Emmerdale 20th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:31 Interview with Mackenzie Boyd, commencing 9.45 AM.
00:37 Also present, DC Croft, DS Raveley, and duty
00:41 solicitor, Geeta Thompson.
00:45 Tied retro to these things, aren't they?
00:48 Let's revisit your account of Thursday evening, shall we?
00:51 According to your statement, you were home
00:53 all evening with Chloe Harris.
00:55 Yeah, I know.
00:56 That's what I said.
00:57 Fortunately, Miss Harris' statement
00:59 doesn't seem to match yours.
01:01 Any comments, Mr. Boyd?
01:03 I wasn't home the whole evening.
01:09 I went out.
01:11 So you lied to us before.
01:13 People knew that Caleb and I had had words.
01:17 I thought it would look bad if I didn't have a decent alibi.
01:20 Sometimes things look bad.
01:22 Because they are.
01:23 Not in this case.
01:25 It was wrong of me to lie.
01:27 I'm sorry.
01:27 I shouldn't have done it.
01:28 So where did you go on the evening Mr. Milligan
01:31 was pushed?
01:33 Nowhere in particular.
01:36 He'd wound me up, so I went for a walk down the stream.
01:42 With a bottle of whiskey.
01:43 No one saw me as far as I'm aware.
01:45 That's a shame.
01:47 Doesn't mean I'm not telling the truth.
01:48 Except for the fact that you've already admitted
01:50 that you've lied to us.
01:52 And that you were wound up and under the influence of alcohol.
01:56 [INHALES]
01:57 [SIGHS]
01:58 Hey.
02:08 Noah's due in any minute to do his shift.
02:10 So you couldn't cover the bar until he gets here, could you?
02:12 I need to get to the hospital.
02:14 I happen I could.
02:15 Why the rush though?
02:16 Someone's up.
02:18 Well, they're just deciding whether to take
02:20 Caleb off his sedation.
02:21 You know, try and bring him out of the coma.
02:23 Well, that's encouraging then.
02:24 If they're considering it, I mean.
02:26 Yeah, they've also told me not to get my hopes up.
02:28 So basically, I just need to get there.
02:30 Yeah, right.
02:31 OK, of course.
02:32 Well, you get going.
02:33 And I'll hold fort until his dippiness gets back.
02:36 Just get me a phone.
02:39 Ah!
02:41 Ah, you're back.
02:43 And how were it, legs?
02:45 Yeah, good.
02:46 Apart from the nonstop rain and weenie windy roads.
02:49 And these crazy Canada geese chomping on me quavers.
02:52 Oh, sounds idyllic.
02:53 Oh, I won't invest it.
02:55 We had a right laugh, didn't we?
02:56 We did, yeah.
02:56 Yeah, it was good to get away.
02:57 I think the only thing that was missing
02:58 was Eve not being there.
03:00 But it did give us a chance to talk.
03:02 And, well, me and Paddy have decided
03:05 to make a couple of things.
03:07 There's a couple.
03:07 Oh.
03:08 Drop me keys.
03:16 Wow, that's big, isn't it?
03:19 Congratulations.
03:20 [CHATTER]
03:23 Chloe, what's going on?
03:32 I heard Matt got kited off by the police yesterday.
03:34 I know about as much as you.
03:37 I rang the station yesterday and they won't tell me anything.
03:40 What, so he's still in there?
03:41 Well, they've kept him in overnight.
03:43 Well, they can't have charged him, otherwise they'd have said.
03:45 He must have some on him then, because he
03:47 wouldn't have kept him in that long.
03:49 You're probably loving this, aren't you?
03:50 Another reason to slag him off.
03:51 Oh, yeah, Chloe, I'm thrilled.
03:53 I'm so thrilled he's been arrested for something
03:55 that we both know he's not capable of doing.
03:57 Unless you do think he's capable of it.
04:00 Oh, wowzers, Chloe.
04:01 You don't know everything, OK?
04:02 Well, I reckon I know Mac a damn sight better than you do.
04:05 Just leave us alone.
04:07 Mommy's going to have a coffee at home.
04:08 Well, now, Mackenzie can be a bit of an idiot,
04:17 but he's hardly dangerous, is he?
04:19 Police seem to think he might be.
04:22 And him being in the frame takes the pressure off your iffy alibi.
04:25 We've been through this, David.
04:27 I'm not going to tell the police that I was going out trying to score.
04:30 It's better than being charged with attempted murder.
