THE ELECTRONIC MONSTER alias 'Escapement' (1958) V.O.S.T.Fr.

  • l’année dernière
Traduction littérale des deux titres : "Le monstre électronique" et "Échapatoire"/Échappement".

Co-réalisé par Montgomery Tully et David Paltenghi (scènes oniriques) avec Rod Cameron, Mary Murphy, Meredith Edwards et Peter Illing.
00:00:00 [Music]
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00:02:14 You sent for me Mr. Wayne?
00:02:16 Yes, have you seen this?
00:02:18 Oh yeah.
00:02:21 Denver studio hasn't wasted much time.
00:02:26 Quarter of a million dollars, a lot of insurance.
00:02:29 Denver was a big name. This is an expensive movie.
00:02:32 They started location shooting on the Riviera coast two days ago and then Denver goes off and gets himself killed.
00:02:37 So the studio stands to lose a pile of dough.
00:02:39 Ten thousand dollars a day while the crew and cast are standing idle.
00:02:43 You want me to go to the south of France?
00:02:45 Yep.
00:02:47 Here are your airplane tickets.
00:02:49 Mallory has already reserved a suite for you at the hotel Memoir in Cannes.
00:02:53 You've got exactly four hours to pack.
00:02:56 Sorry to rush you like this Jeff.
00:02:58 Check up on how Denver got himself killed.
00:03:01 If it was suicide or some irresponsible act then the insurance is void.
00:03:05 Otherwise we have to pay out two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the Cinesphere Corporation.
00:03:09 Okay.
00:03:11 Long live the house Jeff.
00:03:12 Thanks.
00:03:15 A call from Europe.
00:03:28 Brad Summers.
00:03:30 Hello Brad. Jeff Keenan.
00:03:32 Jeff Keenan by all that's holy. I thought you were in New York.
00:03:35 I just arrived. Look I have a reservation at the hotel Memoir.
00:03:39 Did you meet me in the American bar there in about an hour?
00:03:41 Sure, sure. What are you doing over here?
00:03:44 I'll tell you when I see you.
00:03:46 Bye for now.
00:03:47 So long.
00:04:01 [Music]
00:04:20 Well she made a big hit with you Brad.
00:04:22 Jeff you old son of a gun. It's good to see you.
00:04:24 You too.
00:04:25 What was that all about?
00:04:27 Well Jeff I just got a little too curious about her friendship with Clark Denver, recently deceased.
00:04:33 And maybe she should have slapped me too because that's what I'm doing out here.
00:04:36 Your studio made that claim on Denver and my head office sent me out here to investigate.
00:04:40 Well then start investigating her.
00:04:42 Verna Bertel. Clark's girlfriend some say before he disappeared.
00:04:45 Monsieur.
00:04:46 What are you going to have Jeff?
00:04:47 Straight whiskey please.
00:04:49 Double it.
00:04:50 Merci.
00:04:51 Well imagine my embarrassment.
00:04:54 I had a very publicity assignment. Out of circulation for three whole months.
00:04:58 I just get him fixed up with this picture and he's got to get himself killed.
00:05:01 Out of circulation? Where was he?
00:05:03 Don't ask me, ask Verna.
00:05:05 But as you can see she doesn't take kindly to guys getting too nosy.
00:05:09 Maybe you used the wrong approach.
00:05:11 Could be.
00:05:12 What's the pitch Jeff?
00:05:14 Well I thought maybe you could give me some dope on Denver.
00:05:17 Got any ideas? Any place where I can start?
00:05:21 Well I've made a few inquiries of my own.
00:05:23 You ever heard of a man called Strigoldi Jeff?
00:05:26 The Italian industrialist? Dead isn't he?
00:05:28 Yep. So is Pettifer the old man.
00:05:31 Natural causes, thrombosis, something like that.
00:05:34 No autopsy in either case.
00:05:36 Well what's the connection?
00:05:38 Well figure it out for yourself.
00:05:40 Strigoldi and Pettifer both friends of Verna Bertel.
00:05:42 Both disappeared the same way as Clark Denver.
00:05:45 And both died suddenly soon after they came back.
00:05:47 Back from where?
00:05:49 A psychiatric clinic near here.
00:05:51 You see two weeks ago I heard that Denver was there.
00:05:54 Well the studio was getting a little impatient because the picture was about to start and...
00:05:58 Well I went out there.
00:06:00 They wouldn't let me see him.
00:06:01 Where is this clinic?
00:06:03 Amerson.
00:06:04 Amerson? That's where Denver had his accident.
00:06:07 Now you're on the beam brother.
00:06:09 Monsieur.
00:06:11 Thank you.
00:06:12 Monsieur.
00:06:14 What is it with this Mrs. Bertel that sends all her boyfriends into a psychiatric clinic?
00:06:19 Maybe I ought to go see her and find out.
00:06:22 Her address is number two, room 18.
00:06:26 But Jeff...
00:06:29 Go careful boy.
00:06:32 Blood's a lot warmer than I imagined.
00:06:34 70 proof Jeff.
00:06:36 70 proof.
00:06:38 [Door creaks]
00:06:51 [Door creaks]
00:07:01 I'm sorry to intrude Mrs. Bertel.
00:07:03 I'd like to talk to you for a minute if I may.
00:07:05 It depends what you want to talk about.
00:07:07 A mutual friend, the late Clark Denver.
00:07:10 Oh.
00:07:11 Oh then you had better come in Mr...
00:07:13 Keenan. Jeff Keenan.
00:07:15 Sit down.
00:07:16 Thank you.
00:07:19 You alright?
00:07:20 Oh thank you.
00:07:21 I saw you in the bar at the Hotel Memoir with Brad Summers.
00:07:25 An old friend of mine.
00:07:27 You can have him.
00:07:29 He's been telling you things about me hasn't he?
00:07:32 Why should he?
00:07:33 And about Clark Denver and...
00:07:35 others.
00:07:37 Do you tell fortunes too?
00:07:40 Do you see anything there about a clinic Miss Bertel?
00:07:43 Who are you anyway?
00:07:46 I'm an insurance investigator and my assignment is to check on Clark Denver.
00:07:51 Apparently before his death he decided to spend three months in a psychiatric clinic.
00:07:55 Any idea why?
00:07:58 Why ask me?
00:08:00 Well they told me you were very close friends.
00:08:03 Clark was inclined to be, shall we say, a little neurotic.
00:08:07 He was very interested in racing cars and he used to drive too fast.
00:08:10 And a few days ago his wife had filed a petition for divorce too.
00:08:14 He was very upset about it.
00:08:16 How about the Messieurs Stregoldi and Pettifer?
00:08:19 What have they in common with Mr. Denver?
00:08:21 Well for one thing they're all dead.
00:08:24 The great Mr. Summers.
00:08:26 Knows all, hears all and tells all.
00:08:29 You don't like him do you?
00:08:30 Should I?
00:08:31 An amorous alcoholic that spends all the time he can spare away from the bar
00:08:34 prying into other people's business.
00:08:36 Well Denver was his business.
00:08:38 As publicity man for Sinosphere was his...
00:08:40 I'm so sorry Mr. Keenan. Please forgive me.
00:08:43 But you see, poor Clark, well...
