• 2 years ago
00:00 Work with healing moods can be done in a more diverse, interesting, effective way.
00:13 Of course, you can just read, listen, declare in your own way,
00:23 regardless of authority, just speak independently, in your own rhythm,
00:31 slowly, carefully looking at each word or phrase.
00:41 In any case, no matter how you do it,
00:46 it is important to focus on the most important thing - on your body.
00:56 See it, hear it, feel it.
01:04 Your thoughts in the context of moods are already coordinated by a kind magician,
01:10 and you just need to direct your attention to the area of ​​your being that you are talking about in your mood.
01:20 After all, it is known that attention is where energy is, and thought is energy.
01:31 Few people know this fact yet.
01:35 Problems at the physical level are therefore beginning to appear,
01:40 that many useless negative thoughts,
01:44 which are twisted for a long time in your consciousness,
01:49 are so fixed that they become reduced in the form of energy blocks,
01:56 serious, emotional or even worse manifested,
02:01 in the form of already visible various changes in the body.
02:06 And this is a signal.
02:09 It's time to change.
02:11 Change your attitude to life, to yourself.
02:16 Change something in your worldview, in your thoughts.
02:21 Replace the old, lost meaning,
02:24 because with their help they did not create anything but problems.
02:28 To replace them, to remove from your arsenal, to dissolve,
02:33 by launching the opposite charged focus of your attention.
02:40 If you don't like something in the expression of moods,
02:45 in some technical moments, switch immediately,
02:49 otherwise you will add problems to yourself.
02:52 After all, your discontent is only your own discontent.
02:57 It can affect anyone,
03:00 as not on you, causing a storm of emotions.
03:04 Only trust helps to join the stream of divine energy,
03:11 which is filled with healing moods.
03:16 Only by trusting you can become a part of this stream,
03:23 gain its qualities, be filled with the power,
03:29 with the Creator's love, with light.
03:34 And light, as you know, dissolves darkness.
03:41 Just as a day comes to replace the night,
03:44 so in the life of a person, if you fill it with light,
03:50 qualitative changes will occur.
03:55 And only you decide whether you want this,
03:59 or it is more convenient to take the attention,
04:02 sympathy of others.
04:06 Any choice is just a choice,
04:10 and it is the only right one at the moment.
04:14 Maybe it's worth thinking about it?
04:19 It is already one thing that you have discovered
04:22 the formulas of spiritual medicine for yourself.
04:25 A serious reason to think.
04:30 Let's do one little exercise,
04:34 which will help you to tune in more effectively
04:38 to the perception of moods,
04:41 and use this technique during listening.
04:50 Have you ever seriously thought about
04:53 what a physical body means to you?
04:57 More often than not, we perceive it simply as a given,
05:01 and we use it generously.
05:04 Of course, not everyone is talking about it.
05:08 We take everything we can from it,
05:11 squeezing all the resources to the bottom.
05:15 But at least once, until you have spat,
05:18 have you ever thought about
05:21 what role, for example, the stomach or liver play for you?
05:26 How do they care about you?
05:29 How to strive to ensure your survival as much as possible?
05:37 And what do they need in your love and care?
05:43 Such a small microcosm.
05:46 And you are both God and Lord for them.
05:52 So, what we will do now
05:56 is to return our sincere attention
05:59 to the priceless gift of the Universe -
06:02 your physical body.
06:08 I want to share some rules of working with moods.
06:14 What is first of all worth paying attention to
06:18 is that it is best to give up
06:21 regular reading, automatic listening.
06:25 When you are told to read twice a day,
06:28 you should read the text twice purely mechanically.
06:32 I listen, I tick.
06:35 This is a long way to healing.
06:38 It is much more effective to include the soul and imagination into work.
06:45 Secondly,
06:48 in order for the text to become truly healing,
06:52 it is necessary to include breathing into work.
06:57 By breathing in, we allow energy to penetrate us.
07:03 Naturally, the deeper the breath,
07:06 the more energy we fill up.
07:10 By exhaling, we cleanse ourselves.
07:13 That is, we imagine how we free ourselves from all the negative
07:18 that has accumulated in the body,
07:20 let go of old thoughts and useless emotions.
07:25 We communicate with our body through breathing,
07:30 passing the necessary information to the blood,
07:34 which is activated by the force of our intention.
07:38 If we say any statement while breathing,
07:43 it is a new program for us at the cellular level.
07:49 For the blood, having perceived this information,
07:52 spreads it throughout the body.
07:57 And thirdly,
07:59 it is necessary to direct all your attention to the body area,
08:04 to the processes in it, which are being discussed at the moment.
08:08 The secret here is to be present while you are doing.
08:15 And how to do it?
08:18 We, as if in our own way, put it there,
08:21 in this organ, in this area,
08:23 and from the inside we follow what is happening.