04:34 If Mac gets cleared, then they're going to start sifting
04:37 through statements again, and it could be you that they arrest next.
04:39 I can't risk Jacob finding out.
04:43 Well, who says he has to?
04:46 Look, Leila, this is serious stuff.
04:48 And if you don't sort it, the police are going to come after you.
04:51 Well, we're planning to tell you.
04:55 Obviously, not like that.
04:58 No need to apologise.
05:00 I'm not your mum, am I?
05:02 I'm not even your wife, not for very much longer.
05:04 Anyway, I've got to get to the hospital. It's Caleb.
05:06 Oh, yeah, we heard what happened. I'm sorry.
05:08 Will you send him our best and, you know...
05:11 Yeah, it's fine.
05:14 Flippin' 'eck.
05:17 Well, it's another job ticked off.
05:20 Look, she had to find out sometime.
05:21 Yeah. Sorry, being daft.
05:23 Look, I'm going to get myself to cell and I want to catch up with Ine, yeah?
05:27 Meet for lunch later?
05:28 Yeah, sounds good.
05:29 All right. Mwah!
05:30 So, you two are officially a thing then, eh?
05:35 Pandy reunited.
05:37 Paddy and Mandy's fine.
05:39 Yes, yes, of course.
05:41 Listen, that awkward business about getting my wives crossed about me and her...
05:46 Dad, it's forgotten.
05:48 In fact, I've willfully obliterated it from my mind, thank you.
05:51 Oh, well, I guess this one's on me, eh?
05:53 My way of celebration to happiness, eh?
05:57 And refinding your lobster.
05:59 Right.
06:01 Lobsters.
06:03 OK, and if you just pop your card in there for me.
06:08 Thank you.
06:11 Oh, sorry, it seems to have not gone through for some weird reason.
06:14 Oh.
06:15 Erm...
06:16 Morning, all. I'm here at Whitney, if Mum's just on her way over.
06:19 I was just about to message you, actually, say thank you for the mocktails yesterday.
06:21 Oh, no need to thank me. I'd have only been drinking them all on my own otherwise.
06:24 What can I say? I'm all about the giving.
06:26 Apart from she's still not paying me for her nails.
06:28 Oh, right. Erm...
06:31 I don't suppose there's another way I could pay?
06:33 Oh, like pushing the stuff you're doing online, maybe?
06:37 What do you mean?
06:38 You know my friend I told you about? The one with, like, a gazillion followers?
06:41 I could get her to post one of your videos on her page.
06:43 That would seriously up your profile.
06:45 What? Do you really think you should do it?
06:47 Yeah, of course.
06:48 So, a square for the nails?
06:49 Yeah, I guess.
06:50 And you could have offered to do that before, but...
06:52 Great, thank you, Emilia.
06:54 Anyway, can we get this filmed?
06:55 Yes, I'm coming.
06:56 Today we're doing eyebrows, tinting, shaping, avoiding the slug brows.
07:00 - Mm-hm. Sounds like one for you, Vin. - Yeah, very funny.
07:03 Erm, listen, the stuff we were talking about yesterday,
07:05 I'm glad you're feeling better about the future.
07:07 I feel like there's loads of stuff out there waiting for you, too.
07:09 Ooh, starting with clubbing with me tonight, maybe?
07:12 You know, with your hands in the air like you just took it.
07:14 Yeah, I'll think about it.
07:16 OK, tell me when it's recording.
07:18 Yeah, we'll do when we get some peace and quiet.
07:20 - See you. - See you.
07:22 Hi, guys. How's it all going?
07:26 So, today I'm going to show you guys how to get the perfect eyebrows.
07:30 What's going on?
07:35 (BELL RINGS)
07:45 Hey.
07:49 Hi.
07:51 How's he doing? Any change?
07:53 No.
07:56 Sorry, but, erm, what are you even doing here?
07:58 I thought I could give you some support.
08:01 Right.
08:02 Plus, Bear said that you'd said something about them maybe trying to wake him up.
08:06 Hmm. He thought that your face should be the first one that he sees.
08:10 After one shake of the sheets.
08:14 You do realise that Mackenzie's just been arrested yesterday?
08:17 Oh, right, OK.
08:19 Well, that presumably means that they think that he might be guilty.
08:23 Why, though? Why would they even treat him like a suspect?
08:26 Well, more importantly, why would you even care?
08:29 I don't!
08:30 Not like you're implying it don't mean I want him to go down for attempted murder when he's innocent.
