• 2 years ago
00:11 Hi, I'm Garen Clark.
00:13 I'm here with the Kyle Marlette.
00:15 We're going to show you something pretty cool with a
00:16 deck of cards.
00:17 Kyle, can you shuffle these for me?
00:19 Sure.
00:20 A pharaoh, fantastic.
00:23 Yeah, I'm pretty good.
00:25 OK.
00:26 OK, cool.
00:27 And you're happy that these are shuffled?
00:29 Yes.
00:29 Yeah.
00:30 Do you want to take any card out that you like?
00:33 Any card.
00:34 Yeah.
00:36 This one here?
00:37 Yep.
00:37 Take a look and show the camera.
00:40 And you want to place it in?
00:45 And do you want to shuffle those again, just so you're
00:47 losing that in the pack effectively?
00:49 Are you happy?
00:53 Mm-hmm.
00:54 So some people, they unconsciously give away what
00:58 they're thinking through certain
00:59 tells and body language.
01:01 So I don't need to do anything out of the ordinary.
01:03 If you look at the pack, can you actually see your card
01:07 somewhere in there?
01:08 Yeah.
01:08 You can?
01:08 Mm-hmm.
01:09 OK, perfect.
01:11 It's a black card you're thinking of, am I right?
01:13 It's a high card?
01:17 No.
01:19 But you are--
01:20 OK, let me just try this.
01:24 I'm going to commit to one.
01:25 I'm going to say you've gone for--
01:26 I thought you were thinking of a high card.
01:34 It wasn't a club, no?
01:36 No.
01:36 Are you sure?
01:37 Yeah.
01:39 What were you thinking of, just by chance?
01:40 Four of spades.
01:41 Four of spades.
01:43 This might have gone a tad wrong.
01:44 Do you want to turn it over?
01:45 That's amazing.
01:50 Thank you very much.
01:51 And you shuffled these?
01:52 I did.
01:53 That's ridiculous.
01:54 Thank you very much.
01:55 Thanks for helping me out.
01:57 Hi, guys.
01:58 This is the explanation for essential.
02:00 What I wanted was a magician fooler.
02:03 So I'm going to be using the double key card principle.
02:07 For the ease of explanation, I'm going
02:09 to be using the two black aces.
02:11 Usually, I would get a peek.
02:14 And I would rotate the top card after the spectator shuffled
02:20 in order to see the top and bottom cards.
02:22 Just like this.
02:24 So the spectator would shuffle.
02:26 They would come back to me.
02:28 I would extend my index finger in order
02:32 to get the peek there at the top and bottom card.
02:37 You don't need this much.
02:38 This is just for explanation.
02:40 You probably only need about that.
02:42 So you can see the indices of the top and bottom card, which
02:46 looks very fair as you turn both of your hands face up.
02:50 But just for explanation, we'll use the two black aces.
02:55 So one goes on bottom.
02:57 And the other one goes on top.
02:58 You're going to spread the cards on the table.
03:04 And the spectator points to any card they like.
03:07 So let's say it's this one, for example.
03:11 You're going to slide that card towards them.
03:14 And then you're going to square the top half.
03:17 And then you're going to flip it.
03:18 So the top half and the bottom half.
03:22 The bottom half goes into your hand.
03:24 And the top half stays on the table.
03:27 And you can even push that towards them.
03:30 They take a peek at their card, in this case, the eight of hearts.
03:35 And then they get it placed on top of the top half.
03:40 And you're going to sandwich their card in between your two key cards.
03:45 What this has actually done is created the prophecy move.
03:50 So now you've got a single selection in between two key cards.
03:53 Everything gets squared up by the spectator.
04:01 And they can now shuffle the cards.
04:04 So it's going to have to be a ripple shuffle.
04:11 And then the cards get spread face up on the table.
04:15 What you're instantly looking for is your two key cards.
04:20 So you can see them here, if I exaggerate that slightly.
04:25 You've got your two key cards, one selection
04:29 that you don't yet know what that selection is,
04:31 and one indifferent card.
04:34 Through years of performing this, I always
04:38 go for the hits when you're fishing.
04:42 And I always guess the one closest to the bottom key card.
04:47 So in this case, this would be the one that I'd be focusing on more.
04:52 So you're going to go for a hit first.
