00:14 What's up, everybody?
00:15 I'm Alex Pandrea, and welcome to Prisoners.
00:17 Prisoners is a sandwich routine that's easy to do,
00:20 visual, and straightforward.
00:23 A card is selected and placed back into
00:25 the middle of the pack.
00:26 The deck is divided into two sections.
00:28 The first section is the middle of the deck.
00:30 The deck is now spread onto the table,
00:32 and the two jokers go onto the outer ends of the pack.
00:36 With no funny moves, the jokers disappear
00:39 from the ends of the pack and reappear in the middle,
00:42 finding the selection in between.
00:44 This effect is very easy to do.
00:49 There is no skill required.
00:50 If you could spread a deck of cards, you could do this effect.
00:54 All right, here we go with prisoners.
00:56 I've got two jokers that I'm going to leave off to the side
00:58 just for now, and I'm going to have you take a card.
01:00 So go ahead and show it to the camera.
01:04 You got it?
01:04 Yeah.
01:05 All right.
01:06 Goes back inside the center about halfway, yes?
01:09 And I'll leave it just like that.
01:11 The two jokers are going to help find
01:12 the card in just a second.
01:13 Watch.
01:14 I mean, do you have an idea of where it could be?
01:20 Somewhere around here, right?
01:22 Watch the jokers try to find your card in between them.
01:26 Look, if I put one here and if I put one here--
01:31 no, I'll try to make it one step further.
01:33 Watch the jokers carefully and watch
01:38 them try to find your card.
01:41 Just like that.
01:49 In the middle, one card and one card only.
01:52 What was the name of your card?
02:31 Hello, everybody.
02:56 Alex Pandrea here, and welcome to Prisoners.
02:58 Prisoners is a very straightforward sandwich
03:02 effect.
03:03 There's a lot of sandwich effects out there,
03:05 but I wanted to do something visual, as visual as possible,
03:08 with as little to no moves as possible.
03:10 So this is easy to do, visual, and very commercial.
03:13 I've been doing it over my lectures,
03:16 and everybody seems to enjoy it.
03:18 And not only that, but it's something
03:21 that you could pick up and start doing right away.
03:23 So this is Prisoners.
03:24 We're going to get into the explanation of what you need,
03:27 how to set it up, and a couple of different versions
03:29 that I like to do with it.
03:32 And then we'll go into a little bonus of another sandwich
03:35 routine that mimics it.
03:37 So let's get into Prisoners now.
04:12 [Music]
04:39 [Music]
04:49 [Music]
05:11 Alright, let's get into what you need to perform this effect.
05:15 Now there's a couple different versions that we're going to go into,
05:18 but all in all it's more or less the same thing.
05:21 Throughout the DVD we're going to talk about the effect using green crown decks.
05:24 Now green crown decks are just one of my personal favorites,
05:27 but of course you can use any deck that you want.
05:30 You're going to need the box as well for one of the versions, so keep that to the side.
05:34 And you're going to take out the two jokers from the deck.
05:38 So I'm taking out the two jokers here.
05:40 You don't need to use jokers. I use jokers just because they're nice,
05:44 they're identical first of all, so you don't have to keep track of which ones.
05:48 But any mates will do, kings, queens, whatever you use for sandwich effects.
05:52 Along with what you're going to need to make the two gimmicks for the effect,
05:57 you're going to need two more jokers.
05:59 So if you had the two jokers from the deck, take out another deck and take out two more jokers.
06:03 So all in all, four jokers, a deck of cards, a box.
06:07 And then to set it up you're going to need double stick tape.
06:10 Any double stick tape will work.
06:12 I like the half inch ones because you'll see why when the prepping it could come in handy.
06:17 And some scissors. So double stick tape, scissors to prep them, everything else for the routine.
06:22 So now that you've got everything ready, let's get into making it all happen.
06:40 Okay, so for the prep, to make the gimmicks, these are the gimmicks right here, a closer look at them.
06:46 The first two jokers are jokers with a piece of card on them, just like that.
06:53 And the second two are just two regular jokers with some double stick tape.
06:57 So now what you're going to need to do for the first two is just take out your two jokers, lay them on the table.
07:02 You're going to need this little piece over here.
07:04 Now let me explain something to you.
07:06 If you've been doing this for a while, that you're going to get used to it and you could cut down how big this piece is.
07:12 I started with it half and half.
07:14 So just imagine half joker and then a piece on top just like that.
07:18 Because when you spread the cards you don't want the joker to show or you might want it to show,
07:22 depending on if you're doing it for the first part or the second spread.
07:26 So throughout time I actually cut down more and more where I'm comfortable using it like this.
07:33 You could start with your own to see how it is, but you'll realize that once you make up the gimmick and do the routine.
07:39 In the green crown deck we have one add card and one blank card.
