00:18 Hi, my name is Guy Bratli.
00:20 I'm from Norway, and I'm 32 years old.
00:23 What I consider a true magician is the one who can
00:25 walk into a room, pick up any object, and perform magic with
00:29 it-- you just pick up a glass, borrow a ring, do magic, and
00:35 you blow people away with it.
00:36 The move itself is not hard to acquire, but the timing is a
00:44 little bit tricky to master.
00:45 When done right, you get a really strong illusion that
00:48 the coin really penetrates the glass.
00:50 Let's take a look at the move.
00:53 This effect does not require any duplicate
00:55 coins or gimmicks.
00:56 You can use any coin, borrow a ring, use any glass, and
01:00 perform anywhere, anytime, totally impromptu.
01:03 OK, let's face the fact.
01:11 The only way that this coin can end up in this glass is
01:16 through the big hole on the top.
01:18 So what we have to do is to sneak the coin inside the
01:21 glass when no one's expecting it.
01:25 The right hand holds the glass like this.
01:27 The left hand holds the coin like this.
01:29 Glass and hand should be in a downward angle.
01:32 And the glass comes up and down, and is about to scoop
01:39 the coin up.
01:39 But because there's no air between the coin and the hand,
01:43 you have to make a little move downwards so that the coin
01:49 will retain in the air, like that.
01:53 [CHA-CHING]
01:56 So the timing is very important here.
01:59 Do not go down with the hand until the glass is here.
02:05 [CHA-CHING]
02:05 Like that.
02:07 Do not throw the coin like this.
02:21 Just let it retain in the air just enough so that the glass
02:28 can scoop up the coin.
02:29 [CHA-CHING]
02:33 If you do this wrong, you'll see the coin
02:38 retain in the air.
02:41 That means that you're throwing the coin.
02:49 This is a timing thing.
02:52 One, two, three.
02:56 One, two, three.
03:00 One, two, three.
03:08 [CHA-CHING]
03:11 So to perform this, you tap a few times.
03:15 One, two.
03:17 Then you do the move.
03:19 You come from here, and you level the glass up.
03:27 Shake it and pour it out.
03:30 Do not do like this and pour it out backwards, because you
03:36 will tip where the coin is going, and that's not good.
03:46 Let the coin rest on your fingertip.
03:49 Do the move.
03:50 It's the same position.
03:52 You start here, come up.
03:54 The glass comes down, and you let go of the coin.
03:59 Just let go inside the glass.
04:04 And it's important that the starting position and end
04:08 position is the same.
04:10 With the ring, it's the same principle.
04:16 You go down with your hand so that the ring is retained in
04:21 the air, like that.
04:24 You use a snapple bottle with a larger hole on top, and the
04:37 coin should fit very good inside.
04:41 But you don't have much to go on, so you have to be very
04:46 careful and concentrate.
04:48 Takes a lot of practice, but it's doable.
04:50 My tips on this--
05:01 when you strike the coin, focus only on
05:06 this part of the bottle.
05:08 Do not look at the coin like this, but you
05:12 focus on this part.
05:15 Hold the bottle very firmly, and you tap about the middle
05:22 of the bottle so that you don't have to move.
05:24 If you tap here, you have to make a lot of movement to have
05:31 the bottle scoop up the coin.
05:34 But if you do it in the middle, you just have to move
05:37 it a little bit forward.
05:39 Also, it looks more natural if you're supposedly driving it
05:45 through the middle, because when you scoop up the coin,
05:50 there is a lot of space the coin has to go before it
05:55 reaches the bottom.
05:57 So I found out the middle part of the bottle is very good.
06:05 One, two, you come up, go down, and drive it through.
06:09 So it's best to do this from the front, then you have cover
06:17 for all the move.
06:19 The coin should be stationary the whole time so that you
06:22 easily can--
06:23 or more easily can scoop up the coin and have more control
06:28 over the coin.
06:29 One, two, like that.
06:32 You can hand out the bottle with the coin inside, or you
06:36 can pour it out and show.
06:40 Thank you for buying this trick.
06:42 I hope you enjoy this illusion.
06:46 It requires a little bit of practice to get the timing
06:48 right, but when you've got it, you get a trick that you can
06:53 perform anywhere for the rest of your life.
06:56 Thank you.
07:02 Hi, guys.
07:03 This is Brad Christian.
07:04 I'm going to go over several technique points here.
07:07 Remember, this is an illusion, pure and simple.
07:10 And there are certain fine technique points that are
07:13 absolutely critical to ensure the creation of this illusion
07:17 in the spectator's mind.
07:19 Now, if you deviate from any of these major points, you're
07:22 going to risk losing the illusion you're working so
07:24 hard to obtain.
07:25 So follow through with these major points and make sure you
07:29 have each one set, ready, and perfected.
07:33 Use only a clear plastic drinking glass.
07:37 You don't want to risk, because you're practicing so
07:39 many times, you don't want to risk the glass shattering.
07:42 The glass is going to weaken after a while with so much
07:44 use, and you're going to shatter it.
07:46 And we wouldn't want you to get hurt.
07:49 Also, you may want to think of practicing over your bed,
07:52 because the coin's going to fall, the glass is going to
07:54 fall, and it's going to be easy to pick up, or over a
07:57 couch, or something like that.
07:59 Be sure to face your spectators.
08:01 You don't want to really do this one with too many people
08:04 on your sides.
08:05 The side, because the hand holding the glass swoops a
08:09 little bit forward to pick up the coin at the
08:11 rim of the glass.
08:13 If you're on the side, that's the easiest to see.
