool.
14:18 And as you rotate it around,
14:20 you're going to pause for a second
14:23 and rotate it the other way.
14:25 Okay, so it should look like this
14:27 and then you start rotating the other way.
14:29 Now, when you rotate the other way,
14:31 I'll show you what's gonna happen basically
14:34 in kind of an exposed view
14:35 and then we'll go over it in detail.
14:37 So once you're here, when you start turning back,
14:41 when you get to this point
14:42 when the card is hamburger style
14:44 with the audience's point of view,
14:46 so on the turn back,
14:47 this is when you do the snap change.
14:49 Now, it's important that you do the snap change
14:52 with this finger maintaining on the edge of the card
14:56 because when you do the snap change,
14:58 you want to make sure that these two cards do not split.
15:01 Okay, and the only way to do that
15:03 is to make sure that your finger is maintaining pressure,
15:06 pretty high pressure on this corner
15:08 that when you do the change,
15:10 these cards don't split at all.
15:12 Okay, so you do it here.
15:14 And it literally happens
15:16 while these cards are rotating, okay?
15:20 You can start by practicing
15:21 and kind of pausing and going slower,
15:24 but literally the point of this change
15:26 is for the card to change as it's twirling,
15:28 as it's moving around, just like that.
15:31 Okay, so one more time.
15:33 Now, from here, you'll notice that I'm literally now
15:37 just pinching the card between my thumb
15:41 and my index finger, okay?
15:43 It's no longer being maintained
15:45 by the right middle finger like it was before
15:47 because my middle finger's doing the snap change.
15:50 And as I rotate to here,
15:51 where the card is pretty much doing a 180,
15:54 when it gets to here,
15:56 I'm ditching the card onto the deck,
16:00 which is why my thumb is open.
16:02 Okay, my thumb takes that card.
16:03 And I transfer the actual, I guess,
16:09 pushing of this card from the right hand.
16:12 I transfer it over to my middle finger.
16:14 So you can see my middle finger,
16:15 this knuckle right here of the middle finger
16:18 contacts the edge of the card.
16:20 And what it actually does
16:22 is it contacts the edge of the card
16:24 and it rotates the card, which is a double,
16:27 completely around these two fingers.
16:30 And as it does that, when it comes back around,
16:33 you reposition and can do a second snap change.
16:37 So once again, just very, very briefly,
16:39 change here, ditch this card off.
16:43 This comes around.
16:44 It actually transfers to the ring finger
16:47 so that these fingers,
16:49 the first, middle, and thumb can reposition
16:52 and do the change.
16:54 So now, obviously, once you've understood that,
16:58 we can go into it a little bit more in detail.
17:00 It's a little brief.
17:02 So you're here with your triple.
17:04 As you come around, again,
17:08 you wanna make sure that the pressure is held very tight
17:10 with this left-hand middle finger
17:13 'cause if it's not there, these two are gonna split.
17:16 I suppose you could probably practice it
17:19 to a point where they don't split
17:21 just by pinching hard enough,
17:23 but honestly, it helps so, so much
17:26 if your middle finger is just there
17:28 and you can do the change.
17:29 It's gonna help you a lot.
17:31 Okay, so now you're here.
17:32 Now you're in this position.
17:34 And I suppose if you don't already know the snap change,
17:38 I will teach it very briefly.
17:40 But literally, it's just at a point
17:42 where your first finger is,
17:45 or your middle finger, I'm sorry,
17:46 is directly along the bottom edge of this card.
17:51 And the first finger and the thumb
17:53 are pinching both cards together very tight.
17:56 And your middle finger literally just pulls backwards
18:01 and it pulls that card.
18:03 And you'll see it's maintained just by placing
18:05 the card between the middle finger
18:09 and the edge of the thumb, or the base of the thumb.
18:12 Okay?
18:13 I'm assuming if you bought this download,
18:15 you probably are decently intermediate with cards
18:19 and know how to do a snap change.
18:21 This is the next level.
18:24 We're getting there, guys.
