00:00 [Music]
00:18 I want to share with you the female way of attracting wealth.
00:22 Are you interested in this?
00:24 The fact is that we are very different, men and women, and our nature is very different.
00:29 And that's the beauty of it.
00:31 If we find a cooperation, what is called a "male-female dance",
00:37 a sacred tandem of a male and a female,
00:40 cooperation, union, not marriage,
00:45 then we achieve the results we want in life much more qualitatively and much happier.
00:53 And that's the point.
00:55 Because we were brought up by women in a male scenario, in a male position, in a male principle.
01:03 We were told, "Be purposeful, be active, be strong, you must be independent" and so on.
01:11 And considering post-war years, before the revolution,
01:16 when there were men's and women's high schools in the 19th century, before the revolution,
01:19 it is clear when men were given their education,
01:22 what a man should do, what a woman should do,
01:25 and when they united, they got a much higher and much more qualitative result than we can do alone.
01:32 But then we got into such positions, that I can do everything myself.
01:36 I'm strong, crow, I can do it myself, and so on.
01:41 And considering that our reactions are very different,
01:44 a man is a vector, and he needs to see the goal and not see the obstacles.
01:49 That's why men make decisions for a long time, but they don't change.
01:52 A woman makes decisions very quickly and changes them quickly.
01:55 Because a woman is a space, and she needs to do several things at the same time.
01:59 She creates a space around her, she creates energy.
02:02 And there is a difference in this.
02:04 And often we tell our men, "Let's do this and that",
02:07 and they say, "We need to think, not now, but why today?"
02:11 It weighs us down, and we say, "Okay, I'll do it myself, while you figure it out."
02:15 Because we don't have the initial trust in the male nature.
02:21 It was lost when our grandmothers lost their men in the war, and so on.
02:27 And when they had to survive.
02:30 And what was the attitude of men in our family?
02:35 What did they say about their grandfathers, what did they say about our fathers?
02:38 This is our attitude to men now.
02:41 And why do I say this? Why is it so important?
02:44 Again, about the institutions, again about the past.
02:47 Because wealth in a woman's way is very much connected with the interaction with the male nature.
02:53 And how much we can trust and delegate.
02:56 Now, if we talk about how we achieve wealth, there are two ways.
03:01 I ask for a napkin.
03:03 Look, there is a goal.
03:05 The male way is to set a goal and go to it in a vector.
03:10 This is the male symbol.
03:13 And the female, the egg-cell, never runs after the spermatozoid.
03:18 The female symbol is the accumulation of energy and the attraction of this goal to itself.
03:24 That's why we don't rush to the goal.
03:26 We are in such a magical state that the goal itself comes to us.
03:30 And it would seem, right?
03:32 It doesn't mean sitting, laying down, and doing nothing.
03:35 No, it's a huge work.
03:37 It's about working on yourself, in the inner world.
03:41 If a man goes to the outside world and does something,
03:45 a woman goes to the inner world and does something there.
03:48 And if we talk about technologies, about female practices,
03:53 the essence of this work is in the cleansing of the inner world,
03:58 when we forgive, release, and clean all the traumas,
04:01 and in the work with our energy.
04:03 We have a taboo topic of money.
04:05 You have already voiced it.
04:07 The rich have voiced it.
04:11 The same topic is tabooed as sexual.
04:14 When there was no sex in the Soviet Union,
04:16 it was done for a reason, to make a mass out of a person.
04:20 And a woman has two energies.
04:22 Her heart, her inner world, her soul, and her sexual energy.
04:27 And these two centers, how clean, open, strong,
04:31 how well they are worked out.
04:34 This is the attraction and magnetism of a woman.
04:37 When she attracts everything with her energy,
04:41 with the flower she is.
04:44 A woman is a flower, it means to make her whistle,
04:47 attract her, to please her.
04:49 If she is in a special state of consciousness,
04:51 she will attract everything she needs with her energy.
04:54 And the more energy she has, the more benefits she will have.
04:57 There is also a nuance.
04:59 A woman can't earn money.
05:01 She can attract it only through creativity.
05:04 If it is important for a man to get ready,
05:06 to get tense, to go and do it,
05:08 and at the same time he accumulates energy,
05:11 then for a woman if she gets tense and goes in a vector,
05:14 she loses energy.
05:16 Therefore, the main way for a woman to attract wealth is to relax.
05:20 And to enjoy.
05:23 It doesn't mean to lie on the couch and do nothing.
05:27 It doesn't mean to give up self-discipline.
05:32 In fact, this work is a little different,
05:34 which we were not told about.
05:36 This work is related to a huge amount of self-discipline.
05:39 There are five principles guiding a woman.
05:42 The first principle is deep knowledge.
05:46 You need to study women's practices,
05:49 and you need to study the knowledge that is necessary
05:53 for a woman to be filled with love.
