• 2 years ago
00:00 Hello, my name is Troy Hooser and I'd like to introduce Jenny and Joan.
00:15 To start things off here, I like to keep my money about me.
00:18 Let me show you what I mean here.
00:19 I give a little tug here.
00:20 Sometimes I can get lucky and find a dollar piece.
00:22 So, wait a minute, check it out.
00:24 Ooh, two.
00:25 And over here I just happen to have a third one.
00:28 I don't know if you know this or not, but if I take a coin and hold it a certain way, it disappears.
00:33 Watch the second one.
00:34 Wait for about three-tenths of a second, it disappears.
00:36 Not quite.
00:37 Oh, there it is.
00:38 You know what?
00:39 I should ask myself, where's coin one, where's coin two?
00:42 There's coin number one.
00:44 Over here behind my ear is coin number two.
00:46 And if you were watching real close, you probably saw coin number three.
00:49 So that's one, that's two, that's...
00:52 Let's try that again here.
00:54 Yeah, there we go.
00:55 So that's one, that's two, that's...
00:58 Oh, you see the third one?
00:59 It's been behind my ear the whole time.
01:02 There you go.
01:04 [applause]
01:13 The explanation for Extraordinary, which is one of my favorite routines to perform,
01:17 I perform it walk around, platform, corporate work.
01:24 I've been using this routine probably for 14 years now.
01:27 It's floated around in the underground.
01:29 Some of the top professionals are doing it now and then.
01:33 It packs flat, plays big, no table, resets instantly.
01:38 It's just a beautiful piece that I like to perform.
01:43 Now we're going to learn the Un-Nest slide here.
01:45 I'm going to--what it is is the coin's inside the shell.
01:51 I'm going to let the coin drop out of the shell.
01:56 To do that, what you need to do is hold the coin in the shell with the first two fingers and the thumb.
02:01 You're going to release a little tension here with your thumb,
02:05 and the coin's going to fall right into the finger palm, just like this.
02:13 Now from the side, it looks like this, another view of it.
02:20 This is kind of like what you're looking down at from behind.
02:26 Let's just pretend that the audience is out there.
02:28 This is what you're seeing.
02:30 You're just going to release with your thumb.
02:32 The coin's going to fall right into the finger palm.
02:36 I'll do it again here for you.
02:40 Now in the routine, you can take the coin, the shell if you want.
02:46 That's up to you.
02:47 Or once you get used to it, just take your thumb.
02:50 You're going to guide your thumb down behind the shell as you pinch it at the bottom.
02:59 You get a nice little display there.
03:01 The full speed from the side, it looks like this.
03:06 From the front, or if you want to, you can just drop it and take it,
03:17 whatever you feel more comfortable with.
03:20 That's the un-nest slide.
03:24 The other slide that we have here is the slide-in slide.
03:28 This is after you've produced the three coins.
03:31 You have a coin behind the shell and one in front of the shell.
03:35 The other coin's spread.
03:37 What we're going to do is we're going to slide this coin into the shell,
03:40 which is the middle coin.
03:44 If you get used to it, you can do it with one hand.
03:46 But to make it easy for you, for the vanish, I use both thumbs to help slide it into the shell.
03:52 From the front, the vanish looks like this.
03:57 From the back, this is what you see.
04:02 I'm going to use my left thumb.
04:05 It's going to help guide the coin right into the shell as I pretend to take it.
04:13 Come over, pretend to take it, slide it into the shell, vanish.
04:19 Once you get used to it, you can just slide it in there, pretend like you take it, vanish.
04:25 From the front, once again, it looks like this, vanish.
04:34 Now the retention vanish.
04:38 There's lots of great retention vanishes out there.
04:41 I like this one because it's fairly easy.
04:47 What I do here is I tilt my hand towards the audience.
04:54 Let's pretend the audience is there.
04:56 This is what I'm seeing from my view.
04:59 I'm going to tilt my hand towards them a little bit.
05:05 What it's going to do is it's going to help for me to catch that coin as it drops into the finger palm.
05:13 Also, you want to hold the coin with your first two fingers and your thumb.
05:18 Your thumb is going to help guide that coin into the finger palm also.
05:21 You can pull back a little bit as it drops.
05:29 Let me turn it around here a little more.
05:32 From behind, it looks like this.
05:34 This would be your view.
05:41 This is a side view.
05:44 You can see the hand's tilted a little bit.
05:47 That's no good.
05:49 More than likely it would fall out.
05:52 Tilt it. It's going to drop right in there.
05:54 Front view.
05:59 Now we're going to use the other hand.
06:03 Pretend like we place it in the hand.
06:05 Give it a little squeeze.
06:06 If you want, you can drop your right hand.
06:10 Give it a little motion.
