• 2 years ago
00:00 Let me show you my newest effect called Casino Night.
00:11 And first of all let me say that this effect was originally created by Jules Lanier, the
00:17 late Jules Lanier.
00:20 I don't think he marketed the effect, but he was known for actually creating the beginning
00:27 of this effect.
00:28 It was shown to me, and when I saw it I really thought it was shown to me as a stage parlor
00:32 effect.
00:34 And when I saw it I thought what a wonderful close up effect it would be if we could just
00:37 find the pieces to put it together.
00:41 And so that was my objective in doing this and actually it changes the handling slightly.
00:48 It's my understanding that Doug Malloy puts out a wonderful version of this called Casino
00:52 Caper, which is a larger stage parlor version and it comes with a silver tray and I understand
01:01 it's first class like most of Doug's effects.
01:05 This is the close up version of this that we put together and I hope you enjoy it.
01:09 As I said again it's an original Jules Lanier effect and this is my version of that and
01:18 we call it Casino Night.
01:21 It works like this, in casinos in Las Vegas they play games and so we're going to play
01:27 games and you get three spectators or four or whatever, however many you have.
01:33 You can actually do it with one if necessary.
01:36 And you show them that what you have is you're going to play three games.
01:40 You're going to play roulette and we supply you with a mini roulette wheel.
01:45 Now this was very hard to find and probably was the big holder for the trick.
01:49 What it actually has in it is it has a small BB in it and it's self contained and so the
01:54 purpose was for restaurant workers to be able to perform this on a table and not have to
01:59 worry about dropping the ball or losing the ball.
02:02 Also when you press this, the way this works is when you press it the ball not only spins
02:07 but it lights up and it makes noise and so it attracts attention to you as a magician
02:11 and your table and people wonder what's going on and they want to see the effect afterwards.
02:16 So what happens is once this spins it will actually stop the ball in a number and it
02:19 will stop the light in a number.
02:21 They can choose either the light or the ball, it makes no difference in the effect.
02:25 We also supply you with two Las Vegas, fabulous Las Vegas dice which have been, were specially
02:32 purchased for this effect to add to the aura of Las Vegas and then you use your own set
02:37 of cards, any cards will do for the effect.
02:41 You're also given three double blank cards that have been plasticized.
02:45 You can see they're blank on both sides and they've been plasticized for use with a wet
02:52 erase marker.
02:55 Now in the beginning we actually tried a dry erase marker but anybody that's worked with
02:58 dry erase knows that it leaves a residue that is hard to get off and so if you're performing
03:03 this several times a night then you'll have residue from your last predictions.
03:07 If you use a wet erase marker which actually comes with the effect then that, you have
03:12 no residue whatsoever and you just keep a wet napkin or something in a baggie in your
03:16 close up pad or you can clean it off and just wipe it off clean and it cleans and dries
03:21 and it's ready to go very quickly again.
03:24 So this is what you receive with the, when you purchase Vegas Night, you receive this
03:31 velour bag, you receive the mini roulette wheel, you receive the dice, you receive three
03:41 double blank playing cards and you receive the pen, the wet erase pen that you'll use
03:51 for making your predictions.
03:56 Now you'll notice when we actually perform this effect at ABC Magic, I started the routine
04:05 with just a kind of a novelty Las Vegas sign and I'll show you that now.
04:11 This sign was actually purchased in Las Vegas, you know, we're attempting to be able to add
04:18 these to the kits.
04:20 Right now we haven't been able to do that but it's a simple novelty item that you can
04:24 purchase in at least one store in Las Vegas that I know of and it not only lights up when
04:29 necessary but it also plays the two songs that we used in the effect and the idea of
04:35 closing your eyes and you think you hear the sounds of Las Vegas.
04:37 So it just adds a little bit and you know the routine kind of becomes an act as you
04:41 add these little bitty things, sometimes little things really mean a lot in an effect.
04:45 So if you're interested in this and you can't find it, email me or give me a call and I'll
04:50 be more than happy to see, you know, if by that time we are supplying them for those
04:54 that have already purchased the effect and including them into the new effects that we'll
04:59 be putting out.