18:25 We're gonna get there.
18:26 We're gonna do this as a family, as a team, as one.
18:31 So you rotate the card around to here
18:33 as you get to the hamburger, or the,
18:35 yeah, yeah, the hamburger, no?
18:37 Is this hamburger?
18:38 No, this is hamburger.
18:40 This is the hamburger, the lengthwise position.
18:44 You're going to simply pull the card back
18:46 as you're continuing to rotate this card.
18:49 And again, this is just hinging on just these cards pinching.
18:54 Okay?
18:55 So it's no longer held by the middle finger
18:57 because the middle finger pulled this card back,
18:59 the first card.
19:01 So as you're continuing to rotate this,
19:03 the thumb, again, is wide open
19:06 so that when you come around to here
19:08 and you're about to switch positions of your fingers
19:10 to rotate the double,
19:12 literally this just gets launched back onto the deck.
19:16 It's literally in the same motion of you turning this over.
19:19 So it's got this really nice kind of
19:21 instant cleanup, I suppose.
19:24 We'll try this, and you can do this as well,
19:27 with just two cards,
19:28 'cause it's a little bit easier to learn the ditch
19:30 with just two cards first.
19:32 So you do this as you come around, okay, to here.
19:37 Once the card is completely in the hot dog style
19:41 and it has completed its 180 degree turn,
19:46 that is when you're ditching it onto the deck.
19:50 And your hand actually has to really stretch
19:53 all the way almost over the deck
19:55 to do the final rotation, which we'll learn in a second.
20:00 Okay, so again, here, comes around.
20:03 This gets ditched onto the deck.
20:06 And as it gets ditched onto the deck,
20:08 your ring finger, again, this part of the ring finger,
20:13 between these two knuckles of the ring finger,
20:16 are going to be contacting the edge of that card.
20:19 Okay, so right when I ditch it,
20:21 I'm already starting to rotate it.
20:23 It may move down the card just a little bit,
20:25 and you may get a paper cut,
20:27 but trust me, guys, it's worth it, right?
20:30 Right?
20:31 Is anyone on board with me?
20:33 No?
20:33 So you turn it around, you place this onto the deck,
20:37 and you transfer this over to your ring finger.
20:40 So it's literally just being rotated
20:43 between these two ring fingers.
20:45 And when I did that, my ring finger slid down
20:47 a little further than it would actually be.
20:50 So it's about in the middle of the card, okay?
20:53 Now, as I turn this around, and I get to here,
20:57 okay, so I'm turning this over,
20:59 I change from my ring finger,
21:02 or from my middle finger to my ring finger.
21:04 Okay, so the ring finger actually switches positions
21:07 and takes over.
21:08 And the reason it's doing this is because
21:10 when it turns all the way around to here,
21:13 I need to reposition my fingers to do the next snap change.
21:18 So just a little bit quicker.
21:19 Moves around, switches to here.
21:23 And my thumb immediately darts back to this side,
21:26 okay, so I can help bring this forward without it splitting.
21:30 And now I'm actually at a really convenient position.
21:33 Although this does not look convenient at all,
21:35 it is actually in a really convenient position
21:38 because your thumb comes back to rotate the card up
21:43 so that these two fingers, your index and middle,
21:45 can go in for the snap change.
21:47 And your index and ring, or index and middle finger
21:51 of the left hand can actually square up this corner.
21:55 Okay, so if you're doing this with all three cards
21:59 and you're rotating around,
22:01 literally you can set this as a guide
22:04 so that you can square it up before you do the snap change.
22:07 Originally, when I first kinda started messing around
22:11 with this change, I would do it in a way
22:13 that I would literally just come around.
22:15 What just happened?
22:17 It fell on the ground, that's what happened.
22:19 So it comes around, oops, that's awful.
22:21 So here, this changes.
22:24 As it comes around, I would literally just like,
22:27 you know, leave it between these fingers
22:30 and I would have to do it a billion times to get it squared
22:34 because it would almost always on that rotation,
22:36 they split just a little bit.