06:12 Vanish.
06:15 Or if you want to come over and take it, that's up to you.
06:19 Same thing.
06:25 That's the retention vanish.
06:28 Here's one of the productions in a routine that I use.
06:31 This is the one with the shell and the coin, which is finger palmed in your right hand in the routine.
06:37 What I do is I come over and I pull the material with my forefinger and my thumb.
06:42 I pull it once.
06:45 When I do that, I pull it away from the material like I'm trying to reach for something.
06:50 Now the second time I pull, I push the coin to the fingertips.
06:56 It kind of looks like this.
06:58 From behind, all I'm doing is using my thumb to push the coin to the fingertips.
07:06 It's like this.
07:07 I pull, nothing, and then I pull again and just push it to the fingertips.
07:13 That's the first production.
07:16 Now I'll un-nest the coin.
07:19 I'll do the un-nest move in the routine.
07:22 For the second production, I'll just reach over and produce it from the outside of the material.
07:28 Instead of tugging on it, I'll just produce it.
07:30 I usually use it for the third production too.
07:35 Same thing with the left hand.
07:37 It would look--there's one, two.
07:40 You're basically just doing the same thing.
07:42 You're just pushing the coins with your thumb to the fingertips.
07:47 Now we're going to do the neck ditch, which is kind of scary.
07:55 But once you play around with it, you'll get used to it.
07:58 What we're going to do is we're going to leave the shell and the coin up here at the base of my neck,
08:04 kind of like on my shoulder and at the collar of my shirt, as I produce this one.
08:13 So you just do the vanish.
08:16 You reach back.
08:18 You look down at your elbow.
08:22 You produce the coin, which is in the routine, as you leave this one.
08:26 As you drop, you want to pretend like you're holding a coin.
08:31 So it's from the side.
08:34 It's like this.
08:37 Produce.
08:38 Leave that one.
08:40 Come down.
08:41 Pretend like you're holding a coin.
08:46 Okay.
08:49 Now the caps transfer.
08:55 In the routine, I do the one-handed Jeffrey Lotta vanish.
09:02 We're going to have the coin in the right finger palm here.
09:05 Now I want to show both my hands clean.
09:07 I'm going to do a display of showing both hands clean.
09:13 What I'm going to do is I'm going to transfer the coin from the right hand to the palm of the right hand here.
09:21 So I'm going to come over together.
09:26 I push the coin in the palm with my second and third finger.
09:33 It looks like this.
09:37 I take my thumb and my middle finger in my right hand,
09:41 and I go right down the middle of my hand and my middle finger here.
09:46 So it's just like this.
09:48 I kind of expose from the side there a little bit.
09:53 From the front, it looks like this.
09:57 Now I'm going to take my right hand back over to my left hand
10:00 and drop the coin right into the finger palm of the left hand.
10:07 So here, drop.
10:09 Now I'm going to take the right hand and turn it palm up,
10:12 which hides the coin, which is finger palm in the left hand now.
10:16 So the speed looks like this.
10:20 Now we go from here to here,
10:26 which basically transferred it from the right finger palm to the left finger palm.
10:32 Now here's the explanation for the Jeffrey Lada vanish.
10:39 This is a nice little vanish here.
10:44 What we're going to do is we're going to drop the coin into the finger palm,
10:48 the hand's palm up.
10:51 We hold it with the first two fingers and the thumb.
10:54 You're going to drop it as you tilt your hand palm down.
11:00 So you kind of see it at the spellbound position.
11:03 Now it's not there.
11:06 So from the side here, drop it.
11:12 Turn it palm down.
11:14 You can pretend like you're holding a coin right here.
11:16 That's the whole idea.
11:18 It's there, and then now it's not.
11:22 So from the front, it looks like this.
11:32 Now we've learned the basic slides,
11:35 and now I'm going to teach you the choreography of the routine.
11:38 What we did was we broke that into three sections here.
11:41 We have the production, the vanish sequence,
11:44 and we also have the reproduction.
11:47 If you notice in the reproduction, the third coin,
11:50 we seem to have trouble locating it.
11:52 It keeps vanishing as we produce it.
11:56 To start things off here, we're going to do the production sequence.
12:01 For this, you just take the coin and the shell.
12:05 The shell goes in the finger palm.
12:07 The coin goes into the shell.
12:09 It's finger palmed in the right hand.
12:10 Regular coin is finger palmed in the left hand.
12:14 Come out to the Ramsey display.
12:17 We're going to do the first production.
12:19 We tug on the jacket once and twice.
12:22 Push it to the fingertips.
12:24 Produce it.
12:26 Now we're going to unnest the coin on the shell.
12:31 Produce the coin on the outside of the material.
12:34 This coin now goes behind the shell and above the shell, just like this.