05:02 Alright as far as the routine goes, here's what happens.
05:07 The first thing you want to do is you bring out a deck of playing cards and you talk about
05:12 Las Vegas, you show you have a deck of playing cards and it is just a regular deck of playing
05:18 cards.
05:19 Now you can either have the deck shuffled or you can have the deck set beforehand.
05:23 If you have the deck shuffled and I'll just shuffle it quickly, I have no idea what card
05:28 is in any location, so at that point when you fan your cards across the table, it doesn't
05:33 take much to look down at the first two cards and see exactly what the cards are going to
05:38 be.
05:39 So you know exactly what it's going to be.
05:41 Now in this case I have a 9 and a 2 and a 2 and a 3 and a 5, so I know that if they're
05:46 going to continue to take hits they're going to be at 20 in a routine.
05:52 Now to simplify the effect and I think what happened at the performance at the shop, they
06:01 actually got a 20 to begin with, so you can place whatever cards that you want to force,
06:09 if that's the way you're going to do the effect, on the top of the deck and then you bring
06:12 out the cards and do any shuffle that you want, just making sure that you leave the
06:18 two top cards on top of the deck, bring them together and then ask somebody to just cut
06:25 the cards.
06:26 You do this kind of in passing because you don't want the cards to be any big deal and
06:31 that's why the first thing that you do is actually to have the cards done because by
06:33 that time, by the end, by the time you get back to the cards, they've actually forgotten
06:37 what took place in the first place and when you say, "Oh, you cut the cards and the cards
06:41 were shuffled," and they say yes and it just doesn't give them as much time to think about
06:45 anything.
06:46 So you have them cut the cards and you do a simple crisscross force like this, which
06:52 I will explain in the end when we get down to it.
06:56 You do a simple crisscross force and you just let it set there.
06:59 And now you go back to the roulette wheel and you say, "I have three cards here, I'm
07:03 going to make a prediction."
07:05 You pick up your wet erase pen and by the way, should you leave the cap off or run out
07:13 of the wet erase, these can be easily purchased at any office supply house.
07:18 Just make sure that you get wet erase markers and not dry erase markers.
07:21 Okay, so now you're going to show the cards and you're going to write the word "roulette"
07:27 on the top card.
07:31 And there's a reason, you can take your time and show that because there's a reason for
07:34 doing that, you're in no rush and you're going to prove to them that you're going to make
07:37 these predictions before they choose.
07:39 Set the pen down.
07:41 Now what's nice about these cards, once they've been plasticized, it's very easy to do a double
07:45 lift off these cards by simply using your middle finger to pull down on the top two
07:50 cards, pull down on the top two cards and turn the two over as one to make the prediction.
07:59 Now I'm going to show you, Jules Lanier just had a wonderful idea and it's amazing how
08:04 this turnover works in the end of the routine.
08:08 So the first move is write it, do a double lift and turn it over as one card.
08:13 Now the first prediction that you're going to make is not the roulette prediction.
08:16 The first prediction you're going to make is the blackjack prediction.
08:21 So I already know that I have 20, that they're going to receive 20, they're going to get
08:25 a 10 and a face card.
08:28 So what happens is when I say I'm going to make a prediction, I turn the cards back up
08:30 this way.
08:32 What I do is I draw a box first so it may look like I'm writing words here and then
08:40 I'll write the prediction for the blackjack first.
08:44 So I'll write 20 here in the box.
08:50 Now I pull it back down again and I do the double, I do the double, I turn it over and
08:57 I take the double to the bottom, just like that and push it up.
09:02 Now at that point I say, "Okay, I've made the prediction for roulette, I've made it
09:05 before you've done it."
09:06 Now if you would, press the button and make the ball go.
09:10 So what they do is they press the button, the ball spins around inside the cylinder
09:16 here and ultimately will stop on a number.
09:20 Again you can have them stop on a number or you can have it wherever the light stops.
09:24 You can have them choose, so it's kind of a double choice thing.
09:26 So you say, "Okay, look where you stopped and I can see that they stopped on red 22.
09:31 If they chose the light, they stopped on red 22."
