• 2 years ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:09 You take a piece, and I take a piece.
00:13 It rewraps itself just like that.
00:15 >> Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:17 >> [LAUGH]
00:19 >> Dude, that is crazy.
00:20 >> Look for you.
00:22 >> [LAUGH]
00:26 >> It's like rewrapped.
00:29 >> Okay, this is the Everlasting Gum Stopper.
00:31 The reason I like this is because it really seems impromptu.
00:35 It's quick, it's visual, and again, it catches spectators on an off beat.
00:41 So this is what you're gonna need for it.
00:43 You're gonna need two duplicate packs of gum, the 30 cents ones.
00:48 You can use any pack of gum.
00:50 It could be juicy fruit.
00:51 I'm just gonna use Winter Fresh for this example, though.
00:54 You're gonna need a pencil.
00:56 You're gonna need rubber cement.
00:59 You're gonna need re-stickable glue stick.
01:01 And you're gonna need a jumbo pair of scissors.
01:06 Now you just, any scissors will do, okay?
01:09 So this takes a little preparation.
01:12 What's probably the best thing to do is, while you're doing this,
01:16 do like five at a time.
01:19 That way when you go out, you can keep repeating it, okay?
01:23 They sell these packs of gums in, you know, long value packs.
01:28 Some are like eight, but some of them are bonus packs.
01:32 You can get ten.
01:33 So you can get five tricks out of that one pack, okay?
01:36 So now I'm gonna show you how to set it up, okay?
01:41 What you need to do is you need to completely open one pack.
01:45 So what you wanna do is start at the outer ends.
01:50 Just do everything carefully so you don't rip it.
01:53 But it'll peel open pretty easy, okay?
01:56 So you peel one end open.
01:58 And do the second one.
02:02 Okay, and it's usually easiest if you start from where the tab is, that end.
02:15 Okay, and just slowly and carefully peel it open.
02:20 Okay, now all these sticks you're not gonna need except for one, all right?
02:26 So we'll get rid of the rest.
02:29 This is actually gonna end up being your shell, your outer shell.
02:34 So for right now, we don't need that.
02:37 What we're gonna need to do is now gimmick up the real pack of gum.
02:43 Now you have an option here.
02:45 What you can do is you can open these ends up and take a piece out and then re-stick
02:51 it together again.
02:53 Or you can just keep all five pieces of gum in.
02:56 It's up to you.
02:58 But now we're gonna construct the gimmick to make it look like the pack is opened, okay?
03:08 What you're gonna need to do is you're using the tab side but the opposite side.
03:16 So you wanna use where the tab is and just turn it over.
03:19 And this is where we're gonna be applying the gimmick, okay?
03:25 So let's keep that face up.
03:28 Okay, this wrapper is gonna act as the pack of gum, all the silver pieces.
03:37 So when you open it up, that's what you would see.
03:39 This is going to act as that, okay?
03:43 So I'm gonna show you how to construct this.
03:46 What you need to do is you need to cut about right in the middle, okay?
03:54 You're only gonna use one half of this, okay?
03:56 So you can just get rid of the other half.
04:00 Now what you need to do is there's a line here, okay, where it was folded.
04:06 You wanna cut right below that, okay?
04:09 'Cause you don't want these creases.
04:11 So you just cut straight across just like that, okay?
04:19 Now what you're gonna do is you're going to cut off one of these sides, okay?
04:26 'Cause this is where it would fold around the gum.
04:30 You wanna cut off one side, okay?
04:33 So I'm gonna cut this one off just like that, all right?
04:40 Now on the other side, you're gonna cut these little ridges off, just the ridges.
04:46 Don't cut up too high, okay?
04:53 Okay now that you've cut out a square piece, this is what you need to do next.
04:59 Where the natural creases, you wanna just cut a little slit about a quarter of an inch,
05:08 maybe a little bit more.
05:10 You'll get used to the judging as you do this more.
05:14 What the crease is gonna do is it's gonna allow you to put this down and fold it and
05:21 then fold it in like that, which is gonna give the illusion of an open pack of gum.
05:27 But there are still a few more things we gotta do here.
05:31 What you need to do is on the opposite end, not where the slit is but over here, as close
05:38 as you can, rip across, okay?
05:44 Because when you open a pack of gum and you rip the label open, it's not perfect, you
05:51 know?
05:52 So you wanna make this rough edge look, okay?
05:55 So you rip off just a little bit, okay?
05:59 Then what you wanna do is you wanna rip maybe two just really, really, really tiny rips,
06:08 okay?
06:09 Like there you can't even see it but it's just a really tiny rip upwards, okay?
06:17 And this is what's gonna happen.
06:21 You're gonna take this where you just ripped it and you're just gonna fold up, upward.
06:27 So you're folding the white part up into view, okay?
06:33 On top of the aluminum foil like this.