08:35 We don't even know that he is.
08:37 Why are you being like this? Like, mean and suspicious?
08:40 Because somebody pushed my brother off a cliff and I kind of need to know who it was.
08:45 You do know that if it was Mack, then it's all your fault?
08:49 I'm sorry, what?
08:50 Well, if you hadn't slept with Caleb, then Mack wouldn't have been so angry with him.
08:53 Oh, my God, woman! So, by the same token, you killed Al, yeah?
08:56 Don't even go there, lady. Why not?
08:58 I mean, you're practically accusing me of having a killer bond with Caleb.
09:01 Signing a slipping death warrant.
09:03 Hi.
09:09 Right, let me get this straight, right.
09:11 All the things that we want people to pay for, the stuff that keeps my salon afloat,
09:15 you've been teaching them for free?
09:17 Well, no, apart from the tutorials. They're for young mums like me who are on a budget.
09:21 And I've name-checked the salon every time.
09:23 I've got to admit, it's a nice thing to do.
09:25 Yeah, and it's free advertising.
09:26 How? When the two straps of cash come through, it don't work.
09:29 Because it's still building your brand and raising your profile.
09:31 Mmm, got a lot of Karen Brady here.
09:34 Look, there's always going to be something to come into the salon for,
09:37 and I've been totally plugging us mans.
09:39 Well, how many views you been getting?
09:40 Last video got, what, nearly a thousand?
09:43 Right, well, now I'm back, you can crack on with this video malarkey properly, then, can't you?
09:50 Seriously?
09:51 Yeah, well, as long as you're shamelessly plugging my salon.
09:53 And I am talking big, neon, Pampamanda signs, right?
09:56 Like, and juicy online discounts, that sort of thing.
09:59 Yeah, okay.
10:00 So does that mean I can get a proper title now, like social media manager?
10:02 Ooh, let's start with girl who kept a job, and we'll work from there, yeah?
10:06 Fine.
10:07 Right, you get the kettle on. I'm just going to pop next door, right?
10:09 And then me and you are going to have a proper gochop.
10:12 Sounds good.
10:12 Leila!
10:14 See, I told you she won't mind.
10:15 Yeah, I know, I just need to tell my dad now to prove to him that social media isn't that evil.
10:20 Come on.
10:20 Right, okay, thanks for the update.
10:23 Yeah, see you, mate.
10:25 Well?
10:30 What did Maura say?
10:32 Still holding Mackenzie at the station.
10:33 That's what, like, 18 hours now?
10:36 *Knock on door*
10:38 Afternoon.
10:46 What do you want?
10:47 If you'll let me in, I'll explain.
10:49 *Footsteps*
10:54 Is this about Caleb? Has something happened?
10:56 No, that's, er, in the hands of CID.
11:00 I wanted a word with Belle, actually.
11:01 Why me?
11:03 I've got some news about Lachlan White.
11:08 *Music*
11:13 I know that it's serious to lie, but I was embarrassed about where I'd been.
11:24 *Inhales*
11:25 I'm a recovering addict, and I'd had a bad day. I got it into my head that I needed something.
11:30 But by the time I'd got into town, I'd changed my mind. I'd realised that that was a mistake.
11:36 So, to be clear, you drove into Houghton to meet a dealer to buy drugs?
11:40 Oh, no, I don't have a dealer. Like I said, I'm clean now.
11:43 So where were you going?
11:45 Well, I didn't have a plan. I was just gonna go to some bars and, you know, see if I could get a hold of anything.
11:51 But, like I said, I didn't even get out of the car. And I've got, erm...
11:56 the parking ticket. It's got one of those, you know, vehicle registration plate recognition things.
12:02 *Inhales*
12:03 But you do believe me, don't you? I mean, it wasn't me. I couldn't have pushed Caleb.
12:08 If we can confirm your story, I think it's safe to say we can remove you from our list of suspects.
12:13 *Sighs*
12:15 Erm, I don't want my son finding out. Anything that I've said to you today is confidential, isn't it?
12:22 Your son won't find out I'm miss Harding.
12:24 Although I strongly advise you not to go into bars in search of drugs in the future. Or to lie to the police.
12:29 Yeah, of course.
12:31 Okay, well, bye then.
12:33 I'll see you, Will.
12:35 That leaves Boyd. Or Dingo.
12:46 I didn't hear about the accident straight away.
12:53 I've been staying with my mum since we...
12:56 What? Lied to everyone?
