• 2 years ago
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01:10 Hi guys, welcome to Phantasm.
01:13 On this DVD you're going to learn Jamie Dawes' fantastic version of Card Warp,
01:18 which was originally invented by Roy Walton.
01:22 So let's kick off with learning the history. Jamie.
01:27 Well, the idea behind Phantasm came about purely from the fact that when you give away the card at the end,
01:36 it seems a bit of a letdown just to tear up the card and hand it away.
01:40 So they've just got a piece of it, which is a great ending to an effect, but as a little souvenir it's two ripped cards.
01:47 Yeah, they tend to just either be left on the table or thrown away.
01:51 So the idea was to have a trick with a really good impossible object, but I wanted the trick to be very simple
01:59 so that there was no real, nothing could go wrong with it,
02:03 and something that I could just sort of have in my wallet and pull out whenever I wanted.
02:09 So I think in terms of that it's sort of achieved where it came from,
02:13 and I wanted it to be quite, because Roy Walton's original tricks, it was quite visual back then,
02:19 but now with computers and technology everything needs to be more visual, more in your face.
02:24 So yeah, the idea was just to make it as visual as I could.
02:27 Well, I know when you sent us the demo, it really did freak me out.
02:33 It looks like camera trickery when the card turns face up.
02:36 I mean, it's instant. It is that sort of, you know, bang moment.
02:41 So yeah, I mean, I knew I wanted to release it for an exam straight away,
02:46 but since that demo's come up, I know you've worked out various different handlings,
02:50 which we're going to go over in the bonus section.
02:52 So first of all, we're going to take you guys along and show you exactly how to make the gimmick.
02:58 Then we're going to go into the handling.
03:00 We're going to go into a few routine ideas, and then a bonus section
03:03 where Jamie will teach you some of these other ideas with the gimmick.
03:13 Right, we're just going to go through how to make yourself a phantasm gimmick.
03:17 So I'll move it all over to Jamie, and I'll shut up.
03:22 OK, so the way I used to make the gimmicks was sort of a lot more complex,
03:27 and there'd be a lot of slicing and scoring and stuff.
03:31 The idea here, though, is just to have the two cards stuck together.
03:36 It takes a couple of minutes to make, really,
03:40 even if that--when you get going, you can make them really quickly.
03:43 So what you'll need is you'll need two of the same card and one in different cards.
03:49 I tend to go for two low black ones, so something completely different.
03:54 Also, don't go for aces, because here you've got this little bit of pip
04:00 that when you lay a card across sort of peaks over the top,
04:04 and that really matters when you're doing the card walk, because they need to see the change.
04:10 Yeah, of course.
04:11 Whereas if you've got an ace, you don't have that little bit there,
04:13 and if you've got your finger covering the--
04:15 Yeah, you want it quite obvious that the change has taken place.
04:17 Yeah, otherwise it ruins the trick.
04:19 Of course, you could have both of these as the two cards, which would be just as visual.
04:25 So we're going to take one of these away.
04:27 A note on the glue as well.
04:30 The glue that you're going to use--these are just the ones that I've sort of used.
04:33 You get the obviously the prit stick.
04:37 It works if you're sort of in a hurry to do it.
04:41 It works fine, but it doesn't tend to stick, so you'll only get about one or two performances out of it.
04:46 Right, okay.
04:48 Likewise, you can use sort of more copedex or rubber cement,
04:53 but the problem with these is that they're quite runny.
04:58 So as soon as you put a little bit onto a card, it warps the card,
05:02 and it just makes it--it can make it crinkle,
05:04 and even if you put it under a book, it just damages the quality of the cards.
05:07 Yeah, it's too watery.
05:09 Which you don't want.
05:10 So this is the one that I've settled on, which is sort of--it's still a runny glue, but it's thicker.
05:15 Right.
05:16 And it's in a tube, which means you can apply it sort of easily, and you can put a certain amount on.
05:21 Okay.
05:22 I also use--you can use whatever you want, but I just personally just got a nail file,
05:26 because they're nice and cheap from the shop, cut off the top, and then you've got an applicator.
05:30 Just a scraper.
05:31 Yeah, or you can use like--I suppose you can use a lolly stick, something like that.
05:36 And then just a standard knife.
05:38 Okay.
05:39 You're not going to measure anything out.
05:41 It's purely guesswork, because you've got the design.
05:44 And the way I would personally do it is just to pop off the cap here,
05:49 and we're just going to apply a little bit of glue onto the end of the stick like this, which is cool.