07:45 And this one is good to cut up because you don't really need it.
07:49 And all you do is do exactly what you see here.
07:53 You're going to cut, I'd say, this much and just cut it like this.
08:00 Boom. Easy. Right?
08:02 So now you have one piece, which will be this one.
08:05 And all you got to do is turn this around and cut the second piece.
08:12 Just like that. You want to try to make it as straight as possible, but I'm just going fast with the camera here.
08:17 And you have your second piece just like that.
08:19 And what you're going to do with these is just double stick tape them on to the jokers.
08:23 And you will end up with this.
08:26 Okay? So those are for the first two.
08:28 And you can set those to the side.
08:30 Now for your next two are the two jokers with the double stick tape.
08:34 Now this is even easier. All you need is one piece of double stick tape.
08:39 And that might even be a little too big.
08:43 And you're going to place it just like that.
08:45 One on here, one on here. I've already done this.
08:48 And you can set those off to the side.
08:50 The scraps can go in the garbage.
08:52 And now you have your four cards that you need to perform this.
08:56 Two and two.
08:58 Now let's get into the setup of the deck and how to keep the jokers and how to perform the routine.
09:03 The way I keep these two jokers set up for the routine is I place, obviously you know that the double stick tape is on there.
09:22 And you don't want to turn it so that the sticky parts stick to each other.
09:28 I like to turn one this way, one this way.
09:30 So that one tape is this way and the other one from here is about here.
09:34 Now you do this and you stick them together.
09:36 So now it's one unit and that can go into the box.
09:40 Okay? And have that there for the trick.
09:43 You can take out your deck and this is how you can keep them.
09:45 Or you can keep them in your wallet or whatever.
09:47 And then they unstick very easily.
09:49 So that's just one way I keep this.
09:51 The setup for these two puppies go into the deck this way.
09:56 You're going to place them into the middle of the pack with them.
10:01 If it's this way, it's going to be upside down.
10:04 Okay? So upside down just like this.
10:07 And you want to make sure that you get them about center.
10:11 Alright? And just double check because you want to give it a nice spread here.
10:17 And double check that in your spread, in your arc spread that we're going to go into,
10:21 that they're about center.
10:23 Okay? So you can get used to that and know exactly where to place the cards.
10:27 So I've placed them just about there.
10:29 I think that's a little bit too high so I'm going to move a few cards, just a few, on top.
10:34 And I think that should be good.
10:37 They're about center over there.
10:39 Okay. So now that you have that, and because of the thickness of the card,
10:43 you can actually cut right in between them just like that.
10:49 So it's a natural break.
10:51 You just cut up and you always cut in between them.
10:53 So that's one good feature to have.
10:56 Once you have those into the middle of the pack and the two jokers in the box,
11:01 you're ready to start the effect.
11:03 Now before I start, I like to take them out of my wallet of where I have them sometimes or in the box
11:08 and separate them from here.
11:10 I separate them and I place both into the box like this and have it ready to go.
11:16 So this is my setup of the effect.
11:18 Two jokers here, the other two jokers here, and you're going to get ready to pick a card.
11:22 So from here, let's go into the selection process and how to do the effect.
11:38 So before we go into the actual routine, I just want to show you the spread.
11:42 Now it's going to be very important how you spread the cards.
11:45 Usually you're used to spreading from left to right in a straight line,
11:51 but what we're going to do is because we're going to need to take the deck and turn it around 180 degrees,
11:57 this arc spread will come in handy when we close it up.
12:03 So here is the spread. You're going to do it as an arc, just like that.
12:07 Notice how, if you think about it, the last card here on the bottom and the top card here are sort of mirroring.
12:15 So this one up to here twists.
12:19 Yeah, because here you can see it twisting.
12:22 Now we're going to use that to our advantage when we close the spread and spread it again,
12:27 the whole deck will turn 180.
12:29 So by just closing the spread, watch the sequence, the orientation of the cards.
12:34 We're going to close it just like this, move it just like this,
12:40 and now when you spread again, the spread is 180 degrees the other way.
12:45 So as long as you have that down, the spread, everything else is self-working.
12:52 So from here, you're spreading just like that, and now closing it very slowly,
12:59 you're going to close it. It's not going to look like you're doing anything.
13:02 You're just closing the deck, squaring it up, waiting a second,
13:06 moving the deck all the way back to the side where you started to spread,
13:10 and now when you spread again, it doesn't look like anything weird happened, and the effect takes place.
13:16 So I want to make sure that you have that spread down before we go into the rest of the effect.
13:22 So that is the spread, and now let's go into everything else.
13:27 Spreading the cards
13:37 Okay, so now that we know how to spread it and you have your setup with the two jokers just like this,
13:42 with the piece to the left side and the other two jokers in the box, let's get started.