09:34 So they will say, "Oh, red 22."
09:35 And I'll say, "Okay, fine, you remember that."
09:39 Now that's done.
09:40 In their mind I've made a prediction, they have the number, they don't know what's going
09:44 to happen at this point.
09:45 Next I go to the next person and I say, "Okay, now you're going to play the second game in
09:49 Las Vegas, you're going to play craps."
09:52 So I write "craps" on the next card up, like this.
09:58 I then do the same move.
10:00 I pull down, I do a double lift, I turn it over and I'm going to make, write a prediction.
10:08 Now the little part where I pick up the dice and I just give it a look and, "Oh, okay,
10:13 good."
10:14 It's simply misdirection to make them think that there's really something going on and
10:18 to try to force their minds into figuring out what's happening.
10:22 So I take a look and I'm going to write, now this prediction, I'm not going to write the
10:26 craps prediction, I'm going to write the roulette prediction.
10:32 So now on this card I'm going to write the roulette prediction, which happened to be
10:36 red, what was it, red 22.
10:40 So it landed on red 22.
10:41 So here I'm going to draw the same box and I'm going to write red 22 in this box.
10:50 Now they think I've made a prediction for the craps, I've actually gone back, it's the
10:54 one ahead principle, and I've actually gone back to the roulette, made that prediction,
11:00 I turn the card, they don't see it, I turn the card back over and I take the double to
11:06 the bottom.
11:08 Just like that.
11:09 Same move as the first time.
11:11 Now I actually have them throw the dice, they throw the dice and it lands on a six.
11:16 Now so the six is obviously going to be the final prediction, but they think I'm going
11:21 to predict the blackjack.
11:22 So what happens is I say okay, so we played roulette and we played craps and now the last
11:27 game we have to play is blackjack.
11:29 Las Vegas is the most popular game and so I write the words blackjack on the final prediction
11:40 card, they believe.
11:41 I do the same move, I pull down two, do a double turnover, turn it over and I have a
11:49 blank card and now I'm going to make a prediction and that prediction again will be the only
11:54 prediction that is left would be the dice.
11:56 So they think I'm predicting the blackjack, I turn it over, I know that they threw a six,
12:01 I'm going to draw my box, I'm going to act like I'm doing some writing and ultimately
12:05 I'm just going to write six in the box.
12:07 Now I'm going to do a double turnover again and I'm going to bring that back to the bottom.
12:13 Just like that.
12:15 Okay.
12:16 Now what happens is I've made the three predictions and now simply by putting them in order like
12:26 this I actually, by bringing them down I actually have my predictions in order so I can say,
12:31 look I made a prediction for roulette and I set it down.
12:35 And I made a prediction for craps and I set it down.
12:42 And I also made a prediction for blackjack and I set it down.
12:45 They haven't even seen their cards yet so they really don't have any idea what hand
12:48 they have and yet I'm at this point totally clean on my predictions.
12:52 So this prediction was made ahead of time, this prediction was made ahead of time and
12:56 clearly this prediction was made ahead of time.
12:59 Now at that point, at this point I say, okay I shuffled the cards, you cut the cards, correct?
13:04 And they say yes.
13:05 I say okay, well let's stop where you cut the cards.
13:07 You simply pick up the top packet off the cross cut, cross cut force, pick up the top
13:13 packet and deal off the first two cards or a blackjack hand to whoever's playing the
13:21 hand.
13:22 So let's say they were right here.
13:23 Now I know it's 20, I want to make sure they know the rules so I say you understand that
13:28 the game is you want to get as close to, and they say 21 as you can.
13:33 They look at their cards and obviously get a big smile on their face because they have
13:37 20 in their hand.
13:39 You haven't seen that yet or they don't think you have.
13:42 So they have 20, I say do you want to take a hit?
13:45 And what I do is I actually pick up the cards here and act like I'm ready to give them a
13:49 card.
13:50 Do you want to take a hit?
13:51 And they say no, no, I'll stay where I'm at.
13:54 Fine, okay, let's go through this one more time.
13:57 I made a prediction, you spun the wheel, correct?
14:00 Yes.
14:01 I made a prediction, you threw the dice.