05:57 And I'm going to start just from the upper end of the six and just sort of paste it on.
06:04 The reason I'm using the stick is it just allows you to evenly apply it.
06:08 It doesn't have to be perfectly applied, but you want enough on there.
06:12 And it also doesn't have to be touching the edges, because when you squish the cards together, everything's going to expand.
06:18 Yeah, in fact, it's better that it isn't right up to the edge, because you don't want it all squashing out the side.
06:25 Okay, so we just sort of paste that on.
06:28 Get one last little bit here, just on the far edge like this.
06:35 So now you're going to just stick on this card, and this is just pure guesswork, because you've got the design.
06:43 You don't need to measure anything out. It doesn't have to be perfect.
06:46 The idea is you're just going to press this down, but because it's a slippery glue, you can still move it about to adjust it.
06:52 Yeah.
06:53 So what I'm looking at is the bottom of the indices here.
06:56 Okay, so you're going to square with that.
06:58 Of the six here, and likewise on the other side.
07:01 So I can see that it's overhanging on the king here.
07:04 So all I need to do is just slide it a bit further down. That looks pretty even to me.
07:09 That's pretty even there.
07:11 That's pretty even. As soon as you get it to here, you just literally press down on the glue, and that'll just set it in place.
07:17 If it moves a little bit, it's fine, because it's still sticky movie glue.
07:23 So you can just place it like that.
07:25 And then the most important part that you want to pay attention to is the edges, because that's where it's going to peel off first, if it does peel off.
07:33 So you just apply nice strong pressure along each edge, like this.
07:39 Okay, like that.
07:40 So now you have your basic gimmick.
07:42 Now you will most probably have some leaking glue.
07:47 That's not a problem.
07:48 All you need to do is to take your thumb and just gently wipe it across, and it'll come straight off.
07:53 And most glues turn clear now anyway.
07:55 And what I would do is when that's dry, when the glue's dry, if there is any on the edge, just take a damp cloth, not overly wet, just a damp one,
08:03 just wipe across the card, and it'll get rid of any residue.
08:08 Okay, perfect.
08:09 And with a lot of glues nowadays, once it's on there, you can just rub it with your thumb and it's going to come off.
08:14 Just scrape it off.
08:15 It comes off fine. It makes your fingers a bit sticky, but it's not a problem.
08:18 The last thing that you have to do to prepare the gimmick, depending on what handling you're going into, the majority of the time you have it made up anyway.
08:27 So you would take your knife, and the card that you have a double of, which is here, which is the six, I'm going to score along each edge.
08:36 Okay, so we're not going to cut through it, you're just going to score it.
08:39 No. Very, very light score, just along the edge, just like that.
08:43 So it really is no effort being put into it.
08:46 And that just means that now, that will fold backwards. When that's dry, that'll stay flush.
08:54 Yeah, of course.
08:55 Like that.
08:56 But obviously you do want to score it after the card's dry.
09:00 Yeah, make sure it's scored after the card's dry, otherwise you'll get that and it'll peel up.
09:05 And then the last thing that you have to do, again, this is when the card's dry, is just unflap these two flaps now, and fold everything in half.
09:15 Now you'll find a lot of the time, because we haven't made it exact, not everything will line up perfectly.
09:20 For example, these two sections here might not line up perfectly, but that's not a problem, because the handling that we've got covers it completely.
09:32 And then what I would do is just take your nail and just run it along the edge, just to make sure that crease is nice and pronounced.
09:40 Like that.
09:41 And that's pretty much your gimmick. The last thing that you have to do is fold this side back in and this side back in, and fold everything again.
09:48 And then that's your phantasm gimmick.
09:51 Brilliant. So that's it. I mean, as you can see, it takes minutes to make.
09:58 So make yourself a couple of gimmicks up, come back and we're going to show you how to actually use it.
10:04 So this is the phantasm handling.
10:08 So you're going to need to do one other thing before we begin, and that's just take your duplicate card and fold it widthways and lengthways as well.
10:17 Like so. Make sure that the creases are nice and loose.
10:20 Place this on top of your gimmick and put these in your wallet, and when you're ready to go, pull them out and you're going to have them facing towards you.
10:29 Your thumbs are going to contact the top and bottom of the main card on top, and you're just going to rotate it clockwise.
10:36 If you keep the card slightly bent, this pops into place and it shouldn't move.