12:45 We produce the third coin from outside the material.
12:49 This one goes down below the shell in front.
12:57 Now the vanish sequence.
13:02 What we're going to do is we're going to do the slide in.
13:05 We're going to slide the coin into the shell, the top one.
13:10 A little squeeze.
13:11 You want to look here.
13:14 Vanish.
13:15 We take the coin and the shell in the left hand with the joint of the first finger
13:21 and the second joint of the first finger and thumb.
13:25 Take the coin.
13:26 Do the retention vanish.
13:28 We take the coin in the shell, use it as a wand.
13:32 Second vanish.
13:34 Now we're going to do the neck ditch as we produce the coin in the right finger palm.
13:41 Ditch it as I produce this.
13:44 I'm going to do the Jeffrey Lotta move and then open the left hand.
13:51 Vanish.
13:53 Vanish.
13:54 Vanish.
13:56 I'm going to open this one a little more than a Ramsey to kind of show that it's empty.
14:03 Now we go right into the caps transfer.
14:06 Place the coin in the palm.
14:08 Do the transfer.
14:15 That's the end of the vanish sequence.
14:17 Now we're going to go into the reproduction.
14:20 We have a coin finger palm in the left hand.
14:25 We come over.
14:26 We produce the coin from outside the material.
14:31 I'm going to produce the coin in the shell from behind my ear.
14:34 I take my forefinger and my thumb.
14:36 I grab the coin.
14:37 I take all my fingers, kind of put it behind the ear and then come forward with everything
14:42 so it kind of looks like it's coming from the ear.
14:46 Now we're going to unnest the coin in the shell.
14:51 We unnest it.
14:54 Place the shell beneath and in front of the coin.
15:00 Now I'm going to produce the third one.
15:03 As I produce the third one, I'm going to come forward.
15:08 My left hand is going to come back towards me.
15:10 As I do that, I'm going to slide that coin in the shell.
15:14 Then I kind of talk about this is three.
15:19 Then I go into this is coin, the first coin.
15:24 There's the first one.
15:26 I slide it in the shell.
15:28 There's the second one.
15:30 I come forward towards the audience.
15:32 I look down.
15:33 Where's the third one?
15:34 It's vanished.
15:38 Now I place both coins in a spellbound position.
15:42 We unnest the coin again.
15:45 The shell goes in front of the regular coin, below.
15:52 I'm going to do the same thing again.
15:55 The first coin comes towards the audience.
15:58 The second coin, I look.
16:01 Where's the third one?
16:04 It's vanished.
16:05 Spellbound position again with both coins.
16:07 I unnest the coin, shell, below once again.
16:15 Then for the third one, it's up to you.
16:17 Anything you want, I produce it.
16:20 Then the third and final coin, which goes down below the shell.
16:27 I happen to have three dollar pieces.
16:30 What I'm going to do is I'm going to make the coins travel.
16:33 Let me show you what I mean here.
16:35 Watch the first one here.
16:36 If I give it a little shake like that, it disappears.
16:38 One of them reappears.
16:41 We'll try that again here.
16:43 Watch.
16:44 If I aim, I can make the second coin travel.
16:48 Watch the third one here.
16:50 The third one's the fun one.
16:52 Here we go.
16:53 Watch it.
16:55 Down the sleeve and into the hand.
16:57 There you have it.
16:58 Just one, two, three coins.
17:02 Thank you.
17:03 [applause]
17:09 The three-flight coin plot has become a modern classic in coin magic.
17:17 I'd like to show you my two methods, which were published in the Silver Surf II.
17:23 Method one.
17:27 What you need is a flipper coin and two regular coins.
17:36 Now we're going to do the flip display as we push one coin to the fingertips
17:45 and add it to the flipper coin.
17:51 Flip the display, drop those two, flip it open, open it, take it in the right hand.
18:02 You have one finger palmed in your left hand.
18:06 Now, this isn't--I'm not going to go from here to here.
18:11 I'm going to vanish here and then reproduce the coin here.
18:15 So I'm going to let it close using one hand.
18:22 When I do that, can I tilt the hand back a little bit?
18:24 It vanishes.
18:25 I reach over with the left hand and then produce the coin.
18:29 I get it vanished there and it reappears there.
18:32 Now I take the bottom coin and I drop it on the coin in the left hand.
18:41 I talk about this is what you're going to see and this is what you're going to hear in a few seconds.
18:46 I flip the coin open again, do the display.
18:50 I say, "Look, you saw the first coin travel from here to there."
18:56 Now I'm going to turn a little bit to my left and I'm going to aim the coin towards the other one.
19:06 So I make like a little tossing motion.
19:08 I drop this one and let this one just close in the hand.
19:19 It's going to look like this.
