• 2 years ago
00:00 *intro music*
00:04 Hey guys, it's Lauren and today I just filmed my beach get ready with me.
00:08 I'm sorry it was like, I don't know, I just sort of thought of it on the spot because I was going to the beach.
00:12 I was like, maybe I should upload more.
00:14 And I was lying in bed watching YouTube and I was like, I should really upload a YouTube video because it's summer.
00:19 I might as well make the most of my time and, you know, I think the more videos you upload, the more people you get to know on YouTube.
00:27 So that's what I'm trying to do.
00:29 Also, I would love to collab with people. If anyone wants to collab, DM me on Instagram, which is justlauren._
00:37 I'll leave it down below in the description.
00:39 And, yeah, I'm sorry, this feels so weird now because I film on my phone and so I can see the screen.
00:49 And I've just had the saturation like on full blast and now it's like barely any, so it's quite weird.
00:55 Thank you for 285 subscribers. I gained a bit yesterday. I was quite happy with that.
01:02 Sorry if I look really tired in this, I just woke up.
01:04 But first I take my primer and it's the Rimmel Lasting Finish one.
01:09 And it's just to keep makeup on my face.
01:13 Then I took my Maybelline BB Cream. I haven't used this in ages.
01:16 And then I got it out again yesterday and I actually thought it was really good.
01:20 And I remembered why I used to use it.
01:23 You don't want anything too heavy on your face if you're going to the beach.
01:28 So I think BB Cream is quite easy because it's not thick or anything.
01:33 And it has SPF.
01:38 And then I just take my concealer. Oh, I realised I hadn't showed you it.
01:45 It's the Lasting Perfection one.
01:47 And I think this is my favourite concealer, but I think I bought it in a shady light.
01:51 Because normally I need the lightest, but I think I've tanned a bit.
01:54 And I was just putting eyeshadow on. I'm not too sure what shade I used actually.
02:04 I reckon it was my eyelashes.
02:07 Then I'm putting my waterproof mascara on because it's probably a good idea to wear waterproof mascara to the beach.
02:17 It's the Maybelline Go Colossal one.
02:19 And I think it might have come off actually, so I don't know how waterproof it is.
02:23 I'm recording this after I filmed it, so I've been to the beach already now.
02:28 And it came off.
02:30 Then I'm just using my EOS. I think this one's in Summer Fruit.
02:41 And that's because it's like summer and that.
02:44 For my outfit I'm wearing shorts from... they're from New Look, but they're a couple of years old.
02:49 But they're quite long shorts, so I quite like them because they don't reveal too much.
02:52 And the top I'm wearing is from Primark.
02:55 I think. Yeah, from Primark.
02:57 Sorry, I'm not very good at talking to camera, sorry.
02:59 I'm just going to wear my hair straight.
03:01 But if you're going to the beach, you may want to put your hair in a ponytail.
03:04 I'm wearing my bikini underneath, sorry, that's why the straps are a bit weird.
03:07 But yeah, a ponytail is a really good way to keep it out of the way.
03:11 And then I just pull my sides down, just so...
03:14 I don't know, I don't like not having hair in my face.
03:17 It looks too neat. I like it a bit messy.
03:20 And that's my look.
03:24 Give this video a thumbs up.
03:26 Subscribe for more videos and I'll see you in my next video. Bye.