00:08:46 he was rather a special friend of mine and...
00:08:49 and since he died I've been very overwrought.
00:08:53 Well maybe you should apply for treatment at the Amazon clinic yourself.
00:08:58 [car engine]
00:09:00 Clark Denver!
00:09:11 What is there I can say?
00:09:13 Monsieur Denver died unhappily in an automobile accident.
00:09:18 Well I thought you could probably give me some added facts about his death.
00:09:22 I took a look at that spot on the road where he crashed.
00:09:25 It's straight and quiet.
00:09:26 Yes, that is so. Very straight, little traffic.
00:09:30 Then how come Denver crashed? He's an expert racing driver.
00:09:33 Ah, that is uh... how you say...
00:09:36 a minima.
00:09:38 The car run off the road and...
00:09:41 finished.
00:09:43 A tragedy.
00:09:45 Now, among the personal effects of Monsieur Denver...
00:09:49 there is this.
00:09:51 And this may well account for the accident.
00:09:54 You might like to look at it perhaps.
00:09:57 You will see that Monsieur Denver was having treatment for...
00:10:02 how you say... a malady of the brain.
00:10:05 So perhaps this accident is not so very mysterious after all.
00:10:10 But an autopsy should show exactly what was wrong.
00:10:12 Not necessarily.
00:10:14 Psychiatry is an invisible science.
00:10:18 There exists another possibility also.
00:10:20 Such as?
00:10:22 Suicide. Monsieur Denver was not a happy man.
00:10:25 We have been making inquiries. There was a messy trouble.
00:10:28 A question of divorce, I believe.
00:10:30 And a mental disease.
00:10:32 People don't often commit suicide in a car.
00:10:34 I'm after facts, not theories.
00:10:36 There is the undeniable fact of death.
00:10:39 But perhaps you would prefer an opinion more expert.
00:10:42 Follow me, please.
00:10:44 Very little physical damage, Monsieur Tinnan.
00:10:49 No minor lesions due to the broken windscreen.
00:10:53 No bruising, no loss of life.
00:10:56 Does that add up to anything?
00:10:58 We must wait for the autopsy.
00:11:00 As an insurance investigator,
00:11:02 Monsieur Tinnan is very anxious to know the verdict.
00:11:05 Suicide, accident, or foul play?
00:11:07 I'm afraid there is no possibility of suicide or foul play.
00:11:11 You see, everything indicates that Monsieur Denver died suddenly before the accident.
00:11:18 In fact, it seems likely that his death was the cause of the accident.
00:11:23 But why? What killed him?
00:11:25 The autopsy will show.
00:11:27 Meanwhile, if I may guess, cerebral thrombosis.
00:11:31 I guess we just have to wait and see how good a guesser you are, eh, Doctor?
00:11:36 How far is this Amerson Clinic?
00:11:39 Just about two kilometers.
00:11:41 On the road to Larville.
00:11:43 Thank you.
00:11:45 [footsteps]
00:11:48 [car engine]
00:11:51 [car engine]
00:11:53 [car engine]
00:11:55 [car engine]
00:11:58 [car engine]
00:12:01 [car engine]
00:12:04 [car engine]
00:12:07 [car engine]
00:12:10 [car engine]
00:12:13 [car engine]
00:12:16 [car door opens]
00:12:19 [footsteps]
00:12:21 Jim! What are you doing here?
00:12:26 Came to have my head examined for ever letting you out of my life.
00:12:30 It's been a long time.
00:12:32 Three years, Ruth. Downbeat club in New York.
00:12:35 And you have a marvelous memory, too.
00:12:37 Some things in particular.
00:12:39 Well, now tell me, what's a glamorous movie star doing in a psychiatric clinic?
00:12:44 Well, I don't do much starring nowadays.
00:12:46 For lack of a story?
00:12:48 Maybe you came to the right place.
00:12:50 Don't tell me you think there's a story here.
00:12:52 Well, fascinating, beautiful woman, three dead men, won an Oscar award winner, and now you.
00:12:57 All the ingredients for a scenario.
00:12:59 What's your tie-in, Ruth?
00:13:01 You a patient here, too?
00:13:03 Why, do you think I need a psychiatrist?
00:13:05 [door closes]
00:13:06 Well, I really better be going, Jeff.
00:13:11 Not till you tell me where you're staying.
00:13:15 11 Bisque Boulevard, 500 in Cannes.
00:13:18 May I come and see you?
00:13:20 Why not?
00:13:21 I really better be going.
00:13:24 [speaking French]
00:13:42 You speak English?
00:13:44 Certainly, sir.
00:13:45 I'd like to see whoever's in charge of the clinic, please. It's important.
00:13:48 I'm afraid Dr. Maxwell is very busy at the moment, but I'll let him know you're here.
00:13:52 Who shall I see?
00:13:54 Jeff Keenan.
00:13:56 I'm making an investigation for the Consolidated Insurance Corporation.
00:13:59 Oh.
00:14:00 Dr. Maxwell, I'm certain Mr. Keenan, insurance investigator, would like to see you on important business.
00:14:08 Oh.
00:14:09 All right, I'll see him as soon as I can.
00:14:11 Yes, I'll tell him.
00:14:13 And by the way, we're ready with Senior Kalini now.
00:14:15 [speaking French]
00:14:18 Senior Kalini?
00:14:23 [speaking French]
00:14:25 Mr. Keenan, Dr. Maxwell will see you in a few minutes.
00:14:28 Would you care to take a seat?
00:14:30 Thank you.
00:14:31 Senior Kalini.
00:14:39 Would you come with me, please?
00:14:41 I see this is your first visit to the clinic, Senior Kalini.
00:14:55 [speaking French]
00:14:56 I hope you can help me, Dr. Maxwell.
00:14:59 I think we can.
00:15:00 Would you lie down there, please?
00:15:02 Would you hold that, please?
00:15:07 Yes.
00:15:09 Your type of case responds very easily.
00:15:11 When the treatment is over, there'll be no trace of these fears that you've been having.
00:15:15 I hope not, Doctor.
00:15:17 Nothing to worry about, Senior Kalini.
00:15:19 The essence of our psychotherapy treatment is deep relaxation.
00:15:22 We simply take over the mind for a while and reshape it a little.
00:15:26 We train it to accept new thoughts, emotions, new responses.
00:15:30 But first, before we can deal with the mind, we have to make quite sure that the body is functioning normally.
00:15:38 [whispering]
00:15:41 How long have you been an addict?
00:15:53 Six months.
00:15:54 It's been terrible, Doctor.
00:15:55 What started it?
00:15:56 I couldn't sleep.
00:15:58 My nerves were gone.
00:15:59 First my wife left me, then let go.
00:16:03 I gave her everything.
00:16:05 We shall do our best to make you forget.
00:16:07 We shall give you dreams, vivid, soothing dreams.
00:16:10 Doctor, are you sure it's all right?
00:16:12 There's nothing to worry about, I assure you, Senior Kalini.
00:16:15 We shall place a metal electrode around your head like this one.
00:16:19 From which you will experience, through your brain, the emotions of the actors who will already have been recorded on a slow-playing magnetic tape.
00:16:29 It'll be exactly like listening to a tape recording.
00:16:32 Except that your whole body will feel rather than hear.