19:22 Then I push these two to the fingertips and then this one to the fingertips.
19:28 So the speed looks like this.
19:34 Now I get the coins ready for the display.
19:41 Open.
19:43 I talk about you saw the first coin travel and then you saw the second coin travel.
19:47 I come over, I take those two, which is actually the flipper coin, open.
19:55 I just come over and take it.
20:00 Now we're going to make this coin travel down the sleeve and into the hand.
20:09 So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to do that retention vanish.
20:14 I'm going to make a downward motion from here to here with the hand as I kind of kick it back into the finger palm.
20:28 I'm going to do a side view here.
20:31 So you're doing that.
20:33 So I'm kind of going one, two, and then down.
20:39 So this is what it looks like from the front here.
20:44 Now I take my second and third finger and I kick the coin and finger palm out.
20:53 You want to do that fairly quick so it looks like this.
20:58 I kind of drop my hand a little bit when I do it, which kind of helps place the coin there.
21:05 So vanish, it travels.
21:09 There it is.
21:10 Now I come over with my right hand.
21:11 I take the flipper coin and the real coin and I just let those fall into the right hand.
21:24 It closes and I just push them to the fingertips again.
21:31 There you go.
21:33 I tell you what, I'm going to make each one of these coins travel from this hand to this hand.
21:37 Are you ready?
21:39 I'll show you the first one here.
21:40 Here we go.
21:41 It jumps from here to here.
21:43 Watch the second one.
21:44 Just like that.
21:45 The third one you can actually see it go.
21:48 Did you see it?
21:49 Okay.
21:50 I'll tell you what, I'll try it again.
21:52 Watch.
21:53 Just like that.
21:56 There you go.
21:57 One, two, three.
21:59 [applause]
22:10 Here's the second method of the fingertip coins across or three-fly.
22:15 I like this one.
22:17 It's a big improvement on, I think, what's out there now because you eliminate some moves.
22:22 It's very visual.
22:25 To start things off, what you need to do is you need three regular coins and a flipper coin.
22:32 How do you get into this?
22:33 I usually place a flipper coin on top of the three.
22:36 Those go in the pocket or the coin purse.
22:38 I bring them out in the hand.
22:42 I take the flipper coin in the right hand.
22:45 You can display both sides casually.
22:48 Now I push these two to the fingertips.
22:52 This one's finger-palmed.
22:55 There's a little Ramsey display there.
22:58 Now I'm going to flip this open as I add just one while retaining this one with the other one that's finger-palmed.
23:05 What I do here is I just drop those two, do the flip display.
23:11 Now you're two ahead.
23:13 You have two here and you have the flipper coin and coin here.
23:19 Now we're going to do the first vanish.
23:24 I'm going to vanish the flap of the flipper coin.
23:27 Slowly I just let it close.
23:30 Now when I do this, I kind of tilt my hands down a little bit.
23:34 That just helps me push this coin to the fingertips so they don't talk too much.
23:45 I'll do that a little slower for you here.
23:50 Close.
23:56 Now what I'm going to do here is I'm going to drop this coin into the finger palm.
24:01 I'll make a little motion which is going to help throw it into the finger palm.
24:10 While I do that, I'm going to kick the one in the finger palm out with my second and third finger.
24:19 So it's throw, kick it out.
24:24 Okay.
24:26 Speed.
24:32 I saw the first one. Now the second one.
24:35 Now we're going to do the normal gag and all the coins across the three flies.
24:43 Here you're going to actually see the third coin travel.
24:47 You can do the gag.
24:50 Now here I'm going to kick, make a little tossing motion back to the right hand
24:54 and this one's going to fall into the finger palm while I push this one to the fingertips.
25:02 Okay.
25:08 Let's try that again here.
25:11 For the last coin vanish, I used Jeffrey Lotta's one-handed vanish which looks like this
25:16 and with the coin going across, looks like that.
25:21 It's explained in detail in the trick Extraordinary.
25:28 I hope you have a lot of fun with it. I do. Thanks.
25:31 I'm going to show you some magic with the glass here and three walking liberty coins.
25:37 What I'm going to do is I'm going to make each one of these coins travel from my hand to the glass.
25:41 Watch the first one here.
25:45 Just like that. That was the first one.
25:48 Well, leaving me these two obviously.
25:51 Look, I'm going to do that again here.
25:53 Saw the first one. Now watch the second one here.
25:57 That was the second coin. Just like that.
26:02 Now the third one's the fun one. That's the one I like.
26:06 Watch. I'm going to place these two off to the side.
26:10 Watch the third one.
26:14 Just like that. The third coin travels.
26:26 This is my version of coins to the glass which is great if you're working in a restaurant
26:30 where there's a lot of noise or you're working a party where there's a DJ or a band playing.