13:00 That he's your dad. Not the pair of you we're up to.
13:03 Charity.
13:04 Sorry. Just telling the truth.
13:06 Yeah, only now isn't the time, is it?
13:08 It's okay. I've done plenty I'm not proud of.
13:10 Well, I'm not gonna contradict you there, love.
13:13 Still.
13:15 Seems like you're family.
13:18 Yeah, I mean, what a turn up, eh?
13:20 Gone from Gabby's fashion accessory to the dizzy heights of Dingledon.
13:24 Main thing is, you're here now.
13:26 Yes, that is absolutely right.
13:28 And nothing sweeps a mess under a carpet like Daddy in a coma.
13:32 Turns out he's been moved to a lower security prison in Sheffield.
13:39 Cos he's done five years.
13:41 Right.
13:42 And I know I'm being irrational. I know he's still in prison.
13:45 Of course he is, Belle. He's safe no matter where he is.
13:48 I know.
13:50 I just try so hard not to think about him and I hate the thought of him being any closer.
13:55 You've talked to Tom about it?
13:57 No. And I've decided I'm not gonna...
13:59 Yeah, but look, if this Lachlan stuff is upsetting you, you need to talk to him about it.
14:02 No, I can talk to you, can't I?
14:04 It just feels like I've hit so much on me and him lately.
14:07 I'm worried he's gonna think I'm more trouble than I'm worth.
14:10 Alright, well, I'm sure that's not true, but it's your call, innit?
14:13 I suppose you don't need to know the far ends of everything.
14:16 Exactly.
14:17 Anyway, shall we do something tonight? Shall we go to the cinema?
14:21 I just want to take my mind off it.
14:23 Yeah, I mean, yeah, can do.
14:25 Don't sound too sure.
14:26 Not just that, I've just got to let my mum know I said I might go clubbing later with her.
14:30 Don't change your plans for me.
14:31 Don't be daft, you know. It's more important, this.
14:34 And you were there for me loads after I lost Liv.
14:37 I mean, as long as we can watch sci-fi, obviously.
14:39 Yeah, that's not happening.
14:41 Fair play.
14:42 It's gonna be alright, Belle.
14:46 I promise you.
14:52 I should have been here sooner.
14:56 Well, look, don't beat yourself up. You haven't missed anything.
14:59 By that, I mean...
15:01 your dad's been out of it since it happened.
15:03 He said he was in an induced coma.
15:07 Yeah, to give his brain a rest.
15:09 They're deciding when to try and take him off the ventilator, though.
15:13 Hope he breathes on his own.
15:15 Do they think he will?
15:17 Flipping better.
15:19 They've said to take it a day at a time for now, though.
15:22 Right.
15:23 Anyway, I'm guessing you want a bit of time alone with him, so, er...
15:26 Chas?
15:27 Yeah, yeah. We'll come back later.
15:30 Thanks.
15:34 I've made you triple decker.
15:55 I've shoved some crisps inside.
15:57 Health kick-start's here.
15:59 Oh, nah, just get it down, yeah?
16:01 Cos it is so sweet how nice everyone's been about us
16:05 making a go of things, you know?
16:07 And Vinnie, he was... he was well-chuffed.
16:10 And little Amelia was made up when I told her.
16:12 Good.
16:13 Well, let's face it, she's the one you're most bothered about.
16:16 (GROANS)
16:17 I guess there's nothing holding us back
16:20 from making a go of other things now, is there?
16:22 I'm sure Amelia wouldn't mind staying back at the salon
16:26 if I tell her I'm delayed.
16:28 The thing is, you've made me a sandwich.
16:30 I'm quite hungry.
16:32 Of course, yeah.
16:33 You know what, on second thoughts, I'd best get back there.
16:36 We can't let Amelia cover us forever.
16:38 No.
16:39 - Mandy. - What?
16:40 Thank you.
16:42 What for?
16:44 Just... being amazing.
16:47 Getting it.
16:49 And I don't just mean how I like my sandwiches, I mean...
16:52 You've been really patient.
16:55 Ah, no biggie.
16:57 Hey, we'll get there.
17:00 Now, then.
17:15 You all right, Chas, love?
17:17 Ah, I've been better, you know.
17:20 Not with Caleb still unconscious
17:22 and Nicky in a mess by his bedside.
17:24 What are you looking at me like that for?
17:25 You know why.
17:27 Are you really gonna let your own brother-in-law take the rap for this?
17:30 Cos the police seem to think they've got their man.
