• 2 years ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Coffee break with me, woo!
00:04 Hi guys, welcome back to my channel.
00:07 Today I wanted to do a what's in my beach bag
00:09 or what's in my pool bag video,
00:12 because as a young mom, it can be a little tricky
00:15 figuring out what to carry for ourselves
00:18 without having to worry about what to carry for the child.
00:21 My little tater, I basically have to pack
00:24 a bathroom, a bedroom, and a kitchen for him,
00:26 so he gets his own bag all together.
00:28 But when it's talking about my stuff,
00:30 I just want it to be quick, convenient, and make sense.
00:33 So I'm gonna share with you guys
00:35 the things that I carry in my beach bag,
00:37 or I guess in my case, my pool bag.
00:39 But I do wanna preface this video by saying,
00:45 you're going to realize how vain I truly am.
00:48 But I almost sacrificed myself
00:51 for coffee break research purposes.
00:53 (laughs)
00:54 First one that I'm gonna talk to you guys about
00:55 is probably gonna come as no surprise.
00:58 In fact, you're probably gonna be like,
00:59 okay Dani, you love that mascara so much,
01:02 why don't you just marry it?
01:03 And that is the L'Oreal Voluminous Miss Manga Mascara,
01:07 but in the waterproof version.
01:09 See, a surprise you guys.
01:11 This mascara, one coat, your lashes look amazing.
01:16 Two coats, your lashes look like you're ready
01:19 for a night out on the town.
01:20 Three coats, you look like you're ready for the stage.
01:23 Then it's available in waterproof.
01:25 I'm even more excited, because now
01:27 when I'm laying out by the pool,
01:29 I will be able to have amazing lashes.
01:31 While I'm not a person to wear too much makeup
01:35 when I'm out in the sun or when I'm hanging by the pool,
01:37 I think mascara is always a plus
01:39 because you can have nothing on your face,
01:42 but if you have really beautiful black curled lashes,
01:45 it's always going to make you look
01:46 that much more awake and beautiful
01:48 and kind of flirty and girly.
01:50 So I do have to add this to my beach bag.
01:53 Start judging me, I'm vain.
01:55 (laughs)
01:55 Our makeup product, or the only other makeup product
01:58 in my beach bag is a product from Revlon.
02:02 I did review this product for you guys already,
02:04 and this is the Revlon Colorstay Moisture Stain.
02:06 While I wasn't very satisfied with the staying power,
02:09 once I read the ingredient list on this product,
02:12 I was very impressed.
02:13 This is a lip gloss that has vitamin E and aloe,
02:17 and when you're going to be under the sun,
02:19 your lips tend to dry out.
02:21 In fact, they always say that they can tell
02:24 a woman's age by her knees, her hands, her neck,
02:27 including her lips, because we have that very thin,
02:30 baby delicate skin.
02:32 So if you can keep your lips hydrated
02:35 and still look kind of pretty by the pool, why not?
02:38 With this product, although the staining power
02:40 isn't that great, it is so healthy for your lips.
02:44 Since we're going to be enjoying this beautiful summer sun,
02:48 this beautiful weather, we always want to keep in mind
02:50 that our skin health is very important,
02:53 and one way that I like to stay on top of things
02:56 with my skin health is by using the proper sunscreen.
03:00 One that I've been loving lately
03:02 is the Banana Boat Protect and Hydrate.
03:05 This is a clear sunscreen.
03:08 Now, with sunscreen, I don't know if you guys
03:12 have that hesitation when you're going to apply it
03:16 because you're like, ugh, it's thick and it's creamy,
03:18 and it leaves those finger marks.
03:21 It's not sexy how they make it seem in the videos.
03:23 Like, can I put some sunscreen on you?
03:25 No, it's not.
03:26 It's really goopy and sticky and white and gross.
03:29 So if I can minimize the yuckiness of sunscreen, why not?
03:33 This product from Banana Boat,
03:35 not only is it a sunscreen with an SPF of 30,
03:38 but it's also a hydrator, like a hydrating spray.
