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Dr Jazz - A Good Father


00:00 Okay.
00:03 The gospel according to Saint Luke chapter fifteen reading in particularly at verse number eleven and here begins the reading of the word of God.
00:29 And he said a certain man had two sons and the young of them said to his father, father give me the portion of goods that fall it to me.
00:41 And he divided on to them his living. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country.
00:51 And there wasted his substance with riotous living. And when yet spent all there rose a mighty famine in the land. And he began to be in want.
01:03 And he went and joined himself to the citizen of that country. And he sent him into the field to feed swine. And he would a faint have filled his belly with the husk that the swine did eat.
01:16 And no man give on to him. And when he came to himself he said how many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and despair and I perish with hunger.
01:30 I will arise and go to my father and will say on to him, father I have sinned against heaven and before thee. And I am no more worthy to be called thy son.
01:44 Make me as one of your hired servant. And he arose and came to his father. Thank God not his mama but the father.
01:54 But when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.
02:04 And the son said on to him, father, you see how many times father is mentioned in this text? And the son said on to him, father I have sinned against heaven.
02:14 And I sigh and I am no more worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants, bring forth a best robe.
02:24 Put it on him. Put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And bring hither the fattened calf and kill it and let us eat and be merry.
02:36 For this my son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found and he began to be merry.
02:46 Now his elder son was in the field and he came and drew nigh to the house. He heard music and dancing.
02:55 And he called one of the servants and asked, what these things mean? And he said on to him, thy brother is come and thy father has killed the fattened calf.
03:06 Because he had received him safe and sound. And he was angry and would not go in. Therefore came his father out and entreated him.
03:17 And he answered and said to his father, Lord, all these years do I serve thee neither transgress I at any time thy commandment.
03:27 And yet thou never give me a kid that I might make merry with my friends. But as soon as this trifling, I mean as soon as this, I just put that, that's my translation.
03:40 But as soon as this thy son was come which has devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fattened calf.
03:50 And he said on to him, son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine. It was me that we should make merry and be glad.
04:01 For this thy brother was dead and is alive and was lost and is found.
04:11 The word of God for the people of God on your way to your seat, look at your neighbor, give them my sermon title and say a good father.
04:18 That's what I want to talk about. A good father. A good father. That's what I want to preach at a time that I have a good father.
04:27 I love this biblical text that I'm reading. Many of us are familiar with this story.
04:32 And oftentimes the focus of the biblical text is on the sons, the son who leaves home or the son that stays home.
04:41 And because of that, we tend to overlook the person who's repeated over and over and over again.
04:48 In fact, the son is just mentioned a few times. The son that stays home is mentioned maybe twice.
04:55 The son that leaves is mentioned four times. But if you look at your Bible on your Android or your iPhone,
05:03 you will notice the word that is repeated over and over and over again. That word is father.
05:11 That means the true emphasis of the text is not the son who leaves, is not the son that stays home.
05:19 It's the father and his action and his response. In fact, when you look at the gospel, according to St. Luke chapter 15,
05:27 you will notice that God is described in three different particular situations and three different ways.
05:37 You see, Luke chapter 15 introduces us to three different things that is happening.
05:43 And in Luke chapter 15, we see God in three different ways. If you're familiar with Luke chapter 15,
05:50 we are introduced first of all to a woman who loses a coin. My God.
05:57 And the Bible says she sweeps the whole house in search of that one coin.
06:02 And as soon as she finds the coin, she decides to invite all of her friends and to have house party number one.
06:11 That's the description. The first description of God is God. Oh, my God. God is the woman who cleans the house.
06:21 Oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah. The woman lost a coin. She cleans the house.
06:26 She sweeps the house. And when she finds that coin, she invites everybody over to celebrate the fact that she found what she lost.
06:36 And that is a description of who God is. Yes, God. God. Yes, God. Where's high heels? Yes, God. Yes, God.
06:46 Sweeps the house. Oh, my God. Hello, somebody. Yes, yes, yes. God is not.
06:51 And we know when we describe God as female or male, we are not saying that God is a gender because the Bible tells us that God is a spirit.
07:01 And they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
07:06 But Luke wants you to feel God or see God in the way that you need to see God.
07:12 And Luke said that God sometime puts on an apron and got a broom and sweeps the house.
07:19 Oh, my goodness. Sometimes God is a housekeeper or a house cleaner.
07:25 And God loses. There's a coin that is lost. And God sweeps the entire house and finds the coin.
07:33 And the Bible says that he invites all of his friends over or she invites all of her friends over.
07:40 And they had a celebration. But not only is God seen as the woman who sweeps the house and find the coin.
07:48 But in Luke chapter 15, God now is also a shepherd. OK, he's a she and now he's a shepherd.
07:55 I'm going somewhere because in Luke chapter 15, Bishop, there is a sheep that is gone astray.
08:02 And God leaves the ninety nine and go after the one. That's all in Luke chapter 15.
08:08 He leaves the ninety nine and he goes after the one. And as soon as he finds the one, my God, he goes.
08:16 He leaves the ninety nine and he goes after the one. The first parable has to do with God loses a coin.
08:24 When he finds it, he has a party. And then now God leaves the ninety nine. Oh, my God.
08:30 He leaves the ninety nine and he goes after the one. Now you're going to find yourself somewhere in the text.