08:27 When you do this,
08:29 you note what sensations arise in this organ,
08:35 how it responds,
08:38 what thoughts run through the mind.
08:41 If you understand how this is done,
08:44 then over time there will be no diseases in the body.
08:49 When you listen to what is happening,
08:52 for example, with your heart,
08:55 your mind should be there, in this area,
09:00 catching sensations from the reaction to the words heard.
09:05 You are tuned to the presence in the body,
09:08 to the presence while doing,
09:10 when you hear the text
09:12 and the tips of your spirit.
09:15 Your mind can be in the muscles,
09:19 joints, vessels,
09:22 in the streams of blood,
09:24 which are available to every cell of the body.
09:29 And all this works,
09:31 obeying your orders.
09:34 Your soul has the ability to control it,
09:39 because blood is an instrument
09:42 with which the soul controls the body.
09:46 Blood lets go, protects,
09:50 and even attracts energy information
09:54 bringing us relief,
09:58 healing,
09:59 liberation from negativity.
10:04 Let's see
10:06 how it looks to observe these rules in practice.
10:11 Let's listen to a fragment of one tune.
10:16 God the Lord
10:22 incessantly,
10:24 in a continuous stream
10:27 pours into my heart
10:32 a silver divine light.
10:39 Very pleasant,
10:41 very pleasant
10:43 silver divine light
10:48 incessantly pours into my heart.
10:57 Incessantly pours into my heart
11:02 a blissful calmness.
11:05 Blissful calmness
11:08 incessantly pours into my heart.
11:16 Holy,
11:18 divine
11:21 calmness.
11:23 It is so easy and good for the soul.
11:28 For the soul it is absolutely calm.
11:32 For the soul it is carefree,
11:35 calm.
11:37 The whole vast area of the heart
11:42 is brighter than the sun.
11:45 The heart itself is brighter than the sun.
11:49 The heart is divinely happy.
11:55 The heart is brighter than the sun.
11:59 The heart is divinely happy.
12:04 The whole vast area of the heart
12:07 is brighter than the sun.
12:10 The heart is so light.
12:13 The heart is so bright, bright, bright.
12:18 The heart is so bright, bright, bright.
12:23 Bright, bright, bright.
12:30 The heart is calm and bright.
12:34 The heart is carefree and calm.
12:38 Bright, bright.
12:41 The heart itself is brighter than the sun.
12:47 The heart is filled with
12:50 divine silver.
12:55 Brighter than the sun.
12:58 Divine light.
13:04 The whole vast area of the heart
13:09 is brighter than the sun.
13:13 The heart is so calm,
13:16 easy.
13:19 Easy.
13:21 So calm and easy.
13:25 The heart is bright, bright, bright.
13:29 The heart is bright, bright, bright.
13:35 Brighter than the sun.
13:37 The holy, silver, divine light
13:43 flows out in a continuous stream
13:49 into my divine heart.
13:55 We have listened to a fragment of "Mood".
14:01 And now we will try
14:04 to work with this text
14:07 in accordance with our rules.
14:10 Get ready for listening.
14:13 Choose a comfortable position.
14:25 Relax.
14:28 And let's get to work.
14:31 When we turn to the source of divine power,
14:41 to the Creator Himself,
14:45 to the Lord God Himself.
14:52 In this phrase, you direct all your attention
15:02 to the crown chakra,
15:05 to the very top of the head.
15:09 So you open up to the higher dimensions,
15:15 to what is above you.
15:18 And the gate to it is right there.
15:25 Let it be your short,
15:33 but light, graceful, free flight.
15:41 So, take a deep breath with the words
15:49 "The Lord God Himself"
15:54 and strive up,
15:57 in your imagination,
16:01 to the top of the head
16:04 and through it to the vastness of the universe
16:09 with your feelings,
16:12 sensations,
16:15 with your whole soul.
16:18 Where there are no restrictions,
16:23 where there is freedom,
16:26 ease,
16:28 calmness
16:31 and peace.
16:36 And on the exhale, with the words
16:40 "Pours into my heart"
16:45 imagine
16:48 like a continuous stream of energy,
16:54 silver,
16:58 divine light
17:02 through the crown of your head,
17:05 through all your being,
17:10 flows down to the earth.
17:17 Through the crown of your head
17:24 all your being flows
17:29 and goes down to the earth.
17:35 Open yourself boldly to these energies,
17:40 absorb them with every cell,
17:44 with every blood,
17:47 fill yourself with them,
17:49 fill all your being.
17:55 Now let these energies
18:01 reach the area of the heart.
18:09 Take them there with your attention.
18:15 Taking a deep breath,
18:18 accumulate them,
18:21 and on the exhale let them out.
