00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:33 - I wanna talk a little bit from Genesis
00:36 and I'm not gonna keep you long.
00:40 But in Genesis chapter one,
00:51 the Lord says in Genesis chapter two, rather,
00:54 he speaks to us and he says to each one of us,
01:02 it's not good in verse 17 of chapter two,
01:05 it's not good for man to be alone.
01:07 And what he did was,
01:12 he said, I'll make him a help me for him.
01:18 And out of the ground, the Lord formed every beast
01:22 of the field and every fowl of the air
01:23 and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.
01:29 The significant thing that all of us needs to realize
01:34 is that man was formed in the image of God.
01:39 And I'm looking at the circumstances that surround us today
01:46 where our women are being marginalized
01:55 because of the attitude of men
01:58 who wanna always be in control.
02:02 We had a wonderful session yesterday
02:05 and one of the questions that we asked
02:08 was how much does a woman have to do
02:13 with a man being significant in his endeavors in life?
02:18 How much, particularly in a matriarchal environment,
02:25 where mothers are so powerful,
02:28 how much does a woman have in making a man strong?
02:33 When God said, I will make man in my own image,
02:42 if you know very carefully, what he did was he
02:45 created male and female in his image.
02:53 So there is not any distinction between the man
02:58 and the woman other than what is physical.
03:05 But God said something to the man,
03:09 he said, I want you to be fruitful,
03:12 I want you to multiply, I want you to subdue,
03:16 and I want you to replenish the earth, not in that order.
03:23 But I want you to be fruitful, I want you to multiply,
03:28 I want you to replenish and subdue.
03:34 Which means then, if I am in God's image
03:40 and in his likeness, then he expects me
03:46 to operate as he would in the earth.
03:52 Because he declares, first of all,
03:55 I'm in his image and his likeness.
03:56 Now one of the things why all of us are gathered here today
03:59 is because we're Christian.
04:00 So what we're seeking now is not the image of God,
04:06 because none of us ever lost his image.
04:11 What all of us lost is his likeness.
04:19 Which means even though our physical pulchritudinous
04:24 expression is what Jesus is,
04:29 I don't wanna get too deep with that,
04:32 but Jesus becomes the expressed image of God.
04:37 So even though Adam was created before God,
04:46 before Jesus rather, then Jesus was the pattern
04:51 by which Adam was created.
04:54 Should I say that again?
04:56 Jesus is the expressed image of God,
05:01 so Jesus then becomes the bodily form of the Godhead.
05:06 That's Jesus.
05:11 And even though Adam was created before Jesus,
05:16 Jesus is the pattern by which Adam was created.
05:22 So when God says, let us make man in our own image,
05:28 Adam was not the focus.
05:33 Jesus was the focus.
05:38 Because Jesus is the expressed image of the Godhead bodily.
05:43 So if you're going to then operate within the parameters
05:48 of who Jesus is, then you have to understand then
05:51 that each one of us as men,
05:53 and incidentally I can't exclude women,
06:00 because when he said he's gonna create man in his own image,
06:07 then he turns around and says,
06:08 and he created male and female in his image.
06:13 Let me go a little bit deeper here.
06:18 Let me have a little fun with this.
06:21 If you check the news lately,
06:26 you'd have seen where the Southern Baptists
06:37 anybody been in the news?
06:38 Where the Southern Baptists has put probably
06:46 the most prolific individual in Christianity
06:51 out of their group because he endorsed women pastors.
07:05 Who is more powerful than Rick Warren
07:09 when it comes to the whole issue of Christianity?
07:13 There is a proclivity and a tendency for men
07:21 to reduce the significance of women.
07:27 When I would ask you the question,
07:32 how many men can be great without the influx of women?
07:37 Okay, you see, because I think we need to rethink
07:53 our attitudes about what is necessary in our practice.
08:00 What is necessary in our progression as human beings?
08:05 And that is, there is no femininity
08:10 or masculinity to honesty.
08:14 There is no masculinity or femininity to creativity,
08:21 to intellectuality, to cognitive energy.
08:26 So if you would remove the physical,
08:31 and you have to admit that a man is the stronger vessel.
08:36 Oh, you're quiet now, but I got your attention.
08:43 He's the stronger vessel.
08:52 I give some thought to being the stronger vessel.
08:57 Whether I have an aluminum glass,
09:06 whether I have an iron glass,
09:17 or I have a fragile, might I say,
09:22 what would be, I'd have to ask my wife,
09:31 what would be something that's really,
09:35 really fragile as a glass?