00:16:36 Your overtaxed nervous condition will thus be relieved by the substitution of these specially selected thought processes or dreams.
00:16:44 And your mind will be cleared of their everyday worries and distractions.
00:16:50 Well, Senior Kalini, I'm quite happy about your physical condition.
00:16:54 If you're quite ready.
00:16:56 Good.
00:17:18 Ready, Doctor Maxwell?
00:17:20 Yes.
00:17:22 We'll give you a sedative to relax you, Senior Kalini. There's nothing to worry about.
00:17:29 You'll wake up into an entirely different world.
00:17:33 Tape number?
00:17:34 Eight.
00:17:35 Cubicle?
00:17:36 Hmm?
00:17:37 Cubicle.
00:17:38 Yes.
00:17:39 And the date?
00:17:40 Eight.
00:17:41 And the time?
00:17:42 Eight.
00:17:43 And the place?
00:17:44 The place is a place of the heart.
00:17:46 The heart is a place of the heart.
00:17:48 And the time?
00:17:49 Eight.
00:17:50 And the place of the heart?
00:17:51 The place of the heart is a place of the heart.
00:17:53 And the time?
00:17:54 The place of the heart is a place of the heart.
00:17:56 And the time?
00:17:57 The place of the heart is a place of the heart.
00:17:59 And the time?
00:18:00 The place of the heart is a place of the heart.
00:18:01 Hmm?
00:18:02 Cubicle number?
00:18:03 Oh, twenty-seven.
00:18:05 Is anything wrong, Philip?
00:18:07 No, no. I was just wondering why an insurance investigator should want to see me.
00:18:13 Probably nothing of importance.
00:18:15 No.
00:18:18 [Door opens]
00:18:21 [Door opens]
00:18:23 [Door closes]
00:18:45 [Door opens]
00:19:13 [Door opens]
00:19:15 [Door closes]
00:19:26 [Door opens]
00:19:37 [Door closes]
00:19:39 I'll leave the rest to you, Hoff. I'd better see what this insurance man wants.
00:19:57 [Door opens]
00:19:59 [Door closes]
00:20:03 [Door opens]
00:20:13 [Door closes]
00:20:21 [Door opens]
00:20:23 I'm only interested in Clark Denver.
00:20:32 There seems to be some mystery about his recent life and death.
00:20:35 I understood that his death was purely accident.
00:20:39 Not quite.
00:20:40 I talked to the police doctor.
00:20:42 Denver died before that crash.
00:20:45 Hmm. Interesting.
00:20:47 Did this police doctor say why?
00:20:50 He made a guess at cerebral thrombosis.
00:20:53 Hmm. Reasonable. Very reasonable.
00:20:56 Denver was one of your patients taking brain treatments.
00:20:59 Yet he died from some kind of cerebral trouble just after he left this clinic.
00:21:03 Now that doesn't add up, doctor.
00:21:04 Why should it? There is such a thing as coincidence, Mr. Keenan.
00:21:07 Perhaps it would help to clarify matters if I explained that our patients are not really patients in the ordinary sense.
00:21:13 Nor is this a clinic, as you understand the term.
00:21:16 Some years ago, I discovered a new technique in the treatment of certain neuroses.
00:21:21 A method of relaxation that can be used to fight addiction, alcoholism, and a number of psychopathic conditions.
00:21:28 It involves what one might loosely term electronic hypnosis.
00:21:32 The effect is soothing, relaxing, and generally beneficial.
00:21:36 Is that what you're doing here?
00:21:37 Fundamentally, yes.
00:21:39 Well, what about these patients that aren't really patients?
00:21:42 They're unfortunate sick people.
00:21:44 Usually maladjusted or perhaps neurotic.
00:21:47 Who, for one reason or another, wish to escape from life.
00:21:51 From life?
00:21:53 There are many forms of escapism for the ordinary man and woman.
00:21:56 Books, television, theater, cinema, even daydreams.
00:22:00 But there are people who need something to blot out the everyday life entirely.
00:22:05 A more perfect kind of escape.
00:22:08 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do.
00:22:10 Oh, thanks anyway, doctor.
00:22:11 Not at all. If I manage to convince you that we don't sell death in this clinic, then I'm content.
00:22:16 On the other hand, death is the most perfect form of escape from life, isn't it?
00:22:20 Philip, I wonder if your check is...
00:22:22 Oh, I beg your pardon.
00:22:24 Laura, this is Mr. Keenan, my wife.
00:22:27 How do you do?
00:22:28 Thanks again, doctor.
00:22:30 Goodbye.
00:22:31 Goodbye.
00:22:33 [Door opens]
00:22:35 [Door closes]
00:22:37 [Door opens]
00:22:39 [Door closes]
00:22:41 [Door opens]
00:22:43 [Door closes]
00:22:45 [Door opens]
00:22:47 [Door closes]
00:22:49 [Door opens]
00:22:51 [Door closes]
00:22:53 [Siren wailing]
00:22:59 [Music]
00:23:29 [Music]
00:23:35 [Music]
00:23:45 [Music]
00:23:55 [Music]
00:24:24 You see, Laura, if there should be the slightest element of truth in his suspicions,
00:24:29 then I should be morally obliged to make a full investigation.
00:24:32 And the clinic would have to close down.
00:24:34 It could mean that, but it isn't necessary.
00:24:37 But if there's any doubt at all...
00:24:39 No doubts, just reservations.
00:24:42 Well, then ask the same thing, Philip.
00:24:44 If there's any danger to our patients, however remote, we must stop treatment at once and make complete tests.
00:24:49 We can't afford to take any risks.
00:24:50 It's not as simple as that, my dear.
00:24:53 Zakon must be consulted.
00:24:55 This clinic is his property.
00:24:56 Why not talk to Zakon? Call him now.
00:24:59 You may be right.
00:25:01 [Phone rings]
00:25:12 Dr. Maxwell here. Mr. Zakon, please.
00:25:16 Zakon speaking.
00:25:18 Maxwell here.
00:25:20 Something important has turned up, Paul.
00:25:22 How important?
00:25:24 It might affect the whole future of the clinic.
00:25:27 You had better come over and see me.
00:25:29 Right.
00:25:31 I'll be back in an hour.
00:25:33 Shall I turn up to Strigoldi and Petr for files, just to see if they have something in common with Denbigh?
00:25:38 Yes, would you?
00:25:39 You will be firm with Zakon, won't you?
00:25:41 Philip!
00:25:43 [Siren]
00:26:05 Paul, something very disturbing has happened. We must close down the clinic.
00:26:09 May I know the reason for this astonishing ultimatum?
00:26:12 One of our patients died suddenly a few minutes after leaving the clinic.
00:26:17 [Laughs]
00:26:18 For a moment you had me worried, doctor.
00:26:21 One patient out of more than 700.
00:26:24 You don't understand. Our psychotherapy process may be dangerous, even lethal.
00:26:28 Particularly to the long-term patients.
00:26:30 We must make careful tests.
00:26:32 To do them properly, we must close down.
00:26:34 You're being melodramatic, Dr. Maxwell.
00:26:36 One doesn't close a hospital because a few patients die.
00:26:39 There has to be conclusive proof.