08:37 Because some of you, you are the coin. You're lost in the house. Come on up in here.
08:42 You're in the choir, but you're lost. You're in the pulpit, but you're lost.
08:47 You're serving, but you're lost. And yes, you can be lost at right direction.
08:51 You can be lost in the house. Hello, somebody. You can be lost after a pandemic.
08:57 There's a whole bunch of people just because you're in church on Sunday morning and they are in bed streaming.
09:04 That don't mean that they are lost and you are found. The most tragic thing is being in the house and lost.
09:11 The coin is lost in the house. The coin didn't backslide. The coin didn't leave the church.
09:17 The coin is still on the praise team. The coin is still singing. The coin is a musician.
09:23 The coin is in ministry. But they are lost. They lost their joy. Can I preach up in here?
09:29 They lost their peace. They lost their purpose. And just because you are in the house don't mean that you are found.
09:36 Oh my goodness. I know there's somebody at the sound of my voice who can testify that while you were in the house,
09:44 you might have lost your joy and lost your peace and lost your direction.
09:49 And yet the Bible said that God cleans the house and he finds the coin.
09:55 But then here is the second description of God.
09:59 The second description is that God finds out that one of the sheep leaves and God leaves the 99 and he goes after one of the sheep.
10:11 And after he finds that sheep, he brings the sheep back into the floor. Are you all still out there?
10:17 He brings the sheep back into the floor and he does the same thing.
10:22 The same thing he did in the house when he found the coin.
10:26 He had a party in the house. Now here's a party in the field. I'm going somewhere.
10:32 Ah, listen, listen. And some of you may not be the coin, but some of you may be that sheep.
10:38 My goodness. You've gone astray. The Bible tells us that all have sinned and gone astray and turned everyone to his own way.
10:47 And yet the good shepherd, my God, the good shepherd goes after the sheep.
10:53 He chases down the sheep. He runs after the sheep.
10:58 That lets you and I know that God puts value on one. God help me.
11:03 I said God puts value on one in a world that does not value one.
11:09 In a world that is not satisfied. If you only got one person following you on Facebook or one person on Twitter.
11:16 I'm so glad if I never get a million followers.
11:20 If I just got one person, God value me as a person.
11:25 Look at your neighbor and say God value you as a person.
11:29 God put so much emphasis on one. God put so much power on one.
11:34 God will leave the 99 and come after the one.
11:39 And there is somebody at the sound of my voice who said I'm so glad that God has value on me.
11:46 I may not drive a Mercedes but he value me. I may not live in a big house but he value me.
11:52 I may not drive the best car but he value me. I may not wear the best clothes but he value me.
11:59 And the reason why I know he value me is he's coming after me.
12:04 Is there anybody at the sound of my voice who said he's chasing me? He's pursuing me?
12:11 He's coming after. He's coming after me.
12:17 I told you I came here on yesterday for my dear friends for their wedding anniversary.
12:23 50 years of wedding and you know sometime bishop and pastor, it is sometime awkward to go to those event.
12:30 Especially when you're flying solo. Because you know they always ask you when they invite you.
12:36 Please RSVP and below that RSVP they said how many will be in attendance?
12:44 You know and sometime with the single people that you know as soon as you put zero or you just put number one.
12:53 And you show up at the event they find the seat all the way in the back.
12:58 Because there is eight seats and if at least six couple says yes you can be the oddball.
13:06 But I'm so glad that God got a table just for me. I wonder if there's anybody out there.
13:12 I roll up in there and say I'm single but I'm satisfied. I wonder if I got anybody in there who say I value you.
13:22 Yes I'm value. I'm value not because of my status. I'm value not because I hook up with you.
13:29 Even before I got with you. God value me. Is there anybody out there who said I'm value all by myself.
13:40 Now when you catch that it means that anybody who comes in your life compliments you.
13:48 Because if you can't value yourself by yourself then nobody can value you.
13:55 When you're of course some can I preach up in here. Some of you are looking for love in all the wrong places.
14:01 With all the wrong faces and you're putting pressure on the relationship.
14:06 But when you know God value you, you show up and you say I may be black, I may be ugly but I'm here.
14:13 Come on look at you and say I may be black.
14:20 Somebody scream I'm valued. Come on say I'm valued. Come on look at me and say I'm valued.
14:28 I'm the head and not the tail. I'm above and not beneath. I'm blessing the city, blessing the field.
14:35 Who am I preaching to this morning? Are there any single parents in here? Are there any far? I'm valued.
14:45 Yes, so Luke chapter 15 I'm introduced to God in different description.
14:52 I'm introduced to God who is that woman who sweeps.
14:58 And I know that messes some of your theology because you can only see God in the masculine.
15:04 You can only see God with a shirt and a bow tie.
15:08 But can I tell you that God also wears high heels, preach passage.
15:12 You see it's just a description for you to see God.
15:17 Because if we were created in his image, can I preach up in here?
15:21 I said if we were created in his image, he don't just look like you, he look like me.
15:26 Come on up in here. Oh I wish I had somebody in here.
15:30 He's a God, he sweeps the house, he finds the coin, she finds the coin and she rejoices.
15:38 The shepherd leaves the 99, he goes after the one and the same time as he get the sheep,
15:46 the Bible said he rejoices. Now we come to this particular text.