08:15 So generally speaking, wherever the spectators are,
08:18 you just want to be facing them when you're doing this.
08:21 Be sure to hit the coin on the hand that's on the tips of
08:25 the left fingers twice, at least a couple times, to give
08:29 the illusion that that's what you're doing with the bottom
08:32 of the glass.
08:32 The bottom of the glass is hitting the coin that's on the
08:36 left fingertips, and it's tapping, and it's tapping.
08:39 And what this is doing is it's setting up an expectation.
08:43 That's what is the basis of all illusion.
08:45 It's setting up the expectation in the mind of the
08:49 spectator that what you're doing is going to be the same,
08:51 is going to be the same, is going to be the same.
08:55 So on that third one, they're thinking it's going to be the
08:57 same, yet it's not.
08:59 In a blur of motion, the glass swoops a little bit more
09:03 forward, and the rim of the glass is going to catch the
09:05 coin into the glass.
09:07 But you've set up the expectation perfectly by
09:10 hitting the bottom of the glass on the tips of the left
09:12 fingers, so make sure that that's critical.
09:16 You want to make sure that as you're bringing the glass up
09:18 for the third strike on the coin, your left hand and the
09:22 fingertips, with the coin in the fingertips, is going to
09:25 follow up just an inch or two as the glass in the right hand
09:31 is coming down on top of the coin.
09:34 And then it's going to just create space between the coin
09:38 and the left hand by moving sharply downwards by a couple
09:42 of inches, three inches tops.
09:45 You just want that little bit of space for the rim of the
09:47 glass to swoop in and capture the coin.
09:53 So the last thing you want to do is throw the coin up in the
09:56 air and virtually catch it with the drinking glass.
10:00 This is a dead giveaway, and it's not going to be any kind
10:03 of illusion whatsoever.
10:06 Be sure that as the illusion finishes with your swoop of
10:12 the drinking glass down on top of the coin, and it catches it
10:15 in the rim, and there it is, be sure that your left fingers
10:18 wind up in the exact same position at the bottom of the
10:22 drinking glass that they were when you were tapping a couple
10:25 times beforehand.
10:27 You want to create that illusion that it looks exactly
10:30 the same, but there was something a little different
10:33 about it that no one could see in that big blur of motion.
10:37 But you want to wind up at the exact same point, and that
10:39 goes for whether you're doing it with a ring, a snapple, or
10:44 holding the coin at the fingertips, or on one finger.
10:47 All of that is going to be the same, wind up
10:49 exactly the same point.
10:52 Do not pour the coin out of the glass backwards into the
10:56 hand the same way that it came.
10:58 You don't want to give the indication.
11:00 So you swoop it in, it winds up at the tip of the left
11:03 fingers, then you hold the glass by the rim of the right
11:07 fingers, hold it upwards, and then, as if you were pouring a
11:10 bunch of M&Ms out of the glass into the left hand, that's
11:13 when you pour it out into the left hand.
11:16 Again, all these fine points, all you're doing is you're
11:20 setting up the expectation.
11:22 You're setting up a complete and total illusion in the
11:27 spectator's mind by all these little tiny fine points.
11:31 It's not just the move itself.
11:33 It's the combination of all of these little fine points that
11:38 begin to act on the spectator's mind like a drug.
11:44 They will believe you because you've set up the expectation
11:48 and it looks exactly the same as the same as the same as the
11:52 same, only it's through a solid glass.
11:55 What happened?
11:58 The last thing I want to say is be sure not to just repeat
12:01 this over and over and over again.
12:03 Once people know what they're going to be looking for, their
12:07 eye is now trained.
12:09 And they start to--
12:10 you know how you watch our preview videos on the web.
12:13 You go back again and again and again.
12:16 And every time you watch it, you watch a different part of
12:19 the preview trying to pick up what's going on there.
12:22 What's he doing in this little part of the video?
12:25 Let me watch.
12:26 Now that I know what's going to happen, let me see what--
12:28 well, your spectators are the same way.
12:30 So they're going to ask you.
12:32 They're going to be so amazed.
12:33 They're going to do it again, do it again.
12:35 Again, be ready to move into another trick.
12:40 Know what you're going to do next.
12:42 And swoop right into it.
12:45 Maybe you set the glass down.
12:46 You say, well, let me show you something even more amazing.
12:49 And you go and you do a vanish of the coin.
12:51 Or you do a coins through the table routine.
12:56 Or you do whatever.
12:59 OK?
13:00 This is not one that you want to be doing over and over and
13:03 over.
13:03 Sometimes it's appropriate.
13:04 You could do it a couple times, because they're still
13:07 a little befuddled.
13:08 And it doesn't matter.
13:10 But you don't want to do it over and over and over.
13:13 Believe me.
13:14 So enjoy this illusion.
13:16 It is just a fantastic thing.
13:20 I'll tell you, when Gare sent it in and all of the team
13:23 illusions looked at it, just spectacular.
13:26 We were blown away by the visual nature and by the fact
13:29 that you don't need anything.
13:32 Someone can walk up and hand you the glass and hand you the
13:35 coin, and you with your own two hands are ready to go with a
13:39 spectacular piece of illusion.
13:42 So guard the secret well.
13:44 Enjoy the effect.
13:45 Work on every one of these steps.
13:47 You're going to want to watch the DVD again and again and
13:49 again, especially these points that I've gone over, to make
13:52 sure that you have every critical step that's necessary
13:56 for the creation of this illusion.
13:58 All right?
13:59 Enjoy it.
14:00 And thanks for buying the trick.