• last year
00:00 Okay so morning guys, not morning, midday.
00:03 I'm making a cake today as I think I mentioned yesterday.
00:07 So I'm going to use that again, the recipe I used for the Zermaker cake, because that
00:17 was a nice cake.
00:18 But I'm just trying to figure out what the difference is between this cake here and this
00:25 up here.
00:26 It just doesn't make sense.
00:28 Oh it's a chocolate cake, so chocolate will work.
00:32 I'll see what I've got first.
00:37 So yes, now I've probably definitely got all the unsalted butter and caster sugar and all
00:45 that.
00:46 So I can definitely make that.
00:49 That one I'd need all purpose flour, cocoa powder, which I guess I could use hot chocolate,
00:56 baking powder, salt.
00:59 Now I'll just do the sponge cake because that's the one I know.
01:02 Okay so they've cooked now.
01:04 I'm just going to quickly pop to the shops to get some jam and cream so I can make the
01:09 filling.
01:10 Then I'll get some chocolate chips just to put on top or something.
01:14 Or inside, I don't know.
01:17 But anyway, it's going to be quite a cool cake to make.
01:20 It's for the FHE, which is family home evening tonight at church.
01:27 I think everyone was, well people have said stuff as like a joke and I think I've taken
01:31 it a bit too seriously and started cooking.
01:35 So yeah.
01:37 So I've just bought my ingredients.
01:39 I need like the jam.
01:40 But I couldn't be bothered to get the whipped cream to make double cream.
01:45 So I just bought some spray cream instead.
01:48 And then I've got chocolate chips as well to go with it.
01:53 Hopefully it'll turn out nice.
01:56 Also quickly stopped off in a, what's it called, Compton Hospice to see if they had anything.
02:01 And they had quite a few good things.
02:02 Is it still recording?
02:03 Yeah it is.
02:04 So I've done really well today for good games and things.
02:05 I keep thinking up here it goes 'dwink' which is like the little noise it makes when it
02:16 turns off recording.
02:18 Okay so there's the cake.
02:21 It looks alright.
02:22 It doesn't look too bad.
02:23 It looks a bit messed up but other than that it looks really good.
02:28 I can't wait to taste it.
02:32 So yeah.
02:33 I'll show you in a bit what I bought from the shops.
02:38 But I bought some hair stuff because I'm almost out and I've really needed some for this week.
02:44 And I don't know which one I usually have so I just looked for the stuff that was on
02:48 offer and there was one that was like pick three things for £7.
02:53 So I picked the ones that I think I use.
02:58 I don't know.
02:59 But yeah I'll quickly show you.
03:01 Give me a minute.
03:08 Okay so I bought some texturising gum, some rework putty and some styling wax because
03:15 I know I've used the wax and I think I've used the putty.
03:19 Let me just check.
03:27 Well that's the putty.
03:28 It looks a bit...
03:33 Smells nice.
03:34 What else did I get?
03:40 Yeah let's just put that in my...
03:46 But yeah it's supposed to help you mess it up a bit so I figured I'd mess it up a bit
03:50 for my dance thing next Friday.
03:55 So yeah.
03:56 Ooh tacos!
03:57 I wonder if that's for tomorrow?
04:01 For taco Tuesday?
04:02 I don't know.
04:05 Now I need to find something to put the cake in for later.
04:13 I don't think we've got anything.
04:16 Oh dear me.
04:18 I hope we've got something.
04:20 Anyway.
04:21 Actually there might be something in here.
04:26 Yes there is.
04:30 So yeah.
04:32 It slipped a bit.
04:37 Oh no!
04:40 It slipped.
04:44 Give me a minute.
04:45 Okay so I've done the...
04:49 Or cake.
04:50 What else have I done?
04:55 I've got to make sure I need to ask for a knife and stuff to see if they've got one
05:01 or if it's alright I'll use my own.
05:04 I'm going to try the texturising gum tonight.
05:09 We'll try it out.
05:10 Each day we'll try something new but out of the three if anyone's tried the VO5 texturising
05:15 gum, the wax or the putty please let me know.