15:51 This is a description of God and not only does it describe God,
15:55 but also what God goes after describes you.
16:00 Okay, you can either be the coin or you are the sheep, my goodness.
16:06 Or you are what we get to in Luke chapter 15.
16:09 Because now God is described as a father, oh my God.
16:14 And he has two sons, how many sons? He's got two sons, he's got two sons, he's a father.
16:21 And the Bible says that one of the sons, the youngest son, approaches the father and said,
16:27 "Daddy gives me my inheritance." And the Bible said that the father gives the son the inheritance
16:33 and not many days after receiving his inheritance, he packed up and moved to New York.
16:40 Okay, Jamaica, okay, Trinidad, wherever he did he moved to a faraway place.
16:45 And the Bible said he goes to a faraway place and he begins to indulge in riotous living.
16:52 He's living la vida loca. Oh my goodness, he is acting like he's got it going on.
16:59 He's a big baller, he's a big roller, he's up in Vegas doing everything that's bold and bad to do.
17:06 And the Bible said that because he spends without earning anything, after a while cash have decreased.
17:15 After a while he has no more funds to fund out. And when you don't have no fund, there is no fun.
17:22 Come on, preach in here. I said when there is no fun, there is no, oh come on up in here.
17:27 Yes, some of you want to have fun but you ain't got no funds.
17:31 Why? Because fun and funds go hand in hand. Can I preach up in here?
17:36 Somebody just raised your right hand and said I want to have fun, so God give me some funds coming up in here.
17:42 I got some fun money. Who am I preaching to?
17:45 I don't just have money to pay my bills, but I got some extra to have fun.
17:50 I just came back from Montego Bay, Jamaica. Can I preach up in here?
17:54 I didn't go there to run a revival, I went there to have some fun.
17:58 And you can't have fun without having funds.
18:01 I'm not saying I'm a gold digger, I just don't want no broke brother preaching here.
18:05 I came to him. Come on, look at your neighbor. Come on, say don't judge me.
18:11 Oh my goodness. And Jesus said I've come that you may have life and that you may have it.
18:19 Come on, say I'm living the abundant life. Come on, look at your neighbor and say I'm living the abundant life.
18:25 Come on, look at him and say when I pay my bill, I want to have something left over so I can have some.
18:32 Yeah, and I fund the ministry, but I also fund my fun.
18:38 Hello somebody. Anybody got a fund account?
18:41 Yes, I got an emergency account, but I got a fund account when I just want to have fun.
18:48 Oh my goodness, here it is. He goes out and he takes what his dad gives him.
18:54 He goes off our country and the Bible said he wasted all of his money and now he's got to get a J.O.B.
19:02 You know what that is, right? He's got to get a what? He's got to get a job.
19:06 He's got to get a J.O.B. And because he dropped out of high school, didn't finish college,
19:11 because he left home too soon, he end up having to take a job that is beneath him.
19:18 God help me up in here. He ends up having to take care of some swine.
19:23 Now remember, this is a Jewish boy. The worst insult is for you to take care of swine or pig.
19:31 But you see, when you don't follow the course, because you see the brother missed a lesson.
19:36 Y'all still out there? Here's what he missed. This is for free for the young people.
19:40 Your first 25 years of your life, it's all about learning.
19:44 Your second 25, it's about earning. Your third 25, it's about sowing.
19:50 And your fourth 25, it's about weeping. Okay, let me drop it again.
19:54 Your first 25, it's about learning. Learn everything.
19:59 Where the 25 and under, where the young people at? Your job, it's all about learning.
20:04 Your second 25, my God, where's 25 to 50? It's about earning.
20:10 You're going to make more money between 25 to 50. And from 50, oh, somebody just got it right there.
20:17 Where the 25 to 50? You are going to step into new places.
20:22 You're going to have greater opportunity. Because your first 25, it's about learning.
20:27 Your second 25, it's about earning. Your third 25, you're about to sow.
20:33 That's why from 50 to 75, we are the biggest sowers.
20:38 The biggest sowers are not below 20. The biggest sowers are, oh, come on.
20:43 You better be glad your mama is alive, your grandmama.
20:47 Because, oh, come on up in here. It's Juneteenth weekend.
20:51 And the reason why you are where you are is because somebody has sowed into your life.
20:56 They sowed a prayer. They sowed a Bible. They sowed a word.
21:01 And everything about sowing is not about money. Sometimes somebody sow encouragement.
21:07 That's why I came here yesterday. Because the couple who's been married for 50 years,
21:12 they sowed words into my life. They reminded me that I'm a chosen generation.
21:19 A royal priesthood. It's not always about money.
21:24 Somebody holler, I'm a learner. I'm a learner. Say, I'm an earner.
21:32 And I'm a sower. And your last 25, you're getting ready to reap.
21:37 Oh, who I came to preach to. I said, God is about to let you reap.
21:43 And I came to prophesy. You are going to reap in places you didn't sow.
21:48 And you're going to reap from people you didn't even believe.
21:52 God is going to send some strangers in your life to sow back into your life.
22:01 And everything that you sow and is coming back pressed down, shaken together.
22:11 And what, here it is. So he leaves, he leaves not learning nothing.
22:20 And so now he's got to work for it.
22:25 He's got to work for what he already had.
22:29 And now he's at the bottom. And he's cleaning. He's cleaning swine or pig food.