26:35 What's nice is you get a nice sound as the coins travel to the glass.
26:43 To do this routine, you need a flipper coin, two coins, and a glass.
26:53 The glass size don't matter. It's something you can put your hand over from above.
26:58 Here's the setup for the coins to the glass.
27:00 The flipper coin is in the right hand. The two regular coins are in the left hand.
27:05 What we're going to do here is we're going to do the flip display.
27:10 Now I'm going to reach down and grab the glass.
27:12 And as I do that, I'm going to go from finger palm to palm
27:17 and place my hand over the mouth of the glass.
27:23 We're going to go from finger palm to palm.
27:29 Now I let the flipper coin close as I drop the coins into the right hand.
27:38 I bring the glass up a little bit.
27:41 Squeeze. Release the palm coin.
27:49 Open the right hand. Push those coins to the fingertips.
27:53 First coin travels.
27:55 Now I'll dump the coin out onto the table.
28:01 The second phase for the coins to the glass,
28:04 we have the regular coin in the left hand, the flipper coin in the right.
28:08 I'm going to do the flip display once again.
28:15 Finger palm the coin.
28:17 I'm going to do the same thing we did with the first coin.
28:19 I'm going to push that coin into the palm.
28:23 As I reach down and grab the mouth of the glass,
28:29 I'm going to let this fall in the hand again
28:32 and then make a tossing motion towards the glass.
28:35 Toss. Release.
28:38 Second coin travels.
28:41 Dump that coin on the other one.
28:45 Open the hand.
28:48 I only see one.
28:50 Now we're going to pick those two back up
28:54 and do the display again, the flip display,
28:58 while retaining one into the left finger palm.
29:03 Now I'm going to go across the table a little bit.
29:05 I'm going to move from my right to the left.
29:09 I'm going to let these coins fall.
29:12 I'm going to place the flipper coin down onto the table,
29:17 one of the real coins down onto the table,
29:20 and pretend like I'm holding the third coin.
29:23 Well, actually it's over here in the finger palm.
29:26 Now I'm going to reach down, palm that coin,
29:31 grab the mouth of the glass,
29:33 make a tossing motion in the air,
29:36 pretend to follow it.
29:38 There it goes.
29:40 There it is as you release it from the palm of your hand
29:43 into the glass.
29:46 Then I dump that out onto the other coin.
29:49 One of the devious things about the coins to the glass is
29:52 the flipper coin never actually goes to the glass,
29:54 just the two solid coins,
29:56 thus hiding the sound of the flipper coin going to the glass.
30:02 I hope you enjoy this one.
30:04 I'll tell you what, I'm going to show a little bit of close-up magic here.
30:07 I just happen to have my close-up mat.
30:10 Nice quality, don't you think?
30:12 Close for what?
30:14 I'll tell you what, if you don't like my jokes,
30:16 if you don't like my card tricks, right here,
30:20 well, if you don't like my card tricks, maybe, just maybe,
30:23 I'll hypnotize both of you with a little bit of alcohol.
30:26 [laughter and applause]
30:34 And now the explanation for the bottle production.
30:42 What you need is a deck of cards.
30:44 This goes in your left jacket pocket.
30:47 You need a bottle, a wine bottle, or even a pop bottle.
30:52 Whatever you feel comfortable with.
30:54 What I'm going to do is I'm going to place this in my pants here,
31:00 off to my left, behind the left side of my jacket.
31:04 If you have a Toppit, you could place it in the Toppit.
31:07 They also have other items, utility items, that hold bottles.
31:11 You could use one of those.
31:13 And you need a close-up mat.
31:16 And we're going to roll the close-up mat up.
31:19 This would be an opening for your close-up set, or platform.
31:25 If you're doing platform magic, you can also use it.
31:28 You walk out, introduce yourself,
31:33 let the close-up mat unroll here, talk about--
31:39 I'm going to do a little bit of close-up magic for you.
31:41 And if you don't like my card tricks, I go in.
31:45 As I go in to grab the cards,
31:50 I reach through the jacket here,
31:53 and I pivot the bottle towards the front.
31:57 And I clip it with my second and third finger of my right hand, right here.
32:06 So you're going to reach in, you're looking around for it,
32:08 you come right over, you clip it.
32:10 Now I've got to lift the bottle out.
32:12 As I lift the bottle out is when I take the cards out of the jacket.
32:16 It gives me excuse.
32:18 If you don't like my card tricks, if you don't like my jokes,
32:22 maybe I can influence you off a little bit of alcohol.
32:25 Now what I do here is I take my left hand,
32:28 grab the bottom of the mat, push it up against the bottle.
32:32 I let go with my right hand.
32:35 And now you get a nice little production of the bottle.
32:39 And then place it under the table.