05:21 And which one you think is the best.
05:23 Anyway, be right back.
05:26 Oh it is recording.
05:28 Okay so I'm going to quickly go through all the games I bought today which was quite a
05:32 lot so hopefully James you've got some.
05:36 So I bought Metal Gear Solid, I don't think that's actually multiplayer though.
05:39 Oh it is!
05:40 So I bought that.
05:41 I don't think this is multiplayer.
05:45 Ninja Gaiden or Gaiden or whatever it is.
05:48 And I bought this.
05:53 Hopefully you've got this.
05:54 Army of Two.
05:55 This, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 or something called Duty 4 and then Modern Warfare 2 and
06:06 then End War and that was, it was already quite cheap to be honest.
06:12 And including the bad boy Pokemon Pinball.
06:16 I'm so happy I got that.
06:18 I remember playing this as a kid and it was just like my favourite game ever.
06:23 Unfortunately I've got nothing to play it on but just having it is awesome enough.
06:28 So I don't know if my hair looks any good.
06:30 I've had to spray it because it kept on falling down sort of thing.
06:33 I hope it looks alright.
06:36 The Cape Stern, I've got to remember to take that.
06:40 I put a rubber band on my wrist so I can remember.
06:42 Do you know how people tie string to their finger so that they can remember something.
06:49 I'm trying this rubber band thing to see if I can remember the thing.
06:54 Because I know that if I keep the rubber band on I'll be like, why have I got this on then
06:58 I think I need to take the cape thing.
07:00 So hopefully it will work.
07:04 Or I guess I could make a bracelet sort of thing that says remember the cape.
07:10 But yeah, I'm hoping this helps me remember.
07:13 What am I doing?
07:16 I'm about to play Metal Gear Solid.
07:19 I've never really played one before.
07:21 I was going to play Metal Gear Rising or whatever it was called.
07:25 So yeah, anyway.
07:26 What am I doing?
07:27 Yeah, I'm catching up on my vlogs.
07:29 I'm so close yet so far away from finishing.
07:33 I've got about 40 minutes to watch the vlogs left that I need to watch and then just watch
07:41 today's vlogs for the YouTubers.
07:43 So yeah, I'm actually up to date on my stuff.
07:46 No I'm not.
07:47 Dang it.
07:48 There's one there.
07:49 I was about to say.
07:50 I'm close to up to date with the stuff for life.
07:55 But I'm not.
07:58 I've just got one video to watch of the stuff for life and then that'll be it.
08:01 I'm up to date.
08:02 I hope.
08:03 Okay, so I've managed to catch up on my vlogs.
08:06 I'm just watching one more, but that's from today.
08:09 So it's pretty cool that I've managed to catch up.
08:14 I've got half an hour I think.
08:15 Is it about?
08:16 No, I've got an hour.
08:17 Never mind.
08:18 Just ignore what I just said.
08:19 I haven't got half an hour.
08:20 I've got an hour of time to kill.
08:21 So I don't know what I'll do.
08:22 I'll probably watch some TV.
08:23 But I'm just going to watch my last vlog for today and then I'll be caught up.
08:32 Okay, so I'm going to end the video here today.
08:35 I've probably got ginger beer around my face with the non-alcoholic one.
08:42 I'm going to sort out all my caps tomorrow and find a place to put them in my room so
08:47 that they're easy for me to grab when I go to uni and stuff.
08:51 So I've got that to sort out tomorrow.
08:55 I think I've got about six.
08:56 I've got the Grand Theft Auto one, the Watch Dogs one, the Mario one.
09:06 This was the one I was talking about the other day in the vlogs which I couldn't find anywhere.
09:12 Yeah, my Mario one, my New York one and then you've got my Geek and my Nerd one.
09:21 So anyway, I'm going to go to bed.
09:24 Thanks for watching and I shall see you tomorrow.
09:29 Bye.
09:30 Bye, bye, bye, bye.
09:32 Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing.
09:34 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
09:36 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
09:37 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
09:38 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
09:38 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
09:39 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
09:40 I'm waiting for the family guy to load up.