09:38 Crystal.
09:46 I can take what we normally put in the milk,
09:50 metal container, and I can take a fragile crystal.
09:58 I can bang the metal around,
10:09 but I can't bang the crystal.
10:15 But the crystal can contain
10:20 whatever the metal piece can contain.
10:26 I'm gonna talk over here, I'm like Bishop Odom.
10:29 You see, when you declare that the woman
10:34 is the weaker vessel, it does not mean she can't contain.
10:39 It does not mean she can't contain.
10:42 Everything that a man can contain.
10:53 It's just that you can break her physically,
10:57 but that doesn't mean you can break her intellectually,
11:02 and that doesn't mean you can break her cognitively.
11:05 And I'm saying all this because I'm saying on Father's Day.
11:08 - Mm-hmm.
11:09 - That the greatness of a father
11:15 is indicative of how well he can treat the mother.
11:22 (audience applauding)
11:29 I hope you're with me on this,
11:31 because if we take our social environment,
11:38 I am looking at it, and I'm a pastor preacher,
11:42 and when you talk about abortion, you got a problem with me
11:47 from a Christian point of view.
11:50 But don't tell me you're pro-life
11:52 if you ain't pro-life after people are born.
12:06 Sela, I got a pause so you can soak that in.
12:11 If you pro-life, you pro-life after people are born,
12:18 since you pro-life.
12:21 So you want my vote so you make me feel guilty
12:24 about the unborn.
12:28 But I'm a preacher, and abortion is a problem.
12:36 - Yes, it is.
12:37 - Understand that.
12:40 But you're not gonna play with me because it's a problem.
12:42 When God said that male and female created he them,
13:01 then the question now becomes how much motherhood
13:06 is in the significance of fatherhood?
13:12 Give some thought.
13:19 Because what I wanna say to every man in the house is this.
13:27 There is a sternness that you associate with father,
13:32 but behind the sternness,
13:37 there have to be something soft
13:41 that you associate with mother.
13:44 Oh, I can prove to you, intellectually,
13:50 that there is no real difference
13:57 between man and woman intellectually, cognitively.
14:01 And when you feel like you just need to put it down,
14:08 and really the point I'm making
14:10 is that the relationship horizontally
14:15 is more significant in rearing your children
14:21 than the relationship that you have with them vertically.
14:27 But let me go over that again, 'cause I think I missed you.
14:30 How you treat your woman.
14:38 I'm a radical, so I can say it any way I choose.
14:44 I didn't say how you treat your wife,
14:47 'cause I know a lot of you all ain't got no wives,
14:49 but you got a woman.
14:51 Sorry.
14:52 How you treat her vertically, no, horizontal,
15:06 trains your sons and daughters
15:17 more than how you treat them vertically.
15:21 There is more lessons for them to learn
15:26 in how you treat that person opposite of you
15:31 than how you treat them individually.
15:36 When I was divorced, all my children came with me.
15:41 And you gotta understand,
15:44 it's not that the mother is immaculate.
15:47 From a motherhood point of view.
15:49 And I was a better father than I was a husband.
15:54 Father's Day, confession.
16:15 How you treat that woman,
16:20 and here's how you're gonna treat her
16:23 with the respect that you oughta treat her with,
16:25 is to understand that being the weaker vessel
16:30 does not eliminate her intellectuality,
16:39 cognitive energy, creativity, sensibility,
16:44 does not eliminate her ability
16:49 to handle any of your business.
16:52 And one of the problems with us as men,
16:56 I'm gonna let you in on a secret now, as men,
17:04 is we think we can lie
17:14 better than she can handle the truth.
17:16 Y'all oughta tweet that.
17:21 I talked to one of my brothers.
17:31 We think that we have the ability
17:37 to get over on her intellectuality.
17:43 (audience murmurs)
17:46 Then she has the ability to handle the truth.
17:51 Oh, oh, I ain't got to hoop, I hooped at Jake's.
17:58 I ain't hooping here.
17:59 The respect that makes man, man
18:11 is how he treats the woman that's in his life.
18:16 And it's a critical piece
18:24 because our sons and our daughters,
18:30 I'm gonna tell you daughters now,
18:33 and we can have a discussion about this
18:38 because the question that I would ask
18:41 is the daughter who has a great father
18:48 or grandfather or uncle
18:52 is looking for duplication
18:56 in the man she's choosing.