04:54 The hit is that their card is definitely a red card.
04:57 So you say, I've got a feeling you've chosen a red card, haven't you?
05:02 They say, yes, that's a hit.
05:04 You say, it's a heart, am I right?
05:06 They say, yes.
05:08 So by that point, they already know what it is.
05:11 You can now guess this one, the eight of hearts.
05:15 Or if the performance suits or your performance style
05:19 is slightly different, you gather up the cards.
05:23 You can cut at the eight and the 10, move everything to the top,
05:30 and do a double lift.
05:33 So you push over on the top two and turn it over
05:38 to reveal their selection.
05:40 If their selection isn't this card, you then turn the double over,
05:46 place the single card on the table, and now reveal it on the table.
05:51 So I'll go over that once more.
06:01 You've got your two key cards.
06:03 In performance, this would actually be two random cards
06:08 from a shuffled deck that you'd peek, ace of spades, two of hearts,
06:11 for example.
06:13 But we'll just use these two black ones for now, one on bottom and one on top.
06:19 You spread the cards.
06:21 The spectator chooses one.
06:23 Wherever they've chosen one from, you break.
06:28 You collect the bottom half, and you push the top half towards them.
06:33 They take a look at this selection, the six of hearts,
06:37 and it gets placed on top.
06:40 And then half the deck in your hand gets placed on top of the selection,
06:46 creating the prophecy move.
06:50 Everything gets squared by the spectator,
06:53 and then they're going to riffle shuffle the cards together
06:57 so that when you spread the cards on the table face up,
07:01 you're going to look for your two key cards, which are here,
07:05 the ace of spades and the ace of clubs.
07:09 In this instance, they've managed to shuffle three,
07:13 the variance being the hearts and diamonds.
07:18 So you're going to go for the hit just to establish that you know their card.
07:23 So you say, think about your card.
07:25 Can you see it there for me?
07:26 You've chosen a red one, haven't you?
07:28 They say yes, because it is only red in between.
07:33 Then the variance here is hearts.
07:34 You want to eliminate that.
07:35 You say, I've got a feeling you've gone for the diamonds.
07:38 Am I right?
07:38 Or you can phrase it in this special way.
07:41 You can say, I've got a feeling you've chosen diamond.
07:49 Is that right?
07:50 They might say no, but this is the one you're going for.
07:54 So if they say yes, then you know it's the nine of diamonds.
07:58 And you can spread through the deck, take it out, and reveal it as their card,
08:02 as you've seen in the performance.
08:04 Or if they say no, and it's a heart, you simply collect up everything.
08:11 You break to bring the two hearts to the top.
08:16 You break under a double.
08:19 You turn this over.
08:21 You show the six.
08:23 If it's not the six, you then turn everything over,
08:27 and you deal a single onto the table.
08:30 For that point, you can then reveal, after you've
08:33 pretended that you have no idea what their card is,
08:36 that the king of hearts was there the entire time.
08:38 There are some situations that you want to try and prepare for.
08:47 One is that you've remembered the two key cards.
08:53 So we're using the ace of spades and ace of clubs.
08:55 And they've got a selection.
09:01 The selection's placed back in prophecy move, so seven of diamonds.
09:07 And then they shuffle the cards.
09:10 And let's say, for instance, that you end up with the end result of five, six,
09:25 and seven of diamonds in between the two aces.
09:29 Now, this doesn't happen often.
09:31 But if it does come up, which it might, you
09:34 want to be prepared for this situation.
09:35 So in this instance, you get two hits before you reveal anything.
09:41 So you say, you're thinking of a red card, aren't you?
09:44 They say yes.
09:45 It's a diamond.
09:46 Am I right?
09:47 They say yes.
09:48 And then you're going to guess the one closest to the bottom key card.
09:51 You say, it's a relatively high number.
09:54 Was it a seven?
09:56 If they say no, you then break, bring in the six and the five to the top,
10:03 and perform a double lift to bring the six here.
10:09 If it's still not the six, you deal it to the table.
10:13 You get them to place their hand on top.
10:15 You can go through the deck to try and pick out a few cards.
10:21 You're wrong every time.
10:23 You ask them what their card was.
10:24 They reveal it.
10:25 And you turn over the one under their hand.
10:28 And it's their selection.