10:41 And from the front you'll actually see, when you turn it around to show the spectators, it will look like you've only got two cards.
10:49 Then you're going to set yourself up for the first change.
10:53 So you're going to bring the card out so it clears this flap.
10:58 Your thumb is going to lift the flap slightly and you're going to tuck it underneath, like so.
11:03 When you're ready to do the first change, you're going to have three things happening at once.
11:07 It sounds difficult, but it's not too bad.
11:10 What you're going to do is your hand's going to cover this section of the card, just here.
11:15 At the same time, this hand's going to fold up on the bottom of the card, and your thumb is going to pull this flap out, like so.
11:24 So all three things are going to happen at once.
11:27 So when you're ready, your hand comes over, this comes out.
11:31 The other thing as well is your thumb's going to keep pushing on this card, just across.
11:36 So you're going to come down, push across, and fold, like so.
11:42 So I'll show you that once more.
11:45 We have that cleared.
11:47 Come across, push over, and fold, like so.
11:51 So from the front, from your spectator's point of view, you'd have this here.
11:57 You'd fold it, and it literally just looks like you've just folded one card inside the other.
12:02 Now your finger is actually going to be covering this section here.
12:05 So from behind, you'll see this card here.
12:09 The first change happens quite simply by contacting the top of your duplicate card here and pushing down.
12:16 What will happen is the top of this will meet the top of your gimmick, and it will stop.
12:21 At the same time, however, you're going to move this middle finger here.
12:25 You're going to move it away. So down and away.
12:29 So you have it here, down and away.
12:31 And from the front, that's going to create your visual first change.
12:37 If it does move slightly here, if it moves slightly down like that, it doesn't matter,
12:43 because the first change is down, and then you spin, you have enough time just to move it all straight
12:48 and make it all look flush, like so.
12:52 Now you're going to open up the card, like so.
12:55 So all you're going to do is you're going to contact the bottom flap,
12:59 and allow one corner to flick up and open up.
13:04 What this does is it keeps this card still folded here.
13:10 Your hand's going to keep covering this, and you're going to keep pressure over here.
13:15 So from the front, it simply looks like you've got your card here, which is cool.
13:20 Now you'll notice that my thumb is in the perfect position just to kick this flap out, like so.
13:26 This acts like an automatic flap.
13:28 As soon as I bring this out, this springs back forward onto this loose flap and snaps it into place, which is great.
13:37 As soon as you've knocked the flap out, you can move your hand away, like so, and show the whole card.
13:42 So from the front, you would have it here, you kick it out, and that's the second change.
13:48 Now you're at the position that you can show the back of the cards, like so.
13:52 So you can bring your hand down, show the cards, and bring it back up.
13:56 Now you're going to need to ditch this card here.
14:00 To do this, your thumb is simply going to pull this over.
14:04 With the cards quite angled completely towards you, your thumb's just going to kick this card over and fold it.
14:13 You're going to grip it with your thumb over here and slide it out over here.
14:19 Now at this point, you can go into your pocket and you can pull out a lighter or something into your pocket.
14:24 Or, because it's on the offbeat and as you're handing them the card, just ditch this into your pocket, which is what I do.
14:31 So ditch that into your pocket.
14:33 Now you're left with two folds here, which if you hand this to your spectator, chances are the first thing they're going to do is go like that and realise something's up.
14:42 So what you're going to do is reverse fold these two folds the other way.
14:46 And you're going to say, "Watch, we're going to take the card and we're going to fold one card into the other."
14:51 You're going to use the natural edge of this card on top just to fold it over like so.
14:59 So now it looks like you've actually just gripped two cards together.
15:05 Now you ask them to place this into their hand and to squeeze tight on the hand.
15:10 And as soon as you're ready, as soon as they open up their hand, you ask them to unfold it and they'll see that the cards are permanently stuck together.
15:18 And you're actually left with one final card.
15:23 And that's Phantasm.
15:25 Hi guys, welcome to the business card bonus section.
15:35 A great idea with Phantasm, even if you're doing the original one, if you have got stickers with your contact details on it, once you've made the two cards stick together, stick your sticker on the back.
15:44 It's a great way to hand out a souvenir.
15:46 Always try and get your details on a souvenir you're handing out, basically, it makes sense.
15:51 But Jamie's come up with this great way to do it with your actual business cards.
15:55 So, Jamie, if you do us a little performance, show them what it looks like with business cards.
16:00 So the idea typically would be to go up to a group of people at the end of the evening and say, "I'm going to actually give you my business cards."