05:58 Because the main capital of a woman is love.
06:02 And she owns the wealth of the whole world.
06:05 But this love is energy.
06:07 The first is deep knowledge.
06:10 To go to training, to study, to get to know yourself,
06:13 to work on yourself.
06:15 When we love ourselves to the maximum.
06:17 We will do this with great care and love for ourselves.
06:22 The second principle is creative imagination.
06:26 Women are initially given this power.
06:29 We can visualize easily.
06:31 Because we have a great tendency to fantasize.
06:33 We fantasize, and it won't seem much.
06:36 Therefore, we need to fantasize in the right direction.
06:39 Our energy is for peaceful purposes.
06:42 And when we go to the inner world
06:44 and imagine a picture, meditate, etc.
06:47 Every woman, if she wants to be rich, happy, loving,
06:53 she needs to live a completely different life.
06:57 Live as a chosen one.
06:59 Get up early at dawn.
07:01 This is working on yourself at least 2-3 hours a day.
07:03 This is meditation, practice, exercise, energy exercises.
07:06 This is a certain lifestyle.
07:08 This is a certain food.
07:10 But don't eat at night.
07:12 Because eating at night kills everything.
07:14 All our practices, all our energy, etc.
07:17 Creative imagination is when we can imagine.
07:22 Strong mental.
07:23 When we hold the picture.
07:24 This is purely feminine.
07:26 The main thing for a man is to see the goal and move.
07:28 A woman goes inside and she bears this picture.
07:31 Our ability to bear thanks to the mother.
07:33 But we bear not only physical children.
07:35 We bear ideas, projects, etc.
07:38 We have the ability to fill the idea that a man has invented.
07:41 And to fill the energy for the launch.
07:45 There is such a metaphor.
07:48 A man is an expensive car, a woman is fuel.
07:51 There is another metaphor.
07:53 We are arranged in such a way.
07:54 We can't live without each other.
07:55 Of course, we can.
07:56 But if we do something,
07:58 a woman strives for loneliness,
08:00 or a man strives for loneliness,
08:02 we lose, at the same time,
08:04 we have very big costs.
08:06 We lose health, happiness,
08:08 we lose our inner state, etc.
08:10 We have achieved something,
08:11 but in the end it's not the same.
08:13 Especially when a woman does everything herself.
08:15 "Yes, I will do it, I'm strong, right, crow?"
08:18 But in the end it's not the result we need.
08:21 There is no happiness, no thrill.
08:22 From the union, from the team spirit,
08:24 from the result of the joint, etc.
08:26 So, the second is the creative imagination.
08:30 The next point is the steel will.
08:33 The steel will.
08:39 What does the steel will mean?
08:41 It's when we promised ourselves to do the morning exercise,
08:46 we got up and did it.
08:48 Often women perceive it as a kind of amorphous state,
08:51 when we are relaxed,
08:52 when we are blondes, etc.
08:54 No, not at all.
08:56 It's work, colossal work.
08:58 But it's not connected with an active movement in life,
09:01 but with an active movement inside.
09:07 So, the steel will is when we passionately want something,
09:10 when we have a goal, a dream,
09:11 and we are true to this goal.
09:13 We do something for ourselves,
09:15 we work on ourselves,
09:16 we do the practices we were given to you, etc.
09:18 And this is an important aspect of a woman's success.
09:22 Because self-discipline, responsibility,
09:28 physical exercises,
09:31 they have been imposed on us since childhood.
09:33 We think that we don't want to do it, it's not interesting.
09:36 But we won't achieve anything without it.
09:38 We need to do it to make it fun and interesting.
09:40 Is it clear?
09:42 The next aspect is to keep silence.
09:45 The thing is that when a man is in a crisis,
09:54 he goes to his cave.
09:57 This is how he processes the crisis.
09:59 When a woman is in a crisis,
10:01 she goes and says about it.
10:03 Yes.
10:05 On the contrary,
10:06 a man is an external world,
10:07 but when he is in a crisis,
10:08 he goes to the inner world.
10:09 A woman is an internal world,
10:10 but when she is in a crisis,
10:11 she goes to the outer world.
10:12 She needs to say it all out loud.
10:13 This is wonderful.
10:14 It is appropriate when there is a problem,
10:16 you need to gather a female friend,
10:17 and make a female advice.
10:19 What to do next?
10:20 A female friend is very helpful.
10:22 You can't do without it.
10:23 Because a man can listen to us for no more than 15 minutes.
10:25 And we need to remember this.
10:27 But what is it to keep silence?
10:31 The thing is that
10:33 the female power is
10:38 how observant she is
10:40 about her inner world.
10:41 The feeling, the sensation.
10:43 When we scan the external reality,
10:45 when we are in silence,
10:47 we are observing ourselves,
10:49 we are in contemplation.