13:48 What you're going to want to do is spread the cards and have a card selected.
13:52 Now the way I do this is I just limit the cards to be selected as not going past these two cards.
13:59 You don't want to get past them. If you do, you want to spread those cards and spread to the bottom
14:04 because you don't want them obviously taking the gimmick joker. That would not be good.
14:09 So I just spread like this, and I say just take a card from here.
14:12 They take a card, so let's say in this case it's the three hearts.
14:16 As they're showing it around and everything, I'm going to get my natural break in between these,
14:20 so I just pick it up and I hold a pinky break just like that in between them.
14:24 You're going to take the card back and you're going to place it here.
14:29 Now one thing to keep in mind, just as a little problem solving,
14:36 because you don't want to get to the point where you're putting the actual selection into the deck
14:42 and it's getting caught up by these little edges if you didn't tape them down right or anything.
14:47 So just one thing I like to do is come on from here and just go from the left side.
14:53 Instead of putting it in from here, I'm coming from the left and I'm making sure that it's going in
14:57 and now it can be placed in very smoothly without any getting caught up by the other gimmicks.
15:05 So I'm placing it in just like that into the middle, and I could actually keep it out for a second.
15:10 Sometimes I do that.
15:12 Then I go to the box and I say I'm going to use my little assistants over here, the two jokers,
15:17 and now you can show front and back.
15:19 I like to sort of keep my thumb just like that.
15:21 You don't need to if there are lighting conditions and you don't want the risk of the tape flashing.
15:25 You could keep your thumb on it just like that.
15:28 It works really good with court cards as you'll see later.
15:30 You can't see anything, but you show the jokers and you say,
15:33 "These are going to help me in just a second."
15:35 Now you're going to place these off to the side, so they don't matter just right now.
15:39 The card goes into the middle, and now you're going to spread the pack just like we did before.
15:47 So you're going to spread.
15:48 Now notice what happens here.
15:50 The two jokers have the card in the middle, so it's somewhere here.
15:54 I could feel it because of the thickness, so it's somewhere over here.
15:57 If I spread just more, you can see it.
15:59 But because of the spread and you're doing a tight spread, that doesn't show.
16:04 So you have one over here and one over here.
16:06 So this is the situation, the two gaps with the card in the middle.
16:10 But because of your tight spread, you're hiding that,
16:14 and it's going to look just like this when you spread it, as you saw.
16:18 Now, double stick tape on both of these.
16:21 So now it's going to be very easy for you to vanish.
16:23 I'm going to say the two jokers are going to help find the card.
16:26 Watch.
16:30 When you play it up, you do whatever you want, depending on your style.
16:34 And then I say, "Okay, I think I'm going to find them in between the jokers."
16:40 Yeah, watch.
16:42 I'm going to place one here, and I'm going to place one here.
16:47 I think your card is in between the jokers, just as a little joke.
16:50 But then you say, "Watch."
16:53 Do this, and now they're sticking.
16:55 Now you want to take the cards and do the spread again,
17:02 but very lightly at this point when you're gathering them up.
17:06 So you gather them up, and you want to go lightly, okay,
17:09 and slowly, and sort of messy over here, so you have a chance to square this up.
17:15 It's a little time misdirection over here.
17:17 Now you could square everything up.
17:19 And I make it very clear that I'm not doing anything funny.
17:22 So I'm moving with my fingers from right to the left.
17:26 Then with one finger, I show the one finger,
17:28 and now I'm going to spread for the reveal.
17:30 And as I spread, that's when I put pressure.
17:32 That will cause the two double-stick tape jokers to connect.
17:36 And as I spread, I put pressure, and then I reveal that the two jokers are now into the middle.
17:45 Now you have a very nice moment.
17:47 They just saw them here, and now they moved over here.
17:51 Okay, so again, the two jokers are here.
17:54 Place one--I'd say maybe three, four, five, six cards.
17:57 You want the distance to be big between them,
18:00 so when they disappear from here and they reappear here, the distance is big.
18:04 So I'm going to close them up just like that, and really slowly,
18:08 so they see that they're still in the middle--I'm sorry, still on one end and the other, just like that.
18:14 And now we're going to square them up, and I like to move with one finger.
18:18 Make it very, very, very slow, and with one finger, spread and put pressure.
18:26 So spread, put pressure, just like that.
18:32 And now all attention is on here.
18:34 The reveal is here.
18:35 The jokers from here are gone because they are stuck.
18:37 You can see one is here, and I think one is here.
18:42 And the two jokers are here.
18:43 Now you could get a nice spread from these two.
18:46 Like, look at that.
18:47 Okay, now there's nothing to suspect because the two jokers have came here,
18:51 and everything is on this one card in the middle.
18:54 Now here's the only thing you want to be careful about is pulling it out
18:59 because this is hiding gimmick here.