16:09 And I'll take these out of my wallet and show them to them.
16:12 In which case, a lot of the time I get a funny look at them.
16:15 And I say, "I bet you're wondering why they look so bad and bruised."
16:19 It's not because they've just been chucked back at me or anything like that.
16:22 It's actually just because they're my lucky business cards.
16:26 I'll show you what I mean.
16:28 Whenever I sort of don't have my tricks on me, they save me.
16:32 They're in fact magic business cards.
16:34 If I place one inside the other like this, so you can see the orange part just here, if you pay close attention to the orange part when I press down, it actually turns white.
16:43 That's because half the business card right down the middle actually turns white.
16:48 I'll show you what it looks like on the other side.
16:50 If I just open it up like this and I sort of flick, you'll actually see it completely turns white, which is really cool.
16:58 Normally I would get some money out or something like that, and I would take their hand and place it on top and place the other hand on top.
17:06 And I'd say, "This is why I'm worth so much money."
17:09 As soon as I snap over, they'll actually see that both cards fuse together into one business card that they can then take away and keep forever.
17:19 That's really cool.
17:20 And the great thing is these aren't two business cards stuck together.
17:23 This is actually one card.
17:26 So that's the business card one.
17:31 What we've done on this DVD, there's a PDF that actually gives you the templates for these.
17:38 We'll run through those quickly.
17:41 Let me show you.
17:42 So, Jamie, I'll hand this over to you.
17:44 You can explain what's going on here.
17:46 The handling, I presume, is exactly the same as the other one, so we won't bother going through the handling again.
17:51 The handling's exactly the same.
17:53 It's just the gimmicks are a little bit different.
17:56 So what you'll get in the PDF is you'll actually get this, which is--you get this on two separate sheets, though.
18:02 This is the template.
18:04 So what you need to do is get an image of your business card, and where it says "Insert business card design here," you insert your business card design here, here, in these four slots.
18:17 And then on the other side, on these sections, you spin your business card design around and place it here, here, here, and here.
18:25 So in these four sections here, like that.
18:29 And that'll enable you to have four designs, and this is what it'll look like, this sort of rough one.
18:36 So you just place in your designs here, turn it over.
18:40 I mean, you can take them into any printing shop and they'll print you really good quality cards out, and you can just have a stack of them.
18:47 When you have a stack of them, they just sort of look like that.
18:49 And then, of course, you can have your normal business cards as well alongside them.
18:53 And it works really well, it's a really nice giveaway, and it just means that they're more likely to keep on to your business card, as opposed to just even keeping it in the wallet and a couple months throwing it away.
19:03 They're more likely to bring it out and have a chat about it.
19:06 Yeah, top stuff.
19:08 And that's the business card bonus.
19:11 Once again, guys, thank you so much for buying Phantasm.
19:17 I hope you get a lot of uses out of it.
19:20 I hope it's something that serves you well as well as it's served Jamie, and I hope it impresses your clients as much as it impressed me when I first saw it.
19:28 So good luck with Phantasm, and once again, thanks for supporting Alexand by buying our products.
19:34 See you next time.
19:36 [Music]
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20:18 So for the card through card explanation, what you're going to need to do is to hold your gimmick face down like so and place your duplicate card on top.
20:29 You're going to rotate your duplicate card around, and you're going to place your two main fingers at the top, your two first fingers at the top.
20:36 You should roughly be able to feel where this lines up.
20:41 And all you're going to do is to unflap this like so underneath the card.
20:48 So your fingers are going to be here. You're going to unflap it.
20:52 So even though it doesn't pull flush, my fingers being up here are just going to pull the card flush, which now allows me to pull this flap out here like so.
21:03 So now, as I bring the card up to my face, which is going to be to here, my thumbs are going to contact this part of the card and bring it up.
21:15 So now I have a half-folded card up here.
21:18 My thumbs are going to stay pinching the middle of the card here so that it doesn't ruin the illusion.
21:25 And as I have it here, I'm going to bring it back down into shot, and it will look like the card's gone through.
21:34 Now you're going to steal this card away. You have a choice.
21:38 You can either bring it back up to your face and use the steal that we used earlier like so,
21:44 or if you'd much prefer, you can take your hand and you're going to contact the front of the card.
21:52 And this will be from the audience's point of view.
21:55 So from here, I'll have the gimmick, bring my hand down, and it will look like it suddenly pulled back through.