22:39 So when you have the left hand's fingers here on the corner,
22:44 on each side of the card to square this up,
22:48 even if it's splitting a little bit,
22:50 hopefully you're doing it and you're rotating it fast enough
22:53 so that by the time you come forward to do the next change,
22:57 you're already squaring them up
22:58 and you get a very perfect,
23:00 very visual snap change at the end.
23:03 So this comes around, this rotates to here, just like that.
23:08 Okay, so one last time.
23:09 Between these two fingers, you rotate it around.
23:14 As you turn back to do the 360, you do it once here,
23:20 come here, so now we're at 180.
23:22 You ditch the card off.
23:24 As you change the pressure of the right hand
23:27 onto the back of the middle finger,
23:30 okay, this comes around.
23:31 Now I'm switching to my ring finger as I come up,
23:36 okay, and my thumb immediately starts darting back
23:40 to push onto this corner.
23:42 Literally just helps it to here
23:45 and now I'm repositioning the card almost completely.
23:48 Okay, so I'm gonna do this a couple times
23:50 just so you get a full grasp on it.
23:53 In slow motion.
23:54 This gets ditched off as you rotate around to here.
24:02 This is when you switch to the ring finger.
24:06 As you come up, the right hand thumb darts back
24:09 to push this up into place.
24:11 Boom, shakalak.
24:14 I'm gonna show it just at a slightly different angle.
24:18 As you can see here.
24:20 Okay, this comes around, you ditch it onto the deck.
24:23 I'm switching to my ring finger.
24:27 My thumb darts back.
24:30 I'm squaring up the corner
24:32 and I do the last snap change.
24:37 Then as I come forward to slap this card,
24:39 I ditch that card onto the deck
24:41 'cause I'm so super sneaky.
24:44 So in full view from the front,
24:46 should look like that.
24:50 Now you'll notice, I'll actually play that change
24:53 I just did in slow motion.
24:54 You can see right before it does the full rotation,
24:57 it actually splits just a little bit.
25:00 And if that happens, you can actually use the rotation
25:03 to your advantage.
25:04 So if it splits here, when you're rotating,
25:07 you're pushing these two cards together
25:09 and they may still not be perfectly lined up,
25:12 but under the guise of the rotation,
25:14 you can kind of square it back up
25:16 before you do the last change.
25:18 So it doesn't really,
25:19 I mean, obviously it's ideal for it
25:21 not to split the whole time,
25:23 but if it does and you can feel it,
25:26 you don't have to look at the cards.
25:28 You can feel when the card is lined up
25:29 and when it's like this.
25:31 Sometimes you can actually recover from that
25:35 just by squaring it up.
25:36 In fact, even to demonstrate this further in the teaser,
25:42 the second teaser I posted,
25:44 or I'm sorry, the first teaser
25:47 that I posted for this download,
25:49 which I'll play now.
25:51 If you look in slow motion,
25:53 the change actually messes up a little bit.
25:56 It actually does split right about here
26:00 as I'm doing the rotation,
26:01 it just splits a little bit,
26:03 but in the rotation, I'm able to square it all back up
26:06 before I do that last change.
26:08 So even if you screw up,
26:10 there's a tiny bit of hope
26:12 that you'll actually be doing it just fine.
26:16 Okay, so I'm gonna do it one more time.
26:19 Break under these two cards,
26:21 middle finger, middle finger.
26:23 Turn this around.
26:25 As you start the rotation,
26:28 first change comes here.
26:30 Keep going, ditch onto the deck,
26:32 change to the ring finger,
26:34 thumb goes back, squaring everything up,
26:37 and then this finger here comes back.
26:40 I love it, I love it.
26:44 It goes all in one motion
26:45 and it looks like it was just made to happen.
26:48 The snap change was invented just for this variation.
26:53 So yeah, so it comes here.
26:55 Sound effects usually help
27:00 and don't feel bad about using sound effects for spectators.
27:03 If you're doing this for people and they're not impressed,
27:05 add sound effects.