19:03 (audience applauds)
19:08 Because if dad or granddad or uncle
19:12 was her role model
19:17 that represented manhood,
19:22 she will either be weak
19:27 to who she'll acquiesce to
19:30 or she'll be strong enough to resist
19:35 what is not on her level.
19:38 (audience applauds)
19:41 If you didn't hear what I read,
19:44 I went around to get to what I read.
19:47 I will make you a helpmeet,
19:55 not helpmeet the bell,
19:58 but the Hebrew there is somebody who's on your level
20:04 because God said it was not good for man to be alone.
20:07 So what God did was,
20:10 if preachers are colorful, we can be colorful.
20:17 So the Lord became his porter,
20:21 led him into the hospital of his own room.
20:24 He became his anesthesiologist
20:27 and put him to sleep in his room.
20:30 He became bone constructor, surgeon,
20:33 and cut him open with the surgical instruments
20:37 of his own hand.
20:38 He then made the woman step back, became the father,
20:42 and then became the priest,
20:45 said, "Who give this woman to be the bride of this man?"
20:48 You know, this preacher being colorful,
20:49 he ain't saying nothing.
20:50 The whole point that I'm making is
20:56 I'm going to give you someone
21:02 who is on your level,
21:05 which means if you have somebody
21:11 that's not on your level, you still alone.
21:16 Oh, it's Father's Day.
21:30 (audience laughing)
21:33 Her being on your level,
21:40 intellectually, cognitively, creatively,
21:45 is the only place that you can have support
21:51 to be the kind of father you ought to be
21:56 because you have a woman who is measuring you
22:00 by the strength of the father that she had.
22:04 And if she endures your weakness,
22:13 it's because she thinks she can change you.
22:25 (audience murmuring)
22:28 Y'all gotta talk to me now.
22:31 And much of the time when she fails
22:39 in her ability to change you,
22:43 she takes an inordinate pain
22:49 that really don't belong to her.
22:54 (audience murmuring)
22:57 Because I need to tell you,
23:00 I need offering from all the sisters in here today.
23:05 (audience laughing)
23:08 I need to tell you
23:10 that when a man makes a decision to be what he's gonna be,
23:17 ain't got nothing to do with you.
23:22 (audience applauding)
23:25 If he's going to cheat,
23:33 it's because cheating is in him.
23:38 It ain't your fault.
23:43 (audience murmuring)
23:46 And brothers,
23:53 you ain't gonna catch anybody who can catch you.
24:01 (audience laughing)
24:11 Today's Father's Day.
24:13 I can go hoop or I can tell you the truth.
24:19 I learned it after 73 years
24:24 and I ain't been a choir boy all my life.
24:26 You will go with somebody,
24:35 you an apartment B
24:38 and you gonna go with somebody apartment D,
24:40 she ain't gonna do that.
24:42 And I'm gonna tell you the difference between women and men.
24:46 A man will leave to go to the store,
24:53 run across somebody
24:56 and do something he shouldn't do and he's not attached.
25:02 If a woman's been trained right,
25:10 raised right,
25:12 if she give in to a man,
25:16 she thought about it for three weeks.
25:20 (audience laughing)
25:24 She said, "If this Negro ever touch me again,
25:38 (audience laughing)
25:41 if she's trained right."
25:44 Now I'm closing, but I gotta deal with that train ride.
25:49 And this is why fathers,
25:55 you become that example for your daughters.
26:00 (audience applauding)
26:05 It was amazing, wasn't it?
26:07 My father is amazing and I spoke to him this morning.
26:10 - You become that example
26:15 because if you do it right,
26:18 she will choose right.
26:22 Let me just do one thing and I'm gonna quit.
26:34 (audience laughing)
26:37 I'm gonna quit.
26:39 (audience laughing)
26:42 It's a wonderful thing to be a pastor
26:45 because when I went to Bishop Jake's
26:48 and they start singing them old songs
26:49 and all that kind of stuff, well, I know I had to scream
26:52 and holler, shake the mic and all of that stuff.
26:56 (audience laughing)
26:58 But I'm home, I don't have to do.
27:04 When we raised our daughters as fathers,
27:07 we taught our girls to be chaste.
27:14 And particularly, let me go over here,
27:19 I see some men over here leaning back.
27:21 (audience laughing)
27:24 We never trusted any man around our girls.