22:36 He's cleaning pigs. He's taking care of pigs.
22:40 And the Bible says that while he's in that stage, he came to himself.
22:46 He said, wait a minute, hold it, back it up. Hold it. What am I doing here?
22:52 I will go back to my daddy. And I will tell my daddy that I'm not worthy to be called his son.
23:01 Just make me a servant. Oh God, nothing is worse than when you try to live beneath your privilege.
23:10 He said, I go back to my daddy. And I said, daddy, I'm not worthy to be called a son.
23:17 So just make me a servant or make me a slave.
23:22 And so he gets up and on his way back home.
23:24 And the Bible said, remember the emphasis of the text is not the boy.
23:28 The Bible said, as he gets close to home, his daddy looks out from afar and his daddy sees him.
23:36 His daddy runs and embraces him. His daddy kisses him.
23:40 His daddy puts a ring on his finger, put robes on his back, decides to kill the fatted calf and said, let's have a party.
23:49 Remember Pastor Bailey, the woman had a party. Remember the shepherd had a party.
23:57 And now the daddy on Father's Day is having a party.
24:01 And my goodness, the father decides he'll put a ring on his finger.
24:05 He'll put a robe on his back. He'll put shoes on his feet and that he will cover him.
24:11 He will care for him. And he said, now bring the best calf, bring the fatted calf and let's kill it.
24:18 And the older brother, oh my God, I've come to get some of your, the older brother hears all of this.
24:25 And he's upset and he's angry and he would not come into the party.
24:30 He comes to the kitchen and says, please don't be a party pooper. Come on, come on, look at him.
24:35 Say, please don't hate on me. Come on, look at him. Say, please don't hate on us.
24:40 If you don't believe in the building project, don't hate on it.
24:43 If you're not going, so come on, say, don't be a blocker, be a builder.
24:47 Come on, look at you. They said, don't be a blocker, be a builder.
24:50 Because how many of you know, there are some people who are so insecure that they will not build with you, but they will try to block you.
24:58 They will go to the professor and declare every blocker is getting out of your way.
25:02 Lord, my Nana's seeking there. Who am I preaching to?
25:06 There's a blocker on your job that's trying to block your promotion.
25:09 But God told me by the time you get back to work on Tuesday, he's going to give them another job.
25:15 I wonder if there's anybody in here. There's a blocker who's been trying to hate on you.
25:20 But how many of y'all know no devil can stop you? No demon can stop you?
25:25 No witches can stop you? Because no weapon that is formed against you will be able to prosper.
25:32 Look at your neighbor and say, I'm not a blocker, I'm a builder.
25:35 Come on, push them on the back, say, I'm not a blocker.
25:39 I didn't come to block your miracle. I didn't come to block your breakthrough.
25:43 I didn't come to block your blessing. I came to help you build it.
25:48 Come on, say, let's build it together. And let's build it with grace.
25:53 Somebody say, I'm building with grace. Let's build it.
25:59 He would not, he would not, he would not come in.
26:05 Pastor, he would not come in. Bishop, he would not come in.
26:08 And you know, you got some folks like that. They just won't come in.
26:11 They just won't get with the program. Because they thought you should have put the ring on their finger.
26:17 You thought you should have put the robe on their finger.
26:20 You thought that you should have put the shoes on their feet.
26:23 They thought that you should have killed a calf for them.
26:26 That's because they live in a place of lack.
26:29 But when you understand that in the Father's house, the Father does not lack anything,
26:35 then you don't have to hate on my miracle.
26:38 Look at your neighbor and say, don't be like Jill Scott.
26:41 Don't hate on me now or hate on me later.
26:43 Come on, say, don't hate on me because I'm married and you're single.
26:47 Don't hate on me because I got the BMW and you got the hoopty.
26:50 Because God is no respecter of person.
26:53 What he's done for Bishop, he can do it for me.
26:56 Give your neighbor an elbow nudge and say, this holler is for your stuff.
27:01 This scream is for your stuff.
27:03 This dance is for your stuff.
27:05 This shout is for your stuff.
27:07 Because if God did it for you, he can do it for me.
27:11 Come on, look at your neighbor and say, neighbor, I'm about to shout for your stuff.
27:16 Come on, scream for this stuff.
27:20 Holler for this stuff.
27:22 Praise God for this stuff.
27:25 You got five more seconds.
27:31 This is for your neighbor's miracle.
27:33 This is for your neighbor's ministry.
27:36 This is for your neighbor's man.
27:38 This is for your neighbor's money.
27:40 Somebody holler for your neighbor's stuff.
27:44 Now scream for your stuff.
27:49 Now scream for your miracle.
27:51 Now scream for your blessing.
27:53 [Applause]
28:00 And all through this interaction with the father and two sons.
28:09 All through this interaction with the father and two sons.
28:14 With all of this engagement and this action between the father with these two sons.
28:20 A son who's an extrovert and a son who's an introvert.
28:24 A son who finished college and a son who quits.
28:29 A son that you can be proud of and a son you're mad of.
28:34 And the father has this engagement with these two children.
28:40 And he's balancing a thin line between, oh my God.
28:46 He's balancing a thin line between both sons.
28:51 He loved them the same.
28:53 Can I preach up in here?
28:55 Oh my goodness.
28:57 He cares for them the same.
28:59 But his reaction and his response is different.