27:07 It helps.
27:08 You know what?
27:09 You know who's such an advocate of sound effects?
27:12 Michael Jick.
27:13 Michael, that's not a person.
27:15 Andre, Andre Jick.
27:17 Michael James doesn't, but Andre, oh my God,
27:20 he's doing his thing.
27:21 You should literally hear the audio
27:25 behind every flourishing video that Andre does.
27:27 It's just him making noises.
27:29 Sound effects help, guys.
27:31 They really do.
27:32 What the heck?
27:38 So cray.
27:39 So once again, boom,
27:42 it comes around,
27:43 ditches onto here,
27:45 rotates around.
27:47 Kapow, guys.
27:49 Ka to the pizow.
27:51 And that's it.
27:54 That is the first of three changes in Thricycle.
27:59 Obviously you can do this just the same
28:01 with just one card by rotating it around.
28:04 I even did the action and nothing happened.
28:08 But you can rotate it around
28:09 and just flick it at the end as kind of a convincer
28:13 that there's only one card.
28:16 So it comes around to here.
28:18 I used to do this thing where I would just flick it
28:20 back and forth with my ring finger as I came to the end.
28:24 Go to the card changes.
28:26 And do a little flick.
28:28 Do whatever you like.
28:30 Add a little flourish.
28:31 Add a little variation.
28:33 Do whatever.
28:34 It's Christmas time, guys.
28:35 Or at least it is when I'm filming this download.
28:39 Have some fun with it.
28:41 Mess around.
28:42 Don't be afraid to create your own variations
28:45 and what have you.
28:47 And we are going to move on to the next change.
28:52 Thanks for sticking around, guys.
28:55 You've made it a third of the way.
28:57 We're gonna get there.
28:58 Don't you worry.
28:59 The second change, or Thricycle 002,
29:04 as I've literally just deemed it,
29:06 I just, like three seconds ago,
29:10 decided to call it that
29:11 because I have nothing better to call it.
29:13 People are like, "Oh, why is it called Splicer,
29:15 "but then there's two chains called Suchong?"
29:17 Like, people didn't get it.
29:19 So we're just going simple and elementary for y'all.
29:23 Thricycle change, 002, is what this is called now.
29:27 This is a change that I also created about two years ago.
29:32 And it is so strange.
29:36 There's no other word for it
29:38 because if you really wanted to do a change
29:41 that's just as visual as this,
29:44 you could do the classic snap change.
29:47 Literally, like I said,
29:49 it's just something fun to play with.
29:50 It's something fun to learn and mess around with.
29:53 There's a lot you can do with it,
29:56 different ways of the hands meeting.
29:59 For this to look cool,
30:01 you can kind of mess around with it
30:03 and create your own little finesse on this move.
30:07 There's no determined specific,
30:09 this is the right way to do it.
30:11 There's some basic mechanics
30:12 and there's lots of ways
30:13 to put those two mechanics together
30:16 to make a cool color change.
30:18 It doesn't really make much sense, but it's fun.
30:21 It's fun to practice.
30:22 So this is Thricycle change, 002.
30:25 Let's learn it.
30:26 All right, guys.
30:31 Now we are going to get into the Thricycle change 002.
30:36 That is what I'm calling it.
30:40 The change, as you know, looks like this.
30:43 You're seeing it on the screen.
30:44 So sexy.
30:46 Oh, wow.
30:47 That change really is quite gorgeous.
30:50 We're gonna learn it now.
30:51 It is probably the most impossible to do for real people
30:56 out of all of these changes.
30:59 This one is the most cray
31:02 and the most impractical for real people, but it's fun.
31:07 It's fun to do.
31:08 And it's another double snap change.
31:11 Actually just one snap change,
31:13 but double change in an interesting way.
31:16 So you're gonna start out
31:17 by getting a break under three cards,
31:20 just as you did the first time.
31:22 And you're going to do a double lift,
31:24 whatever kind of double lift you'd like.
31:26 You can just do a simple one.