03:41 Do you guys remember I was talking to you guys
03:42 about those hydrating sprays that I like to use
03:44 on my face in the summer?
03:45 Similar to that, so when you put it on your,
03:49 let me show you guys.
03:50 This might be fail, but let's try.
03:52 When you put it on your skin, do you guys see?
03:55 It kind of gives you, oh, and it smells so good.
03:58 It kind of gives you that beautiful,
04:00 almost like J. Lo glisten.
04:04 It smells good, it doesn't look like
04:06 you're wearing sunscreen, and yet the protection is there.
04:08 So definitely a product that is in my beach/pool bag.
04:11 I keep saying beach, what can I say?
04:13 I'm from San Diego, I don't live there anymore,
04:16 but I still like to pretend that I go to the beach.
04:19 Of course, keeping up with the sunscreen theme,
04:22 you guys know I love my Clarins UV+ HP sunscreen.
04:26 This is an amazing non-sticky, non-greasy sunscreen
04:31 that actually gets absorbed into the skin,
04:33 and this is what I like to use on my face.
04:35 I don't know about you guys,
04:36 but after you've been in the sun for a while,
04:38 you start to feel a little yuck,
04:40 and you wanna refresh yourself,
04:42 or you wanna feel fresh, you still wanna feel clean,
04:46 even though you know you're sweating like you shouldn't be.
04:50 I like to carry two kinds of wipes.
04:52 This might be a little weird for you guys,
04:53 but the first type of wipes that I like to carry
04:56 are cleansing towelettes,
04:58 and these are like grown-up baby wipes.
05:00 These aren't makeup remover wipes,
05:02 these are cleansing wipes, so you can use them on your face,
05:05 sometimes you can use them even like maybe
05:07 on other areas of your body, maybe in this area,
05:11 and they just clean you up.
05:13 It's almost like a bath without the water.
05:16 So they do help you feel refreshed, clean,
05:19 maybe take off a little bit of that chlorine
05:21 or yuckiness that you're feeling.
05:22 And then the other type of wipe that I like to carry,
05:25 and don't judge me, this is feminine hygiene here,
05:27 we're talking about all kinds of beauty,
05:30 these are feminine hygiene wipes.
05:32 Sometimes you're in the sun, you're in the chlorine,
05:34 you're in the sand water,
05:35 and you wanna feel clean everywhere,
05:37 and if you've been sitting in the sand,
05:40 make sure every situation is taken care of,
05:42 do you know what I mean?
05:43 Speaking about keeping clean,
05:44 I always carry a bottle of hand sanitizer, always.
05:48 Diaper bag, purse, if I'm going to the park,
05:51 if I'm going to the mall,
05:52 there is always a bottle of hand sanitizer in my bag,
05:55 especially my beach bag or my tote bag,
05:58 for reasons we already just discussed,
06:00 for reasons we just discussed already.
06:02 And so let's say you show up to the beach or the pool,
06:05 and when you first show up,
06:06 you're wearing your beautiful cover up,
06:08 your bikini straps are showing, your hair is nice,
06:11 I don't know, you're just ready to jump in.
06:13 After you jump into the pool,
06:15 or after you jump into the waves,
06:17 and you get out and your hair air dries,
06:20 let's be real, let's have a moment here,
06:22 how does your hair look?
06:24 Probably not the best.
06:25 Since I don't look like a supermodel
06:26 running through the waves,
06:28 I always like to carry some hair ties, a hair clip,
06:30 or even a hairbrush to control my lion's mane,
06:33 or my rat's nest that happens
06:35 after I've jumped into the pool,
06:37 or I've swam with the dolphins.
06:39 Of course, no beach or pool bag
06:42 would be complete without some entertainment,
06:44 and I'm not a big fan of earbuds,
06:46 I know, in the digital age.
06:48 Headphones have always made my ears hurt.
06:50 Anybody else?
06:51 Please let me know in the comment section.
06:53 I always feel weird when I tell you guys some of my quirks,
06:56 but I have never been able to use earbuds
06:59 for more than like 10 minutes.