06:39 And that's gonna create the illusion of it being ripped and opened, okay?
06:44 So now you have the slit, the square and you have the rough edge, okay?
06:51 So this will be the smooth edge, this will be the rough edge, okay?
06:55 Now what you wanna do is flip it upside down, white part up and you're gonna need your glue
07:01 stick for this.
07:04 If you have to, you can use rubber cement for all of it.
07:08 I found in doing this though that it's just too much glue and it's not necessary, okay?
07:14 What you wanna do is just go on the outside edges of the white part.
07:19 You don't have to really go into the middle because it's not necessary.
07:22 All you wanna be able to glue down is like the edges so they don't pop up on you, okay?
07:29 So just go around the edges and just make sure it's really glued good.
07:37 Be careful when you go near the slit part that you don't rip it anymore.
07:40 So just hold it in place.
07:42 Don't go back and forth, just go forward with the glue stick, okay?
07:45 Because if you go back and forth you might run the risk of wrinkling it, okay?
07:51 So that should be good.
07:54 Cap the glue stick.
07:56 Okay, now this is what you're gonna do.
07:58 Okay, now remember, here's the tab to open it.
08:01 You want that face down and this gimmick is gonna go on this top part, the front where
08:11 the little trash can guy is, the recyclable guy, okay?
08:16 So that's another key thing.
08:17 Just always make sure it's on that side, okay?
08:20 And just one side, okay?
08:23 So it's put it on the front right there.
08:30 Then fold it back like that and then fold the side down just like that.
08:41 Okay, now you're gonna have some excess, all right?
08:47 You just wanna cut all that off.
08:50 So there's gonna be this tab there.
08:56 Just cut that off, okay?
09:00 And all the little extra paper, cut that off as well just like that because you don't wanna
09:10 see it from this side, okay?
09:13 So you gotta make sure that it's really straight.
09:18 So I'm just gonna trim the rest of that up.
09:21 So now you see, just make sure it's all glued down good, all right?
09:27 Now what you have is three sides of the gum that have aluminum foil on it.
09:34 You have the top, you have the front and you have one side.
09:38 Now if you were to turn it over and for, just like roll it in your hand, it would bring
09:45 you around to the tab side and from that, from this angle, you have two sides that aren't
09:52 aluminum foiled.
09:54 So it looks like a brand new pack again.
09:56 So this gives the illusion that it's open.
09:59 Here's the ripped part, we just ripped it.
10:03 Again this part, the ripped part, you don't want it to be too straight and perfect because
10:06 when you rip a pack of gum open, you don't ever rip it straight, okay?
10:12 The angles are really good on this because if someone's on your left side, they can see
10:17 that which is fine and straight on, okay?
10:21 I usually do this for a couple people and it works great.
10:24 Okay, now to make the illusion of this being open a little bit better, what you want to
10:31 do is you want to take a sharp pencil, okay?
10:34 And you want to draw five lines down the side.
10:38 That's going to give this illusion as if the pieces are stacked.
10:44 Okay, just like that.
10:47 So what you want to do is with your pencil, don't push too hard because you might poke
10:51 through the aluminum foil.
10:53 What you want to do is just draw five lines and it doesn't have to be perfect but what
11:00 it's doing is just creating a little bit of shadow.
11:06 Make sure there's five.
11:12 Some parts can be darker than others.
11:14 You don't have to worry about the front part.
11:16 If you want, you can draw the lines on but I just do it because I'm usually showing it
11:22 from the side angle, okay?
11:24 So that just gives it a little depth to it.
11:27 Okay, now once you have it all glued on and trimmed up and the lines on it, now you're
11:34 ready to load it into the shell.
11:37 Okay, now you're going to put the pack of gum into the shell.
11:42 What you need to do is you need to put the aluminum foil side up and where the tab is
11:49 on the shell, the aluminum foil needs to be on that side.
11:54 So the tab's on the left side, the aluminum foil needs to be on the left side.
11:58 So you just slide that in, okay, just like that.
12:05 Okay, now what you're going to do is you're just going to seal everything back up to the
12:13 way it looks when it's new, okay?
12:16 So for this part, you're going to need the rubber cement.
12:20 I like to use my fingertip instead of using the brush because you don't want to overload
12:25 the rubber cement.
12:26 So I would just use your fingertip so you can do it more perfect.
12:31 So what you're going to do is you're going to take a little bit of glue on the end of
12:36 your fingertip and just where you see that it used to be sealed, run a little rubber
12:42 cement there.
12:43 So I'm going to do it up towards this edge here.
12:47 Avoid putting rubber cement on the tab, okay, because you don't want that to be glued down
12:51 when you go to grab it.
12:53 But everything else, you want to put a little glue on, just a little strip, okay, avoid
13:00 the tab.
13:01 And then where this edge would meet down here, you'll almost see a little bit of glue residue
13:09 from where you opened it.