31:28 You can do one of these fancy block pushover ones.
31:32 You can do whatever you so choose.
31:35 You can do that.
31:36 Can I do that one?
31:37 The one where you just like,
31:38 no, hold on.
31:40 You can do that.
31:43 I'm terrible at that one.
31:45 But in any case, turn over all three cards
31:49 and then keep a break above those three
31:52 or below those three face up cards.
31:55 Okay, so you're gonna pull the first card off.
31:57 And as you do so, you're going to kill your wrist back
32:00 or tilt your hand back
32:02 to pull this card off the face of the deck.
32:04 The goal is that the audience should not see the face
32:07 of the deck when you do so.
32:10 Okay, so the card is here.
32:11 Now, as you bring this up,
32:13 you're going to swing it back down onto the deck.
32:16 And as you do this,
32:17 your pinky goes into an even more extreme pinky break
32:21 by literally inserting itself all the way into that break.
32:26 Inserting so, so far into that break.
32:31 And what you're going to do basically,
32:32 I'll show you briefly what the mechanics are,
32:35 is as you come down,
32:37 the right hand is going to pull this back, okay?
32:42 Immediately pull it back into kind of a tenkai.
32:46 But really, it's pretty much doing a snap change
32:49 with only one card
32:51 because all you're doing is pulling your middle finger in.
32:56 It's just sliding across your thumb.
32:58 So it's almost not even a tenkai change,
33:01 but you can do it and it actually happens just as fast
33:05 as a normal snap change.
33:08 It disappears instead of it changing into another card.
33:12 It's kind of interesting.
33:13 From here, of course, you can transfer it to a tenkai
33:16 and you can show your hands if you wanted to.
33:18 But that's not what we're doing for this trick.
33:20 All we're going to do is do this kind of vanishing move.
33:24 And as we do that vanishing move,
33:27 you're going to do almost a flourish.
33:29 This is a technique I used in flourishing,
33:32 where this card pops up just to here.
33:35 And that happens just as the card disappears, this pops up.
33:40 Again, I know, extremely weird and complicated, but fun.
33:45 It's actually really, really addicting to do this change
33:49 and to get it just right in the mirror.
33:50 Oh, it is like warm pecan pie, my friends.
33:55 So, so good.
33:57 So your hand is tilted back as you come down, that happens.
34:02 And this actually stays as a double,
34:06 which is also very, very hard.
34:09 Okay, so that happens.
34:11 And then from here, you can A,
34:14 either ditch this off onto the deck
34:16 and then do the next snap change.
34:18 Or what you can do is go immediately into it from the deck
34:23 and just have two cards here
34:25 and then ditch those two cards off.
34:27 Obviously I'm going to teach you all this
34:29 in very, very intricate detail.
34:33 But in the meantime,
34:35 I'm just going to do some Michael James flourishes.
34:38 I'm kidding.
34:38 So you turn this card over, you have this here.
34:42 And for the first variation that I'm going to teach of this,
34:45 and it's not really a variation,
34:46 it's just an order in which you do the snap change.
34:50 I'll actually do the vanishing of the card
34:53 between my ring, I'm sorry,
34:55 my ring and my middle finger like this.
34:59 Okay, so same mechanics as I taught you before
35:02 as just vanishing the card,
35:04 just with my ring finger pulling it in
35:07 instead of my middle finger.
35:08 And the reason I do this is because for this
35:11 kind of variation on it,
35:13 you can almost immediately go into a snap change.
35:18 Okay, so this turns or this kind of hides away
35:22 as this pops up
35:23 and you can immediately go into a snap change.
35:25 If you want to do the slower version
35:27 or you just would rather do this vanish
35:30 with your middle finger,
35:31 you can still do that same snap change.
35:33 You just kind of have to reposition a little bit
35:35 'cause then you have to put your middle finger back on top.