29:03 And Bishop Bailey as I examine this text from the father's perspective.
29:08 I concluded that there's some reason why I call him a good father.
29:14 I call him a good father because number one.
29:17 A good father respects the wishes of their children.
29:22 Oh my God.
29:23 What's number one? What's number one?
29:25 They respect the wishes of their children.
29:30 That's why I'm so pleased with his writing the text.
29:33 Because when you get particularly to verse number 12.
29:36 The youngest boy said, "Daddy, give me what belongs to me."
29:42 Now the fact that he asked for the inheritance while his daddy is alive.
29:48 Implies he's acting like his daddy is already dead.
29:54 God help me.
29:55 don't get the inheritance on
30:02 daddy dies. But, oh, this boy
30:05 got born. I mean, he's so brave.
30:07 He approaches his daddy and he
30:10 said, give me what belongs to
30:12 me. Now, I don't know where the
30:13 mama is in the text because I
30:15 know if I was the mama, he
30:18 wouldn't have no teeth in his
30:20 mouth. Come on. That's what I
30:22 told you. That's what I told
30:23 you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
30:25 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
30:26 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
30:28 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
30:30 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
30:31 no. And I'm not going to tell you
30:33 what the text says. I'm not going
30:34 to tell you what the text says.
30:36 I'm going to tell you what the
30:37 text says. I'm going to tell you
30:39 what the text says. I'm going to
30:41 tell you what the text says. I'm
30:42 going to tell you what the text
30:44 says. I'm going to tell you what
30:46 the text says. I'm going to tell
30:47 you what the text says. I'm going
30:49 to tell you what the text says.
30:50 I'm going to tell you what the
30:52 text says. Not because he's
30:55 trying to punish you. He's trying
30:57 to protect you. Ooh, y'all missed
31:00 it. It is not punishment. It's
31:03 protection. Yeah, you think you
31:06 want it. And yes, it belongs to
31:09 you. But the issue is you got
31:12 charisma and not character.
31:14 That's why even though David was
31:19 anointed as a boy, it had to take
31:22 a few years before he became
31:24 king. Because while he was
31:26 anointed king, there was a boy
31:29 in him that had to grow up to
31:31 become a king in him. And so the
31:34 only way you can grow up is you
31:36 got to go through something. You
31:38 got to face the lions and you
31:41 got to face the bees. You ready
31:43 to kill Goliath and you can't
31:45 even keep your room clean. Can I
31:47 preach up in here? You ready to
31:49 die and you can't even put gas
31:52 in your car. And God says, I see
31:55 your charisma. But charisma
31:57 will get you in the door. But it
31:59 will take character to keep you
32:01 there. And so while your
32:03 friends are excited over your
32:05 charisma, I'm trying to work on
32:07 your character. You anointed but
32:09 you go to work late on Monday.
32:11 Can I preach up in here? You're
32:13 gifted but you can't even take a
32:15 little correction. Oh my
32:17 goodness. You're smart but
32:20 you're so smart. You don't even
32:22 know you're dumb. Can I preach
32:23 up in here? And so God has to
32:26 take you through something. Is
32:28 there anybody at the sound of my
32:30 voice who said God is taking me
32:32 through something because God is
32:34 working not just on me speaking
32:36 in tongues but can I say good
32:38 morning in English? Look at you
32:41 there is a neighbor. Anybody can
32:43 speak in tongues but you say
32:45 good morning in English and
32:47 you're speaking for us. We are
32:49 spiritually mature but we ain't
32:52 even got common sense to be nice
32:54 to some people. Look at your
32:56 neighbor and say neighbor he's
32:58 building me. He's preparing me
33:01 for something that I cannot
33:04 handle. You're going to get 3
33:05 seconds to shout right here.
33:07 Here's where you're going to
33:08 shout. You ought to say God I
33:10 want to thank you for the steps
33:11 and the stops. Okay, you all
33:14 miss it. I want to thank you
33:16 for the steps and the stops.
33:19 Anybody can shout when God
33:20 gives you a step but can you
33:22 shout the fact that he closes
33:24 some doors that he shut some
33:27 things down. It's because he
33:30 was protecting me.
33:33 The son asks for something that
33:38 belongs to him but not mature
33:42 enough. Oh, bishop. Bishop. I
33:43 know there was some pulpits. I
33:46 know there was some pulpits. I
33:47 thank god it did not. If I had
33:50 preached in my 20s, that woman
33:52 that I'd lose, I wasn't mature
33:54 enough to handle 250 thousand
33:57 people. If I hadn't got the
34:01 success faster, oh my god, I
34:04 would have messed it up. I had
34:06 the charisma. but I like the
34:09 character. Can I preach up in
34:11 here? Can I preach up in here?
34:13 The son asks for something that
34:17 he's not mature enough to
34:21 manage. The father respected
34:27 him. but not only the oldest,
34:29 the youngest son but the oldest
34:31 son when the youngest boy comes
34:34 home, the oldest boy would not
34:39 come in. and the father does
34:42 not respect him. Oh god. Come
34:45 on. Come on. Come on. Aretha
34:48 Franklin.
34:51 A good father or a good parent
34:59 and the hardest thing is to
35:03 respect their choices when you
35:07 know their choices don't even
35:10 make no
35:11 sense. You get in what?