17:32 I told you, it wasn't me.
17:34 Although I might have been tempted to give Caleb a shove
17:37 if he'd been teetering about on that edge up there.
17:39 All right, so, er...
17:41 How come every time I turn round
17:43 you two are having secret little chats in a corner somewhere?
17:46 You've been acting sus for days.
17:48 You've just got the wrong end of the stick, Chas.
17:51 Cain has been helping me out with something, that's all.
17:55 Like what?
17:56 Well, what's it matter?
17:58 Well, of course it matters.
18:00 Seeing as it's a tad convenient and I don't believe a word of it.
18:03 All right, if you must know, Cain's been walking Monty for me.
18:08 Now, he was here, having a brew after dropping him off
18:11 when the police think Caleb fell.
18:13 Yeah, cos that's totally a reason to lie to the police, innit?
18:17 Being out, dog-walking.
18:19 I've been walking him for weeks, all right?
18:21 Why have you?
18:23 SIGHS
18:25 Cos I can't get about like I used to, can I?
18:28 My legs have been playing silly beggars.
18:31 They've been packing in slowly for a while now.
18:34 Why didn't you say something?
18:36 Why, haven't you lot pestered me all the time?
18:39 Treating me like I were on my way out.
18:42 I'm sorry, I had no idea.
18:45 Although you could have said something.
18:47 I didn't think I needed to.
18:49 All he knows, because he found me on the floor one day.
18:53 I'd gone over and couldn't flame him, "Well, get up!"
18:56 What a fair-a-prize idiot, Nan.
18:59 Why? Me that should be embarrassed.
19:03 But now you know, Cain is no more guilty than what you are.
19:08 So...
19:10 ..you're completely in the clear, then?
19:13 Yeah, just glad that Jacob didn't have to find out.
19:16 Mm. Dodged a bullet there.
19:19 You could say that.
19:20 Look...
19:22 ..you will come to me, won't you,
19:25 next time you're feeling wobbly, I mean?
19:28 Yeah, of course.
19:29 But hopefully it won't come to that. I've decided to go back to NA for a bit.
19:33 Oh, I'm pleased to hear that.
19:34 I just can't get over him asking me to lie to the police.
19:37 Why would he do that if he wasn't hiding something?
19:40 You're right, it makes no sense.
19:42 What's he got telling you? Do you think he's capable of it?
19:45 Well...
19:46 I honestly don't know.
19:48 I wish I could say I knew him inside out, but I don't.
19:51 I really need to get out, Chloe.
19:53 I'm serious, you can't risk him and Reuben being dragged down by this.
19:57 I thought we could have another chat.
20:05 Yeah, no offence to you both, but I think I'd rather go home.
20:09 Can you even keep me here this long?
20:12 Actually, we're good for another few hours.
20:15 Bad if it's stressing you out. Clock watching.
20:18 I'm sure we can charge you soon.
20:21 Funny.
20:23 What's also funny is if you had enough evidence, you'd have charged me already.
20:28 You are aware you're currently our prime suspect.
20:31 You're the only person in the frame with both motive and opportunity.
20:34 Based on what?
20:35 Exactly.
20:36 Based on the fact that Caleb annoys me?
20:38 Well, newsflash, he annoys a lot of people. He's that kind of guy.
20:42 Besides, if I hated him as much as you say I do,
20:45 why would I have gone round to his to apologise for losing my temper with him?
20:48 When was this?
20:50 I don't know. Thursday morning, sometime.
20:53 He wasn't having any of it, because he's an arrogant little...
20:56 But at least I tried.
20:59 So what you're saying is there was actually more than one altercation between the two of you?
21:06 That's interesting.
21:07 No, it's not.
21:11 I'm just trying to plead my case.
21:13 Look, I was nowhere near where Caleb fell.
21:16 I was sat drinking not 500 jars from the fruit bench for most of the night.
21:20 Where, coincidentally, no one saw you.
21:22 For the whole time you were there.
21:24 I'm innocent. I swear my son's life.
21:27 Mr Boyd, Mr Milligan remains in a coma with serious swelling to the brain.
21:31 Now, if his condition deteriorates, we can bump the charge up from attempted to actual murder.
21:37 I thought I'd killed you.
21:43 I thought I'd killed you.
21:45 I thought I'd killed you.
21:46 Don't go anywhere. After the break, it's my big summer travel special.
21:57 All the things you need to do now to cut the cost when you go, so you can have more fun.
22:01 [Music]