13:10 Just put it right where that is, just a thin line of it, okay?
13:16 Now you just need to wait a couple of seconds for it to dry.
13:19 Okay, once it dries, you need to just push it together, okay, make sure it sticks together,
13:27 all right?
13:28 You got to wait a few seconds for the rubber cement to dry because that's when it works
13:33 best, okay?
13:35 So rubber cement that shut.
13:39 Now you just got to deal with the outer edges.
13:42 Just fold them back in the way they were, okay?
13:46 Always remember that the recyclable guy always goes on the outside, all right?
13:51 So you want to put a little bit on your fingertip and put it on the outside flap and then on
14:03 the inside of the recyclable, the little recyclable guy, put it on the inside, okay?
14:11 Don't try to close it yet.
14:12 Just go to the other side, do the same thing, fold it back in, take a little bit of glue
14:18 on your fingertip, put it on the outside of one and the inside of the other.
14:25 Try not getting too deep on the inside because you don't want it to hit the inner pack, all
14:30 right, because it will be hard to slide out later.
14:34 Okay, just wait a few seconds for it to dry.
14:40 Okay, at this point the rubber cement should be dry so just press down on it, okay, which
14:46 is going to seal the one side.
14:49 Do it again, close it, seal it.
14:52 If you want just, you know, press down on it to make sure it's sealed, okay?
14:58 Now what's cool about this is it doesn't feel any heavier and it doesn't get any wider.
15:04 The pack inside just fits perfectly, okay?
15:08 So I mean nobody's going to tell a difference of weight or anything or thickness.
15:12 It just looks like a normal pack of gum, okay?
15:15 So now you're set up and ready to perform the trick.
15:19 What you're going to need for this is just the gimmick pack of gum and one stick of gum
15:26 from the other pack.
15:28 Okay now that you have the gum set up, now you're ready to perform it.
15:32 What you need to do is just put the pack with the tab facing up on top of the regular stick
15:40 and just have it in your pocket and you're ready to perform.
15:43 Okay, now when you pull the gum out, this is what you need to do.
15:48 You're going to bring it out like this, okay?
15:51 Don't draw attention to the gum yet.
15:54 Hide the gum about quarter of the way down, okay?
15:59 So that way when you're holding it, it looks normal here.
16:03 You can even hand it to the spectator and then when you bring it back, just position
16:08 it.
16:09 Keep it right underneath your finger, your pointer finger, okay?
16:13 And it should go right about there, okay?
16:16 Because if you had it up high, you would see the aluminum from the side, okay?
16:21 So you want to hide that.
16:24 And the back of your hand is pretty much facing the spectator, okay?
16:29 Now what you're going to do is you're going to say to the person, "Do you want a piece
16:32 of gum?"
16:33 If they say yes, that's great.
16:35 You hand them a piece of gum.
16:36 If they say no, just get it out for yourself, okay?
16:40 But this is what you do.
16:42 You open the gum as if you're really going to open it, all right?
16:46 Just as you would open a normal pack.
16:49 You tear it open.
16:50 You want to tear it a little carefully.
16:52 Don't be reckless with it.
16:53 And if you want to, even like pre-cut it a little bit more so you get a nicer rip.
17:00 But you rip it open just like this.
17:03 Take the piece in your left hand and take this tip off and put that in your left hand,
17:09 okay?
17:10 Now see from the front, it looks like a full pack of gum, okay?
17:17 You just don't want anybody behind you pretty much.
17:20 But you got, because of the drawing on the side with the pencil, it looks like you have
17:27 five sticks of gum in there, okay?
17:30 Now on the offbeat, what you want to do is say, "Here, do you want a piece?"
17:34 And they say yes.
17:36 What you do is you come underneath like this.
17:39 All right, I'm going to show you, expose you.
17:42 Come underneath and you try to keep it aligned, okay?
17:47 Try to keep it aligned right underneath the pack.
17:51 You don't want to try to shoot out because then they might see that.
17:54 But when you're talking to them, this uses a little misdirection, okay?
17:57 Say, "You want a piece?"
17:58 Yeah.
17:59 As you do that, don't draw attention to it.
18:00 Just come underneath and pull it out just as if you're pulling out a piece of gum out
18:04 of the real pack, okay?
18:06 So again, it's, "You want a piece of gum?"
18:09 Yeah.
18:10 There you go.
18:11 Lean it towards them a little bit, okay?
18:13 That also helps with the angles.
18:15 Just slide it out and hand it to them, okay?
18:20 When you hand it to them, you're going to come back.
18:23 Now this part is a little abnormal but it'll go unnoticed, okay?
18:28 Because this is what you're doing.
18:29 You could easily take the pieces in your left hand and put them in your pocket.
18:33 But what you're going to do is you're going to use your thumb and your pointer finger,
18:37 your right hand.