14:02 Yes.
14:03 I made a prediction, you just now got your hand.
14:06 Yes.
14:07 Alright, well let's see how it would be a good trick if I was able to predict what did
14:10 you have and they say red 22, you turn the card over and it's red 22.
14:20 I say and you threw what?
14:21 And they say I threw a six.
14:23 You turn the card over and lo and behold you have predicted a six.
14:29 And last but not least, you pick up the blackjack, you say what do you have, what hand do you
14:33 have, they say hey I've got a 20 here, you turn the card over and you predicted they
14:39 would have a 20.
14:40 All three predictions match, everything can be handed out and examined and it's just a
14:47 wonderful amazing effect and special thanks to Jules Lanier for obviously creating the
14:55 handling on these cards.
14:58 It's an amazing handling on the cards that enable you to have this one ahead principle
15:03 that works so well and thanks to all, certainly to all my friends that have helped me put
15:09 these pieces together to make it just a really entertaining close up effect.
15:14 So I hope you enjoy it, I'm going to come back and give you a few pointers at the end
15:18 but I hope you enjoy this effect and the effect is casino night.
15:23 Have fun.
15:24 I'm going to give you a few little simplicities with this effect and that is I'm going to
15:31 go ahead and leave the writing on the cards even though when you start the routine they
15:35 will be double blank but I want to try to give you an idea about what Jules Lanier actually
15:43 put together and how it works and it's kind of got that one ahead mental epic sort of
15:48 idea along with the gambling theme and it's just a lot of fun to do.
15:52 So here it is, you're going to start again writing the word roulette on the card.
15:59 So you write the word roulette on the card before they've actually used the wheel, you're
16:04 going to pull down and the reason to pull down is because it creates a double, these
16:08 are all plasticized cards so it makes a very easy pull.
16:12 You're going to pull down and that gives you a very easy double turnover here.
16:16 You're going to turn two cards over.
16:19 So in reality what you're writing the prediction on is the blackjack, your blackjack prediction.
16:26 So that's why I'm leaving the words on.
16:27 So you're going to pull down, do a double, now obviously you're doing that this way,
16:32 you're not doing it so that they can see it would be blank, but you're going to turn it
16:35 over and you're going to write the prediction for whatever your final is on the blackjack
16:41 here.
16:42 You're going to write that on what they believe is a roulette card.
16:44 Now you're going to turn it back over and my good friend Steve Skendall said it's a
16:50 good idea to show the word again so that they see that oh I made this prediction on roulette
16:55 and you're going to take it to the bottom.
16:56 Now in reality you're taking a double card to the bottom.
16:59 So you're going to turn the double over and take it to the bottom.
17:05 So it's always double, turn it over, take it to the bottom.
17:09 Double, turn it over, take it to the bottom.
17:12 Now the second name, the second one you're going to write, oh then you have them use
17:17 the roulette wheel and get a number.
17:19 So now you're already one ahead here with the blackjack which you've made.
17:23 Now you're going to go here, they're going to do, you're going to write the word crafts
17:29 down for the second.
17:30 So you're going to write crafts and then you're going to do the double, turn it over.
17:36 So you're going to pull down, do the double, make the prediction.
17:41 What prediction are you going to make?
17:42 You're going to make the prediction from the roulette wheel.
17:45 So now you're two ahead in the game.
17:47 So now you already know that in this case they hit red 22.
17:51 I'm going to write red 22 down.
17:53 I'm going to turn it back over, show that I made the prediction, take it to the bottom.
18:01 Then the last prediction you have to make is blackjack.
18:04 You write it down.
18:08 Again pull down two, do the double, and the last prediction you're going to make is the
18:15 six.
18:16 So the first thing, the first prediction you knew, you knew what the blackjack was, that
18:19 was your first prediction.
18:21 Secondly you knew what the roulette was, that's your second prediction.
18:24 And by that now you've known what's on the dice, which happens to at that time was a
18:30 six.
18:32 So now I turn it over, I make the prediction, I turn it back over, they see I made a prediction
18:38 on the blackjack, and I take it to the bottom.
18:43 Just like that.