18:26 Feel how these divine energies
18:31 push out negative feelings and emotions,
18:37 fill the heart with calm,
18:41 without rebellion,
18:44 with a soft negative,
18:47 with peace.
18:52 The heart is calm and bright,
18:56 without rebellion and calm,
18:59 the heart is bright and bright.
19:04 Open yourself to all your beings
19:08 with every cell,
19:11 towards the blessed light.
19:16 On the inhale, accumulate the energy,
19:20 on the exhale let it out.
19:23 Give your body the opportunity
19:27 to be filled with strength, health,
19:31 well-being.
19:34 Try to feel this blessed flow.
19:40 Imagine how you are now
19:44 in this stream of pure white,
19:47 silver light.
19:51 Very pleasant,
19:54 silver, divine light
19:59 constantly flows
20:03 into the heart.
20:08 Now every cell in your body
20:13 begins to open
20:16 to the divine presence.
20:21 Every cell
20:23 anchors its state
20:26 in this white stream of light
20:29 through you.
20:33 A blessed calm,
20:36 a blessed light
20:39 a blessed calm,
20:42 a blessed calm
20:45 constantly flows into the heart.
20:51 Holy, divine calm.
20:58 You begin to release
21:01 all old energies
21:03 from your cellular memory
21:06 and intercellular space.
21:09 Breathe deeply,
21:11 because the divine light
21:14 begins to nourish you
21:16 with the energies of the original purity.
21:20 Breathe deeper
21:23 and let the divine energy
21:27 merge with you.
21:31 Breathe in and allow yourself
21:38 to spread
21:41 around you
21:43 the field of this energy
21:46 as wide as possible
21:48 beyond the physical body.
21:53 You send
21:56 this divine light
21:59 and love
22:01 to each of your subtle
22:03 energy bodies.
22:07 You fill
22:09 your physical body with it.
22:16 Light outside,
22:20 light inside.
22:26 So, with an inner gaze,
22:29 you enter your world,
22:31 your universe.
22:35 Feel again
22:39 the area of the body
22:41 where your heart is located.
22:44 And imagine
22:46 as if the sun appears in it.
22:50 The entire vast area of the heart
22:54 is brighter than the sun.
22:57 The heart itself is brighter than the sun.
23:02 From the depth of the heart itself,
23:05 each millimeter of it is illuminated by the light.
23:09 Help yourself
23:11 by inhaling the accumulated energy
23:14 inside yourself.
23:16 Inhale through the nose,
23:20 exhale through the mouth,
23:24 to the heart.
23:26 Fill this organ with tenderness
23:28 inside yourself,
23:30 as if you are collecting energy
23:32 in a warm lump
23:34 inside your heart.
23:36 You pass each cell
23:38 in your own way
23:40 with your attention
23:42 from the center of the border
23:45 up and down,
23:49 and back.
23:51 We go beyond the periphery
23:54 and again deep inside.
23:57 Gently, with love,
24:01 we easily fill the heart with energy.
24:06 Easily and with pleasure.
24:09 There is a feeling
24:12 as if warm waves
24:15 wash away the beloved organ,
24:18 dissolve the old,
24:20 decaying cells.
24:23 In the light of this energy,
24:26 new cells of the heart are born,
24:29 strong, young,
24:31 filled with health.
24:34 Allow the energy
24:36 to wash this organ
24:38 with pleasure.
24:41 In this work,
24:43 you become the creator of your body,
24:46 and do not forget to breathe.
24:48 Breathe into the heart area.
24:50 Put into every breath
24:53 the image of a sunny,
24:55 silver light.
24:58 Inhale through the nose
25:00 and exhale,
25:02 directing the light
25:04 to the heart.
25:07 Light and love
25:09 in the depth of your heart.
25:13 Light inside,
25:16 light outside.
25:20 Feel
25:22 this divine filling.
25:28 Brighter than the sun,
25:30 holy,
25:32 silver,
25:34 divine light
25:37 flows into my body
25:40 and into my divine heart.
25:49 Do this,
25:51 slowly and with love,
25:54 listening to the mood.
25:57 Discover a new state for yourself.
26:02 When you finish your work,
26:05 thank the divine energy
26:07 and your soul for the work.
26:11 Listen
26:13 to how it returns
26:16 from its flight,
26:18 restoring balance
26:21 in your body.
26:23 Feel the fingers of your hands.
26:27 Move them.
26:30 Feel your legs.
26:33 Move your feet.
26:36 When you understand
26:38 that you are ready,
26:40 take a deep breath
26:42 and slowly,
26:44 calmly exhale,
26:47 open your eyes.
26:52 You can return to the fragment
26:54 of the mood again,
26:56 doing everything yourself,
26:58 to fix your feelings
27:01 and next time,
27:03 easily and effortlessly
27:05 enter this state.
27:07 Good luck!
27:09 Irina Kuznetsova was with you.