10:32 The situation you'll find yourself in the majority of the time
10:37 is with one black and one red in between your two key cards
10:43 in the middle of the deck.
10:46 This is the most popular situation for performing the effect
10:51 for a few years.
10:52 This is the one that I'm 95% of the time.
10:55 This is the one that I get.
10:56 They've managed to shuffle one card, a different card,
11:00 in with the selection.
11:02 If the selection for this instance is the five of diamonds,
11:06 you're obviously going to try and eliminate this color to guess this one.
11:10 So you say, think of the color, first of all.
11:13 It's not red, is it?
11:15 Now, this is phrased as a question.
11:18 And the question is, it's not red, is it?
11:20 If they say yes, the tone in which you're saying, it's not red, is it?
11:24 It sounds as if you already know it is.
11:26 So you're going to pretend.
11:28 You say, it's not red, is it?
11:29 They say yes.
11:29 You say, great.
11:31 I was thinking of a red card, too.
11:33 Think of the suit.
11:35 OK, perfect.
11:36 I think you've gone for a diamonds, the five of diamonds.
11:39 Or go through and take it out of the deck and place it on the table.
11:46 If they say no, you say, it's not a red card, is it?
11:50 And they say no.
11:52 You know it's the 10 of clubs, in which case you can go through.
11:56 You can remove the 10 of clubs.
11:59 And you say, great.
12:00 I had a feeling you were thinking of a black card, too.
12:03 Think of the suit.
12:05 It's a clubs, isn't it?
12:07 Think of your card.
12:08 Turn over.
12:10 And it's their card, the 10 of clubs.
12:12 So that's the situation you find yourself in the majority of the time.
12:17 So there's one other scenario that you might find yourselves in.
12:21 You've got the key card on top and the key card on bottom.
12:24 The explanation is the two aces.
12:26 But it could be any cards.
12:27 You have to remember the two.
12:30 They spread.
12:31 They take any card.
12:33 You break.
12:36 And you collect the bottom half.
12:38 They show, themselves and everyone else, but not you.
12:42 You place it into prophecy move, which is between your two key cards.
12:48 It's their card.
12:50 Everything gets squared.
12:53 And then they shuffle.
12:55 Now, sometimes the position that you're in
12:58 is that they would have shuffled so badly that there'll only
13:03 be one card in between your two key cards.
13:06 So that when you spread on the table, your job is even easier.
13:10 You look at your two key cards.
13:12 There's one card in between.
13:14 And now you can reveal exactly what they're thinking of
13:17 without any fishing.
13:19 You still want to remain consistent with the position.
13:22 You still want to remain consistent with the patter.
13:25 Because if they ask you to perform it again,
13:27 or you go to the next table, or they see you later on in the evening,
13:31 they might see a difference in performance.
13:34 So you still break it down by question.
13:36 So think of the color first.
13:39 It's a red card you're thinking of, am I right?
13:41 Yes.
13:42 It's a heart.
13:43 I'm getting a feeling it's a heart.
13:44 Yes.
13:46 Let me check.
13:48 I've got a feeling that you're thinking of this card.
13:53 They reveal queen of hearts.
13:55 Fantastic.
13:55 So I'll just run over the situation.
13:57 You look for the key cards.
14:06 Your perfect position is this.
14:10 The majority of the time, you have this.
14:14 So you're fishing between the colors.
14:17 Sometimes you have three cards.
14:21 So you have to eliminate the ones that you can.
14:27 And sometimes all of those three cards are the same color as your card.
14:34 If you remember, by rule of thumb, the majority of the time,
14:41 the selection will be closest to the bottom key card.
14:45 You're looking for variance.
14:47 So you say, it's not a diamond, is it?
14:49 They say, no.
14:51 You've got rid of that.
14:53 You say, great.
14:53 I had a feeling you were thinking of a heart.
14:56 It's a high card, isn't it?
14:57 Like a picture card.
14:59 So it happens both of these are pictures.
15:01 They say, yes.
15:03 You're then going to move everything to the top of the deck.
15:07 So that was in the middle.
15:09 You'd cut here, bringing the jack and the queen to the top.
15:13 You'd perform a double lift.
15:16 You'd show the queen.
15:18 That could be their card.
15:19 It is in this case.