19:02 So if you just pull this out like this, there's chances that they could see that.
19:05 Even though you want to minimize that, you want to be safer than sorry.
19:10 So you want to just come and put your two fingers, just like this first finger and second right there.
19:17 You're going to place it here, and as--you want to maybe place it on the third card here
19:21 because you don't want this one to move.
19:23 You want to place it here, and I just kind of jumble everything together as I take this card out.
19:28 And now I turn it over.
19:30 Now here's the thing.
19:31 I want to turn it over and block if something like this happens, okay?
19:36 So you don't want that flash to happen.
19:39 So you want to turn it so that it blocks any flashes here.
19:46 And now with this cover, you can fix this like that and turn it over and hand it out to them
19:53 and show that this is the selected card, okay?
19:57 So that is the way to take out the card and the reveal.
20:00 So once again, if this is here in between and you do the spread, you spread, put pressure.
20:08 Now they see that the two jokers have found the card, a nice good spread.
20:13 You could even get it like that, which I think is really, really cool.
20:16 I come here and I turn it over.
20:19 The three of hearts is now found by the jokers.
20:23 And you could go ahead.
20:25 They could look at this.
20:26 This is--the heat is on here now.
20:28 And to clean up, it's very easy.
20:30 I just come here, do this, show the jokers again.
20:36 And now I could take the jokers and turn my right--my left hand face down to place them to the side
20:43 or place them into the box or in my pocket.
20:45 And it just does this because the backs are normal.
20:48 You could place these back in your pocket or in your wallet so they are off to the side.
20:52 And now you are essentially ready to go.
20:55 You do have to clean up these two, and which is really good about this is that they're thick cards
21:01 so you could actually cut to them, cut to them, steal them off, and get rid of them.
21:06 But I like to do this sort of at the finale where they could take this, this signed card, they could keep it,
21:11 and I place the deck away and do either something else or this at the finale.
21:15 But you can get rid of this because this is a thick card.
21:18 So one thing that I do is I could spread through.
21:21 I see it right here and call it out.
21:24 And then I come here and then I spread another one.
21:26 I could feel it, call it out, and they're both on the bottom now.
21:29 Steal them off and go into something else from there.
21:33 But I don't think you should be too worried about that.
21:35 You should go into something else after this that's maybe not a card trick.
21:38 And then later on go ahead and take them out.
21:41 But yeah, other than that, that is pretty much it.
21:44 We'll go through it one more time so you can see everything up to speed and then go into other versions.
21:49 So that is Prisoners, the main effect.
21:52 [♪♪]
21:55 Okay, so one more time really fast through this whole thing.
22:06 You have your four jokers, two with double-stick tape, two with the gimmick pieces on it.
22:10 These two will go into the middle of the pack with the sides, the extra pieces to the left.
22:18 Place them in the middle just like that, maybe a little bit lower if you feel your spread is going to be off.
22:24 You do that.
22:25 These two go into the box in your pocket and on the side or wherever, and you're ready to go.
22:31 So I'm going to use the jokers in a second.
22:32 Go ahead, take out a card.
22:34 Now you could spread here.
22:35 You don't want to spread so they could take these jokers.
22:37 So you spread just the top.
22:39 I do that.
22:40 They select the card.
22:41 As they're looking at it, signing it, whatever, I'm going to split just and in between them.
22:46 So you can see that the cards are here.
22:48 Split in between them and grab a pinky break.
22:52 Pinky break.
22:53 The two of hearts goes in here, and I like to go to the left side so they don't get caught up, and place it here.
22:59 Now I can introduce the jokers.
23:01 Two jokers will help find the card.
23:04 I'm going to place the card in the middle and spread.
23:08 So your card should be somewhere in here.
23:13 Now here's something interesting.
23:15 I'm going to do a tight spread here so that the jokers don't show.
23:18 This is what I was talking about before.
23:20 Know your limits.
23:21 You can make the piece bigger, bigger, or smaller, smaller.
23:24 That just depends on you and how you feel comfortable spreading without showing.
23:29 One joker goes over here.
23:31 The other joker goes over here.
23:33 Three or four cards into it.
23:35 I'm going to place them here and close it up very slowly, very slowly, turning it around just like this.
23:44 You can still see the one joker.
23:46 Square up.
23:48 Make sure everything is nice and square.
23:50 Move it.
23:51 Say, "Watch."
23:52 If I just snap and I spread, you can see now that the jokers have found one card and one card only.
24:02 This is the only possible problem you might have of flashing, so you want to just do this.
24:09 Here, take out the joker.
24:12 Take out with your fingers pushing in the jokers just a little.
24:15 Take out the card.
24:16 Show that the card is a two of hearts.
24:18 Throw it in their face as you show that the jokers have found the card by moving in like that.