32:45 Guess what? I just happen to have some cards with me here.
32:48 I'm going to remove a couple.
32:50 Let's see.
32:52 There's one.
32:54 And there's the second one.
32:58 I'm going to place this to the top of the deck.
33:00 Jenny, I'm going to have you select a card, okay?
33:02 And to do that, I'm just going to riffle down like that and you yell "stop."
33:04 Ready?
33:06 Stop.
33:07 Right there.
33:08 You didn't stop me at any one of these cards, correct?
33:10 Six of hearts, seven of diamonds, eight of hearts.
33:12 But you didn't stop me at this one.
33:14 Go ahead, take a look.
33:16 Okay.
33:18 Leave your card out there a little bit where everyone can see it.
33:21 Okay.
33:22 Now remember I placed two cards on top.
33:24 They just happen to be the two queens, the queen of hearts, the queen of diamonds.
33:26 Now watch this.
33:27 If I push your card in, a little snap, just like that,
33:31 it appears between the two queens.
33:33 [applause]
33:43 Here's some ideas with the throw switch, which is a move based on Ed Marlow move.
33:50 John Mendoza and John Carney have published their versions.
33:55 Here's my version using the control.
33:59 I have three of them here.
34:01 The first one I'd like to show you is the kind of ambitious card type of control.
34:07 What we're going to do is we're going to control a selected card to the top of the deck.
34:12 And what we do here is we riffle down, have a spectator yell "stop."
34:17 I push my thumb in, I break where they told me to say "stop."
34:23 Now I spread these cards a little bit.
34:27 I'm going to hand them like--run my thumb along and say, "Look, you could have selected any one of these cards,
34:31 but you didn't. You selected this one."
34:34 What I do is I just push over with my thumb, show them the card.
34:39 I'll pull it back with the thumb as I go down, and I'll hold a break with my left pinky.
34:49 Now I'll bring these cards over, and as I do that, I'm going to run my pinky in a little bit,
34:54 and my third finger is going to clip above the card.
35:01 So we bring the right hand packet over.
35:04 I tilt the hands forward a little bit.
35:09 I'll show you from this angle first.
35:12 Come over, and you pivot that.
35:16 You're going to pivot a little bit with your third and little finger.
35:22 Come over, add it to the back of the right hand packet,
35:28 square everything against the deck, the bottom half, and flip that face down.
35:34 This is what it would look like at full speed.
35:37 Stop. You could have selected any one of these cards. You didn't. You selected this one.
35:44 You can use your forefinger, push the card out, on top, snap, travels to the top.
35:53 Here's the second application of using the throw switch. I use it in a sandwich effect.
35:58 Take the deck, fan through it.
36:00 Now I'm going to up-jog the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of Diamonds.
36:04 I don't call no attention to this.
36:06 I just place them to the top of the deck, square everything up.
36:11 I'm going to spectator you all stop as I riffle down.
36:14 I go, "Look, you could have stopped me at any one of these cards, but you stopped me at this one."
36:21 Seven of clubs.
36:23 Now I'm going to do the throw switch.
36:26 Come over. Remember, tilt the hands forward a little bit to hide the action.
36:32 Come over, add it.
36:36 I'm going to square that top half up, take my forefinger, push the card forward,
36:43 which hopefully they think is the selected card.
36:45 Drop this half on top.
36:48 Square everything up.
36:50 Now we're going to do a double lift.
36:53 The one that I'm going to do is I'm going to take my pinky, I'm going to double.
36:59 Do a double here, using my pinky, just count off one, two.
37:04 Come over with my right hand, my thumb hits the side,
37:09 third finger down here, and we'll use it as a guide.
37:11 I'm going to turn that over.
37:13 I'm going to kind of bend the cards a little bit here,
37:16 and I'm going to use these two to lever this one over.
37:22 Okay, exposed.
37:26 Now you take these two, drop them on top, do your magic wave, your snap or word,
37:32 and then reveal the selected card between the two queens.
37:39 Now the third version, I'm going to do it face up using the queens.
37:44 I go through, I out-jog the queens, I place them face up on top of the deck.
37:48 A little more difficult here.
37:51 I'll riffle down, then yell stop.
37:53 Now I'm going to spread these cards.
37:56 If you look here, you can see that the two face down ones are kind of back-jogged a little bit.
38:02 I'm going to take my pinky, and I'm going to pull down.
38:11 Okay.
38:12 Now as I do that, I'm going to turn this card over face up.
38:19 Selected card.
38:22 Now we're going to do the throw switch, but we're going to add that card between these two,
38:28 the two that are face up.
38:31 So we're going to come in, add it, square everything up, push the card forward,
38:44 riffle the deck, do your thing, and now you can show that the cards face down this time.