00:26:41 As a doctor, it is clearly your duty to make whatever tests you think are necessary...
00:26:45 ...without depriving those in need of the treatment to which they are entitled.
00:26:49 If you refuse, I have no alternative but to resign.
00:26:52 Oh, don't be a fool.
00:26:54 These stupid suspicions will destroy all we have built up.
00:26:57 What about the many years you have devoted to psychoneural research?
00:27:00 Do you wish to wipe them out just like that?
00:27:03 I cannot be a party to what may be murder.
00:27:06 Give me proof.
00:27:08 That is all I ask for.
00:27:10 You mustn't be impetuous, Dr. Maxwell.
00:27:13 Tomorrow I shall come over to the clinic...
00:27:16 ...and we'll hold a staff conference to discuss the situation.
00:27:19 That is surely reasonable.
00:27:21 All right.
00:27:23 Till tomorrow, then.
00:27:25 Please give my regards to your wife, my dear fellow.
00:27:30 Good luck.
00:27:32 Well?
00:27:50 I called on Brad Summers, Mr. Zucker.
00:27:53 I think his curiosity is satisfied.
00:27:56 Good.
00:27:58 And you are not to mention Summers' name ever again.
00:28:01 Will you please give me Dr. Hoff?
00:28:05 I want you to come over with me to the clinic, Blore.
00:28:07 There are some things we have to discuss with Dr. Hoff.
00:28:10 Hello, Hoff. Zacon speaking.
00:28:13 Blore and I are coming over.
00:28:16 Well, you could hardly call it trouble.
00:28:18 Just the small matter of curing Maxwell of an inconvenient obsession.
00:28:23 So long.
00:28:25 See you at eight o'clock.
00:28:27 [Doorbell rings]
00:28:29 [Buzzer]
00:28:36 [Buzzer]
00:28:55 [Siren]
00:28:57 Yes, Brad Summers.
00:29:03 24 Avenue Matignon.
00:29:07 Apartment 12.
00:29:09 Thank you.
00:29:11 Yes, Mr. Keenan.
00:29:13 Yes, we shall investigate immediately.
00:29:15 [Doorbell rings]
00:29:18 [Speaking French]
00:29:23 [Speaking French]
00:29:25 [Door opens]
00:29:37 [Piano music]
00:29:39 [Piano music]
00:29:41 Jeff!
00:30:05 Am I disturbing anything?
00:30:06 No.
00:30:08 Jim!
00:30:09 Yeah, just like old times.
00:30:11 Oh, yeah.
00:30:12 Sit down. I'll fix you a drink.
00:30:14 Fine. Thanks.
00:30:16 Let me see.
00:30:21 It used to be scotch.
00:30:23 Still is.
00:30:25 Still straight?
00:30:26 Yes, I haven't changed much.
00:30:28 Not in three years?
00:30:29 No, nothing much has changed in three years.
00:30:33 [Footsteps]
00:30:35 Au l'anxine, Ruth.
00:30:41 Why not?
00:30:43 Well, Jeff, I don't think you came here to play "Remember When."
00:30:50 No, this visit is strictly line of duty.
00:30:53 I've been assigned by my home office to investigate the studio claim on Clark, Denver.
00:30:58 I feel like a guy who's opened an innocent-looking package and had it explode in his hands.
00:31:03 Suddenly, Denver isn't important anymore.
00:31:05 He's just a very small part of a bigger puzzle.
00:31:08 That's why I came to see you.
00:31:09 What puzzle?
00:31:11 The Amerson Clinic.
00:31:13 Did you know Brad Summers?
00:31:15 Yes. He's the publicity man for Cinesphere, who always looks so funny.
00:31:20 Well, he didn't look funny just now.
00:31:22 It seemed like suicide, but Summers wasn't the type.
00:31:25 I have a hunch he was murdered.
00:31:27 Murdered? But why?
00:31:30 For not minding his own business.
00:31:32 I think there was something funny about Denver's death, too.
00:31:35 Summers had been asking an awful lot of questions about that clinic, and Denver had been a patient there.
00:31:40 There was one other connection they had in common.
00:31:43 A woman named Verna Bertot.
00:31:45 Oh, well, you can't implicate Verna, Jeff.
00:31:48 She simply acts as an agent for Paul Zakon.
00:31:51 She finds clients and introduces them to Dr. Maxwell.
00:31:55 And who is Paul Zakon?
00:31:57 Well, he owns the clinic. I thought everyone knew that.
00:32:00 He helped Dr. Maxwell develop his invention.
00:32:04 He financed the clinic and built the studio.
00:32:06 He's an idealist.
00:32:08 And I'm going to marry him.
00:32:12 Well, congratulations.
00:32:18 After you and I broke up, I seem to go to pieces.
00:32:23 Paul has been very good to me.
00:32:26 Well, I have no one to blame but myself.
00:32:30 So here's to the future Mrs. Paul Zakon.
00:32:33 - Who I still think is the most wonderful girl... - Don't, Jeff.
00:32:37 Paul is a good man, and he needs me.
00:32:41 Okay, Ruth. I'll take your word for it.
00:32:44 You say Zakon owns the clinic and the studio.
00:32:48 What studio?
00:32:49 Well, the studio is where they record the psychotherapy tapes.
00:32:53 And they take the tapes over to the clinic.
00:32:55 I was taking a tape over this morning when I ran into you.
00:32:57 What kind of tapes?
00:32:58 Oh, recordings of productions of various kinds.
00:33:02 I act in some of them.
00:33:04 This kind of thing.
00:33:06 You mean movies?
00:33:08 No, no.
00:33:09 Dr. Maxwell has discovered a new way of recording thoughts, feelings, emotions on tape.
00:33:15 It has something to do with the mind.
00:33:17 Emotions on tape.
00:33:19 It has something to do with the electrical impulses from the brain.
00:33:22 I don't get the clinical angle.
00:33:24 Well, we've started a new therapy for people who, well, want to get away from life for a while.
00:33:30 Oh, yeah, I remember. Maxwell said something about escape from life.
00:33:34 It's a wonderful, new, modern way of helping sick people, Jeff.
00:33:38 There'll be more clinics and studios all over the country.
00:33:41 The world, perhaps.
00:33:43 And Zakon will make a pile of money.
00:33:46 Now you're being cynical.
00:33:48 Sure I am.
00:33:49 This is big business.
00:33:50 It's dangerous business, too, if you want my opinion.
00:33:53 Denver died of some kind of brain trouble, and he wasn't the only one.
00:33:56 This Amerson Clinic's getting quite a reputation for sudden death.
00:34:00 Jeff, if there was any sort of trouble, the police would have investigated this a long time ago.
00:34:06 I wasn't too impressed with the Amerson police.
00:34:10 People never do impress you very much, do they, Jeff?
00:34:13 Some people do.
00:34:15 [Music]
00:34:45 [Phone ringing]
00:34:59 Hello, Laura.
00:35:00 Philip, there was a connection between Denver, Strigoli and Petterson.
00:35:05 What?
00:35:06 I've been through the files.
00:35:08 They all had the same period of treatment, and they all had the same tape number.
00:35:11 And the amplitude increase was the same in all cases.
00:35:14 So Kenan might be right.
00:35:16 And you think this might be the cause?