35:40 If you're not ditching this card onto the deck
35:42 before you reach over with your middle finger,
35:46 sometimes what can happen unfortunately
35:48 is you can flash this card
35:51 even if it's perfectly aligned like here,
35:54 when your first finger comes up to grab the card
35:56 as you can see, you flash the card in tenkai now.
36:00 Okay, so I probably should have explained that.
36:05 The card that you vanish immediately,
36:08 once it comes to here and you re-grip this card,
36:12 you are actually putting it into the tenkai position
36:15 as you come over for this card.
36:17 Okay, so that's gripped literally just between my thumb
36:20 and the palm of my hand.
36:22 So then if I do another snap change,
36:24 it just lands directly next to this card
36:27 and then I can ditch these two onto the deck.
36:30 Kind of nice.
36:31 Very neat and simple.
36:33 So I'll explain this kind of popping up action
36:37 in a little more detail.
36:38 This is based off of a flourishing move.
36:42 I don't even really know what it's called,
36:43 but off of this type of move,
36:45 of taking an entire packet
36:48 and rotating it between the middle and ring finger
36:52 and then turning the packet over.
36:54 Okay, it's a term I don't really know if it has a name,
36:58 but it's used in many, many flourishes
37:01 and you're doing pretty much the same thing
37:03 just with your ring and your middle finger.
37:07 Also, I should take this time to say,
37:09 if you're fans of this type of very weird,
37:13 knacky, strange color changes
37:15 or just moves that are knuckle busters
37:18 and you only do magic,
37:20 I would highly suggest actually dabbling in flourishing
37:25 because it helps a lot.
37:27 There's a lot of techniques that are totally interchangeable
37:31 between magic and flourishing, surprisingly.
37:35 A lot of moves that are just,
37:37 seem like fancy flourishing moves
37:39 that can be used in magic,
37:41 whether it's just popping a card up like this
37:44 or several other things.
37:47 But that's just for the weird card guys.
37:50 But then again, if you bought this download,
37:52 I'm hoping you're one of those people anyway.
37:54 You just take the three cards,
37:56 turn them over, kill the wrist,
37:58 move this card up and get the card ready in position
38:03 to do this pull away action, this vanish of the card.
38:07 Now this vanish again, doesn't have to be perfect
38:10 because you're actually going to be propping this card up.
38:13 So you can kind of hide it behind this card,
38:16 even if your vanish is not perfectly covered.
38:19 That's kind of cool with this is that you can actually,
38:21 if you get it just right,
38:23 you can have them not just be straight on,
38:27 you can actually kind of to the side
38:29 and this kind of is covered by this card.
38:32 Kind of interesting guys, kind of interesting.
38:35 It's not as angley as you might think.
38:39 It is really angley, it's just that all the in between
38:42 moments, there's a lot more chances of flashing
38:46 than there is angle problems.
38:48 So you come here and literally I'm just literally
38:53 letting go of everything else but these two cards.
38:56 And I'm just pushing up with my pinky
38:58 and pushing down with my ring finger.
39:01 (soft music)
39:03 Okay, and that's literally all there is to it.
39:06 You're pushing down with the ring finger
39:08 and up with the pinky and the card pops up
39:12 into this position.
39:14 So from here, it just kind of pops out of nowhere
39:17 as your hand moves forward.
39:19 So it looks like that, okay.
39:21 You can do if you're not super,
39:23 if you're I mean, if you're just dabbling with this move
39:25 and you don't want the, you're not good enough at it
39:28 where you can do the instant kind of change
39:31 or the quicker change, you can actually do it
39:34 a little bit slower just by covering your hand
39:37 and moving both hands down together.
39:39 You kind of have a moment of cover to actually hide
39:44 the card and bring this card out into position
39:47 in time where it almost looks, let's see if I can get it.
39:51 Something like that, where you actually can cover this
39:54 with your hand a little bit more, okay.
39:56 As opposed to just, you know, it being super out in the open
39:59 but it's totally up to you.
40:01 Again, these moves are just very strange and weird
40:04 and up for your interpretation.
40:06 So it's however you see fit.
40:08 So once again, you have this card here.