24:24 To clean up the jokers, I take the cards like this.
24:29 You can spread.
24:30 Toss these off to the side.
24:32 Again, these are thick cards, so you could call them.
24:37 One here and one over here.
24:41 Now those thick cards are on the bottom.
24:43 Boom, boom.
24:44 If you press them just like that, there will be two cards here that you could steal off.
24:49 Now you're ready to go into any other trick that you want.
24:53 That is Prisoners.
24:54 I hope you enjoy it.
24:56 Have fun.
24:58 [music]
25:11 Okay, here is an alternative version of the effect.
25:15 More like a different ending.
25:16 If you're worried about those two jokers at the end splitting apart, with this version you don't have to worry so much when you pull that card out.
25:24 What we've done is now we're using just two kings, two mates.
25:28 It doesn't matter which ones.
25:30 Instead of the jokers, this will show you that you can use different cards.
25:34 These gimmicks are still the same.
25:36 Just like that, we've placed the pieces like that.
25:39 Now on your other ones, the jokers that have the double stick tape,
25:43 just notice how we put a big piece of double stick tape here.
25:46 It's here.
25:47 That's how big it is.
25:48 With the court cards, it's very invisible.
25:51 What we've done on the back, and for this case, we just stuck two other playing cards, double stick tape them to here.
25:57 So now they're double facers, and on the king side, they have double stick tape on it.
26:02 Okay, so that is what you need for that, and that just makes it very clean at the end, and you'll see why in just a second.
26:09 Everything else is the same.
26:11 These two go into the pack just like that, and make sure that they are with this side like that.
26:18 When the effect comes, starts, the card is selected just like that,
26:24 and it is placed in between the two kings with a pinky break, and you don't want to hit that.
26:31 So you're going to do this, come up here, and place it into the middle.
26:35 The card goes into the middle just like that.
26:39 Okay, now you're going to spread.
26:41 The same spread that we did before, just like that, and tight over here so you don't want to see them.
26:47 Now the two kings will go one here and one over here.
26:54 Good? Good.
26:57 Now for the effect, again, close it up, and this is why I have the mat,
27:01 because you're going to need to be able to turn the spread in just a second.
27:07 You close it up just as before, square it up, move it very slowly so it doesn't look like anything fishy is happening,
27:15 and now when you spread, you're going to put pressure and spread just like that.
27:21 Two kings disappear from here, move on to here, and now here's the beauty about this.
27:26 You can move this up just a bit, okay, so that none of this happens,
27:31 but if you're worried about taking this out and that would happen, that would show,
27:35 now you don't need to worry.
27:37 Because of the double facers, now you can go ahead and do this.
27:42 Come around here and just turn all the cards around, okay, I know that was a little messy,
27:48 but that's just to show you.
27:50 You do the flip, and now, look at this, you could take these apart,
27:56 these are just the jokers, the kings, I'm sorry, and the card is revealed.
28:02 That is the finale of the trick.
28:04 These could go away because you showed them in the beginning plain and simple.
28:08 You don't have to show them again.
28:10 These go in your pocket, and while they're checking that out,
28:13 you could get rid of the other evidence, but just look how great that looks.
28:18 So I'll do it again from here.
28:21 One goes here, and the other goes here with this one in the middle of it, just like that,
28:30 and we'll put a few cards on top because it wasn't centered that well.
28:35 Okay, so it's here.
28:38 Push it in.
28:40 You do the spread, and then you turn it the other way.
28:44 Spread.
28:46 There you go.
28:47 Move it up just a little bit, and now reveal the card.
28:58 And that's it.
29:00 [music]
29:11 So again, here is the turnover.
29:13 I'm going to spread.
29:15 You're going to see that the two kings have come to one spot.
29:20 Take it out just a little bit, and now for the flip.
29:23 You're going to flip, and because they're double facers,
29:25 they won't see the cards on either side.
29:29 And one thing you want to do is you want to take out--if you're using the two kings,
29:32 you want to take out the dupes from here so that because they are face up now,
29:35 there's no chance for them being anywhere here.
29:38 And now look at that.
29:39 It's very clean and very nice to show that these have found the selected card.
29:45 So that's really it for that.
29:47 I think it's a nice way of showing sort of both sides, and I hope you have fun with that.
29:52 [music]
30:05 All right, so there you have it.
30:06 That is Prisoners, a very, very visual and simple, straightforward sandwich routine.
30:12 So I really hope that you take the time to actually do it a few times
30:17 and realize that it's so simple, sort of self-working,
30:20 that you can really concentrate on the pattern and the simplicity of it and really build it up.
30:25 The way I do it is I do it really slowly, maybe to some music.
30:28 I don't talk very much, and everything is very one finger, move it here,
30:32 one finger, spread it, and just let it speak for itself.