00:35:19 There may be a destructive electrolysis effect on the brain cells, especially on the long-term patients.
00:35:25 But what if Zakon refuses to be convinced?
00:35:28 Then I shall make this equipment unusable tonight.
00:35:31 It's the only thing I can do.
00:35:33 Quiet.
00:35:35 Here's Hoff.
00:35:36 He goes to his room about nine o'clock.
00:35:38 I shall be back then.
00:35:39 Will he know how to repair the equipment?
00:35:41 Not when I've finished with it.
00:35:43 You're doing the right thing, Philip.
00:35:45 Then you can force Zakon to act on your terms.
00:35:47 Working late?
00:35:49 Yes, we're just going.
00:35:51 They've sent us a new print of number 14 for waveform check.
00:35:54 Good night, Dr. Hoff.
00:35:55 Good night.
00:35:56 Good night, Mrs. Maxwell.
00:35:57 I understand you called on Zakon at the studio this evening.
00:36:01 Yes, we agreed to hold a conference tomorrow to discuss the problem.
00:36:04 Don't worry, Maxwell.
00:36:05 Zakon can always find the correct tape.
00:36:08 He can always find the correct solution to every problem.
00:36:11 Good night.
00:36:12 Well, if you have no further points to make, Dr. Hoff,
00:36:23 I think we can decide now what we are going to do.
00:36:26 We are agreed the situation that has arisen is potentially dangerous to us.
00:36:31 Therefore, we must deal with it quickly and efficiently.
00:36:34 Like a military operation, I'd suggest.
00:36:37 Precisely.
00:36:38 First the affair, Clark, Denver.
00:36:41 The autopsy result will be cerebral thrombosis.
00:36:44 I have the Amir Saur police doctor's assurance on that.
00:36:47 And we can rely on his assistance.
00:36:49 Next.
00:36:52 Two people have been asking questions.
00:36:55 Summers has already been silenced.
00:36:59 And I'm confident the police will go no further than a suicide verdict.
00:37:03 Blore is most efficient in such matters.
00:37:07 The other man is an insurance investigator named Keenan.
00:37:10 Curiosity again, an occupational disease.
00:37:13 Should I go and see him, sir?
00:37:17 No, no, this won't be necessary.
00:37:19 Just a routine check will suffice.
00:37:22 Which leaves us only Dr. Maxwell and his wife.
00:37:26 I'm afraid they are no longer reliable.
00:37:28 Perhaps we should consider the possibility doing without their services.
00:37:34 Unfortunately, Maxwell's services are still essential.
00:37:37 The equipment has got to be thoroughly checked and modified if necessary.
00:37:41 We cannot risk the possibility of further deaths.
00:37:44 In view of Maxwell's past, I'm sure we could persuade him to cooperate.
00:37:48 It is his wife I'm thinking about.
00:37:51 She possesses a certain stubborn integrity.
00:37:55 Then the answer is simple.
00:37:57 In Germany, when we wish to secure good behavior, we used to take hostages.
00:38:02 It was quite successful as a short-term measure.
00:38:05 May I remind you, Dr. Hoff, that you are no longer in charge of experimental surgery at a concentration camp?
00:38:12 Now I think we will attend to our new patient.
00:38:17 [Door opens]
00:38:19 [Door closes]
00:38:21 [Door opens]
00:38:23 [Door closes]
00:38:26 [Door opens]
00:38:29 [Door closes]
00:38:34 All right, Hoff.
00:38:38 [Door opens]
00:38:41 [Door closes]
00:38:44 [Door opens]
00:38:46 [Door closes]
00:38:53 [Door opens]
00:38:56 [Door closes]
00:38:59 [Door opens]
00:39:02 [Door closes]
00:39:05 [Door opens]
00:39:08 [Door closes]
00:39:12 [Door opens]
00:39:14 [Door closes]
00:39:40 [Door opens]
00:39:42 [Door closes]
00:39:55 [Door opens]
00:40:02 [Door opens]
00:40:04 [Door closes]
00:40:07 [Door opens]
00:40:10 [Door closes]
00:40:13 [Door opens]
00:40:16 [Door closes]
00:40:19 What are you doing to this patient?
00:40:24 I'm sorry, Dr. Maxwell.
00:40:26 It would be too dangerous to interfere at this stage.
00:40:30 Dr. Hoff, is everything under control?
00:40:32 I'm in charge of this case, not Dr. Hoff.
00:40:34 That is no longer the case, I fear.
00:40:37 What do you mean?
00:40:41 Last night, you offered to tender me your resignation as head of the clinic.
00:40:44 At our conference this evening, we decided to accept it, thereby relieving you from the burden of command.
00:40:54 You will, however, be permitted to continue working as Dr. Hoff's assistant,
00:41:00 providing you agree to the new policy which I decided upon some time ago.
00:41:04 And that is?
00:41:06 All patients will be subjected to a process of indoctrination,
00:41:10 designed to break down their resistance more speedily.
00:41:14 Indoctrination?
00:41:16 Yes. The unscientific term, I believe, is brainwashing.
00:41:20 This is monstrous. You must be mad.
00:41:23 If I may continue, my dear fellow.
00:41:25 First, the patient's mind must be made completely receptive,
00:41:30 emptied of all thought, a blank screen on which to project the images so ably devised by our friend over there.
00:41:38 These images, at first, are of a disquieting nature.
00:41:43 One might almost say nightmarish,
00:41:47 as witnessed the current reactions of Signor Carlini.
00:41:53 The duration of this period is regulated according to the strength of will possessed by the patient.
00:41:59 Now he is ready for the next stage.
00:42:02 Terror, confusion and darkness will be succeeded by ecstatic peace,
00:42:10 a soothing dream play in which my own image predominates as the symbol of benevolence and mercy.
00:42:20 Thus do I obtain entire control over those who are to hand themselves over to me as the arbiter of their fates.
00:42:27 And fortunes.
00:42:30 My dear Maxwell, to be a benefactor of mankind costs money.
00:42:35 It is a very expensive hobby.
00:42:37 I am surprised at such behavior, Dr. Maxwell.
00:42:49 Are you a doctor, by the way?
00:42:51 You ought to know.
00:42:53 That is not an answer to my question.
00:42:56 You heard what Mr. Zarkon said.
00:43:01 Are you a doctor?
00:43:03 Never mind, Flora.
00:43:04 I've taken the trouble to check on you, Maxwell.
00:43:08 You're not a doctor.
00:43:10 You're never qualified.
00:43:12 But you were obsessed with the idea of building a machine that would inject images and sounds directly into the brain.
00:43:19 So you passed yourself off as a doctor, as a psycho-neurologist, in order to obtain patients for your experiments.
00:43:26 I never harmed anyone.
00:43:27 I cured many people.
00:43:28 What about a certain Claude Weatherill?
00:43:31 Remember him?
00:43:32 It would be most inconvenient if the police were to exhume his body, would it not?
00:43:37 He was a dying man. He'd have died anyhow.
00:43:39 He begged me to carry out the experiment. It might have saved him.
00:43:42 But it didn't.
00:43:43 But there was a chance, more than a chance.
00:43:46 Of course, Dr. Maxwell. We are not disputing your integrity.