27:30 (man speaking faintly)
27:34 (laughing)
27:37 No, he said it 'cause we knew who we were.
27:41 (audience laughing)
27:44 Based on how we were
27:59 and the more promiscuous we were
28:01 is the less we trusted any man around our girls.
28:08 I raised a couple of sons, got a daughter
28:16 and I'd go to the school
28:19 with the superintendent of the schools
28:24 and I'd say, "Who is that fellow?"
28:29 (audience laughing)
28:30 With his pants hanging halfway off,
28:32 already got the trigger drawn.
28:36 (audience laughing)
28:39 I'd pull up in the church van, the big green van
28:45 and my daughter would point down the street
28:50 'cause she didn't wanna get in the green van.
28:53 (audience laughing)
28:57 I covered her so completely that she didn't have a name.
29:02 She was called the Reverend Jones's daughter.
29:10 (audience laughing)
29:13 Completely covered.
29:14 My son asked me, my second son asked me
29:20 to counsel him, he was getting married
29:23 and you can't have counsel and not talk about sex.
29:27 And it dawned on me that in all of his years,
29:31 27 years old, I had never asked him,
29:36 was he sexually active or did he have any,
29:41 I know he had proclivities but I didn't know
29:43 that he was responding to any of them.
29:48 But I covered her like a blanket.
29:56 In order to raise your girl to understand the significance
30:00 or the importance of who she is,
30:02 you have to elevate the significance of her body.
30:07 Let me just digress for a minute.
30:12 Let me digress.
30:15 Any one of us can go with any one of you ladies
30:23 to the movies, to dinner, take you out around the world,
30:28 but as long as we don't touch you sexually,
30:36 nothing comes due.
30:40 Today's Father's Day.
30:51 (audience laughing)
30:54 Soon as you get a little of that sugar,
30:59 she done paid her car note, house note, every note.
31:07 But once you go with her,
31:13 ah baby, something is due this Monday.
31:17 I ain't got quite.
31:19 (audience laughing)
31:23 My offering is short.
31:24 I digress, I'm gonna come back now.
31:30 You elevate the significance of her body
31:35 and you raise her to the point where she don't wanna be
31:42 with her name written in a phone book.
31:48 And when you raise her properly,
31:52 and I wanna say this to my brothers,
31:54 whenever you go with her,
31:58 she wants you to be the last one.
32:01 She ain't trying to have no list.
32:07 (audience applauding)
32:12 When you raise her properly,
32:17 and as a father, which is more than mother now,
32:20 you're more powerful than mother on your daughter,
32:25 because mothers many times don't have men in the house
32:32 to try to show their daughters chastity
32:39 and singularity in mind.
32:47 But daughters who listen to other people,
32:51 well, you ain't got nobody,
32:55 you ain't want me to have nobody.
32:57 Let me tell you something, little girl.
32:59 (audience laughing)
33:02 Your mother will take who you think you got.
33:07 If that's what she decide to do,
33:14 the reason she ain't got nobody is because of you.
33:17 (audience applauding)
33:21 She's trying to give you the proper understanding
33:25 of how life should be.
33:26 It ain't because you that cute.
33:28 'Cause cute ain't got nothing to do with smart.
33:32 You elevate the significance of her body,
33:40 but when you elevate the significance of her body,
33:45 you also show her that that body is a weapon.
33:50 For those of you who are gonna text me about that,
33:58 if she understands the significance of her body,
34:08 then she also understands how she can use it.
34:12 Stay with me now.
34:19 Now, you have taught her to say no.
34:25 She knows how to say no.
34:37 But she's not taught to hear no.
34:41 I need another offer.
34:47 I need my own offer now.
34:52 Forget the church.
34:53 She's taught to say no,
35:05 but she ain't taught to hear no.
35:07 So when she make a move on a man,
35:13 let me digress again.
35:16 This is why women don't like women around their man.
35:24 (audience applauding)
35:28 (audience cheering)
35:31 And I'm gonna tell you why.
35:38 You already conclude that if he's offered,
35:46 he gonna take it.
35:47 The problem I have with America,
35:52 let me tell you the problem I have with America.
35:55 Let me tell you the problem I have with America.
35:57 Why don't you stop Americans from snorting cocaine?
36:02 Because if you stop them from snorting cocaine,
36:07 the cartels ain't got no power.
36:10 The reason you gotta stop them at the borders
36:16 and they just picked up $186 million worth of stuff
36:19 is because your citizens love it and will take it.