15:20 But if it isn't, your out is that you turn the double back over
15:26 and deal a single onto the table.
15:29 So those are all the possible scenarios of essential.
15:34 And you can reveal it as that.
15:36 I just want to double check with everyone at home
15:41 that after the spectators shuffle the deck in the beginning,
15:44 you gain a peak.
15:46 And these become your two key cards.
15:49 If you want to perform this set up with two cards of your choosing
15:55 on top and bottom, you can, providing you remember them.
15:59 If you want to perform it to magicians or someone challenges you
16:03 to do it from a borrowed shuffled deck, by all means,
16:07 use the peak as you spread.
16:11 So one more just to cap this off.
16:16 You're going to take two key cards.
16:18 In this case, you've got the ace of spades and ace of clubs.
16:21 One on top, one on bottom.
16:24 You spread.
16:25 They select any one.
16:27 You cut at their selection.
16:30 You take the bottom half into your hand.
16:33 The card gets looked at and placed back on the deck in prophecy move.
16:42 Everything is squared and riffle shuffled by the spectator.
16:45 And the cards are spread on the table.
16:53 You're looking for your two key cards, although you
16:58 don't want to draw attention to it.
17:00 But when you spread, you look for them, but don't spread them apart.
17:05 And you ask them if they can see their card there on the table.
17:10 You say it's a red card you're thinking of.
17:12 They say yes.
17:13 It's a relatively high card.
17:15 Yes.
17:16 You can say it's not a diamond, is it?
17:20 If they say yes, it is actually.
17:22 It's the ace of diamonds that you select.
17:24 If they say no, you guess the nine of hearts.
17:27 Or if you want to be a bit cleaner, just remember everything
17:31 gets cut to the top from here.
17:34 The two cards, two options to the top.
17:37 You get a break under a double.
17:39 You turn over.
17:40 It's not that card.
17:42 Single to the table.
17:43 You say, OK, well, which card is it?
17:46 They say ace of diamonds.
17:48 You can act, oh, it couldn't be.
17:50 There's no ace of diamonds in this deck.
17:52 It's here.
17:54 And they get to turn that over themselves.
17:58 And that is the explanation for essential.
18:01 OK, I'm back with Kyle Marlett.
18:07 Kyle, up top.
18:08 Love it.
18:09 Do you want to grab a card for me?
18:10 Just anyone.
18:12 And take a look and show the camera.
18:15 You happy?
18:16 Just call it stop for me.
18:17 Stop.
18:18 Right there.
18:18 Pop the card back in.
18:20 OK.
18:21 In fact, we're going to give these a shuffle.
18:23 Can you riffle shuffle?
18:24 You can, yeah?
18:24 Yeah, I can.
18:25 Do you want to riffle shuffle those together for me?
18:27 Can I do a pharaoh?
18:28 You can do a pharaoh.
18:29 That's perfectly fine.
18:31 OK.
18:32 That nearly broke.
18:33 Almost.
18:33 Almost.
18:34 We'll get there one day.
18:36 So I instantly get the feeling you've chosen a black card.
18:39 Am I right?
18:39 Yes.
18:40 And it's relatively high.
18:42 I'm going to say above a five.
18:43 Probably less than a picture card, though.
18:45 Yes.
18:46 Just concentrate on the number for me.
18:49 OK, I think you've gone for a nine.
18:52 Am I right?
18:52 A nine.
18:53 Now just think of a suit.
18:55 Yeah.
18:56 Nine of spades.
18:58 Yes.
18:59 What the-- what the hell?
19:03 Totally real as well.
19:05 To be fair, it's amazing.
19:08 Thank you.
19:09 Hi there.
19:10 Hopefully you enjoyed the performance of Alter Ego.
19:13 What this is is essentially a peek
19:16 at a red-black separation deck.
19:22 I'm just going to go over this for you,
19:23 if I can, in great detail.
19:27 So the black separation is on the top of the deck.
19:31 And the red separation is on the bottom of the deck.
19:35 So you're going to do this beforehand.
19:36 Or you can use Costa Kimlat's Roadrunner Cull
19:40 to get into this position.
19:43 Once all the reds are on bottom, you're
19:45 going to openly spread the top half.
19:48 And you want to try and make this as big as possible,
19:51 just so it looks like they've got a lot to choose from.