00:43:49 We are merely pointing out that no mention of your experiment was made at the inquest.
00:43:54 In any case, Dr. Maxwell had already left the country.
00:43:57 Because Zarkon asked me to supervise the building of this clinic.
00:44:00 That is so, Maxwell.
00:44:01 But the police are always inclined to skepticism.
00:44:04 If they knew the facts, they might wish to exhume Weatherill's body.
00:44:08 They might even change their minds about the cause of death.
00:44:11 I'm not afraid to face the police.
00:44:13 Everything I did was done in good faith.
00:44:15 But why throw away a promising career?
00:44:17 Your secret is in good hands. We are your friends.
00:44:20 Or we ask as a little cooperation.
00:44:23 And if I don't, you'll expose me.
00:44:25 I take it that's the bargain.
00:44:26 There is no bargain.
00:44:29 You cannot refuse.
00:44:31 Think of your wife.
00:44:34 Think of your wife.
00:44:35 Philip, Dr. Hoff is still running the tapes.
00:44:41 Why haven't you told him to shut down?
00:44:42 I've already explained to you, Laura. Zarkon is right.
00:44:44 If we close down this clinic, our patients will lose all confidence in us.
00:44:48 But these people are in danger.
00:44:49 We can't take risks with their lives.
00:44:51 We don't know for certain.
00:44:53 That's why I've got to keep on working on these tests.
00:44:56 And gather any proof that I can.
00:44:58 We've no time to lose.
00:45:00 That's why I've got to live here for the next few days.
00:45:03 A few weeks, a few months.
00:45:05 And why has Zarkon put Dr. Hoff in charge?
00:45:07 Because...
00:45:09 Because it took the legal responsibility away from me.
00:45:13 I can work with an easier conscience.
00:45:16 Can you?
00:45:18 Philip, you must tell me.
00:45:21 What hold has Zarkon got over you?
00:45:23 Laura, it's best this way for both of us.
00:45:25 When I finish this job here, I'll resign.
00:45:28 We'll go away and make a fresh start.
00:45:31 Is that part of Zarkon's bargain?
00:45:33 All right, Philip.
00:45:36 If you won't tell me, I'll find out from Zarkon.
00:45:39 He has no hold over me.
00:45:40 Laura, please stay away from him.
00:45:42 Why?
00:45:43 Because he's quite ruthless.
00:45:47 I know, Philip.
00:45:48 I'm going to be quite ruthless, too.
00:46:00 Is Mr. Zarkon in?
00:46:01 Not yet, Madame Markswell.
00:46:03 All right, I'll wait upstairs in Mr. Zarkon's office.
00:46:05 - Madame! - I know, madame.
00:46:07 [Door opens]
00:46:08 [Door closes]
00:46:11 [Knock on door]
00:46:24 [Door opens]
00:46:25 I'd like to see Mr. Zarkon, please.
00:46:44 Oh, you have an appointment, monsieur.
00:46:46 Monsieur Zarkon is out.
00:46:47 [Door closes]
00:46:48 [Door opens]
00:47:01 Where are you going, Mrs. Maxwell?
00:47:06 Get out of my way.
00:47:07 [Phone rings]
00:47:09 [Footsteps]
00:47:11 [Phone rings]
00:47:16 It's important that I see him. Would you tell him I called?
00:47:19 Very well, monsieur.
00:47:20 Thank you.
00:47:21 [Footsteps]
00:47:25 [Footsteps]
00:47:45 [Car approaches]
00:48:11 Bring the studio security officer, please, and tell him a very tall man
00:48:15 is just approaching the side entrance without authority.
00:48:18 I want him brought to my office.
00:48:19 Très bien, monsieur Zarkon.
00:48:21 Y en a encore beaucoup?
00:48:29 Non, il n'y en a plus.
00:48:30 Merci.
00:48:31 [Door opens]
00:48:34 [Footsteps]
00:48:37 [Footsteps]
00:48:38 [Door closes]
00:48:43 [Car horn honks]
00:48:44 [Door opens]
00:48:45 [Footsteps]
00:48:46 [Footsteps]
00:48:48 [Door opens]
00:49:00 [Footsteps]
00:49:05 [Footsteps]
00:49:06 [Beep]
00:49:16 [Beep]
00:49:17 [Beep]
00:49:18 [Footsteps]
00:49:19 [Footsteps]
00:49:29 [Door opens]
00:49:32 Come here, the guards don't allow anyone on the stage.
00:49:35 So I heard.
00:49:36 Come on.
00:49:37 [Door opens]
00:49:38 [Beep]
00:49:40 [Beep]
00:49:41 [Beep]
00:49:42 [Beep]
00:49:43 [Beep]
00:49:44 [Beep]
00:49:45 [Door opens]
00:49:46 You'd better not stay long or I'll search the whole studio.
00:49:51 Jeff, why did you come here?
00:49:53 I want to talk to Zarkon.
00:49:55 Now you're asking for trouble.
00:49:57 Jeff, after you left,
00:49:59 I phoned Verna Berthot and asked her about Brad Summers.
00:50:03 Well, it was the way she talked, in the past tense,
00:50:06 like she and Paul knew he was dead.
00:50:09 How could they have known?
00:50:10 That's what I want to know.
00:50:12 Well, I ran into Laura Maxwell this morning in Amazon.
00:50:15 She's very worried about her husband, Jeff.
00:50:17 Seems that he spent the whole night in the clinic testing the psychotherapy equipment.
00:50:22 They're both very worried, Jeff.
00:50:25 Dr. Maxwell seems to think there might be some danger in the treatment they're giving the long-term patients.
00:50:31 You're doing fine, honey. Keep going.
00:50:33 Well, then she said that Paul has put Dr. Hoth in place of Dr. Maxwell in the clinic
00:50:38 because they think that Dr. Maxwell is no longer reliable.
00:50:42 So what price your fine idealistic Zarkon now?
00:50:45 You still have the same opinion?
00:50:47 I don't know what to think,
00:50:49 but I know what I ought to do.
00:50:51 What's that?
00:50:53 My business.
00:50:55 Mine too.
00:50:57 I'd better go now.
00:51:09 Jeff, there's something I'd like you to know.
00:51:12 What?
00:51:14 I love you.
00:51:17 I love you.
00:51:19 But I don't understand why you have changed like this, Ruth.
00:51:28 Seems I'm not the only one who's changed, Paul.
00:51:31 You seem different lately too.
00:51:33 Business worries, my dear. I have a lot to contend with at the clinic.
00:51:36 Maybe I just see you differently now.
00:51:39 What do you mean, now?
00:51:42 I talked to Laura Maxwell this morning.
00:51:44 Laura has been working too hard.
00:51:46 She's on the verge of a breakdown.
00:51:48 She seems very sane to me.
00:51:50 Dr. Hoth wouldn't agree with you.
00:51:52 In fact, he telephoned me only a few minutes ago to say that he had to send Laura away
00:51:57 to the country for a long rest
00:52:00 so we won't be troubled by her fevered imaginings for a while.
00:52:13 When is she leaving?
00:52:15 She's left already, my dear.
00:52:17 I just saw her car outside.
00:52:19 You must be mistaken, my dear.
00:52:21 Laura has not been here today.
00:52:24 Then what about this?