30:35 So a couple of things to keep in mind.
30:38 If you are worried about the thickness of the cards,
30:42 if you were doing the piece with the double facer or any of that kind of stuff,
30:46 you could always split cards, and you could split the piece and place it on,
30:50 just to make it that much thinner.
30:52 Even though I have never used that, I've always used the ones that I've shown you here,
30:56 and it works great for me.
30:58 Another thing to keep in mind is that you can do this routine
31:04 after you've done a bunch of other sandwich routines or card tricks,
31:07 or at least done a sandwich routine that is not as visual,
31:10 where the two jokers find the card in a less visual way,
31:14 and then say, "You know what, let me try one more thing,"
31:17 and really get everybody together, and it's just very nice.
31:20 You spread, you close, you spread, and the magic happens.
31:25 So that's Prisoners. That's all I really got to say about it.
31:28 Just really enjoy it, and let me know what you come up with.
31:31 If you come up with any other variations, I would love to hear it.
31:35 So thank you very much, and we'll see you next time.
31:39 [Silence]
31:46 [Music]
31:52 What's up? I'm Alex Pandrea, and welcome to Slider.
31:56 Slider is a simple, straightforward, and visual sandwich effect.
32:00 [Music]
32:04 I've always wanted to do a sandwich routine where you visually see the process happening
32:07 of the cards finding the one selection, and this is what I came up with.
32:11 [Music]
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32:51 [Music]
32:56 [Silence]
33:01 [Silence]
33:06 [Silence]
33:11 [Silence]
33:16 Alright guys, here we are with the explanation of Slider.
33:19 So I've always wanted to do a sandwich routine where you actually see the process happen
33:24 of the two cards, and they find the one card, either slow motion, or you see them
33:28 actually come together in finding it, and there's very few sandwiches that do that.
33:32 A lot of them, especially the ones I do, the process is invisible, so the queens,
33:38 the queen of the pot, would disappear, and then when you spread through the cards,
33:41 you'd see that they actually found one card in between.
33:44 So this could be used either after the fact of doing that, where they come together
33:49 and sandwich a card, and then you say, "Let me show you how it works,"
33:54 or just as a standalone. So it's a nice visual trick, and the moves are very interesting,
33:59 the construction of the routine is interesting, so let's get into it, and hope you enjoy.
34:03 [Silence]
34:15 Okay, let's get into the explanation of the Slider effect.
34:18 You're going to need two cards as your sandwich cards. I used the two queens,
34:22 the red queens. You can use jokers or whatever other mates you want,
34:25 and the two queens in this case are on top of the pack.
34:29 Now, we're going to have a card selected, as you saw in the demo.
34:32 Now, here's one thing to keep in mind from the very beginning.
34:35 I spread and have a card touched, and I show the card.
34:38 In this case, let's say the three of diamonds is the selected card.
34:41 Now, what you want to remember is that whatever card you touch and pick up over here to show,
34:48 this block right here, the block starting from the selection below to the top card,
34:54 is the block that's going to be remaining at the end.
34:57 So, what I mean by that is at the end, there's going to be one queen here and one queen here.
35:03 That's the position we're going to get into.
35:05 So, it's these number of cards that are going to be what ultimately will end up in this position.
35:12 Okay, so you have to go through these many cards to do the effect.
35:16 Now, this is going to depend on your comfort level of how comfortable you feel with the effect
35:22 and the move that you need to do it with.
35:25 So, I say this number of cards is perfect for me.
35:28 You might want to start with less cards.
35:31 You might want to start with more cards, but if you have a card selected all the way here,
35:35 it's going to be hard to keep track of everything and have everything in your hand while doing the moves,
35:40 because there's a few things that are going to go out at once.
35:43 So, just keep that in mind when we go through this.
35:46 So, I have a card selected from, let's say, about 15 cards, I would say.
35:52 So, three of hearts.
35:54 Now, I'm going to come here and square everything up and keep a finger break above the selection.
36:00 So, I have a pinky break, yeah, sorry, below the selection.
36:04 So, the three of hearts is here and the pinky break is below it, like that.
36:10 I'm going to hold this card into biddle position, okay, and this card is on top with the rest of the pack, just like that.
36:19 I'm going to come here and I'm going to place the queen of diamonds on top of the queen of hearts.
36:23 As I do that, I'm going to get ready to do what would be a cover pass, okay, a half of a cover pass.
36:29 I'll show you why, because we're going to switch it up in a bit.
36:32 Queen of diamonds goes on top. Now, the patter, after you're going to make the queen of diamonds disappear.
36:37 So, watch the queen of diamonds, you say.
36:39 Watch the queen of diamonds and this packet is going to get levered this way to the right as this card goes on top.
36:49 So, now, as you can see here, this packet is going to come out.