38:51 When you're doing the throw switch, the sandwich effect and the ambitious card,
38:56 when I do this routine, I do it walk around, and it's usually for two or three people,
39:00 and they're looking down on the deck.
39:03 The routines that we did for you right now, you've got to remember that the angle is going to be
39:07 at a different shot.
39:10 So when performing this, remember, use two or three people, they're looking down.
39:15 Thank you.
39:18 Just happen to have a deck of cards here.
39:22 If you look at them, you can see that there's--well, they're pretty well shuffled,
39:26 all that good stuff.
39:28 Tell you what, Joan, I'm going to have you select a card.
39:30 Can you pick one for me?
39:32 All right, excellent.
39:33 Can you show it to Jenny?
39:34 I'll turn my head here.
39:36 Okay, you guys memorize it?
39:37 Okay, you got it?
39:38 Okay, place it right back into the deck.
39:42 Don't lose it.
39:45 That looked pretty good.
39:47 Tell you what, Jenny, I'll tell you what.
39:49 I want you to take a small packet between, I don't know, 10 and 20 cards
39:52 and place them right over there.
39:56 That looks pretty good.
39:57 Pretty good.
39:58 I'll tell you what, I'm going to take a shot here.
40:02 That's pretty close.
40:04 That's pretty close.
40:05 I think I'm off by one or two.
40:07 So I'm going to--yeah.
40:12 I'm going to try this again here.
40:15 I'll tell you what, I got a packet out of the center here.
40:19 I should have about the same amount.
40:21 Let's count them here.
40:22 There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
40:29 Wow, we did pretty good, me and you, huh?
40:32 Now, you probably thought I got lucky, didn't you?
40:35 Yeah.
40:36 Okay, good job.
40:37 Did you think I got lucky?
40:38 Yeah.
40:39 I'll tell you what, I'm going to try it again here.
40:42 Whoa, if we cut the cards just like this, I can cut--I'm correct, another 12 here.
40:49 I'll tell you what, can you count them for me?
40:52 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
40:57 In a loud, clear voice, what was the card you selected?
41:00 The King of Clubs.
41:02 Check it out, the King of Clubs.
41:05 [applause]
41:18 The first thing you want to do is you want to put a breather in a card.
41:21 I put mine in the 6 of clubs, usually every deck that I use.
41:24 What you do is you take your forefinger and your middle finger and your thumb,
41:29 you place it at one of the corners,
41:32 and you go from this corner to the corner down here.
41:37 You're going to go this way and this way.
41:39 There's like an X.
41:41 So take your forefinger, middle finger, push down with your thumb,
41:45 and just pull, turn it, do it again.
41:51 Now this one here has been exaggerated a little bit.
41:56 And what you're going to do now,
41:58 what's nice about this is you can cut right to it, for example,
42:04 and you can use it as a key card in a routine.
42:08 Now for the routine, I place the 6 of clubs 27th from the top, using 52 cards.
42:20 So this is the 27th card. I have a card selected out of the bottom half,
42:32 below the breather card.
42:35 It won't work if you have it selected out of the top.
42:38 Now I cut. I have the spectator look at the card, memorize it, sign it,
42:41 whatever they want to do.
42:43 I cut to the breather card, and usually I'll tilt the cards back a little bit
42:47 to make sure that I cut to them.
42:49 If I don't, I just throw them back on top, try it again.
42:52 So we're going to leave this card, the 2 of hearts, face up.
42:58 Place the top half on top.
43:01 Just dribble the cards a little bit.
43:03 Now I have a spectator cutoff between 10 and 20.
43:08 Now I'm going to cut off a packet to estimate.
43:12 I'm trying to guess how many cards they have there.
43:16 So I'm going to cut to the breather card, look down, place this back on top,
43:26 hold a break below the breather card, above the selected card.
43:33 Now I'm going to do a little fancy cut here because I'm going to cut
43:38 to the exact amount he has or she.
43:43 I pick up the breather top half.
43:48 I take my middle finger and my third finger and hold the packet
43:53 and use my first finger to help pivot this top half of that packet.
44:02 Now I take my pinky, I grab this packet, and I just pivot this one out
44:10 into the hand.
44:13 I drop that packet outjogged on top, and then this packet just drops on top of that.
44:26 Now I pivot these cards out.
44:29 This positions the breather card to the bottom of this packet,
44:35 selected card here.
44:37 Now I pick up the packet and I count the cards to show that they have the same amount.
44:43 You can have the spectator do it.
44:45 This just speeds it up a little bit when I do it.
44:47 So we're going to count here.
44:49 There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
44:58 So now you've got a match.
45:00 Plus this positions the selected card to the bottom of this packet,
45:04 which we're going to cut to again.
45:07 So when it's revealed, it will be the top card.