10:50 At this moment,
10:51 we can adequately perceive the reality.
10:53 When we are talking all the time,
10:55 we are missing very important signals
10:57 that our body, our soul,
10:59 and the external reality.
11:01 And the extra talkiness,
11:03 they say, is a blocked sexual energy.
11:05 When we need to orally
11:07 satisfy our instincts.
11:09 And the next principle
11:15 is living faith.
11:17 A woman has knowledge in the beginning.
11:25 This knowledge is deep in her soul.
11:28 But in order to get this knowledge
11:30 and open it,
11:32 she needs to believe in herself.
11:34 When I was studying in Monte Criceo,
11:36 I was told, "You are always right.
11:38 You should know that you are right."
11:40 Believe in yourself,
11:42 believe in your uniqueness,
11:44 your talent, your femininity,
11:46 your strength, your purpose,
11:48 your happiness, your luck,
11:50 your success.
11:52 And when we work with this,
11:54 then we create the life
11:56 that we are worthy of.
11:58 And yes, it's hard,
12:00 but it's hard work that gives a high dividend.
12:02 And the last principle.
12:04 All this is based on love.
12:06 And we have the concept of our school
12:08 "Anti-Steroids".
12:10 We don't manipulate,
12:12 we don't use, let's say,
12:14 techniques that are not ecological.
12:16 Because we know that
12:18 the main technique in life is love.
12:20 But in order to feel it,
12:22 you need to work a lot with yourself.
12:24 Every woman has an inescapable source.
12:26 This source is in her heart.
12:28 This source is love.
12:30 And if she finds this source,
12:32 it is definitely love.
12:34 If she is confident in herself,
12:36 and she has a crown on her head,
12:38 if she knows that she is a great woman,
12:40 then this is her main secret,
12:42 her female happiness.
12:44 And when we...
12:46 Yes, a woman must have a favorite business.
12:48 Yes, of course,
12:50 a man has a job first,
12:52 and a man has a wife.
12:54 These are the priorities.
12:56 And a woman must have a favorite job,
12:58 a favorite business that brings her pleasure.
13:00 But it can't be in the foreground.
13:02 Because then we get married,
13:04 then we give all our energy to work,
13:06 and we come home devoid of energy.
13:08 And we have nothing to give to our loved ones.
13:10 And here is an important point,
13:12 I want you to understand and write down.
13:14 What I'm talking about is based on your own experience.
13:16 Whatever you do,
13:20 whatever you eat,
13:22 whatever you put in your house,
13:24 you have to do it in a state of steam,
13:26 lightness, pleasure and pleasure.
13:28 Then you will not lose energy,
13:30 but save it.
13:32 A woman saves energy.
13:34 She is a rosette,
13:36 she can't boil a kettle herself.
13:38 She needs a tool for this.
13:40 She is a carrier of prosperity.
13:42 A woman is a Lakshmi.
13:44 Her energy of prosperity is in her uterus.
13:46 And she can't...
13:48 She can, of course,
13:50 but she loses this magic.
13:52 She can't gain wealth in a direct way,
13:54 but she can gain it only through a man,
13:56 through a tool.
13:58 But a kettle can't boil itself.
14:00 That's why this interaction is very valuable.
14:02 And it's important to understand
14:04 what we give to each other and how valuable we are.
14:06 This is the point.
14:08 A woman is engaged in creativity.
14:10 When she creates,
14:12 she is in pleasure, she is filled
14:14 and she is gaining energy.
14:16 For example, I've been telling myself for a long time,
14:18 "Margareta, slower, slower!"
14:20 I'm a shooter. I see the target,
14:22 I don't see obstacles.
14:24 And I've been learning to reach the target in a different way.
14:26 And for me,
14:28 I've become accustomed to it.
14:30 I've been writing down the ideal situation.
14:32 I say, "Margarita, I need it to this number."
14:34 And this is how my life comes.
14:36 Magic and easy.
14:38 And only in this state,
14:40 in this case,
14:42 if I am in the right state.
14:44 Because when I am filled,
14:46 when I am in joy, when I am in love,
14:48 when I am in a thrill from myself and from life,
14:50 then it happens instantly.
14:52 And in fact, the main magic of a woman
14:54 is to be in this state of bliss.
14:56 And, in general,
14:58 our desire is fulfilled by God
15:00 and by men.
15:02 Because a man always asks a woman,
15:04 "What do you want?"
15:06 And the creator, the universe,
15:08 asks a woman, "What do you want,
15:10 my beloved, my beloved daughter?"
15:12 And we say,
15:14 "Whatever you say, yes."
15:16 And he says, "Okay, as you say."
15:18 Therefore, in our life there are two gods -
15:20 the Creator and us, the beloved.
15:22 [Music]
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