19:54 But actually, all they've got to choose from is black cards.
19:59 So they can take any one of these.
20:02 Now the great thing about this is you already
20:04 know they've taken a black card.
20:07 So they have this here.
20:10 Then you start riffling from halfway down.
20:13 So you're going to start riffling so you place
20:16 the card back into the red stack.
20:19 So you're going to say, say stop for me.
20:23 They say stop.
20:24 And the card gets actually placed
20:28 into the red section of the deck.
20:30 And it's usually, by the time they say stop,
20:37 it's usually 10 to 12 cards from the top
20:41 is the perfect position.
20:43 Everything gets squared.
20:45 And you can now place this on the table.
20:48 You're going to do your first reveal.
20:50 As in the performance, you saw that I said the coil.
20:52 You're thinking of a black card, aren't you?
20:55 They say yes.
20:58 You say, I don't want you to think I'm cheating.
21:00 So what you can do is shuffle this deck.
21:02 And you're going to place this in fiddle grip.
21:05 As you riffle through, you're going
21:09 to get a peek of the nine of clubs.
21:13 That stands out.
21:14 That's one single black card in a sea of red cards.
21:18 It's going to jump out at you at speed.
21:21 So you can see as you riffle along, the rest of the cards
21:23 are red there.
21:25 So you one finger here to catch those.
21:29 You riffle through.
21:30 You get one flash of the nine of clubs there.
21:32 So slower as you riffle.
21:37 Nine of clubs.
21:39 You continue to riffle.
21:41 And you give them the deck.
21:42 So you get your peek there in that motion.
21:48 There.
21:49 So that's it at regular speed.
21:52 You can see.
21:53 You say, can you give these a shuffle for me?
21:56 Or you say, do you want me to riffle shuffle, or can you?
22:01 And as you do that motion, you've got your peek.
22:03 Do you want me to riffle shuffle, or can you?
22:06 And now I know their cards, their nine of clubs.
22:09 And they can then shuffle the two halves together.
22:12 What this does is it destroys all the setup that you made.
22:18 So you've got red and black.
22:21 They select a card.
22:24 And you start riffling halfway.
22:27 They place it back.
22:29 It goes onto the table.
22:31 You say to them, you've chosen a black card, haven't you?
22:35 They say yes.
22:37 You pick up everything.
22:38 You say, I don't want you to think I'm cheating.
22:40 So what you can do is riffle shuffle these cards together.
22:44 You get your peek.
22:45 So at that position from here, you get your peek of the nine
22:49 of clubs.
22:51 You continue riffling.
22:54 As you're gesturing, say, what I want you to do is to riffle
22:56 shuffle these together.
22:58 You give them the deck to riffle shuffle.
23:01 Or if they're happy, you can say, I want you to give them
23:05 the deck to riffle shuffle.
23:06 If they're happy for you to shuffle, you get your peek,
23:11 nine of clubs, and you continue to riffle shuffle.
23:16 Now what this will do is interlace all of the reds and
23:21 the blacks so that when you square, it looks like there was
23:28 no order of the deck.
23:30 The deck is in no particular order or stack.
23:33 So you can pick up everything.
23:37 Take out one card from the deck.
23:39 Place it on the table.
23:43 And then you can reveal the nine of clubs.
23:50 OK, so we're back with the one and only Kyle Marlette.
23:56 Kyle, thanks for helping out.
23:58 Boom.
23:59 -No.
23:59 [LAUGHTER]
24:00 -I'm just going to show you another trick, if I can.
24:02 Let's see, we've got the deck of cards here.
24:05 And they're all different, just so you can see the faces.
24:08 I'll give them a quick shuffle, though, just so you know
24:11 there's no particular order there.
24:12 -You shouldn't.
24:13 I don't trust you.
24:14 -You shouldn't trust me.
24:15 So I'm going to just run through the cards.
24:18 And wherever you feel comfortable, just say stop.
24:20 -OK.
24:21 Going in stop.
24:25 -Stop here?
24:25 This one?
24:26 -Yeah, that's good.
24:26 -Do you want to take a look at that card for me?
24:28 And show the camera?
24:29 -Yeah.
24:30 -OK.
24:30 -OK, great.
24:30 -Can you place your hand on top?