22:03 So as I have it here, my hand's just going to continue the motion and I'm going to continue to slide this piece off.
22:11 You can then pop that into your pocket or ditch it in any way you want on the offbeat,
22:16 and then you're left with your original phantasm gimmick that you can then place in the hand and let them keep.
22:42 So for the flick change, you're going to need to go through the normal routine,
22:47 which is from here, the first change, then we have the second change.
22:54 Now from this point, your thumbs are going to pull down this top card like so and open it up.
23:01 Your fingers are going to flick down like so.
23:06 And what's going to happen is this card is going to get caught in between the duplicate card and your gimmick like so, and snap back.
23:17 You need to keep a slight bend in the card for it to work.
23:20 Then if you rotate the card and repeat the same action, this will get caught and back down.
23:27 The cards need to be very well worn for this.
23:30 The flaps need to be very, very loose for it to happen.
23:34 You can test it simply by bending the card slightly and just gently flicking back.
23:40 If it stays backwards, the card's in a good condition to do it.
23:44 So when you have your card like so, to flick it, you flick on this section here, right in the centre,
23:50 and you're just going to literally flick back and you'll see that pops straight down there.
23:55 And again, the other side like so.
24:00 Like that.
24:02 Then you can take this card away, turn it over to show that it's still that card.
24:06 It also means that if you don't want to give your gimmick away, you can place this straight back in your pocket and use it again another time.
24:12 So if you'd like to do Phantasm from the deck, here's a way to switch out two cards for your gimmick.
24:28 So what you'll need is your gimmick on the bottom, which I have here,
24:32 and you'll also need the two cards used for your gimmick, the Ten of Spades and the Queen of Hearts, on top of your deck, which I have here.
24:41 What you're going to do is force the two top cards using your favourite method.
24:46 I'm just going to use a riffle force.
24:50 So what I would do is pull off the top card, slip cut the top card into the deck and hold a break,
24:56 and then riffle down and have them call Stop, which they do.
25:00 I'd hand that to one spectator, and then I'd do the same thing inside the deck for a second spectator, so they can pull that out.
25:10 So now we have two cards selected.
25:13 Now you're going to hand the one that you're going to switch out for, which is the Queen, because that's the main gimmick on the bottom, to the spectator.
25:22 And you're going to ask them to copy you.
25:25 And all you're simply going to do is to fold each card in half, like so.
25:34 And of course do the same with their card.
25:42 Now when you take their card back, you're going to place it face up onto the deck.
25:47 And you're going to take this card here, and you're going to add one more fold into it, width ways like so.
25:59 Excellent.
26:01 Now you're going to place their card on top of your card, and turn them both face down.
26:07 Now you're going to switch this card underneath, the Queen of Hearts, for your gimmick.
26:12 To do that, you're going to pinky pull down on the bottom card, and transfer it to a thumb break.
26:18 Swing half of the deck over, and using your third finger to contact the back of the top card, you're gently going to out-jog the card.
26:29 Now very occasionally the creases will get caught together.
26:35 If that does happen, and you realise it, just push it back flush quickly, and push it back out, so you have it to here.
26:42 Now this thumb is going to continue past the deck, and it's going to rest its card on top of the one sticking out, and bring the hand back, like so.
26:54 So the whole movement again. You have both cards folded, turn them both face down, pinky pull down, and swing up.
27:05 You out-jog, continue past, and drop the bottom card on top of your gimmick.
27:10 This also sandwiches your other folded card in the middle of the deck.
27:14 Now you can swing these out, and you're ready to go with Phantasm.
27:18 For those of you who'd like to have the card signed, there is a very easy way to have it done.
27:31 So the first thing that you'll need to do is to turn the cards towards you, like so, and to turn the duplicate card away.
27:39 Now your thumb is going to do the opening move, pulling that card out and folding up.
27:46 But at the same time, you're going to square everything together, like so.
27:52 Now you can either have this signed on the edge here, or here, or you can, if you want, keep the card open completely, and just have this side signed.
28:04 That way they're actually signing the gimmick, and not your card.
28:09 Then you can just turn it over and have them sign this card as well, which is, of course, your gimmick again.
28:17 So you're having both cards signed.
28:20 And because they do not see the face of this card from now on, it doesn't matter that it's not signed at all.
28:27 So all you're going to do to set up for the trick is push your thumb back, which will put your flat back into place with your hand across.
28:39 Turn the card over and get ready for your original phantasm handling, like so.
28:48 [Whooshing sounds]