40:12 You're going to pull it in either with your ring finger
40:14 or your middle finger, depending on which variance
40:17 you want to do.
40:18 And as you come down and you're pushing this up,
40:22 it's a little bit easier for this not to split
40:25 if you're actually making sure that the card stops
40:28 at your thumb, okay.
40:30 You can actually push with your thumb.
40:32 Just if this is split a little bit,
40:33 you can align it with your thumb,
40:35 as well as, you know, with these fingers,
40:38 aligning it together before you do the next change.
40:42 So kind of similar to the first change,
40:44 you have a moment to kind of let the card square up
40:47 before you then do the last change.
40:50 So once again, over here, one, two, three.
40:55 And you can push these together to line it up.
40:59 You can either ditch this card off
41:01 and then do your staff change and then ditch this card,
41:04 or you can do it almost instantaneously of one, two,
41:09 and then ditch both cards together.
41:11 So again, looks something like this.
41:14 And then ditch both cards.
41:19 And that is it.
41:21 Little bit weird, probably the weirdest
41:23 out of all of these changes,
41:26 but feel free to interpret it as however you see fit.
41:30 If you wanna do this coming down motion like I do,
41:33 you can, you don't have to.
41:35 I've been messing around with ideas
41:37 of like pulling it in from this side
41:39 or like pushing it together,
41:41 which you'll see multiples of these ideas
41:46 shown in the third change
41:48 because you have a little bit more leeway
41:51 as far as your hand positioning.
41:53 Obviously, you can't flash the face of the deck with this,
41:57 so it's a little bit harder to interpret the changes.
42:01 But yeah, do whatever you like with it.
42:03 Make it your own.
42:05 Put your own little finesse or stylings on it.
42:07 And you could be a rock star.
42:09 So that is it, guys.
42:11 Mess around with it, have fun playing with it
42:13 in front of a mirror,
42:15 or possibly putting it to a dubstep track
42:19 outside in your front yard
42:22 and call it a really classic movie name,
42:24 but change the spelling just a little bit
42:26 so that when people search it on YouTube,
42:28 it's the first result.
42:30 That's how I do it.
42:32 Anyway, that's it, guys.
42:33 For Thricycle002, we are done.
42:37 Time to move on to the last, the final change,
42:40 Thricycle003.
42:44 Thricycle change 003.
42:46 We're already 2/3 of the way there, guys.
42:51 This change is kind of similar
42:53 to the change you just learned.
42:55 The disappearing of this card has very similar mechanics,
43:00 just a little bit tweaked.
43:01 So if you've already been practicing
43:03 the change you just learned,
43:05 this should come a little bit easier.
43:07 But again, it's a weird, knacky knuckle buster.
43:11 So none of these are really easy.
43:14 But easier than the last one.
43:17 Is it?
43:18 I don't know.
43:20 Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this.
43:22 Thricycle003, let's go.
43:24 All right, guys, we've made it so, so far.
43:33 Time to learn Thricycle change 003.
43:38 Very similar, as I just said, to the second change.
43:43 Only difference is that you have a lot more leeway
43:45 as far as the openness of this hand,
43:48 because you don't have a card
43:49 that you have to hide by killing your wrist.
43:52 You can literally just pop the card up at any moment.
43:55 This one is also a little bit,
43:57 I wouldn't say better with angles,
44:00 because all three of these changes
44:02 kind of have the same angle sensitivity.
44:05 They need to be viewed almost head-on,
44:08 or at least as head-on as humanly possible,
44:11 or as head-on as you can place the camera or the mirror.
44:15 The only problem with the second change
44:17 is that there's a lot more opportunities for you to flash,
44:22 just 'cause there's so much going on.
44:25 With this, the nice thing is that
44:27 you can be much more open with the hand,
44:29 and when this card pops up,
44:31 you can hide this card a lot better.
44:34 There's also a lot of really cool things
44:37 you can do with this change,
44:39 as far as just changing cards a billion times
44:42 until you can't fit any more cards into Tenkai,