45:09 So I take the packet that we discarded here.
45:12 This goes on top of the card with the selection, the breather card.
45:18 This packet goes on top of that.
45:21 Now I'll say to the spectator, "You probably think that I got lucky."
45:25 Now I'm going to do it again.
45:27 And what I'll do here is I'll make sure that I'm cutting to the breather card.
45:34 Just kind of look.
45:36 I know that's a bit too much.
45:37 Now we're going to do a version of the pendulum cut.
45:42 It's not really a false cut.
45:44 It's just a flourish.
45:46 So I kind of cut, guess, I look, make sure that I cut to the breather card.
45:51 I hold a break below the breather card.
45:55 There's the packet of 17.
45:58 Now grip the deck, thumb behind these three fingers, first three, and the front.
46:09 So this is from behind.
46:12 Now I'm going to cut a packet, a small packet, about a third, into the left hand.
46:21 I'm going to tilt the right hand up.
46:24 I'm going to come over with my left hand and take my middle finger and my thumb
46:27 and grab that bottom packet above the breather card.
46:34 Now I'm going to take these two fingers, the third one and the thumb are holding this.
46:40 I take this packet.
46:44 I clip it.
46:47 I drop this packet on top.
46:49 This goes down below.
46:52 Make sure that this packet's out jogged.
46:56 This is the one with the selection on the bottom.
46:59 So I pivot that out, discard these, give this to the spectator to count.
47:07 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen.
47:14 And usually that card will be face down in a routine.
47:18 They turn it over, ask them what the card was they selected, two of hearts,
47:21 have them turn it over, the two of hearts.
47:24 Hope you enjoy the routine.
47:28 In the routine Guess Your Weight, I use the pendulum cut as a flourish.
47:31 You can also use it as a full deck control.
47:34 Here's one to speed.
47:39 Here it is again.
47:44 Here's the difference between the cuts from Guess Your Weight into the full deck control.
47:49 What you want to do is take the deck, hold it in your right hand.
47:56 These three fingers, front end, thumb behind, you're going to cut off a third with your forefinger.
48:05 That's going to be placed into your right hand.
48:07 Take it with your right hand.
48:11 Now I'm going to pull this packet and my right hand apart with my forefinger.
48:16 I'm going to pull it up.
48:20 Now I'm going to turn both hands.
48:21 I'm going to rotate them a little bit.
48:25 I'm going to come over with my left hand now and use my middle finger and my thumb.
48:28 I'm going to grab the bottom packet of the right hand here.
48:35 Take that with your left hand.
48:39 Now I'm going to reposition the cards here a little bit.
48:41 I'm going to use my third finger.
48:43 It's going to grip the card.
48:45 Take these two and turn the hand over.
48:51 I'm going to clip the bottom packet here.
48:57 I'm going to pull that out.
48:58 As I do that, I'm going to rotate my right hand down.
49:04 Now this packet here, just drop on top.
49:08 I'm going to put this packet on top of those two.
49:16 The only difference is the last packet goes on top of the deck instead of the bottom.
49:22 Here's the explanation for the zombie change.
49:24 Something else you want to consider when doing this is you've got to have the proper angles.
49:30 Start things off here.
49:32 One of the first things you want to do is you want to turn the deck face up.
49:35 Palm the bottom card, or if you feel comfortable, palm the middle card.
49:41 That's up to you.
49:42 This is just easier for me.
49:44 I'm going to kick that out with these three fingers into the right palm.
49:51 The palm here, I'm not going to palm it like this.
49:55 I'm going to push it to the palm of the right hand here because this is going to ride.
50:02 This is based on a John Cornelius idea, an effect he called the winter change.
50:11 I'm going to kick it out with these three fingers into that palm position.
50:19 Spread the fingers a little bit.
50:23 They're kind of riding on my third finger here, this card.
50:29 Now I'm going to take my right hand and I'm going to go to the outside.
50:33 I'm going to let it ride on the forefinger too and then on the thumb.
50:37 From behind it looks like this.
50:43 I'm going to come up here to the base of my thumb here.
50:50 I'm going to come back.
50:51 As I come back, I'm going to push--use my thumb--I'm going to push the two of diamonds to the right.
50:58 As I come over, I'm going to add it to this card in the right hand.
51:09 Now I'm just going to come over, drop those two, and then take my middle finger
51:15 and run it diagonally from the left front corner to the bottom right.
51:22 Now you get a triple color change.
51:26 Here's what it looks like up to speed.
51:40 The zombie change is a great visual piece.
51:44 You can incorporate this in your own routines.
51:47 You can have a card selected, two cards selected.
51:51 You could change them from the joker.
51:54 You could change the joker into one of the selections or two selections.
51:58 I hope you use it.