Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [Musique]
00:09 [Voix de l'interprète] "The year is 1941, a place, a deserted airstrip, where a message is about to be delivered to the people of the United States, by the one man capable of igniting fire on the heart of the American bosom."
00:18 "Captain Wild Wayne, calcil."
00:25 - "What did you get, Wild Wayne?" - "Five."
00:29 - "Confirm?" - "Well, two maybe."
00:34 [Musique]
01:03 - "Here you go, Wild Wayne."
01:04 [Musique]
01:33 [Musique]
01:35 - "I'm not saying it's going to be easy. I'm saying we got a great country here. We got to keep it that way."
01:41 "Captain Wild Wayne, calcil. United States Army Air Corps. Saying to each and every one of you, so long, mama. I'm off to Yokohama."
01:55 [Cris]
01:57 [Musique]
02:04 "This Christmas, Universal Pictures and Columbia Pictures proudly prepares you for next Christmas."
02:09 [Musique]
02:15 [Cris]
02:17 [Musique]
02:23 "Steven Spielberg presents 1941, the night the rising sun fell on Hollywood."
02:28 [Musique]
02:30 [Musique]
02:35 Merci.
02:38 [SILENCE]