00:52:37 A charm from Laura's bracelet.
00:52:39 I thought you said she hadn't been here.
00:52:42 My dear, there are things you don't understand.
00:52:46 You're quite right, Paul.
00:52:48 And one of them is you.
00:52:50 How I ever thought that this could ever bring me any happiness.
00:52:53 I see. The classic gesture.
00:52:57 And now probably you're going to tell me that there is somebody else.
00:53:01 Don't pretend you're jealous, Paul.
00:53:06 The human emotions never suited you really well.
00:53:09 Ruth!
00:53:10 I'm sorry, Paul, but my mind's quite made up.
00:53:13 What?
00:53:16 Wait for me outside.
00:53:21 Blore.
00:53:24 Stop Ruth Vance from leaving the studio.
00:53:28 Yes, Ruth.
00:53:30 Never mind why.
00:53:36 (Door opens)
00:53:38 (Footsteps)
00:53:40 (Grunts)
00:53:44 (Grunts)
00:53:52 (Grunts)
00:53:54 (Grunts)
00:54:03 (Footsteps)
00:54:04 (Speaks in French)
00:54:11 All right.
00:54:12 Bring him in.
00:54:14 Well, make your report.
00:54:21 How did you allow him to get as far as my private office?
00:54:24 (Speaks in French)
00:54:30 But, Mademoiselle Vance...
00:54:32 Oui, monsieur.
00:54:33 Vous pouvez aller.
00:54:35 Sit down, Mr. Keenan.
00:54:38 I've been wondering when you would be visiting me.
00:54:41 Au relais, I would have had you thrown out and handed over to the police.
00:54:45 But any friend of my fiancée's is a friend of mine.
00:54:48 Your ex-fiancée, isn't she?
00:54:51 A little tiff. Cigar, Mr. Keenan?
00:54:54 No, thanks.
00:54:56 Exactly how long have you known Miss Vance?
00:54:59 Quite a while.
00:55:01 I was engaged to her myself one time.
00:55:04 Oh.
00:55:05 It begins, as you would say, to add up.
00:55:09 I've been doing a little addition too, Mr. Zarkon.
00:55:12 And what does your total amount to?
00:55:15 Murder.
00:55:17 (Police sirens)
00:55:24 (Police sirens)
00:55:25 Dr. Maxwell invented this dream recording gimmick for purposes of medical research.
00:55:46 But you heard about it and found out it could be turned into a gold mine.
00:55:49 Treating wealthy patients, but adding a little electronic brainwashing.
00:55:53 So they became completely dependent on this dream world you gave them.
00:55:57 Your powers of imagination are considerable, Mr. Keenan.
00:56:01 Please, continue.
00:56:03 So then your patients started to die, Zarkon.
00:56:07 Strogoldi, Pettifer, Clark Denver.
00:56:10 And then a man named Brad Summers started asking awkward questions, didn't he?
00:56:15 And a woman named Verna Bertot tipped you off.
00:56:18 So Summers was murdered and his death made to look like suicide.
00:56:22 I'm still around, Zarkon. And I'm not so easy to dispose of.
00:56:25 My company knows where I am. And don't think I haven't been turning in reports on my movements.
00:56:29 At this point, presumably, I'm expected to say,
00:56:33 "You know too much, Mr. Keenan."
00:56:35 And produce a pistol or something.
00:56:37 But we are not on the stage.
00:56:39 You may by all means go to the police with your absurd suspicions.
00:56:42 I fancy they will not be as attentive as I've been.
00:56:45 Pierre?
00:56:48 I'll have you shown out in safety.
00:56:50 As long as you do not call again.
00:56:52 Goodbye, Mr. Keenan.
00:56:56 [phone ringing]
00:56:59 [phone ringing]
00:57:01 [phone ringing]
00:57:03 [phone ringing]
00:57:11 [phone ringing]
00:57:23 [phone ringing]
00:57:29 [phone ringing]
00:57:31 [phone ringing]
00:57:34 [phone ringing]
00:57:37 [phone ringing]
00:57:41 Ruth Vance?
00:57:46 I'm sorry, no. She doesn't often visit here.
00:57:49 Maybe I could speak to Dr. Maxwell.
00:57:51 I'm afraid not. Dr. Maxwell is very busy. He can see no one.
00:57:55 Mrs. Maxwell?
00:57:57 Mrs. Maxwell has gone away for health reasons. Indefinitely.
00:58:01 Thank you.
00:58:03 [speaking in French]
00:58:07 [speaking in French]
00:58:09 Not at her place in Cannes. I just called her. Nobody seems to know where she is.
00:58:34 Have you asked Mr. Paul Jaco? He's her fiancé.
00:58:37 Not anymore.
00:58:39 Perhaps she's changed her mind again. It is a lady's privilege.
00:58:43 No, no, Mr. Keenan. You must realize this is not an affair for the police.
00:58:47 Miss Vance has not been reported missing.
00:58:49 I'm reporting her missing.
00:58:51 So, am I to mobilize the police? Am I to alert the military?
00:58:54 Because Mr. Keenan has reported a missing person.
00:58:57 No, no, no, no. You are wasting my time. I say to you, good day.
00:59:00 Good day.
00:59:02 Listen. I will explain.
00:59:23 No, no, no. This time I will not listen.
00:59:25 This woman must be identified formally.
00:59:27 Paul Jaco, I specifically ask that identification must be delayed as long as possible.
00:59:33 Oh, Jaco, Jaco, Jaco. Must I then obey his commands?
00:59:36 No, no, Pierre. You have become too involved with this man.
00:59:40 It could mean my whole career, garçon.
00:59:42 I mind if I remain silent. No, madame must be identified immediately.
00:59:47 Maybe I can help, gentlemen.
00:59:56 This is Maxwell, isn't it?
00:59:58 How did she die?
01:00:00 She was strangled. Her body was found in a wood not ten kilometers from here.
01:00:05 Does Dr. Maxwell know?
01:00:07 Please, you must leave the question of identification to us.
01:00:10 Look, I've got news for you, doctor.
01:00:12 My insurance company is claiming Clark Denver's body for a special autopsy.
01:00:15 But the autopsy has already been performed.
01:00:18 Performed by you?
01:00:20 The insurance company is your sticklers for accuracy.
01:00:22 What did you make the cause of death?
01:00:24 It is on the certificate. Cerebral thrombosis.
01:00:27 I didn't ask you what was on the certificate. I asked you the cause of death.
01:00:30 You have no right to question my veracity.
01:00:33 Now, look, doctor, you're in trouble and you know it.
01:00:35 Now answer my question. What did Clark Denver die of?
01:00:38 Well?
01:00:42 It was so far as I could determine some kind of electrolysis of the brain tissues.
01:00:48 Meaning?
01:00:50 Severe damage to the brain cells by electric shock.
01:00:53 Now you get on that phone and get the prefector, Cannes.
01:00:56 You tell him what you told me. Tell him Laura Maxwell's been murdered
01:00:58 and to get some squad cars out to that clinic right away.
01:01:00 Please.
01:01:01 That's your only chance of staying out of jail.
01:01:03 As it is, you've got plenty of questions to answer.
01:01:05 Please, Mr. Keenan, I have no choice.