18:38 You're going to take the pieces, okay?
18:41 And with your left pointer finger and thumb, you're going to grab the aluminum part, okay?
18:49 And this is what's happening underneath.
18:52 You're sliding.
18:53 I'm going to show you real quick.
18:54 Put the pieces down.
18:55 Here's the shell, okay?
18:57 Remember the shell's on top, okay?
18:59 So what you're doing is you have the pieces.
19:03 Take them in your right hand, take the aluminum gimmick pack into your left fingers and this
19:12 is what you're going to do.
19:13 You're going to slide the shell off, okay?
19:19 You're going to slide it off as you are putting the pieces in your pocket, okay?
19:25 I don't want to take it all the way off.
19:27 So I'll slide it right back on again and show you, okay?
19:31 You just hand it to spectator, a piece of gum.
19:34 There you go.
19:35 Naturally grab the pieces and this time I'm going to take it off.
19:39 You're just sliding the gimmick pack out and you're sliding the shell off.
19:47 I'm going to show you an exposed view of this.
19:51 Just like this, okay?
19:55 You're sliding it completely off.
19:59 Just like that, all right?
20:01 Now, of course, when you're doing it to the spectator, your hand's going to be -- the
20:05 back of your hand's going to be facing them.
20:07 So it looks like you're just taking the two pieces and putting them in your pocket.
20:11 But really, it's giving you a reason to go in your pocket and dump the shell and the
20:15 pieces, okay?
20:17 So just naturally go in your pocket, put the pieces in there, okay?
20:22 Now you're going to come back and you're going to be in this position, okay?
20:26 Re-grip it with your right hand, okay?
20:29 This is still facing them.
20:31 If there's somebody to the left of you, that's fine.
20:34 They would be -- that would be their right because even from the front, it still looks
20:38 like an open pack of gum, okay?
20:41 Now here's the re-wrapping part.
20:43 What you're going to do is you're going to twist the pack, roll the pack backwards towards
20:50 you and a brand new pack will come into view, okay?
20:59 You want to do this in a shaking motion so it's -- okay?
21:05 You don't want to be like this towards them because they would see that.
21:07 You kind of want to lean this part back as you shake, okay?
21:11 So it's open, re-wrapped again, okay?
21:17 Now for the opening part.
21:20 Actually before we go into the opening part, there's a couple of ways that you can present
21:25 this, okay?
21:26 From this point, if you wanted to, you could take these pieces, have the person hold their
21:30 hand out and say, "Here, we're going to take this open pack and these pieces and toss them
21:34 in your hand."
21:35 And you could just hold back these pieces with your thumb and as you drop it in their
21:40 hand, turn it over, okay?
21:42 So it'd be like, boom.
21:44 So it's like you're throwing these two things into their hand but as it lands, it looks
21:49 like it re-wraps itself, okay?
21:53 But I mostly just use the shaking of it just like that, all right?
21:58 Now once you've done this, let it sink in because this is where it gets a great reaction,
22:03 okay?
22:04 So one more time, let me show you.
22:05 It's open, roll it back, give it a shake, now it's a brand new pack again.
22:10 Okay, what you do is you start to open it like you would normally open a pack of gum
22:16 except for when you get back, see what's going to happen is you're going to get back to this
22:22 aluminum piece, okay?
22:24 And this is going to tear off with this, okay?
22:28 So what you want to do, you only have to hide it at one little spot.
22:32 Tear it open here, tear it open there, okay?
22:37 This is all staying like this though.
22:39 When you start to come around the bottom, use these three fingers of your left hand
22:43 to block that, okay?
22:47 So again, it would be tear as you come around, you can re-grip it with your middle finger
22:54 and your thumb and just hide that, okay?
22:58 Just pull it off like this.
23:02 Grab this extra piece, put it in your hand, take another stick of gum out, say there you
23:08 go, okay?
23:10 So in essence, what you did was you ask somebody if they want a piece of gum, take it out,
23:15 you hand it to them, give it a shake, it re-wraps itself, open it back up again, hand them another
23:21 piece.
23:22 Like I said, if you want to, in the beginning, you can undo the ends, take a stick out, okay?
23:29 And just get rid of it.
23:30 Now you only have four pieces.
23:32 So that way, it makes more sense, you know, because if you were to take a piece out and
23:38 give it to somebody and you re-wrapped a brand new pack and open it, there should only really
23:44 be four pieces.
23:45 I usually just keep the five pieces in there because nobody has ever said, "Oh, why is
23:49 there five pieces in there?"
23:50 Okay, so it's up to you.
23:51 If you want to take one out, it's okay.
23:55 So again, this is great for if you want to make up like five packs, it will take you
23:59 like a half hour and you can just carry them around and do them all night long.
24:03 And it's really quick and visual.
24:04 So hope you have fun with this trick.