35:17 married. How long y'all been
35:21 dating? 2 weeks. You're doing
35:27 what? You're moving out. with
35:30 the parents that have you ever
35:33 had to go along with your child
35:38 and you know that's the dumbest
35:42 decision. Can I preach up in
35:43 here? Look straight ahead
35:44 because your child may be
35:46 sitting next to you. I wish
35:49 have you ever been there? Has
35:51 anybody ever been there? They
35:53 bowling. They're bad. They're
35:54 rolling out. I'm out of here.
35:56 I'm tired of all these rules.
35:58 You know, you're listening to
36:00 Beyonce. You know, it's your
36:02 prerogative. Come on. Come on.
36:04 You're rolling out of here and
36:06 then you are anybody ever been
36:10 there? Have you ever made some
36:12 choices that you know, god
36:14 didn't agree with II know it.
36:16 I know it because I knew I was
36:18 getting mad a couple of years
36:19 ago. I got mad. It lasted 4
36:21 years. It lasted 4 years
36:23 because 2 weeks before the
36:24 wedding, I knew my friend
36:26 Geraldine. She said, listen,
36:27 Jazz, the lord told me to tell
36:29 you this is not his will for
36:30 your life. I said, girl, the
36:33 devil is a liar. The devil is
36:35 a liar. You're jealous. I say
36:39 you're jealous because you ain't
36:41 got a man and now I got one and
36:44 you're coming with the lord
36:46 stuff. I said, furthermore, I
36:48 already got the cake, already
36:50 got the dress. I'd already had
36:53 sex. Okay, y'all. Okay. I
36:57 wasn't trying to back out of
36:59 that. It was good. Oh, I'm
37:00 sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just
37:02 getting upset. So, I just
37:05 legalize it. Oh, come on up in
37:07 here and it lasted 4 years but
37:10 I oh and god didn't even stop
37:12 me. He didn't send no thunder.
37:14 He didn't send no lightning. He
37:16 didn't strike the boy down. He
37:20 did. He's a good good father. I
37:23 wish I wish I had that god is
37:26 so confident even when you take
37:29 a detour, he know he'll get you
37:31 back. I need about 20 thousand
37:35 of y'all to scream over the fact
37:37 that you took a detour and god
37:40 did not kill you in your
37:44 detour. Who am I preaching to?
37:48 Who got off the wrong track? Who
37:50 went down the wrong way? Who
37:52 went to the opposite way? But
37:55 thank god for grace.
38:00 Come on. Say he's a good
38:02 father. Come on. Say he's a
38:04 good father because a good
38:06 father respects your choices.
38:12 Even when the choices does not
38:16 line up with your vision for
38:19 their life. Yes, number two.
38:20 Let's not keep you too long. A
38:22 good father knows how to
38:24 release. Oh god. Say release.
38:28 He knows how to release. Oh my
38:32 goodness. The Bible said that
38:33 the guy got all his stuff and he
38:36 was rolling out. He didn't
38:37 sneak out that night. He stopped
38:39 by his daddy's room, knocked on
38:41 the door and said, I'm out of
38:42 here. Peace. Oh god. Yeah, he
38:45 rolled out. The Bible says that
38:47 he leaves us right in verse
38:49 thirteen and not many days
38:50 after the youngest son got it
38:52 all together and took his
38:54 journey into a far country. Oh
38:56 my goodness. The father
38:58 respected him but the father
39:00 also released him. Oh Jesus.
39:04 Have mercy. I don't know about
39:06 anybody. That's one of the most
39:08 painful place as any parent
39:10 where you see your child going
39:12 down a path that you've already
39:15 been there and you try to
39:17 explain it to them because you
39:19 don't want them to make the same
39:21 mistake that you made and yet
39:23 even when they make the
39:25 mistake, you're going to have
39:27 to. Oh god. What did I say?
39:29 You're going to have to do it.
39:30 You're going to have to release
39:32 them. There's a parent that the
39:33 song that my voice appearing on
39:35 Facebook. You are struggling
39:36 with that. You're struggling
39:38 with releasing your child. So,
39:40 you're trying to micromanage
39:42 your child. You're trying to put
39:44 your hands hard on your child.
39:46 You're trying to crack down on
39:47 your child and the more you try
39:50 to hold them in, the more they
39:53 are going to be in and one of
39:55 the reasons why it's hard for
39:57 you to release them is because
39:59 you're not secure in what you
40:01 put in them. Oh, y'all gotta
40:03 catch this but when you know
40:05 that you put everything you can
40:07 in them, when you know that
40:09 prayers is not limited to them
40:12 living in your house, that it
40:14 doesn't matter where they go.
40:16 It doesn't matter if they end up
40:18 in the whole house, in the
40:21 house, in the house, that
40:23 there's an anointing on their
40:25 life and you don't care if they
40:27 end up in jail or in the pig
40:30 pen. Can I preach up in here
40:32 that your prayers is strong
40:34 enough or can I testify? You
40:36 might as well testify how many
40:38 of you your mama released you
40:40 when you said you were out of
40:42 here but she sent prayers ahead
40:44 of you. That's why drugs didn't
40:46 kill you. That's why the drug
40:48 didn't wipe you out. That's why
40:50 the drug didn't destroy you.
