• last year
Cousin Ben hosts a screening of Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom to the troops. | dG1faHd6WFRocTlnZUE
00:00 [Click]
00:01 >>Jelly beans.
00:02 >>Deb Lively.
00:03 50 cents, no refunds.
00:04 Popcorn's a quarter, jelly bean and roofie's two bits.
00:05 >>Yes.
00:06 >>Ball in, single file.
00:07 Here we go, here we go.
00:08 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:09 What is this, a pay suit?
00:10 >>No, sir, it's a bus token.
00:11 >>Bus token.
00:12 >>Okay, back row.
00:13 [Crowd noise]
00:14 >>Quiet down.
00:15 Quiet down, come on.
00:16 Come on, scouts, quiet.
00:17 Quiet down, troopers.
00:18 [Crowd noise]
00:19 >>Quiet down, troopers.
00:20 [Crowd noise]
00:21 >>Quiet down, troopers.
00:22 [Crowd noise]
00:23 >>Quiet down, troopers.
00:24 [Crowd noise]
00:31 >>Tonight's film is a touching story of two misunderstood young lovers on the run.
00:35 It's got thrills, adventure, comedy, romance, Bruce Willis, and you might find yourself
00:39 moved to tears.
00:40 It's called Moonrise Kingdom.
00:41 Why?
00:42 Why?
00:43 >>I don't know.
00:44 >>I don't know.
00:45 What's that?
00:46 >>Huh?
00:47 >>Those milk duds?
00:48 >>Yes, sir.
00:49 >>No outside candy.
00:50 Take those away and sell them at Jelly Beans.
00:51 >>Give me that.
00:52 >>Any other broken rules?
00:53 >>Focus.
00:54 >>Focus.
00:55 >>Flashlights off.
00:56 Down front.
00:57 Take your hat off.
00:58 Focus, please.
00:59 >>Focus.
01:00 >>Who's throwing popcorn?
01:01 >>It's blurry.
01:02 >>Focus, damn it.
01:03 What are you, blind?
01:04 Give him yours.
01:05 >>Here are these.
01:06 [Band music]
01:09 >>Better.
01:10 [Band music]
01:15 >>Where do you think you're going?
01:16 >>It's movie night.
01:17 Moonlight Kingdom?
01:18 >>It's Moonrise and it already started.
01:20 No late seating.
01:21 Now scram.
01:22 >>No way.
01:23 >>Ah, man, sir.
01:24 1,600 hours means 1,600 hours.
01:25 >>Ah, man, sir, but we're only one minute and 40 seconds late.
01:28 And what about the coming attractions?
01:29 >>Coming attractions?
01:30 You want coming attractions?
01:31 I'll show you coming attractions.
01:32 [door slams]
01:33 All right, you can sit on the floor in the front.
01:37 Get in there.
01:38 Enjoy the picture.
01:40 [Band music]
01:44 [Band music]
01:50 [Band music]
01:55 [Band music]
02:00 [Band music]
