9 BEAUTY HACKS Every Girl Should Know 2016

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, welcome back to my channel.
00:13 And today I filmed a beauty hacks video, which I've seen so many of these going around YouTube.
00:18 And I have a couple of hacks that I haven't seen on YouTube yet that have really saved
00:22 my life and I've been using for years.
00:25 So I wanted to share them with you.
00:26 So please thumbs up this video if you'd like more.
00:29 And don't forget to subscribe and yeah, let's get into the video.
00:34 So this hack I use all the time and it's scrub before shaving.
00:38 And I'm very prone to ingrown hairs and everything like that and razor bumps.
00:42 So I always use this.
00:43 It makes it super smooth and preps you for shaving.
00:46 So this hack I learned from a magazine about two years ago and it really does work.
00:51 If you're prone to ingrown hairs, do this after shaving and it helps so much I can't
00:56 even tell you.
00:57 So this next one is a DIY lip scrub, which is super simple, super easy and tastes really,
01:02 really good.
01:03 So you just use sugar, water and your toothbrush.
01:05 It makes your lips super smooth.
01:07 It tastes good and it literally is next to nothing in the class because usually you have
01:12 a toothbrush hopefully and sugar.
01:18 Now this one is also very interesting too because I just recently started using this
01:22 one.
01:23 Now you can use coconut oil as a makeup remover and it's so easy.
01:26 It's super cheap and it's super natural and doesn't have any harsh chemicals, which is
01:30 great for your skin and it's really moisturizing.
01:34 Now this next one is also interesting too.
01:37 I recently started doing this and this is a hack for your eyeliner.
01:41 And you put it in your boobs while you are doing the rest of your makeup and it warms
01:46 it up.
01:47 It makes it super creamy and buttery since your body heat kind of warms it up.
01:50 And I absolutely love this.
01:52 It's great and it works amazing.
01:57 Now this next one I use whenever I go to parties or if I'm going out for like a concert or
02:00 something like that.
02:01 And you first put Vaseline on the areas that you're going to put your perfume and it makes
02:06 it last all day.
02:08 Like you can literally smell it all day long.
02:10 It's amazing and if you just really like perfume, you can use this every day if you just want
02:14 it to last all day at school or work or whatever you are doing that day.
02:17 So this is probably the hack that I've used the longest.
02:26 And what I do is whenever I can't wear a strapless bra or anything like that because it's too
02:30 low cut or in the back you'll be able to see a bra, I always use band-aids over my nips.
02:36 So the first thing you want to do is make sure that you peel off the band-aid beforehand
02:40 on the back of your hand so it does not hurt coming off.
02:43 And it's perfect.
02:44 You can't see them.
02:45 And it gets cold.
02:46 No one's going to be able to see your lady parts.
02:51 So this next one is a no-slip bobby pin and I always do this when I'm working on clients
02:54 or for myself.
02:55 And yeah, you just hairspray the bobby pin and put the ridges on your scalp and not on
03:01 the outside and it literally stays all day.
03:05 Usually I hide my bobby pin better but I just had to show it for the video.
03:08 But yeah, so this works really, really well.
03:12 So this next hack is for that Victoria's Secret hair look.
03:16 So I actually learned this from a hair artist that actually works for Victoria's Secret
03:20 for the fashion show.
03:22 And what they do is they curl the hair on opposite sides.
03:25 So they pick up a different strand, they do it towards the face, against the face, towards
03:29 the face, against the face.
03:30 And they do that all around the hair.
03:31 They make it super loose, maybe kind of pull it out, just kind of mess around with it.
03:35 And this creates that super big, voluminous, but easy-going, not perfect hairstyle that
03:40 everybody loves.
03:41 And I absolutely love this.
03:42 This is the only way I curl my hair and I am addicted to it.
03:45 So I hope you guys love this and I will see you soon.
03:49 I hope you guys love this video and don't forget to subscribe and like and I will see
03:55 you in the next one.
