SPLAY inspired - makeup tutorial!

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:11 Hello everyone, today I did this
00:14 Splay inspired makeup tutorial
00:17 Because I thought, why not
00:20 Splay is such a wonderful network
00:23 And...
00:24 Yeah...
00:26 It's just amazing
00:29 And...
00:31 So...
00:33 Yeah, that's why I'm doing this makeup tutorial
00:36 As a little tribute to Splay
00:39 And...
00:41 Yeah...
00:42 There's not much more to say about this makeup tutorial
00:46 Or the look
00:48 Than that it's Splay's logo
00:50 I've used face paint, if you're wondering
00:54 But you'll see that in the video
00:56 [Music]
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03:04 [Music]
03:18 Okay, so I really hope that you liked this video
03:22 And...
03:24 That you liked this Splay inspired makeup look
03:28 And...
03:31 As I said, you can buy these watercolors at partykungen.se
03:36 I'll put a link in the description
03:38 Link...
03:40 Put a link in the description
03:42 That's what it's called, how was it with the Swedish one, Kim?
03:44 And...
03:45 Yeah, they cost 49 SEK, I think
03:48 Yeah, 49 SEK
03:50 And there's all kinds of colors
03:52 And...
03:53 And...
03:54 Yeah...
03:55 But...
03:57 Yeah, have a good one
04:00 And I'll see you in the next video
04:02 See ya, love ya, bye!
04:04 [Music]
04:12 [Music]