36:51 As you were to do a cover pass and bring it to the bottom.
36:55 The only difference is you're not bringing it to the bottom, you're going to bring it back on top, okay?
37:00 So, that's the reason that you need to keep that break and to keep this packet where it is, alright?
37:07 Queen of diamonds, watch the queen of diamonds on top.
37:10 You're going to pull, pull, pull, while this is still here.
37:14 Now, everything comes flat and this, instead of going to the bottom, will go back on top.
37:18 So, it's literally going from the top back on top and now you're doing the gesture to make the queen of diamonds disappear.
37:29 Okay? So, that's part number one.
37:33 Now, you're going to do the exact same thing to make this disappear, except it's going to come from the bottom.
37:38 So, you're going to riffle about maybe another 15, 20 cards and come here, dip down, and now this is just going to be like a Herman pass.
37:47 You're going to do a Herman pass, come up here, and do that to make it disappear.
37:53 We'll go over different touches of how to actually make the vanishes look good, but for now we're just going to stick with that.
37:59 So, again, from here, I'm riffling down, I'm coming up, and then I'm coming down, just like that.
38:06 Both cards disappear from the top of the pack.
38:09 Now, you're going to go into the revelation.
38:11 You're going to spread through the cards one by one, and now you want to keep it deep into the thumb crotch right here.
38:18 So, you're going to keep it deep as your thumb extends all the way and start pushing,
38:23 because you're going to need these fingers as free as possible to do the dirty work on the bottom.
38:28 So, I'm going to go here, spread and say, "Look, one queen vanished and appeared into the middle of the pack."
38:34 Now, what you're going to do is move these cards further to the left, just like that.
38:40 Further to the left, and this card will get culled to the right.
38:46 Now, one important thing is what you don't want to do is start culling this card so this moves.
38:52 The better way to do it is to cull this and just enough so that when you start pushing these,
39:02 you don't want this to move too much, right?
39:05 You want to push these underneath the queen and keep the pressure with the right finger.
39:16 So, these fingers will keep pressure so that it stays and it doesn't flap in and out,
39:21 because if it were truly in the middle, it wouldn't come in and out like that.
39:24 So, you keep pressure and you're pushing and you're pushing and you're pushing until you get to the second card.
39:30 In the second card, you're going to out jog just like this.
39:34 So, now you're in this position with a whole bunch of cards.
39:38 Now, the pattern for this would be, "So, how many cards do you think are in between?"
39:44 Now, here's the misdirection, because they're going to look at the cards in between and not at the two queens.
39:49 They see it in their peripheral vision that they're one in on the top, one on the bottom,
39:53 and their duty now, as you say, is to, "How many cards do you think are in between? Can you count them really fast?"
40:00 Now, you're going to start to spread. You're going to start to spread,
40:04 and the right fingers are going to push this card forward to the left.
40:10 So, from the right, it's going to start pushing to the left as your left thumb pushes these.
40:15 You're going to go up and down as it still pushes,
40:18 and now you're just pushing more and more cards underneath this until you get to the last one.
40:25 You're going to stop, raise this up a little bit, and push more with your right fingers.
40:32 I'm doing this slowly. As you're still going up and down just a little bit,
40:36 now what you're going to want to do is spread these even more into the right thumb crotch,
40:41 and now get a whole block from here and start spreading more from this side.
40:47 So, it's going to look like the cards just came together with a motion of this from left to right,
40:54 and a motion of this. The illusion should be good.
40:57 So, once again, really quickly, this is about here.
41:03 You're going to come here, show the first one.
41:06 Now, don't pull it as much as you separate them.
41:12 Just enough so this card gets in there first, because once this card gets in there,
41:16 all the cards will get in there, and you're going to stop about here
41:20 and have this visual of the two cards and say, "How many cards are in between?
41:25 Can you count them really fast?"
41:27 As you count them, you say, "Actually, there is one."
41:30 So, you push all the blocks now here, and you start pushing here.
41:34 You want to get the same ending, this position, as if these were the cards that were in the middle.
41:43 Okay? So, that's it. Let's go through it once again with all the steps and make sure you got it.
42:03 Okay, so here we go once again.
42:05 Two cards are on top, and I spread, and I get the selection.
42:09 Six of spades, catch a break as I separate the two cards. Break is below.
42:15 Show the queens. Say, "Watch the queen of diamonds."
42:17 You're going to do a cover pass, but instead of going to the bottom,
42:19 you're going to go to the top and make the first card disappear.
42:23 So, queen of diamonds is gone, leaving the queen of hearts.
42:26 Show it just like this. Come back up, and now you're going to do a Herman pass of that,
42:30 doing whatever motion you want.
42:33 Queens are disappeared from the pack, and they actually go inside the middle,
42:37 and they find one card. So, there's the first one, and here is the second one.