24:31 That's perfect.
24:34 Just think about your card.
24:35 Just think about the color, first of all.
24:38 I think you've gone for a black card this time, am I right?
24:40 -Sure.
24:42 -Think about the value.
24:43 -OK.
24:45 -I'm going to hazard a guess.
24:46 I think you've gone for the king of clubs.
24:50 Show the camera.
24:52 -That's ridiculous.
24:54 -Thank you.
24:54 -I don't understand.
24:55 -I don't either.
24:56 I'm trying to.
24:58 -I don't understand.
24:58 -I don't either.
24:59 I'm trying to.
25:00 -Like a wizard.
25:01 -Hopefully someone will explain it.
25:04 -OK.
25:04 -Thank you.
25:05 -OK, so this is the explanation for momentum.
25:08 You can use this with any borrowed, shuffled deck of cards.
25:12 So essentially, you've got your items, your glimpse, cell phone there on the table,
25:20 and your keys just to sort of draw attention away from this.
25:24 Or if you're in a performance situation and there's already a phone on the table,
25:30 you can move it into you to create space for your spectator's playing card.
25:36 So if it's in front here, you can say, I'll just move these out of the way a second.
25:41 Do you want to take one?
25:43 What that gives you is a shiny surface to be able to see exactly what card they've chosen.
25:51 So here I can see it's the 10 of hearts.
25:55 The next one I can see is the jack of spades.
25:58 You're the next one, four of spades, two of hearts, queen of clubs, three of hearts,
26:05 two of spades, nine of diamonds.
26:08 But what you're actually going to do is have the spectator sit across from you.
26:13 So the person that selects the card is going to be sitting opposite you.
26:18 And you're going to ask them to select one.
26:21 And in the momentum of moving forward to give them their card or place it on the table,
26:27 I've actually seen a glimpse of that card.
26:30 That's the four of clubs.
26:32 So I turn that over, four of clubs.
26:35 So I'll do that once more.
26:37 The spectator sits opposite you.
26:41 You spread, they select one.
26:44 You make sure they're sure.
26:46 In the momentum of reaching forward and placing the card on the table
26:50 or giving it to them in their hand, they can place their hand on top,
26:53 I've seen that's the two of diamonds.
26:58 So all you're doing in the momentum of moving forward
27:02 with a card slightly spread off the deck,
27:04 you'll be able to see the reflection of the indices.
27:08 The higher you go, the more light is allowed to bounce off this surface
27:13 and the more casual it looks too.
27:16 If you go directly over the phone,
27:21 it might be that they guess there's a sort of mirror in play.
27:25 If you're really casual, it can be at any height, but there you go.
27:29 I know that one there is the ten of clubs.
27:33 So it's in the momentum of moving forward to give the person opposite you the selection
27:38 that you get their card.
27:39 And that's the seven of hearts.
27:43 And you can use an iPhone, you can use a smartphone,
27:46 any phone with a shiny surface, or on the older iPhones
27:50 because the screens aren't that great,
27:53 there's a mirror on the back of the Apple logo that you can get your peek on,
27:58 you can get your glimpse on.
28:00 So I use the front screen, but you can get a glimpse across.
28:05 And that's it. That's essentially the explanation for momentum.
28:10 Okay, so those are the performances and explanations.
28:14 Thanks for purchasing Revolt.
28:16 I'd like to go over a few thank yous.
28:19 First of all to you for spending the time to go through the download
28:22 and hopefully performing the material.
28:24 I'd love to see it if you come up to me at any conventions,
28:27 anytime you see me at a lecture.
28:29 By all means, perform it. I'd love to see people perform these routines.
28:33 I'd like to thank Eric Jones for making me look good in the performance
28:38 as I was showing a few people in the Ruskin Hotel in Blackpool.
28:42 He shuffled three times for essential rather than once, and it still worked.
28:49 So by all means, go through those routines and shuffle a few times
28:55 just in case anyone tries to mess you up,
28:58 because it could definitely pay off for you.
29:00 I'd like to thank the entire team at Murphy's for filming, editing,
29:04 and producing and selling this trick for me.
29:07 Hopefully you enjoyed the download,
29:08 and hopefully I'll see you all soon for another one.
29:11 Thanks very much. Cheers now. Bye.