40:52 It's not because you had
40:54 common sense. Your mama said,
40:56 well, go in grace and go in
40:59 victory. I wish you wouldn't go
41:01 but I'm going to be sending you
41:03 off with grace. Would you look
41:05 at your neighbor and said, the
41:07 only reason I'm still alive
41:09 after going places I shouldn't
41:11 have gone, doing some stuff I
41:13 shouldn't have done, smoking
41:15 some stuff I shouldn't have
41:17 smoked, hanging out with people
41:19 I shouldn't have done. I was in
41:22 the pig pen. Somebody at home
41:26 was praying for me. I feel god
41:29 right here. Somebody scream and
41:32 open your mouth and say god I
41:34 want to thank you for a praying
41:37 father. I want to thank you for
41:40 a praying mother. I came to
41:42 preach to the parents. You can
41:45 release them and you can send
41:48 them. I'm going to release them.
41:51 Do me a favor. Open your mouth
41:54 and release your child name in
41:57 the atmosphere and the moment
42:00 you speak their name, whatever
42:02 they're struggling with, it's
42:05 about to be broken. I said it's
42:08 about to be broken. Somebody
42:10 holler their name, whatever
42:12 they're doing, wherever they
42:14 are. When you scream their name
42:17 and you get off of them,
42:20 sickness gotta get off of them.
42:23 Release.
42:26 Come on your child is coming
42:30 off of that drug. Your child is
42:32 getting out of that bad
42:34 relationship. I dare you to
42:36 open your mouth and scream.
42:39 Come on, release them. Release
42:47 them. God, I can't have my
42:50 blood pressure rising. I can't
42:52 have a heart attack worrying
42:54 about where they are. I just
42:56 got to trust you because you
42:59 know their name. You know their
43:02 address and you know what they've
43:05 been doing.
43:08 Come on, release them. Release
43:16 them. Come on the altar. You
43:19 can't force them to stay. You
43:21 can't force them to do what you
43:23 want to do. But you said, god,
43:25 I trust you. I trust that they
43:28 belong to you before they were
43:31 ever my child.
43:34 A good father. A good father.
43:45 A good father. A good parent.
43:49 A good father, a good parent.
43:53 Because you can't force them.
43:56 You can't force them. The more
43:58 you force them, they're going
43:59 to go in the opposite direction.
44:02 My son, when my son was young
44:04 and he wanted to hang out with
44:05 his friends and they smoked a
44:07 lot of weed. I told him, I
44:08 said, I don't want you hanging
44:09 out with them. He said, mom, I
44:11 want to do what I want. I said,
44:12 okay, what time you going out?
44:13 He said, what time you going
44:15 out? He said, at 9, 845, I got
44:18 oil. I greased him. I greased
44:20 him down so bad, the joint
44:22 wouldn't even stay in his mouth.
44:25 He left at nine. He came back
44:26 at 930. I said, you back early.
44:28 He said, mom, you greased me
44:29 down so bad, the joint wouldn't
44:31 even light. I greased him down
44:34 so bad that when he was trying
44:35 to have sex with a girl, she
44:36 said, what's all that on you?
44:37 My mama's oil. I wish I had
44:39 somebody. I wish I had somebody
44:41 to help me. I wish I had
44:43 somebody. Look at your
44:44 neighbor. Say, neighbor, he
44:46 anoints my head with oil. My
44:49 cup running over.
44:52 Do I have any mothers in here?
44:58 Do I have any fathers in here?
45:00 Before they leave the house,
45:03 you understand, baby, come here
45:04 a minute and just pour that oil
45:06 over them and wherever they go,
45:08 you anoint my head with oil, my
45:10 cup running over. Surely
45:13 goodness and mercy. Look at
45:17 your neighbor. Say, I'm oily.
45:18 I'm oily. I'm oily. Come and
45:20 say I'm oily. I'm oily. I'm
45:23 oily.
45:26 If you can't stop them, just
45:32 send them. Here's number
45:33 three. Here's number three.
45:34 What's number one? A father, a
45:36 good father. Respect. Number
45:38 two, you all got room for two
45:40 more? A good father receives.
45:44 What's number three? A good
45:46 father receives. Oh my god.
45:48 Okay. This is I hope you all
45:50 got insurance for disability
45:51 because you can't receive until
45:53 you release. Oh my god. You
45:58 want something but you won't
46:00 release something. Oh god. The
46:03 Bible said, it's right in the
46:04 text. I'm not making it up. The
46:06 father, the father sees the boy
46:07 coming. He's in chapter 20 and
46:09 21. He sees the boy coming and
46:11 my goodness, this is the boy
46:13 who has squandered all of his
46:15 living and he arose and came to
46:17 his father and when he was yet
46:18 a great way off, his father saw
46:20 him, had compassion, ran and
46:22 fell on his neck and kissed him,
46:25 received him. Oh god. Bishop,
46:28 this is the son who has messed
46:32 his inheritance up. This ain't
46:35 the one who never left church.
46:37 This is the one who crashed your
46:39 car. This is the one that when
46:41 they were leaving, they told
46:42 you, you ain't no good mama and
46:44 you ain't no good daddy. This is
46:46 the one who tore up the house on
46:48 their way out of the house. This
46:50 is the one who posted about you
46:52 on Facebook. This is the one who
46:56 talked about you like a dog on
46:58 YouTube. This is the one that
47:00 when he was high, he told his
47:02 friend that his mama is
47:03 trifling. This is the one that
47:06 when he got intoxicated, daddy,
47:08 he told you you're no good and
47:10 now after all of that, he's
47:13 coming. Oh god, he's coming
47:16 back. He's coming back home.