42:43 Now, it's getting a little messy. You don't want this.
42:46 Okay, so I took a little too many cards, but that's okay.
42:51 So, you want this right here. Now, you're going to say, "How many cards are in between the queens?"
42:56 Can you count them really fast? Up and down, start pushing from the right to the left
43:01 with your right fingers of this first queen, the top one,
43:04 and you're moving the cards underneath it, underneath it, until you get to that one.
43:08 Pop it up and start to spread, just like that.
43:13 So, you want a nice, even spread at the end.
43:15 Now, I know it can get messy, and that's what you have to work on getting.
43:19 Okay, so here it is again. Spread, spread, spread. You get to here.
43:28 Now, one important thing that you can do is get your left fingers on the cards that are above the selection.
43:39 So, if the selection was here, face up, okay, six of spades,
43:43 you want to get your fingers on everything and spread everything until that six of spades,
43:49 so above it, so the six of clubs. I'm pushing, putting pressure here,
43:53 so you know that that's the card that you want to stop on once you get to the sandwich card.
43:59 Okay, that's the one, that's the last one that gets pushed underneath.
44:02 So, that's just a little tip.
44:05 Here are some options to make the vanish look as best as possible.
44:21 For the first one, after you have your break and the two cards, you're going to come up,
44:26 and now, what you can do is show the queen of diamonds.
44:31 As you come here, you can pick up the queen of hearts and show now it's just the one queen of hearts,
44:35 and the queen of diamonds has disappeared, almost like a Malone shift, if you know that.
44:40 Another way that you can do it is with a riffle.
44:46 So, I'm going to come here, from here, and then just riffle it up, queen of diamonds disappears.
44:53 You can do the same kind of thing as the one previously, but don't pick up any of the cards.
44:58 So, you come here and you say, "Watch the queen of diamonds."
45:01 I'm going to take it and make pretend you take the queen of diamonds, throw it into the pack,
45:05 and the same thing with the queen of hearts. I'm going to take it, throw it into the pack.
45:09 That's another way to do it.
45:12 Another way, you could do the midnight shift. So, that motion is like this.
45:17 You show the two queens, come up, come up to here, and now from here, you're going to twist your hand this way.
45:25 Okay? And that has a nice visual because the bigger action covers the smaller.
45:31 And then the same thing with here. You could do that to make them disappear.
45:35 So, just play around with those kind of ways to do it, and I'm sure you'll find something that works for you.
45:42 So, one tip to make this look as best as possible.
45:58 The last thing you want to do is make it look like just that one card is moving from here to here.
46:03 Right? So, how do we get around that?
46:05 Well, one way is to move your body from your right to your left.
46:10 So, say there's the card, and there's your position.
46:14 So, you can show, and you can start to move this way as you show and ask them how many cards,
46:19 if you're doing it for an audience, for a couple of people, let's say there's three people,
46:23 one to your right, middle, and left.
46:25 Now, you can start showing it to the person on the right.
46:27 Say, "How many cards? How about you? How many cards?"
46:29 And as you move, you're going to drag, drag, drag, and by the time you get to the last person,
46:35 there's only going to be one card in between.
46:37 Okay? So, that's one way.
46:39 Another way to do it is with almost a flick of the wrist, an up and down motion.
46:45 Although I don't prefer this, this is how I was playing around with it before.
46:49 I come up, and as I come up, I slide, and then as I come down, I spread.
46:55 Okay? That's another way to do it.
46:58 So, play around with those couple of ways, and play around also not to go too far up
47:04 when you do the sliding action, because if you go too far up, they're going to see this,
47:12 which is not good.
47:13 So, you want to just come here just enough to grab their eyes off of the cards themselves,
47:19 so they can't concentrate on one thing.
47:23 So, show, push, and start to spread.
47:31 Okay? Just like that.
47:33 And there you have it.
47:50 Alright, guys. There you have it. That's the slider routine.
47:53 Like I said, I think it differs from other sandwiches because it does have that visual factor,
47:59 but you do want to try to make it look as good as possible.
48:02 That goes without saying, but really practice it first before you go out and show people.
48:08 And it always helps if there's more people around, because then you could have that motion
48:12 from left to right with the shaking up and down.
48:14 You don't want to stand still and just make it look like you're sliding the one card.
48:18 So, that's the main thing that I want to tell you guys before,
48:21 and that's the problem I had for a long time,
48:24 just how to make it look as if just the card is not sliding, the obvious answer to it.
48:29 So, that's the one thing to keep in mind when doing this routine.
48:32 Other than that, practice the vanishes and make them look as best as possible
48:36 with the different variations.
48:37 Switch them up, do what you got to do, and have fun with it.
48:40 So, that's sliders, and thanks again.
48:43 [ Silence ]