07:00 Headphones, anything, anything that just goes on my ears,
07:03 it makes my ears hurt.
07:05 So I like to keep my entertainment a little old-fashioned,
07:09 and that's in the form of, you guessed it, a magazine.
07:12 Anything girly, fashion, makeup, even tabloids.
07:16 Hang me just for a little while
07:17 while I'm taking a little break, or staying hydrated.
07:20 That's another thing that I like to keep in my beach bag.
07:24 I was gonna say,
07:25 I like to keep some coffee in my beach bag,
07:27 (laughs)
07:27 but you guys would probably be like,
07:29 wow, she really is as crazy as I thought.
07:33 No, I like to keep a bottle of water in my bag.
07:37 You never know, I mean, even if you don't get thirsty,
07:39 or you don't need to stay hydrated,
07:41 it's sometimes good if you don't have access to water
07:43 to kind of rinse yourself off
07:45 with the water that you carried in your bag.
07:47 And the last two items are going to seal the deal
07:50 on how vain Miss Dani is in the real world.
07:54 I like to carry my favorite pair of sunglasses
07:56 and a big, giant hat.
07:59 Yes, I own a big, giant, floppy hat.
08:04 I mean, it's cute, right?
08:07 The reason I like to carry a big hat
08:09 is not because I'm trying to make a fashion statement
08:12 at my local pool or at the beach.
08:14 I like to carry a big hat because it helps protect
08:18 my decollete and my shoulders and my back
08:21 from being exposed to the harmful rays of the sun.
08:24 And sometimes you just can't avoid it.
08:26 I have really fair skin.
08:28 The amount of sun that I am exposed to darkens my freckles.
08:32 The freckles on my back start to get darker.
08:34 I start to get my freckles here.
08:35 The freckles on my nose start to get darker.
08:37 So with a big hat, you're kind of protecting
08:39 this area of your body from getting any darker
08:43 than they need to be.
08:45 And of course, my favorite pair of sunglasses.
08:47 So sometimes my bikini doesn't even match,
08:52 but I always have my giant hat
08:54 and my really dark sunglasses.
08:56 I don't know if you guys were aware,
08:57 but the sun does damage your eyeballs.
08:59 So it's really important to have proper eye wear
09:02 when you're out in the sun to protect it
09:05 from those harmful sun rays.
09:07 Man, I'm making the sun sound like the total enemy.
09:09 The summer is here and it's all about
09:11 having fun in the sun.
09:12 It's all about convenience.
09:14 I told you guys, I am a young mom,
09:16 so I can't be, I can't invest too much time
09:19 in packing for myself when I have a little one
09:22 that I need to pack for.
09:23 So thankfully, I have a Walgreens around every corner.
09:27 Really, there's a Walgreens on every corner
09:29 of my neighborhood.
09:30 Needless to say that when I'm in a pinch,
09:32 it's kind of like a one-stop shop for me,
09:34 especially during the summer when all I wanna do
09:36 is have fun and not spend too much time
09:38 in a giant store trying to figure out
09:40 everything that I need to put in my beach bag.
09:42 If you are a major Walgreens fan like I am,
09:45 please make sure to check the description box
09:47 because this is also a secret giveaway.
09:49 There will be three winners.
09:51 All the details will be listed
09:52 in the description box below.
09:53 Please take a couple of seconds to let me know
09:55 what's in your beach bag because I'm sure
09:58 there are plenty of things that I missed.
09:59 Like, look, right now, off the top of my head,
10:01 I'm like, what am I gonna eat?
10:03 I need food.
10:04 I need food in my belly.
10:05 So let me know in the comments section
10:06 what you guys are going to be packing
10:08 in your beach bag, your pool bag,
10:09 your splash pad bag.
10:11 I think that's it, guys.
10:12 Please make sure to check the description box
10:14 for all the details on this giveaway.
10:16 And as always, if you guys found this video useful,
10:18 entertaining, or interesting,
10:19 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe
10:21 if you haven't already.
10:22 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