47:18 He's coming back home and most
47:20 of us as parents, if we have
47:22 experienced anything like this
47:24 father, oh, he can come home,
47:26 all right, but he going to be on
47:28 punishment the rest of his life.
47:30 Oh yeah, he can come home, all
47:32 right, but no, no, no, no, no,
47:35 no, he going to have to stay out
47:37 in the guest house. Yeah, he can
47:39 come home, all right, but he ain't
47:41 driving my car. He ain't eating
47:43 my food. He ain't sleeping under
47:45 my roof. I'm calling his
47:47 grandmama. Your trifling grandson
47:50 is back home and I'm going to
47:52 send him to Mississippi or
47:54 Alabama, but oh, that's why he's
47:56 a good father because knowing
47:58 what the boy has done, because
48:00 the boy has done, because the
48:02 boy confessed everything he did.
48:04 He said, "Daddy, I'm going to
48:06 tell you I did everything I was
48:08 bold and bad to do. I squandered
48:10 all the living and I'm not
48:12 worthy to be called your son."
48:14 And oh my God, look at the
48:16 response of the daddy. I can't
48:19 figure this daddy out. The
48:21 daddy said, "Wait a minute, he
48:23 see him, I'll fire off." The
48:25 daddy doesn't even send him the
48:27 AA before he hugs him. The daddy
48:29 doesn't get him off a drug
48:31 before he loves him. The daddy
48:33 said, "Even with the Stench-O-Weefer
48:35 in your mouth, with the crack
48:37 cocaine needle in your arm, and
48:39 you're smelling like you've been
48:41 in some pig mess." The daddy
48:43 might have had on Gucci or
48:45 Louis Vuitton, but he didn't
48:47 even care if his suit got messed
48:49 up. He whammed and hugged that
48:51 boy. Oh my God, then he went a
48:53 little bit further. He started
48:55 kissing up on the boy. The boy
48:57 hasn't washed his face for two
48:59 weeks. The boy hasn't washed his
49:01 face for 10 days. He hasn't
49:03 brushed his teeth for two weeks.
49:05 He smell like trash. And yet the
49:08 daddy said, "Wow, you were yet
49:11 sinners. Christ came and died
49:14 for us." You see, some of you,
49:16 you only love people when they
49:18 clean. You only love people when
49:20 they look good. You can love me
49:22 on Sunday, 'cause I got my
49:25 Sunday best on. But oh, if you
49:28 love me on Sunday, I wonder how
49:31 you're going to treat me. The
49:34 Bible says that the daddy run to
49:37 the boy. He got him the best
49:40 ring. He put it on his finger.
49:43 He got the best robe, and he put
49:46 it over his shoulder. He put
49:48 some Ed Jordan on his feet, and
49:50 then he said, "Let's kill the
49:52 fattest calf, and let's have a
49:55 party." He received the boy,
49:58 and he said, "I came to
50:01 prophesy to somebody. Last year
50:04 was your year of release, but
50:07 this is your season. When you
50:10 about to receive something, God
50:13 is about to release something,
50:15 and you about to open your
50:17 hands. Come on, put your hands
50:20 out, and say, 'I'm in a position
50:22 of receiving.' Some of you can
50:25 receive, because your hands is
50:27 open. As you release it, God
50:30 said, "You're positioning
50:32 yourself to receive something."
50:35 Press down. Shaking together,
50:38 and running over. My time is
50:41 about to be up, but look at
50:43 your neighbor. Say, "Neighbor,
50:45 our good father respects his
50:48 children. Our good father
50:51 release their children. Our
50:53 good father, even when your
50:56 children have no problem
50:59 receiving either, but before I
51:01 take my seat, I got one more to
51:04 drop it." Somebody said, "Drop
51:06 it like it's hot." Say, "Pastor
51:08 J, drop it, till you can't drop
51:11 it no more, because not only
51:13 does a good father respect, not
51:15 only does a good father release,
51:17 not only does a good father
51:19 receive, but Bishop, our good
51:22 father knows how to rejoice over
51:26 our good father. We gotta get
51:29 out of here." Say, "Neighbor,
51:31 put your pen down, and put your
51:34 paper down. No taking is over."
51:37 The Bible says, "When the boy
51:40 came home, the daddy says,
51:43 'Let's have a party, and let's
51:46 celebrate.'" Is there anybody
51:49 at the sound of my voice who
51:52 said, "This morning, I came to
51:55 say, has the Lord has been good?
51:59 Has he been good to anybody?
52:02 Has he opened a door for
52:05 anybody? Has he made a way for
52:08 anybody? Let the redeemer of
52:11 the Lord say so. If he's done
52:15 anything, you ought to say so.
52:18 If he made a way, you ought to
52:21 say so. If he opened a door, you
52:24 ought to say so. If he woke you
52:27 up this morning, you ought to
52:30 say so. I can't hear nobody.
52:33 Look at your neighbor. Say,
52:36 "Neighbor, ain't no party like
52:39 the Holy Ghost Party, 'cause
52:42 the Holy Ghost Party, it won't
52:46 stop."
52:48 [Music]