36:27 - Amen.
36:28 - The reason women don't like other women
36:33 around they property
36:39 is because they already conclude that you are weak.
36:53 (audience laughing)
36:56 You train her to say no,
37:07 but she's not trained to hear no.
37:13 But you don't train your boys, fathers.
37:22 So I got one question as I conclude.
37:25 What happens when somebody
37:33 is not trained to hear no
37:41 is making a move on somebody who isn't trained to say no.
37:52 I gotta work with y'all.
37:54 Y'all a little slow, y'all real slow.
37:56 That's why you don't want no woman around your man.
38:04 Because you are trained to say no,
38:11 but you ain't trained to hear no.
38:15 Because if you make a move and he don't want some of this,
38:19 (audience laughing)
38:22 he got to be what?
38:37 I didn't say it, you said it.
38:42 (audience laughing)
38:45 She ain't trained to hear no,
38:52 and we haven't trained our sons to say no.
38:57 And so I say to my fathers,
39:02 with the influence we have over our daughters,
39:04 we need to have the same influence over our sons.
39:09 And teach our sons that chastity
39:14 is as good for you as it is for your sister.
39:19 God bless you today.
39:22 God bless you.
39:25 I love you, that's why I talk to you like this.
39:30 I love you, that's why.
39:33 Huh?
39:35 Oh, you come and take your offering.
39:38 (audience laughing)
39:41 The family is our strength.
39:50 The family is our strength.
39:53 And I'm not gonna go into the history of slavery
39:59 and all that kind of stuff
40:01 and the debilitating situations that we've had to face,
40:04 but we are now in a more modern environment.
40:09 And we can make the decisions we need to make.
40:12 When you got multiple women,
40:20 and ain't nobody complain,
40:25 you're getting help.
40:28 (audience laughing)
40:33 (audience laughing)
40:36 I'm gonna talk to the sisters
40:42 'cause they gonna tell me the truth.
40:44 And I know when they start looking away from me
40:46 and all of that kind of stuff,
40:47 they're looking down.
40:49 When God said one man, one woman,
41:01 one man, one woman,
41:02 he had it right.
41:06 He had it right.
41:08 And it is so wonderful
41:14 because that's your focus.
41:20 That's where you put your energy.
41:24 And when it's one man, one woman,
41:29 one man, one woman,
41:30 if there was no disease in the first place,
41:35 there can't be none.
41:36 There can't be that psychological impediment
41:45 that comes from dealing with multiple people.
41:51 And men, we have a proclivity,
41:54 we have a tendency for that
41:58 we train our girls, we love our sons.
42:01 But when you focus on her alone,
42:08 whatever your other habits are,
42:12 you know, you might have some other drinking,
42:13 you might have a drinking habit,
42:15 you might have a smoking habit,
42:17 whatever the habit is,
42:18 you ain't got no other woman habit.
42:27 And hear me,
42:27 when that person on the outside
42:33 becomes significant to your thinking,
42:38 then your problems are gonna escalate
42:45 because
42:48 that woman you have,
42:56 talk to my brothers now,
42:57 she got some love you ain't got yet.
43:02 She been holding out on you.
43:12 Because when she knows that she is,
43:26 - Come on Bishop.
43:28 - The only one,
43:30 she releases herself in a way
43:35 that she's never gonna release herself
43:40 if she thinks there's somebody else.
43:45 God is always right.
43:49 He's never wrong.
43:53 (audience applauding)
43:56 And as fathers,
43:58 we wanna raise our girls and our boys
44:04 so that we don't have to be
44:07 in the middle of their relationships,
44:10 trying to make it work because we didn't make it work
44:15 while we were raising them.
44:17 And treat their mothers
44:22 like the woman she needs to be treated like.
44:25 And I'm closing for the fourth time.
44:31 She will help you
44:39 to treat her properly.
44:43 She will help you
44:51 to be good to her.
44:52 And might I say this,
44:57 she will help you
45:01 to be good to yourself.
45:04 (audience applauding)
45:08 (upbeat music)
45:15 (upbeat music)
45:17 (upbeat music)
45:20 (upbeat music)
45:22 (upbeat music)
45:25 (upbeat music)
45:28 (upbeat music)
45:31 (upbeat music)
45:33 (upbeat music)
45:36 (upbeat music)
45:39 (upbeat music)
45:41 Oh