18:45 Now from here, when you get to the end you really don't have to take it to the bottom.
18:51 If you want you can just do a simple count like this, and it puts you right back in the
18:55 order that you want to be in.
18:56 So instead of taking it to the bottom the last time, you're here, you've come down,
19:03 you've turned it over, you've made the prediction for the dice, you turn it back over, and now
19:08 you just do a simple one, two, three count, which puts you exactly in the position that
19:13 you need with no fumbling at all.
19:16 So you're here, you say look I made a prediction for roulette, I made a prediction for craps,
19:22 and I made a prediction for blackjack, wouldn't it be amazing?
19:26 Now remember they still haven't seen what their prediction is for blackjack, and then
19:30 you ask them what they had, they tell you, you turn it over, it matches, you turn it
19:35 over, it matches, and finally you have them check their cards, and you turn it over, and
19:40 it matches.
19:41 And it's just simply amazing and really, really fun to do.
19:45 The audience likes it.
19:46 Let me show you what the, for those of you that don't know what a crisscross force is,
19:51 in this particular case I wanted to force 20, that's just what I chose.
19:56 Again, you don't have to do that, because you can actually have the cards shuffled,
20:00 and once you, when you fan out the cards, if you just get a glimpse of what the top
20:03 two cards are, you're going to know.
20:05 The problem with that is, that if you get the top two cards and it ends up 11 or 9,
20:11 or a number where they're going to take a hit, you need to track that to see what the
20:16 next card is going to be, and the next card, because they will continue to take hits to
20:20 see how close they can get to 21.
20:23 So sometimes it's a lot safer just to know what your hand is going to be, in this case
20:27 it's going to be 20, I could make it 21, and just put, you know, I predicted blackjack
20:35 21, or 17, or any other number is fine.
20:38 But you want to make sure that you don't, and if you're going to predict, and only give
20:41 them two cards, then you don't, you clearly don't want to give them an opportunity to
20:44 take a hit.
20:45 So, you know, if you're going to make it real, then you want to try to make them high enough
20:49 that they're going to have to think about taking the hit, or they're going to take one
20:52 hit, and it's going to add up to a number that's going to make it an amazing prediction.
20:56 So, two cards on the top, you can do whatever shuffle you want, just make sure the two cards
21:01 stay on the top, and at that point, then you just have a spectator cut the cards one time.
21:06 Tell them to cut the cards, when they do, they take the top half over and cut it, you
21:11 take the bottom half of the deck, and crisscross it over the top half of the deck.
21:17 And that's why it's called a crisscross force, because literally what's happening is the
21:21 bottom half of the deck is landing on the top half of the deck, and now it just sits
21:25 there.
21:26 That's the reason that you do this, the first thing you do is to have the cards selected,
21:30 because now you're going to go back and get their minds on this, and get their minds on
21:33 this, and by the time you get back to here, they've forgotten how they got to that position
21:37 anyway.
21:38 So, for anybody that's trying to figure out, you know, how I got the 20, or did you do
21:42 anything special, it's very difficult.
21:44 So, it's crisscrossed here, you've made this prediction, you've made this prediction, you
21:50 say, "Wouldn't it be great if this matched too?"
21:52 They say yes, you take the top part of the, or the top part, now, actually the bottom
21:57 part of the packet that you placed on top here, you bring it over and drop it here,
22:02 and you say, "This is where you cut to, let's go to where you cut."
22:06 You pick this up, this is where they cut, they believe you take two cards and give them
22:11 a hand, and it happens to be the same two cards that were on top of the deck.
22:16 So that's the crisscross force.
22:17 So again, the cards are on top of the deck, you have somebody cut the cards one time,
22:22 and complete the cut by turning it, you complete the cut by turning it this way.
22:27 That places that portion of the packet on top of the force cards, and then when you're
22:33 ready, you pick it up, give them the top two cards, which are the prediction cards here,
22:41 and put this back on top, and they've gotten the cards that you want to give them, which
22:46 is a 20, you show the prediction is a 20, and you have a minor miracle.
22:52 Lot of fun to do, I hope you enjoy it, and that's Casino Night.
