안녕하세요. 서울 커뮤니티 라디오 스테이션에서 최고의 디제이 친구들과 함께 합니다!! 매 타임 마다 색다른 장르의 재미를 찾아보세요 :)
2023.06.23 (금) 20:00-24:00
Time table
20-21 ssangkim
21-22 Bootywagon
22-23 7ip7o3
23-24 Babbipai
용산구 보광로59길 17
Hi everyone! finally, bootywagon is hosting a party at SCR.
Thanks to the support of SCR Radio and Thom!
2023.06.23 Fri 20:00-24:00
we are about to perform Techno, Geehtto, Electronic, Trance and all kinds of music styles. I hope you guys would come to Scr radio stations and have a blast together on Friday :)
Time table
Sang Kim - instagram.com/ssaaannnggs
Booty wagon - instagram.com/resmean
7ip7o3 - instagram.com/7ip7o3
Babbipai - instagram.com/babbipai
2023.06.23 (금) 20:00-24:00
Time table
20-21 ssangkim
21-22 Bootywagon
22-23 7ip7o3
23-24 Babbipai
용산구 보광로59길 17
Hi everyone! finally, bootywagon is hosting a party at SCR.
Thanks to the support of SCR Radio and Thom!
2023.06.23 Fri 20:00-24:00
we are about to perform Techno, Geehtto, Electronic, Trance and all kinds of music styles. I hope you guys would come to Scr radio stations and have a blast together on Friday :)
Time table
Sang Kim - instagram.com/ssaaannnggs
Booty wagon - instagram.com/resmean
7ip7o3 - instagram.com/7ip7o3
Babbipai - instagram.com/babbipai