01:01:07 Zak and Kuda have ruined me.
01:01:09 He's already done that. Now get moving.
01:01:11 Hello?
01:01:18 I want to speak to the prefector of Polis, Cannes.
01:01:20 Yes, yes.
01:01:21 I'm sorry, my dear, for the way you were brought here.
01:01:23 I must apologize for Blore's heavy-handed methods.
01:01:26 All I did was ask him to stop you leaving.
01:01:29 Then I could talk to you again.
01:01:31 About our marriage.
01:01:35 I wanted to persuade you to be reasonable, Ruth.
01:01:38 This Keenan cannot mean anything to you.
01:01:41 I loved him long before I ever met you.
01:01:44 And I know now I always shall.
01:01:47 Infatuation. Mysteria.
01:01:49 I should have known better that you would never understand.
01:01:52 The power of love.
01:01:56 I have far greater sources of power at my disposal.
01:01:59 Yes, I know.
01:02:01 Wealth. Influence.
01:02:03 Those too.
01:02:05 But that more.
01:02:08 The power to make you forget.
01:02:11 I hope you won't force me to exact it, my dear.
01:02:18 [Door opens]
01:02:20 Miss Vance needs to relax a while, Doctor.
01:02:29 I understand.
01:02:31 A long rest is indicated.
01:02:33 Might Laura Maxwell...
01:02:39 You will forget, my dear.
01:02:41 There is still time to change your mind.
01:02:46 Gently, Laura, gently.
01:02:49 [Gasps]
01:02:52 [Gasps]
01:02:55 [Wind howling]
01:02:57 [Wind howling]
01:02:59 [Wind howling]
01:03:09 [Wind howling]
01:03:15 [Wind howling]
01:03:23 [Wind howling]
01:03:25 [Wind howling]
01:03:32 [Wind howling]
01:03:38 [Wind howling]
01:03:43 [Wind howling]
01:03:45 [Clicks]
01:04:00 There is a front entrance to this clinic, you know, Keenan.
01:04:11 I've got news for you, Doctor Maxwell.
01:04:13 Clark Denver's death was due to severe electrical damage to the brain.
01:04:17 Police doctors have confirmed that.
01:04:19 I know. I've got the proof.
01:04:22 [Door opens]
01:04:25 [Door closes]
01:04:27 [Door opens]
01:04:29 [Door closes]
01:04:31 [Door closes]
01:04:33 All right, Doctor Hoff.
01:04:39 Something soothing and relaxing to begin with.
01:04:42 Tape number 11 would be most suitable, I think.
01:04:46 There is something else, Doctor Maxwell.
01:04:49 It's your wife. She's dead.
01:04:52 Who killed her?
01:04:59 Well, that's what we have to find out. Now, where are they?
01:05:02 Here in this clinic.
01:05:04 Is Ruth Vance here, too?
01:05:07 Is Ruth Vance here?
01:05:09 Yes, yes.
01:05:12 Where?
01:05:14 Probably being brainwashed by this diamond.
01:05:18 [Siren wails]
01:05:22 [Siren wails]
01:05:25 [Siren wails]
01:05:28 [Siren wails]
01:05:31 [Siren wails]
01:05:34 [Siren wails]
01:05:37 [Siren wails]
01:05:40 [Siren wails]
01:05:43 [Siren wails]
01:05:46 [Siren wails]
01:05:49 [Siren wails]
01:05:52 [Door opens]
01:05:54 [Door closes]
01:05:56 [Siren wails]
01:05:59 [Siren wails]
01:06:02 [Siren wails]
01:06:05 [Siren wails]
01:06:08 [Siren wails]
01:06:10 I'll go in first. They will suspect me. Hard to keep them busy.
01:06:13 Okay. Try to keep their backs turned.
01:06:16 [Siren wails]
01:06:19 [Siren wails]
01:06:22 Well, any progress?
01:06:24 I finally proved that the psychotherapy equipment was not only dangerous, but lethal.
01:06:29 Then I suggest that you return to the laboratory immediately.
01:06:32 And concentrate on making the equipment safe.
01:06:35 No, Zarko. That's all over.
01:06:38 [Siren wails]
01:06:41 [Siren wails]
01:06:44 Hold it, Zarko! Now, where's Ruth?
01:06:47 She... She's not here.
01:06:50 [Siren wails]
01:06:52 Get up.
01:06:54 [Siren wails]
01:06:57 Which of you murdered my wife?
01:07:00 I say!
01:07:02 I had to do it, Maxwell. He ordered me to. I had to do it. He said he...
01:07:05 Quiet, you fool! Take it easy, Maxwell.
01:07:07 You can't believe him, Maxwell. You know he's a psychopathic killer.
01:07:10 I tried my best for him, but it was a blue-a-bale.
01:07:13 First Brad Summers, then Laura Maxwell.
01:07:16 Yes, yes. He's a homicidal maniac.
01:07:19 It's... It's a lie! You give the orders. I only carry them out.
01:07:22 [Grunts]
01:07:25 [Gasps]
01:07:28 [Gunshot]
01:07:31 [Gunshot]
01:07:33 Hold it, Zarko.
01:07:36 [Glass shatters]
01:07:39 [Gunshot]
01:07:42 [Glass shatters]
01:07:45 [Dog barks]
01:07:48 [Grunts]
01:07:51 Where's Ruth? Where's Ruth?
01:08:00 Get going.
01:08:03 Sit down.
01:08:11 Put it on.
01:08:18 No! I refuse!
01:08:21 Put it on!
01:08:24 We could do a deal.
01:08:27 All right.
01:08:30 I'm doing this for Laura...
01:08:44 ...for the people I killed in this clinic.
01:08:47 Maxwell!
01:08:50 [Siren wailing]
01:08:53 [Gunshot]
01:09:17 [Gunshot]
01:09:20 [Gunshot]
01:09:23 [Gunshot]
01:09:26 [Gunshot]
01:09:29 [Gunshot]
01:09:32 [Gunshot]
01:09:35 Do what you can for her.
01:09:38 [Gunshot]
01:09:41 [Gunshot]
01:09:44 [Gunshot]
01:09:47 [Gunshot]
01:09:50 [Gunshot]
01:09:53 [Gunshot]
01:09:56 I'll be there. I'll be there.
01:09:59 Tell him he shouldn't have it.
01:10:02 Tell him to have it.
01:10:05 Tell him to have it.
01:10:08 Tell him to have it.
01:10:11 [Gunshot]
01:10:14 [Siren wailing]
01:10:17 [Siren wailing]
01:10:21 [Siren wailing]
01:10:25 [Siren wailing]
01:10:28 (train doors opening)
01:10:31 (upbeat music)
01:10:41 (train horn blaring)
01:10:44 (train horn blaring)
01:10:47 (train horn blaring)
01:11:02 (train horn blaring)
01:11:05 - Are you all right?
01:11:16 Let's go home.
01:11:18 (somber music)
01:11:28 (somber music)
01:11:31 (somber music)
01:11:33 (somber music)
01:11:36 (somber music)
01:11:39 (somber music)
01:11:41 (somber music)
01:11:46 (somber music)
01:11:48 (somber music)
01:11:51 (explosion)
01:11:53 [BLANK_AUDIO]
